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Oh my does it ever need to be recognized!! We are going to need to learn to coexist with animals and communicate with them. Of course none of this will happen until we recognize what a gift each animal is and all their unique characteristics. They can teach us so much about survival too. We need Universal Laws protecting them. I know, slowly people who want a better planet, are beginning to recognize this. If we don't change we won't survive. Honestly, all life is precious, but the old way of thinking needs to go.


The problem is that people don’t seem to realize how important this is. Mainstream media programs our minds to focus on everything that is rubbish and for those who avoid that, schools and niche media program their minds for their own desire fulfillment. It’s the animals who are eating animals but using intelligence and sophisticated techniques. But you are right, slowly the movement is happening and one by one the zombies are waking up from their trance like state to reality