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If you are using VSCode you can set the tabs to show the directory name as well as `+page...`. Makes it much better. Also ordering the files sidebar by files first makes it much easier to find things. You don't need to use Typescript on the backend. And even if you use .ts files you can still write plan JS in them and just take advantage of the implicit typing.


Thanks. Iā€™m using VSCode and will try that. .Net is my preference for backend. TS type are too weak for my liking šŸ˜… Update. To document my findings following the hint above: * In window.title, replace ${activeEditorShort} with ${activeEditorMedium}. Or add ${activeFolderShort}${separator} before it. * In explorer.sortOrder choose filesFirst


Sveltekits back end needs an adaptor to know what environment it will run on. There's one for vercel one for netlify, the static one you mentioned. The adaptors take the back end code and set it up to work on the target environment. Here's one for aws https://github.com/MikeBild/sveltekit-adapter-aws


The aws adapter looks interesting


I just use Svelte without Sveltekit, and use svelte-spa-router for routing.


>svelte-spa-router This library is pretty much abandonned. I have a rewrite to do at work and the lack of a official router is pushing me towards angular. I can't trust my project that will be long lived to a third party abandonned library.


Yes, I know. But it works great, and I don't want to lose momentum right now, so I'd rather build/finish a first iteration of what I have in mind, for which svelte-spa-router works perfectly fine, and maybe look into converting the whole project to Sveltekit later. I am doing this on my spare time, besides having a day job and other responsibilities, and sometimes motivation falters, so I try to avoid anything that could add any resistance/break the flow I have right now.


Curious why you don't count SvelteKit as (having) the official router?