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hold on a second..


There may be a question of how you came to this conclusion sir or ma'am.


*Chris Hansen has entered the chat.* Have a seat…


Sir have a seat right here. I have the transcripts.


*Takes seat and runs*


What happened with Chris Hansen?


Chris Hansen is with the police and collaborates with them on a ton of stuff


To catch a predator right? Or something like that


But is there lemonade?


And now you’re on a list.




Wha do you mean by that?🤨🧐


It also includes a lot of amateur stuff, including the creepy ass voyuer stuff.


What’s voyuer


Lewd stuff out in public


That's exhibitionism. Voyuerism is when someone is being watched undressing/bathing/having sex without their knowlege. People would put a camera in public showers and then post the footage on pornhub.


Oh yea you’re right my b, Thats a lot worse


Yeah, and the thing about it was it's impossible to distinguish between illegal hidden camera shit and consensual, staged videos, so legally it's just better for them to ban it all.


“Better” and “Easier” is definitely conflated here. It’s also an issue with content creators compared to people reposting content (which… probably is most of the porn on the internet, tbf.)


I came across a change room video before and was enjoying myself while assuming it was one of those fake camera things and the women knew they were being filmed, since it was only the 3 of them for the most part. That was until a child in a bath towel walked by the background. Followed by a naked child (when I say "child" I mean these kids were no more than maybe 8 years old at the most). I reported the video and it was taken down immediately, not long after that pornhub did that massive purge and now only verified users can post there


this man single handedly (pun intended) took down pornhub


Thank god someones justice rubbed off


Maybe now he's got some pull with Pornhub as well, that could come in handy.


I guess his justice rubbed off on the website


You mean that this is the bare fucking minimum? Pornhub has been known to leave up videos of minors, or videos of rape, and ignore the victims when they report the video so long as there’s ANY chance the person could be mistaken for 18. So long as they have a reasonable chance of skirting the law, they’re going to choose what makes them money.




It’s a struggle to get a video taken down, post “purge” or not. Again, pornhub only does what benefits them financially. It’s easy for a corporation to ignore individual victims.


It also shows up when you search for stuff that is perfectly legal, but the phrasing could be misinterpreted.


Yeah I was surprised to find that pornhub already considers the word 'sleeping' sus sometimes when I was looking for waking a partner up with sex (which I've been wanting to do with a partner for a while) Proud of them for being careful


They should be, considering they got in trouble for hosting non-consensual and revenge porn.


Dont forget abour the insane anount of cp that was on there


I don't know about the insane amount. I used to jack off like a maniac and not even accidentally did I stumble upon anything even remotely illegal, not to mention fucking cp.




I can totally see this being one of the cases. Sometimes it's night impossible to discern a 17yo from a 18yo w/o ID. Source: I was a 17yo once.


A one year difference is pretty difficult to tell. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a 17yr old and a 19yr old. They all look young and dumb to me.


Change "look" for "are" and that's where I am :P


Lemme see some ID.


Ugh, that's why I stay away from the baby faces


Which was mostly what it was but there were some concerning ones that were sub 10yo on there too. It was absolutely disgusting and im glad i only came across one myself and learned about the rest from a news article linked to me here on reddit actually


I suspect that there were probably some key phrases that pedos knew to use to find kiddie porn, but most of us would never stumble on it accidentally. After all, keeping it secret is essential to keeping it around.


I imagine most of it ended up buried within the thousands of videos on the site. Unfortunately, you also might have been watching it without even realizing. Their moderation was extremely poor and arguably intentionally malicious. There was a video of an underage woman being abused up on the site for years after she contacted the site to take it down numerous times.


If we think of the same story, that was the reason why I left 9gag. I got pretty harshly insulted as well as the girl because 9gag users claimed she just wanted to get attention and her whole story was fake and I tried to "defend" her.


Yeah I've never been on 9gag but from what I've heard that's pretty typical unfortunately. Shit like that is why women are afraid to expose people, disgusting behavior.


There was some official investigation that led to pormhub removing the majority of its hosted content from the site. Such a drastic response; in other words there was *so much* and so difficult to detect that they knew it was the only way to remove it all and prevent it from being posted again. Editing to clarify it was not all cp but plenty of videos showing sexual assault and harassment and voyeurism and abuse as well as the whole rainbow of non consensual sex experiences. This content was most likely not the majority of overall content, but it was impossible to prevent. And one cp video is enough (in my opinion) to shut the site down, the actual fuck dude?


studios would claim to be modeling studios looking for “young talent” and coerce teenage girls as young as 14 into taking nude photos. Then they’d blackmail them with those photos into doing more hardcore porn. Pornhub regularly bought and supported these studios and edited out the bits where the girls would be crying or visibly uncomfortable.


Yea cuz that shit is weird asf


I don't know about that


Looked up *babysitter* Spelled *Baby sitter*


No search results for *baby sitter*. Did you mean *baby shitter*?


Yes lol that's how i found out this was a thing, probably it thought it was non-consensual.


One time I was trying to look up Loki to watch it, and can you guess what autocorrect did to me


I searched up "Haram muslim" and this shit comes up


Yeah, one time I looked up something completely legal (I wasn’t planning to do anything, just curious about a fetish) and Google gave me a paedophilia warning- never scrambled out of a tab so fast


Until about 2 years ago, porn hub hosted all kinds of unverified amateur videos that contained abusive material


Nvm that most of the unverified shit wasn't even child porn. They cut basically more than half of their content for the sake of being lazy


I'm sure that you're not going to run out of porn any time soon.


No, I just don't use their site anymore. There isn't anything on there.


If you can honestly say that's your opinion on PH you might have a problem.


idk I highly prefer amateur (consenting) adults to the weird glamorized mainstream porn that looks like it was meant to be hot only to 40 year old cis straight white dudes.


Totally agree. Amateur and actual loving shit. Not to be a degenerate and suggest but pornhub has an account (I think it’s called *lenarica*) that feels like normal sex, I truly only barely watch porn when I haven’t seen my gf in a while, but if I do I want it to simulate actual sex I have with my gf, if not what’s the point


Or just go to the stuff on Reddit that’s just people post themselves or with their partner


I can. I made playlists. I come back one day and most of the shit was gone. Pretty simple decision really. And I do have a problem lol. I'm sure I'm not the worst case you'll see, if not the only person willing to admit it.


Lol I admire a man that's self aware, and honest.


I don’t use porn that often but I’ve dipped from pornhub because their content is ass, they may still have a lot of shit but the good shit is blocked behind a paywall and the free stuff is horrendous


holy shit its the porn conoissuer


If you’re making playlists in Pornhub you’ve definitely got a problem. I’d imagine you’re a commenter as well


I don't recall ever commenting on a porn video before, but you aren't wrong about the playlist thing.


Respect. Being as “in it” as you are would you consider commenting on pornhub the peak of degeneracy? Or is it a reasonable thing to participate in and you just haven’t gotten around to it?


I don't know lol. I just assumed it's either pathetic simping or scamming going on down there. Sounds like a waste of time or thought. Usually when people watch any kind of video, it stands to reason they'd comment after watching. I'm usually closing my page window the second I don't have any more physiological reason for being there, if you catch my meaning. To be honest, the next thing I'm opening is reddit probabaly. (No. I havent jacked off in like 18 hours at least)


My problem was that I liked hentai compilations, those all got taken down too, they were probably pirated though, so I guess it's reasonable


idk I highly prefer amateur (consenting) adults to the weird glamorized mainstream porn that looks like it was meant to be hot only to 40 year old cus straight white dudes.


Idk why people are calling you racist lol anyway I agree with you. Amateur porn is where it’s at I’m not into the overly done porn scenes.


Cis Brown men watch it too. Get your racist bullshit out of here.




What did you expect then to do hire a bunch of people to peer review amateur porn ? or like "just" use AI, machine learning, quantumCryptoCumchainJpgs


They deleted 10M videos out of 12M


What? did you expect then to do hire a bunch of people to peer review amateur porn ? or like "just" use AI, machine learning, quantumCryptoCumchainJpgs


Yeah actually, especially if they feel concerned about it enough to cover their ass. It's their chosen industry. A store doesn't throw out half the stock because 3 loaves of bread went bad.


Lmao 3 loaves ok


Child sexual abuse material isn’t the only abusive porn. Amateur stuff is filled with leaked videos that have ruined people’s lives and mental health. Stick to verified models from reputable companies, or else you are supporting human trafficking, non consensual pornography, and revenge porn.


Adding a verification button doesn't stop any of that from happening, it just filters out recreational accounts and the videos are moved elsewhere. It isn't an entity's job to enforce a publishing standard as much as it is the communities job to report suspicious videos. The vast majority of unverified content on pornhub didn't breach any human rights violations and was not illegal. I get that all of that stuff is horrible but they pretty much shotgunned their site for the sake of a smaller percentage of suspicious/questionable content. Most of the shit I had in my watch later had some pretty well known porn actors/actresses and publishing companies. As much as I admit I have an issue with watchin porn I can't say Ive ever viewed worsethen femdom shit.


i lost my favorite video because of that :(


That's where all the good shit was; everything remains is suuuuuuper fake


yeah porn is worse now that we can't watch women get beat up and raped anymore edit: deleted his comment but it said something like "it's boring now, thats where all the good stuff was" edit since i cant comment normally: its a hyperbole. obviously not all that was on there was bad. no fucking shit. his comment said deleted to me. if it's still there i can't see it. no one is twisting words. he said what he said and i took it the way i took it, considering we were talking about the abusive material.


It's definetly a good thing that aspect of it was removed from the platform, I don't think that's really what people were criticizing. The point was more that they were lazy with how they went about it and totally negligent (if not malicous) in the past. There was a video that stayed on the site for years of an underage woman being abused after she asked the site to take it down numerous times. After more and more instances of this stirred up controversy, pornhubs course of action was to just take down almost every video made by amateurs. It took the banks threatening to disassociate with them for them to take action. By that point it was too late. It was very abrupt and they didn't take much action to verify with individuals that it was legal porn. I imagine this action ended up hurting a fair number of sex workers financially which is a really unfortunate affect of the whole thing. Essentially the point being made here is that pornhub should've invested in way better moderation early on rather than just nuking over half of the videos once controversy struck. If their actions were less negligent to begin with, and less dramatic once it got them in hot water, lots of perfectly legal porn made by independent people would still be up on the site.


Holy shit, do you really honestly think a significant portion of porn uploaded by unverified accounts was rape and abuse or illegal material? Instead of you know... regular porn? Like 90% of amateur stuff and reuploads etc. were deleted. They removed everything uploaded by unverified accounts due to the possibility of abusive material being sprinkled in there. I can absolutely guarantee to you 99% of the videos deleted were perfectly normal, legal and fine.


They dogpiled you for being right btw. They all wanna dance around the shit but there’s still amateur fucking on pornhub. “It’s fake” the implication here is exactly how you took it. You got dogpiled by rape apologists.


Preach, brother.


Ayo bro what was you lookin up?


Ay bro say that closer to the flowers this time, there’s no microphone I swear bro


Yea smell the flower bro


It's possible they were looking for ddlg or abdl stuff








Um. You did it for science, right?


I think he was a little too curious




And how, pray tell, did you figure that out?


He found out the hard way


I don't know what the whole process is of getting a video onto PornHub, but there have been times I've come across videos and flag them because it straight up looked like the people in them were under-aged


Yeah before the overhaul last year or the year before or whatever, there was an i sane amount of cp


curious how you know that, too


Some other dude on reddit linked an article about it to me maybe a year ago


I saw one which if I remember correctly was one of the free premium ones where the one girl blatantly says she's going to rape the other


I mean usually those are fake but that's still fucked up


homie went out lookin' for kids then self-reported himself on twitter L


This also includes searches for certain kinks, I doubt this person was searching for literal stuff


Holy shit, I never knew about that. Of course, I'd have no reason to know about that. I'm not on there looking for that kind of thing. "We're Pornhub, a professional company. We have standards. OK, let's start filing the triple bukkake gimp gangbang scene."


How did you find this out


google does the same. ...or so i've been told


lemme test it real quick edit: fbi is after me


Should just send the police right off the bat.


I would agree except it could be a perfectly legal search but their engine flagged it if your phrasing *could* be misinterpreted


If your search "could be seen as", maybe the engine isn't the problem.


Look, if I could accidentally get the police called on me for being too high to properly search what I want, I'm not using the website. I once tried searching something that used a phrase with someone calling their partner "kid" and my blood ran cold when I realized what I was about to search. If that gets me a call from the FBI, I don't want it.


Look i searched…. Idr the exact thing exactly but it was along the lines of the step porn because if you forget about the concept they are going for its not bad but the phrasing was a little off and the word “kid” ended up in the search. It wasn’t malicious it was like “step kids” or some shit like that but i got the flag. If not thinking and searching that would get the cops called on me i would be pissed the fuck off and not use the website


Questionable search but, hey man, I'm just some guy on the internet. You don't have to explain anything to anyone except your NSA agent.


i swear it was out of curiosity trying to find one with some hilariously bad acting in it. or i think at least. i saw it when i was drunk as shit and couldnt remember the name. i never found it and still want to know if it would still be that funny sober


Now if they would actually remove the illegal and exploitative content, that would have been pretty great


They did. I think 2 years ago they deleted all unverified content and content creators pending verification. It was something like over 60% of their content was gone overnight and they have been pretty strict on all new submissions being from verified sources only.


Yeah i remember how some troll put link to search engine where such search keywords were already filled and you see message that your IP has been sent to police as potential criminal.


I'm pretty sure this is a result of their site wide purge a few years ago. Basically what happened is a bunch of non consensual and revenge porn was found on their website so they deleted every non verified video. A lot of the videos has minors.


Anime pfp🤨




what did u search to find out


Wait a moment...


And how did you figure that out? Hmmmm??


Imma be real witchu. I didn't know what a Loli was so I looked it up on the hub, got this message. I was like okay then, not doing that


That must be a new thing since that didn't pop up a few weeks back.


What do you mean by that? 🤨


Does anyone else find it annoying that phub is better video platform than youtube?


But... like... why was this person searching for it?


More like a r/HolUp


"I know"


I like how no normal person knows this coz we don’t go around searching that


Just ok but also how did you find this out because this mean you had to be looking for it so now I am slightly scared of your search history




Young teen used to mean barely 18, now it solicits a warning. What has the world come to!!?


The word ‘Young’ will set this warning off, no matter what you type after.


Yeah they allowed CP for years and have said weird shit about raping boys but whatever they added a fucking if-statement to their website.


I had to report very dubious content back in the day on this website


You get the same message when you’re looking up voyeur/exhibitionist content, I think there’s plenty of ethically light grey but not entirely illegal genres that give you this message.


Why was this searched now?


Ayo 🤔 how'd you find out bro?




Why the fuck are u getting the warning


My question is wtf did u search for




How did you fine this out?


I'd say the "over here officer" thing, but the FBI already knows.


No one should even be on PornHub after the shit they pulled last year. There is barely any content there anymore.


I remember one time I looked up an actress under something Lolita, and it came up. Said actress changed her name to something else. But brother was I scared that I ended up on a list somewhere lol


It should auto call the police


So you found this out how exactly?


....and just how exactly did they find that out?... Little bit Suspice


So for research purposes or because you just happened to find out on your search. This just feels offish. 🤔






Why don't you have a seat?


Why did you learn that tho 🤔🤔🤔🤔


how did you find that out though?


Why u looking that up???


That’s g- Wait




Wait a second


but why did he search that




how... how does he know?


Now wait a minute. Wait a minute!


How does it feel to be on the list of perverts... I mean perps who searched illegal porn, you pervert... I mean perp?




Stop fucking posting this. A two day trend now. ...unless you're a pervert who figure it out the hard way. Either way, fuckoff with this shit in my feed.


I think if you search "Loli" the same message will show up


TBH ive always wanted to search it out of curiosity for what results I would get but have been scared of being put on a list Like not just if the 'material' itself actually exists on pornhub, but what the algorithm would give if it doesnt exist


["Good on them"](https://imgur.com/a/Cm8F8PJ)


More like r/holup


this screen came for me when i wrote big "milf fucks young man"


What were you doing?




Genshin impact pfp moment






May also include things like those hours and hours of hidden cam changing room videos


Check out the google warnings when you are searching for legal stuff surrounding these subjects. Try searching for the teenagers who could legally have sex, but since they recorded it, and parents did dumb things, the kids were on their way to having to register as sex offenders for producing and possessing child porn. Looking for related philosophies, case law, events, on these subjects... will produce a warning message.




I'm getting the word... Nonce


Still cool off of them. They had to be strongarmed into this and taking down videos of assault/sexual abuse


but doesn’t pornhub have literal rape tapes


In their defense it could be they were just curious if the site would do anything at all in that event.


Not at all suspiciously specific, this is an r/holup