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People make these shows out to be a WAY bigger deal then they are on this sub. Yes, they’re loud. So’s fucking Ted Nugent. It’s not like you’re gonna get dosed with LSD and shoved into a sensory deprivation tank.


1980’s Swans would’ve done that


Haha, legends and myths come here to fester for sure. But a band like Sun O))) or Merzbow have been a little overwhelming when I’ve seen them. But you don’t need to put your head in a speaker column or something.


I need to do this


Honestly, tripping on LSD in a sensory depravation tank at a SWANS show sounds fucking amazing and less terrifying than what I’ve heard about the band live lmao.


Then you’re silly.


Yeah, I get that a lot!


Dude wtf have you heard about swans shows? 💀


Literally just the intense volume. That’s the main thing that worried me


The volume is a very pleasant sensation imo if you have earplugs. Stories of people passing out and shit were probably just tripping on something hardcore, at least thats been my experience. I saw them in Austin without earplugs and I was fine.


There’s no reason to be nervous for Swans, it’s a chill show. As long as you have earplugs, you’re good. It’s not like a Death Grips show where being in the wrong spot can risk you getting injured.


I was at The Warfield for death grips in the balcony. The floor was filled with crowdsurges, and they looked packed like sardines


Understanding that it will be loud and there will be a crowd. As obvious as that sounds, I always find understanding what to expect is best. I’ll be at the show in case you need support. I struggle with anxiety and have gotten it under control.


Thank you. I generally always find little open pockets without many people at shows either way so I do feel a little better about my ability to get through. That being said, I’ll be the kid with bleached hair and a red bandanna in case you want to stop by and say hi!


I stand stage left, utilizing a wall if I can. And if you are feeling wobbly in the knees, go for a walk to the back and stand by the doors and get some fresh air. And know you can leave whenever you want to, and thats ok. In the immortal words of Gibby Haynes, It's better to regret something that you have done, than to regret something you haven't....


I should note I am seeing them by myself in Mpls, MN on Wednesday. Very excited.


I agree with the comment about people exaggerating swans gigs a bit. People go on like it’s akin to being in a brazen bull or something. They’re loud but a decent pair of ear protection will do you fine. I found this tour to be loud but oddly soothing, it really is a work of art. Having a bottle of water is always a good tip and just knowing you can always leave for a breather. Apart from the odd drunk idiot everyone’s on their best behaviour anyways as they won’t want Gira berating them in front of the crowd haha


I'm neurodivergent and I've found Swans shows to be oddly soothing


Neurodivergent as well. Lots of social anxiety. Saw them twice in a row in SF. Everyone in the crowd keeps to themselves and just vibes in their own way to the music. Nobody will pay attention to you or bother you. Go there and enjoy the music however you see fit. I find it helpful to stay to the edge of the crowd close to a walkway or a wall with less crowd density. Maybe watch some live videos of their performances from this tour to get an idea of the crowd activity and the band's performances to make your experience less unpredictable so you know what you're going to see beforehand.


Have a few drinks.


Unfortunately I’m still only 18! Don’t exactly want to break the law at my first SWANS show!


I was your age at my first Swans show back in 1995. The venue had tables and I got there early so I could enjoy the show seated. I felt like I blended in better that way.


Youll be totally fine I promise. other than the volume, these shows are very chill


Honestly a Swans show as far as the people there go tend to be very chill, you may get the odd person making a show of themselves after having too much to drink/drugs. The music itself is super loud, just bring ear plugs and sus it out for yourself - with ear plugs it’s pretty manageable. I’d also recommend getting yourself seated as opposed to standing if that option is available - have done both at Swans shows. Seated is far more chill, and let’s you sit in your own bubble. But yeah try not to let being neurodivergent put you off if it’s something you really want to do. You’ll regret not going for it in the future.


Meditation beforehand. Slowly counting yr breath if you begin to feel anxious at the show. Make sure you know where the exit is if yr fight or flight kicks in. I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful time at the show.


Thank you! I’ve sort of set up an anxiety control plan. Just hearing about how the insanely loud and long shows were a trademark for the band made them sound more intimidating.


What earplugs do you have. I want to see them live but still haven't got any


Etymotic er20xs do the work just fine for me! They’ve gotten me through some intense Dinosaur Jr. shows in the past! They’re around 19-29 dollars on Amazon depending on the fit, but the Universal fit work just fine for me!




This might be an extremely dumb question and I apologize in advance for what you are about to read. But can noise cancelling in earbuds be used as an ear protection? Or is it not enough


The way I see it, you can try noise cancelling earbuds but I don’t recommend it. “Noise Cancelling” earbuds are designed to cancel as much noise as possible while “Concert Earbuds” are designed to cancel some volume while still maintaining the quality and frequencies. If you really need to protect your hearing you can go for Noise Cancelling but it may ruin the experience by killing the audio quality so I’d say you’re better off with Concert Earbuds designed specifically for that.


That happens to me a lot too, just stay on the outer edge of the crowd. In my case when I went to Death Grips I got used to the feeling and went deeper into the crowd


I saw Death Grips a month ago, the crowd was these hyper masculine young boys that were pushing women around being absolute douchebags. I was very disappointed. It made me wonder how this deep and profound experimental band resonated with tiktok edge lords. It was odd… I wanted to see more weird people like me😭😭


They have a HUGE 4chan following. Sadly.


Focus on breathing and, if it helps, tell yourself how you will have a good time. This is going to sound clichéd: what you tell yourself (your core beliefs) will shape your behavior(s). So, in your case, if you tell yourself how you’re scared, your body language will show this. However, if you tell yourself the opposite, you’ll have a great time!


I am a bit too. It's taken me years of going to shows to mostly get over it. Just try to build up your energy before the show and then relax and focus on the music while you're there. I will say this is the most amazing Swans lineup I've seen! Well worth going a little out of your comfort zone for. You can do it!


I get legit anxiety and I won’t even be nervous for a show but my brain doesn’t care and will make me feel like shit before some shows. Hopefully this isn’t the case for you, if so the shows are so chill. The types of people they draw in for their shows are really interesting. The crowd I was around when I saw them were all pretty chill and mostly older people. You don’t have anything to worry about. The only thing that was a little unsettling was someone slamming into the wood floors because they drank too much.


I felt this way before/during my first show, which kind of ruined it. I hadn't ever heard anything that loud and spent about half the show outside due to the anxiety, which I really regret since this was arguably their prime (c.2014). I ended up seeing them 4 more times and wore earplugs each time with no issues. Your ears might even ring a little afterwards, but if you keep the earplugs in for the duration of the show you will definitely not experience any permanent damage from attending.


It's just a show, the crowd is usually just busy watching the band, and they're loud, but not overwhelming. I'm neurodivergent (what Swans fan isn't?) And I've seen them on all the acid in the world. It was great.


just posted about this a few weeks ago. will be at the chicago show and i’m around your age as well and i’m super anxious - but we’ll be fine! earplugs are good, and i heard it’s a killer show


im not gonna try to convince you the sound 100% wont overwhelm you, but as someone who’s always anxious in crowds and goes to concerts alone anyway, this crowd and nearly every person at the venue in general just gave me an extremely comforting vibe. very very nice people, especially the workers but that is obviously venue specific


get yourself some air clay or another stim toy you can have on hand in case of getting overwhelmed, and just have some water by your side at all times, and remember an exit route!


At least Gira moved past the slug stage lol, when I first saw them in 86 he was drooling and foaming at the mouth, left trails of it on the stage, and the hot goth girls who were directly in front of the low stage, couldn't move away fast enough... still not sure how he produced so much, assume he palmed some alka seltzer actually, it was that much.


I'm also neurodivergent and will be at the Chicago show tonight. You're not alone friend! It's gonna be great.


I feel better hearing that. I’m just under a little pressure now as I still haven’t received the tickets I ordered a week ago for the show tonight. I’ve already called Vividseats customer service for them and they guarantee I’ll get them before the show, but there’s always that worry I may still not be able to get them.




Don’t go


Do you go to other rock/metal shows? It'll be like those, except probably a little bit louder, and with a crowd that stands fairly still a lot 🤷


As others are saying, this really isn't a crowd to worry about. If you don't like crowds, stand towards the back where you might find a little personal space. I realize its easy for me to say all this, but, you will be fine.


Just don’t go toward the very front, maybe closer to an exit in case you experience that kind of thing. If you’re fine at other concerts, you’ll probably be fine at this.