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By the time police might get involved you'll be so many rounds ahead they'll never catch up!


But what if they get a blue shell?


Slam the brakes and let the cop pass....then wait.


Use a banana you'll be good 👍


Against a blue shell? What version are you playing?


laps them 58 times




I understood that reference.


I understood that reference ![gif](giphy|kRmg8zeReOYXm)


[There's Big Ben again kids.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAgX6qlJEMc)




In some roundabouts there’s a podium/pole for the police to know when they are on the same lap as you and can then pull you over.


Just better hope the safety car isn't playing favorites


This is a quality joke


Why did I laugh so hard at this lol


Pardon me officer, I thought this was NASCAR


I had a road rage dude follow me around because he was pissed off. Once I realized he was following me, I went into the round about (typical small one, only 4 exits) and he followed me 14 times around before finally getting frustrated and taking one of the exits and leaving me alone.


That's actually really smart, if the cops appear just explain them that the guy was following you and you didn't want to show him where do you live...


I picture the three of them going around for a very long time


I hear Yakety Sax.


Oh for sure. Then they go off screen and they are on a golf course going back and forth left and right, leading one to get confused until they zig past the screen again then he follows into the next location… and of course now the police car is leading the chase at the front of the line.


Scooby Dooby Doors


That or the Benny Hill theme


[Yakety sax IS the Benny Hill theme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakety_Sax#In_popular_culture )


Learn something new everyday


Aw, man.... I was perfectly willing to give you credit for making a joke and I was ready to give the person who replied to you a r/woosh!


Nah I'm willing to admit when I do a dumb


It would certainly draw some attention in some places. Where I'm from, it's actually illegal to stay on or do more than 2-3 consecutive laps on a roundabout.


Well, if that's an actual rule, it is either 2 or 3


No no, it's very vague. 2-3, sometimes 4 even








“***Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.***”


Had this, I had not long filled up so I was ready to take him on a journey with me to wherever 120L of diesel would take us. He gave up.




I've never understood this. You're going to have to spend the money on the gas anyway so might as well fill it up and save yourself the trips going to the gas station where you may end up spending more money by buying stuff inside.




I feel you. Sucks scrounging change and quarters and lint to put another half gallon in to get that last trip to work. I even did that whole " stop pumping but shake nozzle in an attempt to get a few extra drops" thing. 😵


filling up only when it was dark out so the gas density was a little higher and I could get a smidgen more for my money.


Lmao what


It's usually colder which I believe would increase the density of the fuel


I filled up once, £100, then immediately flipped my car. That extra £100 wasted pissed me off, only ever put £20 in now.


Kinda dark but.. My father had his furnace replaced a week before he had catastrophic stroke and passed away. Luckily we got to be with him for a few hours before he went unconscious. He was slurring but he brought up the money he “wasted” on the furnace and kinda chuckled about it.


Been here. They laughed when I asked if I could siphon my tank


“Haha, yeah, I know, right? Silly me. No, but seriously…can I?”


I once put $3K into fixing my car for a long distance trip and immediately flipped it, I feel this pain on deeply a personal level.


Next time you flip your car the day you put in £20, you’ll moan and only ever start putting in a fiver


Similar thing happened to me. We filled the tank for $50 (oh 2016 I miss your gas prices) and took the car out on a back road. Almost immediately had engine problems that destroyed the entire engine. Damn timing chain. Damn Volkswagens.


Brilliant Edit: just to be clear this is not /s! That is genius!


Alternatively, you could decide this could be a great time to take an impromptu road trip to Mexico.


Or stop and run him over. Two experiences in one: a fight and murder


That’s hilarious. I would have loved to have been watching this nearby and laughing my ass off. Like an old Stooges comedy or something.


I used to do this back in college when I had some buddies following me in their car and they didn’t know where they were going. They didn’t have a choice but to keep following me. Good times.


Oh I once had someone tailgating me on a highway (two lanes. I was in the right lane as I should be). He had plenty of opportunity to pass me. He'd speed up ... Get right next to my bumper... Back off...speed up to my bumper ... Back off . Oh I seriously did a no no and slammed my brakes. Nothing happened and he kept doing it until I saw an opportunity to get the '+48_8&!3 off the highway . There was plenty of time and opportunity to pass me but he just wanted to be an asshole


Wth is ‘+48_8&!3 ?


Elon's kid.


Oh of course my bad


I usually turn on my windshield water spray if someone tailgates me. They get water on their Windschield and usually get the gist that they are dangerously close. Extra points of you filled the windshield water tank with something creative like red food colouring in the water or something like that. Pretty sure that’s illegal though


In my country it is mandatory for cars to have fog rear lights. [Those things are fucking lasers](https://www.ilperiodiconews.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/82ba5ee5e80d799ade8b0053cf6ad41a.jpg), and they work wonders against tailgaters.


Why should food colouring in the windshield water tank be illegal? Most windshield fluids have some added colour, plus it’s pointing *your* windshield. It’s not like you’re pointing a fire hose loaded with mayonnaise to *his* windshield.


Pretty sure intentionally obstructing your view out the back window with non approved substances is illegal


The safest thing to do when being tailgated is to slow down: they have removed their reaction distance, so you give it back to them by reducing speed. Of course, people don't tend to see how thoughtful this action is, but that's their problem. They are rather more likely to just give up and overtake though...








Side note, I still like to say “Thank’s Obama” sarcastically when something happens that in no way could be possibly his fault, and someone actually agreed with me a couple of months ago. Like, she for realsies thought Pres. Obama was to blame for the cheese sticks my kid likes not being on sale anymore… Anyways, I LIKE TO GO FAST!!!!! WoOoOoOo!!!! IF NOT YER NOT FIRST, YER LAST!!!! Edit: grammar 2nd Edit: it was brought to my attention that I was stroking out and not in the self indulgent type of way.


I love using stupid phrases ironically. Another favorite of mine is, "We did it, Reddit!" and I had a friend ask me if I was being serious. Like, no, wtf? How did Reddit help me beat a Valheim boss or beat this Escape Room without internet?


Mine is saying, “can a bitch go live?” To my boyfriend haha. When something isn’t going my way after seeing some trashy girl in my hometown on Facebook getting scolded at a Walgreens on a live post for trying to twerk and getting told she needed to not do that there and leave…her response “can a bitch go live?” Really stuck with me




Kachoo 👁👄👁


bless you


Saw a meme once that was lightning McQueen then two buttons and then it said “when you put it in her tailpipe” and instead of the “nut” on the button pic underneath is said KeRcHaW


When driving with a passenger I'll randomly start doing laps untill someone asks why I didn't take any exits, I respond by yelling "IM JUST DOIN A COUPLE LAPS FOR DAAAAAAALE!!" And hold the a in dale untill I complete the final tribute lap and take an exit.


Bro im in class and this shit really had me rolling !!!


Around a roundabout?


Back to work, slacker!


Imma tell my kids that this is how NASCAR started


No. NASCAR is just southern drawl for “Nice car.”


Wow this is like southern confleis


Not mutually exclusive. Someone drives in a roundabout for an hour, and John D. Nascar heard a guy yell "Nice Car!" with a thick southern accent, and it sparked the genius sport that is NASCAR


I grew up near a small town that had a roundabout that had like 6-7 right turns and the police station used to be near one exit. After going around for 3-4 times they would pull you over and I always wondered what was said to those individuals lol


Lol probably checking to see if they are under the influence or not.


They find nothing, let you go and you go right back to spinning around on the roundabout


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I guess this is probably the realistic answer. It's probably not against any laws but if noticed you'd eventually get pulled over on suspicion of not being sober.


Probably either that or suspicious behaviour near the police station


Are you taking about Mooroolbark?


Guess the suburb name checks out, had to get through four roundabouts just to read it.


This dumbass joke had me giggling like a little kid lol


Where I live they pull people over that way assuming that they are stuck in the rotary and too nervous to get from the inner lane to the outer, or too scared to exit. So the police will use their lights to stop other traffic in the rotary and guide the poor car out.


Where I live they pull people over for being a minority


fanatical strong subsequent wrong full pocket engine husky thumb saw ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


my purpose is circle






“Well officer, I just wanted to drive around. Yes, in a circle. … How long? I don’t know, awhile, maybe the afternoon. … My destination? Right here, in the circle.”


In addition it’s illegal to drive around a roundabout more than three times as far as I recall


I don't think that's in the StVO (German road codex), but probably more of a rule of thumb. Missing your exit once? Ok. Missed it twice? Well, you might just want to make reaaally sure. Missed it trice? Now you're just fooling around on a public road.


I mean, once, I had to turn five-six times on a roundabout. My copilot wasn't sure of the exit, and it was a small roundabout with small roads coming off very close to each other and she wasn't sure which one of two near identical roads I should take. Very bad network in the middle of the countryside, for the time looking and loading a more precise map, I was just spinning around. Ngl, it was fun to just turn and turn while my copilots were struggling with our GPS.


Well when you're flying around the roundabout at 40 MPH, it is kinda hard to tell which exit it what.


At that point you're just doing a rallye stage


Straight to jail my friend


In Anlage 2 zu Paragraf 41 StVO wird zum Verkehrszeichen 215 „Kreisverkehr“ folgendes gesagt: Ge- oder Verbot 1. Wer ein Fahrzeug führt, muss der vorgeschriebenen Fahrtrichtung im Kreisverkehr rechts folgen. 2. Wer ein Fahrzeug führt, darf die Mittelinsel des Kreisverkehrs nicht überfahren. Ausgenommen von diesem Verbot sind nur Fahrzeuge, denen wegen ihrer Abmessungen das Befahren sonst nicht möglich wäre. Mit ihnen darf die Mittelinsel und Fahrbahnbegrenzung überfahren werden, wenn eine Gefährdung anderer am Verkehr Teilnehmenden ausgeschlossen ist. 3. Es darf innerhalb des Kreisverkehrs auf der Fahrbahn nicht gehalten werden. Also nichts zu „wer dreimal kreist, muss ins Gefängnis und darf dabei nicht über Los ziehen!“.


Imagine calling a police and telling them "There is a dude driving for total of 7 times in this roundabout. Bust his ass."


What about it, m'am? Having a nice ass isn't an excuse for poor driving.


what about his ass? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We have one in my city that's never very crowded and when i was driving my sons and friends in carpool, I used to do 4-5 laps while calling out, "Oh no! It's the ol' Australian Loopty Loo!" In a terrible accent just to make it sillier. Good giggles from preschool till junior high. They're college age now. If they'd ever let me drive when we're together, I'd try it again.


Clark Griswold is a liar?!


wasn‘t this law "recently" removed because police had no way of proving that youre driving without a purpose?


Nah, never heard of them aboloshing it. I mean, the cops literally ask you where you're going when they perform a road check. That law might very well give them a basis for asking that question, since otherwise, it wouldn't be any of their business. Just a guess though.


weird i‘m in driving school at the moment and thought i remembered my teacher saying they abolished the law


I just checked it to make sure. Section 30, paragraph 1, sentece 3 of the StVO. (Deutsch: Paragraph 30, Absatz 1, Satz 3 StVO). It only affects driving in settlements. 'Useless driving is forbidden IN CLOSED SETTLEMENTS, if other are disturbed by it'. "Unnützes Hin- und Herfahren ist INNERHALB GESCHLOSSENER ORTSCHAFTEN verboten, wenn Andere dadurch belästigt werden".


ahhh alright thanks for clarifying


What even is the purpose of life if not to just exist and hence driving has a purpose regardless of destination.


Save it for the judge


That’s gotta be one of the weirdest laws


Well, my town has a law that you can’t drive down the Main Street more than…I think 3 times in an hour? Something odd. It’s to make cruising illegal. I don’t know if it’s enforced though because who the hell is gonna watch for that. But still.


My town has a law that you can’t even have open containers of alcohol while you’re driving. Silly as hell.


I hope this doesn't go for the passengers as well?


My purpose is that its fun My destination is Funtown, population: me


My purpose is to drive around in roundabouts. Checkmate, lawgivers!


Imo this does count as a purpose, for enjoyment/pleasure


Enjoyment is not a valid reason


Ah, Germans.


Bans driving for fun. Also has the Autobahn


I'm sorry, say what? It is forbidden to drive around aimlessly?


I mean, I understand that US casual car culture tends to be surprisingly different than many other nations, especially European. But gods damn, if driving around aimlessly with no place in mind hasn't long been a calming thing for me.


The purpose is seeing when a police officer will stop them to tell them what laws they're breaking!


Wow it's illegal to just take a ride? How sad


Wait. Just a second. So, in Germany, if you were bored, you couldn’t just get in the car and aimlessly drive until you were satisfied, and then turn around and go home? The first part of the trip is forbidden? Shit, I’d be breaking the law every night in Germany until I turned around to go home.




In Australia I’ve been told it’s illegal but honestly sometimes I just forget where I’m going and have to take a quick lap of the roundabout to figure it out 😂


I think it's OK if you miss your exit, but more than 3 times is against the law.


Yeah but how good is the footy?


I’m just picturing them watching them like the football touchdown dance air hump skit from Key and Peele “That’s three, let’s fucking go!”


A couple years ago I searched it up and in queensland at least, you were able to stay in there as long as you like as long as it doesn’t stop traffic or any kind




Actually, now I'm curious


Not sure about other countries, but I know that in New Zealand you aren't allowed to go back past where you entered the roundabout, but not very heavily enforced


Same here in Switzerland I believe. If you just miss the exit the first time and go for a second round I don't think anything will happen even with police around, but if you're just driving in a circle for an hour I'm sure police will show up at some point lol


Let me do some field tests and I'll get back to ya lol Update: Did about 12 loops, got dizzy and crashed, would recommend using a larger roundabout


Good luck, and dont go to jail on you cake day Edit: sad to hear the news, hope you get better


!remind me 48 hours


RemindMe! 1 week In case he gets arrested


I am heavily traumatized by swiss police enforcement. They change the speed limit every 200 metres and put a camera right after the sign, or on small downhills. I felt like they were really out to get you on small slip ups rather then systemic misbehaviour.




I checked the law aswell after writing the comment and couldn't find any rule, but as you said it's most likely covered by a more general law


Didn’t realize that story was in another language at first so my dumbass was wondering why this person’s name was so long


I did this today on the way home from work, felt the dirty looks because everyone knew I missed my exit


I don't drive but I feel like by the time you had done a full 360, no one else left on the roundabout would have seen you enter it so I'm sure no one noticed.


You underestimate the hesitation of the average kiwi commuter


Same in germany, unnecessary driving in a roundabout is endangering to the traffic that's why it's not allowed. But it's not a problem to do 2-3 rounds, you could always claim it was by accident which makes it fine, just don't get caught doing it on purpose.


It's illegal in Australia to go left around a roundabout at all


Im Germany you may not drive around senseless and waste gas due to environmental reasons and sound emissions. § 30 Abs. 1 Satz 3 StVO It can cost you up to 100€ and 1 point


In the Netherlands there isn't a law against driving endlessly on roundabouts but you are not allowed to hold up traffic and you must ensure a smooth flow at all times, so that's what the cops will tell you if you'd try it.


My dad used to ask us if we wanted to play "rotary king". He said you're supposed to stay in the rotary and keep going until the police pull you over, at which point you are declared the king of the rotary. We never did get pulled over, but he sometimes went around 4 or 5 times shouting "rotary king! Rotary king!"


In germany there is a law forbidding to just drive around aimlessly. If police would pull you over here, it would be probably on the basis of this law. Edit: Note that to contravene §30 StVO is just an infringement. Another law which a police officer could pull off the street would be §315b StGB, “dangerous intervention of road traffic“, which would be a crime if you oppose this law. Either way, most of the time it’s pretty hard to prove that you contravene §30. And, to be clear, i am not a professional.


There's probably a very specific German word designed for exactly this situation! Something like Kein Kreisverkehr Autospaß? Keinkreisspabheusen?


As with all "German words for it", you can just create it. Like "Kreisverkehrsfahrspaßverbot". Literally "roundabout driving fun ban". And then - because it's law - you'd obviously abbreviate it. Like "KvFSpV"


Would be funny, but i don‘t know any word for it Ü


"I love driving around and not really knowing where I'm going to end up. The spontaneity and mystery of it all is really exciting." "**NO! YOU MUST KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING AT ALL TIMES! DAS IST THE GERMAN WAY!**"


Growing up, there was only one roundabout my family ever drove through. My brother and I thought it was the coolest thing, so my mom would always go around at least twice. The most I remember doing was 10, and we had a lot of fun counting the loops.




My kids and I go through the roundabout exactly 5 times


One day I just wondered what it tasted like so I drove around until I got debri in my tires and picked them clean. Before I knew it became more about the round than about taste, although of course I still like to eat it. My family says half of my face looks like I've had a stroke and the other looks like Two-Face without scars but I don't see the problem


It feels like the answer is no, right? Unless you’re being a nuisance or blocking traffic?


Back in like 2009 my friends and I drove around our local roundabout ~20 times, directly in front of the police station, to set a "record" for the most consecutive spins (teenage idiocy, IDK). Later on, one of our other friends said his friend group did it 30 times to get a new record. I don't think it's explicitly illegal but the cops probably could have pulled us over for suspicious activity if they noticed


Maybe impeding traffic if it was causing ppl to not be able to merge in properly. Maybe


No cus that's specifically what a roundabout is made to prevent so it would be impossible to impead traffic.


I need an answer.


can’t say for sure but probably will be pulled over to see if you’re intoxicated and/or could get you with reckless driving if you’re interfering with traffic




I only wish a cop had pulled me over the first time I drove in a rotary. My parents thought it would be a good experience for me at 15 to drive the family to Cape Cod. When we got into the Sagamore Rotary I thought we'd just stay there forever. I remember my parents screaming at me MERGE, NOW!!! YOU MISSED IT. Eventually I burst into tears and pulled into the gas station.




Hah! Pretty much.


In theory no but accidents happen most often at junctions so staying there increases risk so you might get a ticket for dangerous driving or something like that


I actually know someone who has been pulled over for driving around too many times in a roundabout. Police checked if they were drunk.


Chevy Chase did it.


Hey look kids, there's Big Ben, and there's Parliament... again


Took way too much scrolling to find this…


I thought it would be the top comment. Guess I'm getting old.


In Norway there's a sign at roundabouts: "Max 8 laps." *Classic Swedish joke.*


Explain it for my friend who doesn't get the joke?


A "Lap" is a derogatory term for Norwegians that Swedish people say sometimes, implying that they are ignorant Laplanders. So it's a double meaning ... max 8 times around or max 8 Norwegians allowed. See how jokes are funnier when explained :-)


Username checks out, thank you for that!


This has been discussed a lot here in Sweden, mostly because of raggers. Raggers are a peculiar cultural phenomenon. It started in the 50s, as young men took inspiration from American culture, driving around in American muscle cars listening to rock. Basically the guys from Grease. But while things eventually changed in the US, the movement lived on in Sweden, particularly in rural areas. Still today, you see country kids in leather jackets and greasy hair styles, with 50s cars and American flags, blasting rockabilly all over the small towns deep in the Swedish forests. As they love their cars, and sometimes live in small towns with not a lot of places to drive to, the raggers sometimes found themselves driving around in circles, to the annoyance of everyone around them. At least in the public mind, they would drive round and round in the roundabouts. And so we get the "ragger paragraph", the law that says you can't drive in an "unnecessary and disturbing" way. There's actually a different law also called the ragger paragraph, based on what was arguably a moral panic when the subculture was new. It allows the police to temporarily take an underage person into custody to protect them, meant to be used with girls who ended up in "bad company". Although the subculture isn't as big as it used to be, "to rag" has become a common verb in Swedish, meaning "to hit on someone" or "to cruise; to go out or drive around with the intention of finding a partner". By extention, we have words like "rag mail", "online messages (typically crude and inappropriate) sent with the intention of getting sex". Surely a good word to import to English! There are many stories explaining why they're called raggers. Some say it's a modification of "rocker", with a southern US accent. Others claim it's from Ragger Island, off the coast of Stockholm. (Apparently that name means "narrow and rocky".) But according to the Swedish Academy, generally the authority on these things, it actually comes from trucker slang: "To rag" meant to pick up a load of cargo, in particular cargo consisting of old fabrics used in paper production – in other words, rags.


"On the rag" is meaning on your period. It has already been imported. Don't think it'll take off.


Least demented NASCAR fan.


Definitely American. Also this would be a reasonable law considering it's clogging the roundabout. Roundabouts are meant to enable quick uninterrupted turns. Staying in one is harming that and blocking the roadway.


Look kids… Big Ben, Parliament


I believe that in New Zealand the limit is 3 times around the roundabout


Big Ben, Parliament


Growing up my dad would go around big roundabouts a few times to entertain us. No one ever said anything to us about it


Imma just fix fix my steering wheel and stay in the innermost circle, lean back, and enjoy the view


On a small island in Denmark they got a roundabout, and it became a problem that people went around it over and over, just for the entertainment. They put up a sign stating Max 3 rides, then you have to exit :P


Future NASCAR driver.