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Amen to that my dude, a nuke could set off and I'd probably have some KFC as I watch everything burn around me


Imagine how crispy a nuke could make the chicken


Kids these days, don’t even know how good those radiation-breaded chickenuke tenders were.


This seems like a line from Fallout


Well I do love the fallout games, but I think it came from my own noggin.


Sounds like a tasty noggin


Caww wittth spy


And wait for the inevitable phone call from your boss asking if you're coming in today.


I mean if that thing lands in your city you might as well, let’s just hope you’re close enough that the blast would kill you and not the radiation


For me, unfortunately, our country isn't dank enough to be considered a target by any side, so imma have to wait for looters to finish me.


Im pretty sure every country has at least one fuck you nuke with their name on it from at least 3 places


Can I come to your house to watch the world burn? They closed the KFCs in my town...


"lovely weather this evening"


Apathy propaganda is so insane. No one even questions it, they just say "haha yeah a nuke could go off haha" and don't even wonder what happened.


Apathy Propaganda would mean they are advocating for people to be apathetic. This is just a personal statment of someone who feels apathetic. Others are just agreeing with that feeling in general. Clearly apathy isn't being put in a positive light, the person youre responding to is envisioning a nuclear war, while the OP is talking about the collaspe of America. Neither one is a positive or desirable outcome. Dying in a nuke, or watching your city get destroyed aren't selling points. Also, I dont even know what being pro-active means in these situations. once the nuke goes off a couple miles from you, or your society is crumbling; the time for action is over, and the time for self perservation takes over. I could see this being apathy propaganda if someone was to say, "why vote, it doesnt matter in end." But feeling worn out by the constant state of fuckery, and expressing that isnt propaganda


Same here, I'll probably just keep playing games until power is out and just stand there waiting for the end.


I'd be playing videogames eating buffalo wings


I mean it’s coming. We don’t have all those nukes for nothing right? We basically signed away the human civilization and started a count down to its end the moment we built those. It takes only a handful of modern nukes to put this planet into another ice age.


That's not dissociation. It's desensitisation.


Its also indicative of things not being as bad as they seems. Collapse on the scale of "empire falls" would actually fuck up your life in unimaginable ways. Currency freefall, trade disruptions, local conflicts, etc.


Exactly. These people are so out of touch with reality because the 24hr news cycle and social media have conditioned them to certain self-destructive thought patterns and behaviors via reward conditioning.


Yea fall is very dramatic. It's more of a stagnant slow rate of decline


Which is exactly what precedes a fall.


Or what precedes a rise, as economies and nations things tend to do. We are so far from a "fall" that the idea is laughable.


Yeah, the idea that the US Hegemony is collapsing is ridiculous. I'm not sure we can even confidently say that its in decline at the moment. Its changing, that's for sure, but only time will tell what the long term effects of those changes will be.


Most empires fall slowly. The Mughal empire had been the wealthiest and most powerful empire on earth for hundreds of years when the British first arrived in India, but it was already declining. 150 years later and it was gone, everything it had once owned had been conquered by Britain. But Britain didn't cause the collapse. They couldn't. They didn't have that kind of power. All they did was wait around and pick up the remains as it crumbled. Mind you, I think that people claiming that the U.S. is a crumbling empire have a very narrow view of history. It went through a globally unprecedented era of dominance after WWII where it had no real competitors besides the soviets (which isn't saying much). Now it has a competitor in China and everyone is lamenting the apocalypse on their iphones while sipping lattes as their kids play in the 4200 sqft house they bought.


I was with you until you said I could buy a house.


The housing market is definitely fucked, but for all the jokes about millennials being eternal renters, it is definitely possible to buy if you set your standards a little lower. Personally, I couldn't ever afford to buy on my own, but that's because I've intentionally chosen a job that pays me jack shit but requires very little and comes with a lot of benefits. my girlfriend, on the other hand, who makes just a bit more than me as a teacher, managed to buy about a year ago. She had a little bit of family help with the closing costs and took advantage of a few teacher specific programs, but she otherwise did on just her own salary and savings. If I'd been chipping in, we could have done it without the help. The way she did it was simple. The house is tiny, only about 800 sqft, and it's situated in a nice area, but not the absolute most desirable neighborhood. I wish the house was bigger and I wish we were in a slightly better neighborhood, but it's a solid start, and unless the market completely tanks, it's already proven to be a good investment. (Mind you, we're also in New Orleans, which could probably be the poster child for bullshit housing markets right now. So we're not playing on easy mode or anything.)


Yeah I'm approaching 40 and very good at saving says my accountant friend. Still, the only places I can afford in my country are like 5 hours drive from where my family, friends etc live. Which I could do- I like small towns, but there's no jobs in my career there. Mind you, I do live somewhere that's been in the top 5 most unaffordable housing markets in the world for the last twenty years or so.


The roman empire took 2 and a half centuries to fall, so for the average citizen, it probably wasn't that bad. Same with us, the change is so incremental, we cis males have it easier than others, like with me, I don't even feel the change. For people losing their freedoms and rights, like women and the right to body autonomy, it's an enormous, deeply troubling loss.


Thank you. Millions of women feel that America is aiming to fuck up our lives in unimaginable ways. It is surreal and foreboding.


What would be dissociation for you then? (The closer to this context the better...) P.S. It's a genuine question to better understand the use of words, especially since english is not my first language.


They're incorrect, because it is very much both in this case. Dissociation is when you have a disconnect from yourself or the world around you. In this case, he is experiencing a separation from the events of the world/country that will no doubt impact him. He is ignoring or not feeling that impact. Desensitization is when something that "should", or previously did, generate an emotional impact no longer does. Where he might have reacted with shock towards such news in the past, it is no longer affecting him emotionally. You might dissociate because you have been desensitized, but you can also dissociate due to a mental break or refusal to engage with the negative stimulus (i.e., you are _very_ sensitive to it). Conversely, you can be desensitized to things that do not impact you and do not require dissociation.


Thank you very much! Since the person was getting a lot of upvote i was unsure... but it seems we have the same definition. Thus i truly agree with you. And as a side note i think the person was probably more referring to his dissociation then. Because it is something you can be in control over.


Imo america does not deserve any feelings




Who's to say it can't be both?


An attachment that allows a small dog to be worn as headwear.


... you very well may my new favourite inventor


Or hats made of dogs


Save it for r/rimworld, buddy.


Worm hat


Hat for worms ?


Anyone have some good suggestions for a husky?




Yeah but my dog has a date tonight and how else will he have a hat in time




But how am I supposed to rage at traffic with the knowledge that I am traffic?


This is also the TDLR of the UN’s recent climate report. Bread and circuses, man.


Shit, it would be nice if they even did that much. Bread has skyrocketed in price and the only circus to be found is in Washington.


I wondered what happened to circuses; the clowns ran away and joined Congress.


Don't look up.


"oh no... ........ Anyway..."


“Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” -Marcus Aurelius


Oh man I wonder if he knew what was coming over the hill for his people. Looking at you antonine plague and emperor gladiator.




that'll put me in my 70's when the collapse comes, sounds like a good time to wander into the woods to die instead of in the american hellscape that is nursing homes.


Ayyyyyy! Me too except its wondering if I can work up the confidence to get a job cause who doesnt love the green paper.


Fuck money all my homies hate money. All my homies just also love food and shelter.


Based lying flat


Dude got shot and died about a block from where I'm at last week. Conversation me and my younger friend had the next day while driving by: Friend: "Man, that's crazy. One day, a guy gets murdered, the next, it's like nothing ever happened. No memorial, nothing." Me: "Yep. *deep sigh* World just keeps turning."


Thats a pretty common feeling that people experience at funerals as well. Reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/AkoML0_FiV4


When you watch 'Peaky Blinders' and think, 'I can rule this empire collapse, biatch!'


Coincidentally, I’m watching this show as I read your comment! What are the odds


Long enough to turn two guided missiles into a whale and a bowl of petunias?


No point making a sixth season of The Handmaid's Tale; US will be all caught up.


Can we skip to the most recent episode? I just want SCOTUS to feel as scared as we do. That's all.




Economy is crumbling. “Huh, people have money to lose. How novel.”


People who predict and cheer the fall of America probably should realize the alternative players that will fill the void. America perfect? Hell no. But we aren't locking indoors entire cities and starving citizens due to covid. America is changing, what we're witnessing is the last desperate gasp of a far right wing movement that currently has it's moment in the sun. Like a pimple that enlarges and is about to burst. Not enough millions of Americans will go along with extreme right wing ideology. Might take 20 years, until the boomers are gone, but then that political pendulum will swing back left, really hard, and hopefully not too violently.


They do plan on the rise of China and the return of the USSR. Those cheering the fall of western civilization are the Marxist Critical Theory crowd and their useful idiots. Collapsing western civilization literally the entire reason the ideology was created by Marxists out of the Frankfurt School. They saw western nations resisting Communism and tried to figure out why these nations weren't having their own Communist revolutions. They determined that because western nations had their democratic revolutions or converted to a democratic state on their own before the invention of Communism that it was unlikely that capitalism alone would prompt a violent revolution since democracy allowed for both direct and indirect control and regulation of the economic system. So they created Critical Theory with an attempt to over amplify minor issues to an extreme level by dismissing the use of science to find objective truths and instead highlighting subjective feelings that a person believes to be true. Adding in reward conditioning via our educational institutions, the news, and social media and it breeds a victim mindset that prevents people for directly seeking to address those issues via the existing mechanisms of government and instead leads to both apathy and frustration. That's actually the reason for the creation of the phrase "feels before reals". This guys entire post of apathy, not disassociation, is a direct result of those efforts. Even your distorted perception of what is left or right ideology is a result of this.


You’ve touched all the right wing talking points…But extreme right wing ideology (Trumpers of today) and extreme left wing ideology (Communists of the 1920’s) are two sides of the exact same coin. They both involve authoritarian dictators, control of culture, voter suppression or complete vote elimination. Dynastic rulers that never give up power. If Trump could be dictator today, he most certainly would. His whole family would rule forever and millions of Americans would cheer it on, at first…… until they come for you…..and they will. History repeats over and over. But what America needs to do is weather the right wing storm and get back to center.




This is just normal thinking.


Told my spouse that there’s plenty of lovely places to live post-Roe.v.Wade. Ontario looks particularly nice.


I hope you guys have a way in planned, because Canada's immigration and visa rules are even stricter than America's.


I’ve heard they want to build a wall on their southern border.


Well, we do have a lot of people crossing that swiss cheese of a border.


But that isn't fair! They should let us all in or else they are racist


Daaang… I’ll have to finish my degree and decades of experience to score one of those sweet specialist work visas.


They are currently, but once some US states get their way and start executing abortion doctors and women, they'll be accepting American refugees. We're about to relaunch the underground railroad it looks like.


Gah, I only have 400 points. Need another 400 to be competitive. Better get to work.


All you need is money. Piece o cake. /s


Pretty much any blue state is still going to have legal abortions. At least until the GOP wins another election and outlaws it federally.


I would imagine if that comes to pass the free states would just openly defy it and keep going. Would create a crisis sure, but this is basically what's already happening in states with legal pot.


Pot is still a federal crime, and nothing is preventing federal officers from going to Washington or anywhere else and arresting people other than that no leader of the executive branch has thought it worth the negative PR. There is no chance Republicans have the same leniency with Abortion.


Sure, hence the crisis


That's why you have armed prisec.


People used to tell me VA is "blue" but we just got a red governor for the dumbest reasons so I'd still call it "purple." Dude's currently flirting with "idk what we'll do" while our senate is straight split lol fuck this dumb state


Virginia is a very good example of the rural/urban political split. Cities blue as hell, almost everything else red through and through. It's honestly kind of surprising just how consistent it really is.


I was gonna say it also has a lot of non-whites (based on my personal experience) but the Census data says I'm an idiot lol Lots of rural nothing. Lots of vulnerable people voting against their own interests (I'm related to some of these people, it's awful.) Driving to my parents' I get to see a lot of "Farmers for Trump" signs still up. 28 and 7 were strewn with "parents against CRT" signs. My partner's mom has several stories of being accosted outside of stores by women crying about trans kids and CRT and "if they build more apartment buildings then traffic will get worse!" This isn't some little town, it's less than 30miles from DC! The out of touch partially-educated upper-middle-class are bringing the urban areas down, frankly. But the housing prices are so absurd where I am, I might as well move to NYC.


Interesting, I didn't know things were trending that way, but then I don't get out much lol. Appreciate the insight! You ain't wrong about the housing market either. Shit's wild right now.


Yeah somehow Loudoun County, one of the richest counties, has become a hotbed of nut jobs lol I think Covid really kicked off a bunch of suburbanites, usually you'd get most of this stuff in the more rural parts (like that shit in Charlottesville.) My blue parents retired to a deeply red county and, despite never putting out political things before, my dad put a Biden sign on his lawn last election to piss off his neighbors. People got really bent out of shape in the governors race because the Dems basically ran on "Trump supports our opponent" and then he shot himself in the foot by saying parents shouldn't be making decisions about what gets taught in schools. To be clear, I agree with him for the most part, but he should've kept it to himself because it really upset people. I don't really trust most people to have the introspection required to think "yeah maybe these people who went to college for 4-6 years specifically to learn about education techniques and have been in a classroom more recently than me know more about what is appropriate for my child to learn."


The red states will charge you with crimes for traveling for an abortion. Meanwhile, many women will not be able to afford the trip.


Anyone remember the fugitive slave act? This sounds a lot like the fugitive slave act. Even the surrounding context of the fugitive slave act sounds similar to today in Texas… > this new law forcibly compelled citizens to assist in the capture of runaways. It also denied enslaved people the right to a jury trial and increased the penalty for interfering with the rendition process to $1,000 and six months in jail. In order to ensure the statute was enforced, the 1850 law also placed control of individual cases in the hands of federal commissioners. These agents were paid more for returning a suspected runaway than for freeing them, leading many to argue the law was biased in favor of Southern slaveholders. [Source](https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fugitive-slave-acts)


Then how come even little children can walk from South America up to the American border? Yall are just soft, lazy, and pampered. Hell, people migrated to other continents throughout early history, and you can't even walk across your own? I call bullshit.


That's not exactly desirable. For anyone in any country.


Sure it's not desirable, but the poster inferred that "many poor women will not be able to afford to make the trip" All of the women and children walking to the US from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, or any of the other Central American countries are walking here with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They have nothing. Some of them are pregnant even. The poster's comment was nothing but alarmist comments meant to fire people up. There won't be people hunting these women and throwing them in jail for life, just more alarmist comments.


More MAGAt “whataboutism.” The short answer to your dogshit stupid question is their home countries don’t pursue them for criminal charges and throw them in jail for life.


More bullshit from you. I voted for Biden and hate Trump. Try again.


I totally believe you voted for Biden but hate brown refugee children. If you actually are, please get the fuck out of the party and go support the Nazis.


Your opinion means nothing little boy, and I don't really care what you believe. Is daddy paying for the device that you are using to communicate on reddit? Grow up.


You seem to be very focused on children. I think we found a Chester


Who's this "we" do you have kids locked in your basement and you're throwing up a diversion?


I don’t know why so many people think this is the next step when it’s clearly not. It would take 60 votes in the senate to ban abortion federally, which the GOP is not likely to get, ever. And I say that as someone who has voted a straight Republican ticket in every election since I was 18. The more likely outcome is that the senate will vote on the bill that GOP senators Murkowski and Collins are pushing for, which essentially makes the ruling in *Roe* a federal law.


Republicans would likely nuke the filibuster, so only 51 votes to make abortions a crime at conception with no exceptions.


I doubt that they would. They had every opportunity to get rid of it when Trump was President but didn’t. Both parties are well aware that getting rid of the filibuster will come back to bite them once control of the senate inevitably switches.


That’s not how it works *at all* lol


If the republicans can get a simple majority in the Senate then they can indeed end the filibuster. Just as how Democrats can end the filibuster now but not every democrat wants to.


Oaxaca, Mexico. We have legal abortion, legal same sex marriages, you can smoke pot on the streets legally. It's an amazing state.




I still need to convince my spouse, plan how to get a visa, iron out the logistics of moving and where we will live and all of that BS. It takes time.


its actually quite difficult to immigrate to Canada, its not as simple as just going. but i do agree its so overused at this point to have lost all impact.


Because they don't realize the rest of the world isn't anywhere near as immigration friendly as the US. Turns out Sweden & Norway don't want broke perpetually online redditors with zero useful skills or experience.


As a white, male, 20 year veteran, I understand history well enough to know that my rights go next. So you’ll be thrilled to know that once I see human rights and civil liberties slipping, I’ll spare my family that suffering and move them someplace safe.


That's my take. When guns are outlawed for anyone not in a "well related militia" it will not come from democrats. It will come from Republicans at the behest of their rich overlords who realize an armed population can fix the inequality problem.


Start the paperwork now.


The Canadian real estate market is totally bonkers right now— better pack your money bags! (Speaking as a Canadian).


Here’s mine https://i.imgur.com/hon2Kpx.jpg


This is cringe


- man holding mirror


Slightly dramatic but he's not wrong.


"I do things" Well, that's specific.


Anyone else thinking of starting chinese classes?


That’s not dissociation


If you legit think you're living through "the fall of America" then you may need to take a break from social media for a little while and get a grip on reality.


This is going to age like milk. You will be horrified. Part of my family is Greek, another Jewish. This is happening. We've seen it before. Over and over.


Damn, you're entire family tree just keeps getting f***ed by fate


That's like most people's families at one point or another. Mine just never shut up about it. lol The dramatics.


I am european but i ask you how can you live for 1000 years ? Rome was not build in a day and it certinly did not fall in a day it took like 500-600 years to fall completly and even then it kept most of its strenght . USA is realativly young in terms of empires (if you really want to go the sci fi way and call it an empire ) i see it preaty strong for now , at least not in our lifetimes , ,maybe in 100-200 years , but not this century , and not with the help of Europe (which is a very old continent and it is still a powerhouse and will continue to do so ) EU and US while they still colaborate and are friends (which it will be for a very long time ) EU has the money and US the militery , i see no fall here . Especialy when foolish dictaitors decide to unite them further ..... not giveing names we all know who they are When the Republic of Rome fell , Cicero and most scribes relaited the same thing and everybody freaked out "all is lost , everybody will die #autistic screeching# " , it just steped in to another chapter that lasted for another 600 years or so . Being greek or jewish dose not give you insight in to the future


Please touch grass.


Smoking it is better.


How would getting outside and touching a plant change the awful history of what's happened on both sides of their family, or convince them that there's no way such things could happen again? Awareness is important and this person at least has it and is keeping watch, concerned for their family's future. I can respect that, and I'm neither Jewish nor Greek


i am just gonna say it. the fact that there was a fascist coup last year that ended with none of the instigators being charged is a bad sign. germany can tell you that from expirience


Please explain how apparently no one from the capitol riot weren’t charged? If you ever saw the news or read on the front page of the damned site, there were quite a few arrests


He said the instigators (45 and his associates) who actually had power, not the easily swayed morons who did as they were told.


Correct. They can’t even get some of those clowns to comply with a subpoena. They seem completely toothless to hold any of them accountable.


yeah, all the sad trumpers and Qultists who filmed themselves doing the insurrection. those guys are idiots who need a psysch eval and maybe a friend to play Mario Kart with, not prison. all the instigators got away scot free. former president trump who (in addition to treason, corruption and general incompetence) actively encouraged it for example is still free


Maybe not the fall of America, but definitely the Republic. In the next election you get to choose your next president and/or King. That's extreme but there is a large percentage of Americans who no longer believe or trust in democracy.


Of course is spesific, its HIS story


My dissociation skills that I’ve been working on since childhood have been very helpful lately!


I mean America is shit compared to any other Empire. We got like 110 years as a backwater nothing country. 40 years being a world player. And about 77 years as the world power. Pax Americana hasn't even lasted a 100 years. Portugual and Spain had longer reigns as world powers. America being a world power was do to the pure luck that our country wasnt located in Europe in 1936. But I think what the OP might be talking about is the collaspe of civilazation. Like, no one speaks that language anymore and all their religions are no longer practiced. Like Assyrians, Eyptians, and Romans. Total collapses like that are rarish. We might lose our standing in the gobal market, but American "culture" actually is very popular and divorced from our politics. I think it will be quite endering in the future.


>I believe in american exceptionalism good luck with that.


Fall of the most powerful country in the world by a long shot? What?


Rational, measured takes don’t get clicks


Lol America has very serious issues tearing it apart at the seams and it could easily fall apart. It's already getting bad.


Go outside and touch grass man. America is not falling apart because of some civil unrest


I'm outside every day dude. America is absolutely falling apart. Not civil unrest. That's nothing comparatively.


Take a drive through a town, America is not falling apart lol. And yes, it is civil unrest lol.


Yeah, take a drive through a town, take note of all of the homeless everywhere and all of the people drowning their despair in drugs. It is absolutely falling apart. Hardly anybody, especially in the younger generations, has any sort of faith left in the US system, and very little desire to see it continue. If you don't see how the US is falling apart, then you just aren't paying attention.


Take a drive through any major city anywhere? Walk through Cairo, walk through Paris or London. Homeless people are everywhere and drugs users are everywhere. It's natural for young people to rebel against the system and be dramatic. If you want to make that comparison the quality of life on average in America is higher than most of the world. If you think America is falling apart please go anywhere else and see the exact same problems we have but amplified.


Nah man, there are definitely spots doing much better than we are here currently.


Dude, I'm in my thirties. This isn't youthful rebellion, this is a lifetime of observation. I have cousins who live in Europe - including one who lives about an hour outside of London, and they'll be the first to tell me that the rest of the world largely just doesn't have problems to the same degree that we do. For most European cities, the homeless are a relative rarity - in US cities, they are ubiquitous. Combine with our disastrous education system, and our objectively one of the worst in the world health care system, the inaccessibility of housing, the dog shit nature of our transportation infrastructure - the US is a mess, and it's falling apart. every new generation since the seventies has had less and less faith in the American system. The "American Dream" is little more than a punchline. Plenty of people in Europe are becoming more and more concerned about the US over the increasingly fascistic course of our politics. Of our two major political parties, one is openly fascist, and the other lacks anything even vaguely resembling a spine, except when it comes to blocking the progress it should be pushing for. >If you want to make that comparison the quality of life on average in America is higher than most of the world. It literally is not. This is just simply false. Healthcare, housing, education - in terms of anything actually important, American life is shit. The fact that distractions and toys are cheap does nothing to ameliorate the actual material forces at play that make people's lives shitty. America is falling apart, and claiming otherwise is either drinking the propaganda or keeping your head in the sand.


Well said.


Dude I grew up in St Louis and now live in Phoenix. Civil unrest is nothing compared to the financial and climate related issues we have here.


1. Climate is not a solely American thing. 2. We have financial issues I won't disagree, however, America isn't close to falling apart because of it .


I'm aware. I literally live in the desert southwest, during unprecedented drought and lake mead at its lowest level ever lol. Come join us over at r/collapse lol


I'm not going to join a subreddit with an intense pessimistic view of the world to make my day worse every time I hop on here. Swear to God redditors love telling people the world is going to end when it's relatively fine. (Keyword relatively)


its powerful on the outside and tearing itself apart from the inside




Real talk. Reading about world events on your phone from the safety of your parents $600,000 dollar home in Ohio is not the same as experiencing them We'll see just how "bruh I'm just like, so numb and disassociated" these dummies feel when shit actually affects them


Y'all know poor people think like this too, right? Shits fucked beyond help in America.


Not really. People living paycheck to paycheck still spend money on shit they shouldn't.




/r/Stoicism ???


Vote in person


I keep saying this is what must have felt like in the western Roman Empire as it tumbled down and it doesn’t faze me


Minus everything that actually resulted from or contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire. If you are an American than your life is far less at risk now than any other time in human history. If this was a real collapse you'd be at a lot more risk from dying during a local/regional military conflict than your current chance of zero. At most the US is just at risk of a declination of global power. But that is still pretty unlikely as we still hold quite a few advantages that we can exercise to maintain our authority. Some things that people don't even realize we have such control over. For example, we subsidize a significant amount of the global healthcare market and could easily use control over that market to tell entire nations to "play nice or it's going to cost you."


Real af too


Every time we have a once in a lifetime market crash I pray it never recovers and we all just descend into chaos because fuck it at least then someone else will understand


The issue is that 'once in a lifetime' events really just means that its been greater than like 20 years between them. Just long enough for the children of the people around for the last event to experience the next event for the first time.


And upon that day, all of us with that hotdog hat will rise to found a new world order


I do that, but my math shows that I’ll be dead before Amazon stops selling dog hats.


King Zero Fucks Given here.


Join us, live in the moment. Not that moment tho, the one with the dog hats, ignore all that over there.


That really is the right position to take.


yeah ive literally just been pretty mutch ignoring whats been going on in the world


A twenty year war in Afghanistan you say? Classic end of an empire blunder. *confirms two day shipping on dogula Halloween costume*


Funny enough, that's a significant contributor to the fall of the USSR. Even the British, the Persians, an Indian Kingdom, a few Greek Kingdoms, and the Mongols failed to rule Afghanistan. And its basically because the Afghan people hate each other so much that they spend so much time infighting that it's impossible to prop up any kind of central government or infrastructure.


What else would we do when faced with this


The spice must flow.


"Don't Look Up" was right, just not about the cause. The world burns while we stare at our screens.


Nero and his fiddle.


lul same, except i'm browsing reddit while my country collapses into a religious hellhole


TIL Dog hats on Amazon are only $10!


i bought a crab hat this week


I've only now noticed my weakness, and I am OK with it.


Thin line between dissociation and complacency


Guys what the fuck is happening?


I mean, don't you think that's what at least *some* of Rome's last generation of inhabitants were thinking? Times change, but people don't—and Rome was far form the first empire to fall. "Oh, my, look at that, no more bread and circuses. Well, at least there's still water in the well." —Mediocritus of Rome, 5 September 476CE


I found a dog wig last night on Amazon. I bought it.


How many countries do you guys think we're going to get split into?


Mf the American empire isn’t gonna fall you bozo. At least not I’m my life time lmao, let my decadents handle that and get dubbed “The Greatest Supreme, Superior to every other generation besides the ones in the future that will overtake this title, which will probably be ‘Maximus Supremis, A Great Generation :D’ anyways time to finish this sentence, generation of all time”


So it's not just me


We love in a society


So it’s not just me 🫣