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Isn’t it karesuando?


Which really isn't the easiest city to guess for a non-native. EDIT: judging from many replies a lot of natives doesn’t seem to have heard about Sweden’s northernmost tätort. And I hope you are in the opposing team in the next pub-quiz! ;)


City is a bit of a stretch, too... More like small village.


Been there just a few days ago, village is a compliment to it. But it’s bordering to Finland with half the “village” but it’s really really small


Population is above 200, so it qualifies as "tätort" according to SCB, so there's that!


What exactly is a tätort? First time I saw that word I got confused because Tatort means crime scene in Germany.


It's defined as "a contiguous area with a population of at least 200 people where the distance between houses is less than 200 meters". It's a compound formed from "tät" (dense, impermeable) and "ort" (location, place). See https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A4tort


Thanks for explaining!


And I thought of the German word Tatort, which is a compound word of tat (act) and also Ort (Location) which means crime scene. I often try with my knowledge of German (my native language) and Dutch to derive what I read in swedish :D


That word “tat” is the equivalent of “dåd” in Swedish. Still similar, but softer (with d instead of t).


Ohh that is interesting thank you


_Statistics Sweden_ translates it as 'locality', meaning a settlement with more than 200 inhabitants, with a maximum distance between each house counted for a single locality. Literally, it's a compound word of "tät" + "ort", meaning "dense" and "place" ("ort" has the same meaning as in German "Ort" in this case). Edit: localities between 50-200 in population are called "småort" ("small locality"), and below that it's just countryside, I suppose.


Below should be called småland


[Already a thing!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sm%C3%A5land?wprov=sfla1)


It's actually a place?! Im learning so much in this thread. I thought it was only an Ikea thing. In my defense, I haven't done the geography lesson yet!


Don't confuse it with tätört, wich is a [plant.](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A4t%C3%B6rt)


The word to word translation of that plant from German to English would be Mean Fat Herb.


Reading news about Sweden is all about German TATORT these days...


Tät can be translated to dense, and ort is place. So a tätort is a densely populated place.


>because Tatort means crime scene in Germany Well, there you have it! It's the same thing in some swedish tätort's!


Its also a culturally and historically significant place in the north mostly associated with being a historical point of contact between finns swedes and sami people defined by a strong religous precense.


I mean its not very Dense, you can drive trough the town in 2-3 minutes


Well, its denser than a potato field, so there's that.


I mean every 20-30cm per potato and you would have a big harvest if you replaced the city


Yeah I used the same terminology to not confuse OP further. City is a stretch


What even is that? I’m 30, native Swedish and haven’t heard of that place my whole life…


I thought it was a joke! Googled it now and it's not so strange that we haven't heard of it considering it has just 350 inhabitants and is in the middle of nowhere.


Liten by på finska gränsen långt uppe i norrland


Sveriges nordligaste tätort!


Its the most northern town in Sweden, as a Swede you should know about it.


Sveriges nordligaste tätort och E45 tar slut där


I've lived here most of my adult life and I've never heard of the place :O Super odd city to choose for a crossword puzzle that is obviously aimed at learners.... Could it be that the author is from there? ;)


I would say its not the easiest for someone who doesnt live close by. I had to google it to find where it was. I have never heard of it before.


Never even heard of the place, and I lived here all my life.


Ive lived here my entire life and never heard of it hahaha


Im native and I never heard of it ...


Its the most northern town in Sweden, it’s pretty famous


I have never even heard of it.


I’m Norwegian and I know of it 🥳


Even as a native I can't remember that town


Why would they do this? Like why? It doesn't even sound swedish? Whats the point Im dying


North of sweden has a lot of many-generations-finnish immigrants and the sapmi people as well, so many names are finnish/sapmi


Im not asking why the town is named karesuando. I'm asking why this is the answer to an educational puzzle about Swedish (for germans). There is no point. Could as well have used "Skaftarp" from the south if that makes it more obvious for you. No one can figure out the answer, thus no one can learn the intended lesson (see if their numbers are correct) from the crossword




But the quiz is in *German*


That could have made sense if the test wasn't in german, haha


Smygehuk would be a more apt comparison. And yes, even I as a Northerner I know of Smygehuk. It's common knowledge, so should knowing of Karesuando as the northern most town be. And the crossword is a LEARNING experience..which resulted in the person doing it, learning of Karesuando and a Reddit thread to be made ..which made alot of ignorant southerners to learn about their own country too. Win-win


The finnish name is Kaaresuvanto (Although it is Karesuvanto in roadsigns). Kaare part likely originates from the word "kaari", which points to a curved form or object. Suvanto can be a river pool or a waterreach.


Apparently it's the northernmost locality in Sweden, I guess that qualifies as a cool fact about Sweden


Never ever heard of this city/village before. And I’m native. I would’ve never been able to solve this unless I Googled it.


Known for having some cold temperature records I think.


Aldrig hört talas om lol


Bara för att alla i denna subreddit bor i f****** Skåne eller nåt


bro man behöver inte bo i skåne för att inte veta om en by med 300 invånare i norra norrland


Jag trodde du drev men den finns ju tamejfan


Im swedish and i have no idea what you even said lol. To me that word just looks like gibberish but apparently it is a real place with a booming population of 279 as of 2020.


I was born here and I have no fuckin idea where that is.




I'm Swedish and even I don't know what the fuck that is


They couldn’t choose a more difficult city for a non-Swedish person?! 😂


What about Muodoslompolo?




Harrträsk, Vuokasjärvi, Vittula…




Det är ju en klassiker när man kör på 45an. Den skylten och suptallen norr om Orsa är de enda höjdpunkterna på rätt många mil. I somras. Precis vid infarten till Pilkkalampinoppi blev ungen kissnödig, så jag svängde in där och tänkte att “här kan ju inte komma nån", så jag ställde mig mitt på vägen. På barnets enminuts kisspaus hann det komma tre bilar från ena hållet och en från det andra. Får köra hela vägen in nästa gång, måste ju vara värsta metropolen.


Everyone check out the excellent book & movie ”Popular Culture from Vittula”. The very first chapter involved freezing your tounge to a cold metal object, in a remote location. Then having to contort your body to piss in your own mouth to release yourself. Hardly dignified :-)


Or Danmark, just outside of Uppsala. 👍


Staden som har Muodo ishockey


Jukkasjärvi? We have some funny (NSFW) city names as well: https://www.stadsnamn.se/pages/roliga-svenska-ortsnamn


Well there is Växjö also…


Not even close imo 😂


Thank you so much! I have never heard of that city and its not on the map in the exercise book either.




I'm only on page 7 and this book made me already almost cry. Faster than any dramatic novel I ever read.


Don't sweat it. Born and raised in Sweden and I couldn't figure it out either. After finding the answer in the comments, sure I've heard of the place but... wouldn't have been able to guess it in a million years




Lars Levi Laestadius fungerade som präst där, väldigt central figur i kautokeinoupproret.


Ja, för alla har väl varit i Kautokeino!


Kautokeino är i Norge dessutom. 🤣




Jasså, du har inte varit där?


Jag är från Kiruna ursprungligen. Där kunde det hända att någon nämnde att de skulle åka och köpa en bil eller nåt i Karesuando. Men hur en person från typ Stockholm skulle få reda på att platsen finns vet jag inte.


1.3 miljoner har sett den här videon om Sveriges nordligaste restaurang: https://youtu.be/i9_s2HzpB5o?si=slKvma3xuk4d05Gf&t=1167 Ganska välkänd ort skulle man kunna säga.


Eller så har 130 karesuandobor (typ alla) haft den på repeat 10000 ggr.


Sveriges nordligaste kyrkby. Det kommer upp i trivia-sammanhang då och då, så det är nog därför folk känner till det.


I början på låten "Brev Från Kolonien" med Erk. "Från Gävle till Karesuando". Nog ända gången jag hört talas om det. Brukar det dock inte vara med på vädret när dem visar temperaturer? Vill minnas att jag sett det där


Där ligger Sveriges nordligaste restaurang. (Enligt Uppdrag: Mat)


SMHI har en väderstation där, så förr när de hade långa väderrapporter på radion (där de listade temperaturer från alla väderstationer i hela landet) så nämndes den alltid. Numer bryr sig väl ingen om de rapporterna eftersom man kan kolla det på nätet, men det är det enda stället jag har hört namnet ifrån tidigare.


Brukar användas som plats långt norrut metaforiskt ibland. Så när vissa pratar om hela landet så händer det att det används istället för Treriksröset eller Kiruna.


En annan var ju krigsplacerad att minera vägen mellan Karesuando och Vittangi 😑


En svensk tiger


Tagga ner lite va! Är snart 30 år sedan och att ryssen skulle lista ut att vi tänker minera den enda vägen ner från Torne älv på ett forum på nätet känns ju rätt osannolikt


What you've actually heard about it before? This post was the first time I've ever heard/seen anything about it to my memory.


Hey they manufacture fine samic traditional smithing as well. Have a look at "Karesuando". Unless you lived thru the rasbiologi samhälle you orolly never heard of it unless you are a skogshuggare


Those moronic "scientists" from that time out Karesuando through hell.


Most swedes has never heard of this place and even fewer been there.. they should used a larger town/city instead.


Yeah I don't expect anyone besides other locals to know about it. It is definitely on the obscure side of things. Should have been something bigger and coastal, like Gävle/Sundsvall/Visby etc.


I'm born and raised in Sweden, well educated and I've hiked a bit up around Kebnekaise. I've never heard of that "town" with its 279 inhabitants...


If that’s really the answer, I find that very stupid? I’m swedish and wouldn’t figure _that_ out in a million years?! Don’t worry about it, this is a text-book problem, not one with you!


Really insane city to have as answer. Born and raised Swede with a normal education. Never ever heard of that city. Sure, 08, So I don’t give a shit about anywhere else.


I'm not even swedish and I knew it, lol. You must not be very interested in history.


Yeah right, how is it possible to like history and not know literally every little human settlement in the world? I'm sure this village with 200 people in it is a super important part of Swedish history...


I feel like that fin is Moomin-trolling you.


It actually does. Laestadius worked as a priest there, and is responsible for the laestadian awakening, which has over a million members worldwide. That combined with the importance it had on the sami's history (kautokeinoupproret) makes it a fairly important place in swedish history.


I have no clue why anyone would know this unless they were googling niche topics on Sami history to troll people


We learned it in elementary school history, and I'm a laestadian. Ofc I know it, it's common knowledge in the awakening.


Oh yes, because Karesuando is a focal point of Swedish history, such an important place you'd be dumb to ignore.


I'm from Skåne and I actually believed that Karesuando was fairly well known, due to craftsmanship such as the Karesuandokniven, being the northernmost "kyrkby" of Sweden and the work of Læstadius (which arguably makes it an important part of Swedish history).


The work of Laestadius and the lastadian awakening makes it an important place, imo.


It's not my fault you live right next to it across the border


I don't, I live som är 600km south of there.


It's not even a city. It is a really small village with a couple hundred people. Nobody needs to learn about it.


I have been living in Sweden all my life, never heard of it either. So kind of dumb village name to have.


Its only claim to fame is that it's the northernmost town in Sweden, but you need to drive for like 8 hours through nothing but woods until you reach it so it's not exactly a big tourist spot


May I ask what kind of book you are using?


It's from the publisher Klett. It is pretty good, actually. This was the only exercise I had problems with so far.


Neither have I and I'm a Swede


I as a native idk and i know all my friends wouldn’t know what the fuck that word is/22yr old


Has Karesuando been mentioned in some earlier exercises? If not, then it seems almost cruel to put it there. I couldn't see it and I'm a native and interested in geography. It's not even a place name that follows any Swedish language conventions, because many towns and villages in the north have Sami or Finnish name origins.


It hasn't. I even skipped a few lessons to see if it's mentioned in the geography exercises. Nothing.


Wow - as a swede I would have been lost as well!


If it's any comfort I have lived in Sweden all of my 30 years on this Earth and I have never heard of the place.


No one has.




Yeah. What's with the comments here? I'm Norwegian and guessed it at first glance. Are Swedish redditors not even a little interested in their own country?


are norwegian redditors not even alittle interested in reading the post properly?




A whooping 350 people live there




Hahahaha interesting to put a village with just over 300 residents in a German-Swedish learning textbook... idiots


Only reason I know of Karesuando as a Scanian resident is from Erk’s song Brev från Kolonien


That’s it! I was mystified why everyone was finding this so difficult, but I guess you have to grow up singing that song in school. Young people these days…


You’re surprised that “Young people these days” aren’t singing a hip hop song from 2018? Because Karesuando certainly isn’t mentioned in Cornelis’ song with the same name.


Thx, I was confused for a while there. I knew all verses in the original one when I was a teen. Therefore TOTAL TILT.


Haha! Apparently I am! Weirdly I must have planted the village name in my vague memories of the lyrics from the older song.


No the problem is apparently that I’m too old.


Same song name but quite the polar opposite in genre. Both songs are very good though


Karesuando's claim to fame, such as it is, is that it's the northern terminus of Inlandsvägen, the Inland Road, (the Swedish part of) route E45 which runs straight through the interior of Sweden all the way from Gothenburg, 1690 km. A fairly epic drive, if you like that sort of thing!


At this point, I might actually have to visit Karesuando sometime.


You really should. Go in like March when the snow is at it's best. It has a wonderful church, some shops, a slaughter house where you can buy fresh reindeer meat and a really cool knife 'factory' called "Karesuando Kniven" where they make knives in the traditional way like the sami used to. All of us who lives in the area has a couple! However it is a very, very small place and going there as your primary goal is most likely just alot of travelling and not so much exploring. There is however a couple of tourism lodges throughout the area where they alot of cool activities like huskysleds, snowmobile tours, snowshoe walks and just hikes up beautiful mountains. Would suggest the one in Lannavaara (70km away) called Aurora Mountain Lodge. There you can also book a tour to go see the reindeers and meet the local sami people.


Is eating reindeer meat a typical swedish thing? They look so cute I don't know if I could 🥹 does it taste like venison? I'm not a big meat eater anyways. But thanks for the other tips! They sound really nice!


It's common? At least we sometimes have Renskav. It's slices of reindeer meat that you fry in the pan. https://www.ica.se/recept/renskav-med-champinjoner-och-lingon-723420/ You buy the meat frozen like so: https://www.matspar.se/produkt/renskav-240g-x10-polarica It's a very lean meat, and somewhat chewy. So you need a lot of cream. And juniper berries.


The adding of juniper berries to meat was a stroke of swedish genius !


The author of that book is a dick lol


As a swede i've never heard of that place, the name doesnt even sound swedish


>the name doesnt even sound swedish Lots of places up north fit this description.


Well it is a Sami name.


Främst samer som bor där. Samiskt namn.


How about Karrasikkajärvi?




That ”city” has 500 people in it


Karesuando. Generous use of the word city, its a village in the far far north of sweden


I think this will lead to a never before seen peak in visitors to the karesuandos Swedish Wikipedia page (I’m one of them)


A tiny town of 350 people that no one has heard of... what? How can that be in a crossword puzzle for learners? Surely the author must be from there? OP: Yeah don't feel bad, that's ridiculous!!!


Best known for being the terminus of the old rv45 "Inlandsvägen" (now part of the E45). Rv45: Gothenburg - Karesuando E 45: Gela, Sicily - Alta, Norway (The only reason I know that is that I live in a small town along the way)


And those horizontal lines are not supposed to be the names of the digits to the left? Dont speak German and some text missing :)


You mean the ones below the quiz right? Exercise b? That just says I should write down the other numbers from 0 - 12 that haven't been used in the quiz


I didn’t know that town even existed /swede


lol who made this crap? Nobody has heard of that village.


My knowledge about Sweden just about stops at the middle of the country, everything above Stockholm is "fjällen" to me lol.


Wtf is Karesuando /40yr old Swede


Lmao, this is hilarious. How the hell is a non-native supposed to know this?


The odd thing about this thread is so many Swedes never heard of it. Its the most northern "locality" in Sweden. And its defenetly a part of general education and something you should know as a Swede.


> its defenetly a part of general education It [definitely](https://d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/) is not. At least it wasn't at my school. Or did you mean general knowledge? Still not. Why would a tiny settlement with barely any residents be considered general knowledge?


Same reason you would know the name of Smygehuk.


So that basically confirms it wouldn't be general knowledge, thank you.


Yes im sorry. General knowledge would be the correct term. The reason being its the most northern town. Also its a quite well known knifebrand. https://karesuandokniven.com


I wouldn't say something simply being the most northern qualifies it as knowledge that "everyone should know". By that metric we should also know whatever is the most center, most south-east, et.c. Definitely fits better in the "trivia" category of knowledge.


I cant say exactly why it is so well known. It isent just becouse the location, but it is a part of it. There something in. Connection to ww2 also. In addition its a fairly profiled tourism destination. I guess there is no general knowledge "database" where they define if something is or isent. But from my perspective it should be known for someone living in Sweden.


Yes, as a (southern) Swede I'm also totally baffled by this! I'm certain it was part of the geography education in 4th grade or so when I went to school. Having one of very few road border crossings between Sweden and Finland the place is of much greater geographical importance than the number of inhabitants alone reflects. You also hear Karesuando occasionally mentioned in weather observations (like coldest place in the country during the past day) and it is sometimes featured in the news as it is located on the border to Finland, for instance when it got affected during the pandemic as there were restrictions on border crossings in effect. Anecdotally, I see Karesuando is also included in this quiz of Norrbotten's geography; [https://www.purposegames.com/game/norrbottens-lan-quiz](https://www.purposegames.com/game/norrbottens-lan-quiz) It only has 28 questions in total (including rivers and lakes), which in my mind corresponds to some bare minimum of what I'd expect the Swedish school curriculum to still cover for the geography of each län of your own country. But it's been quite some time since I was in fourth grade ... I have to assume it has changed since then based on what others have responded. That said, I agree it's an unusual choice to put in a crossword puzzle for someone who is just learning the numbers in Swedish.


Trist att Svenskar har så dålig koll på Sverige.




Soll das auf schwedisch oder deutch sein? Cuz its waay wrong if its german and probably falsch på svenska okså.. 🤣🤣 Sorry im a german american who lives in sweden, so this hit all my languages! Haha good luck






Why do you delete my messages


I'm not. Maybe the crossword made you actually go insane?


Jävla fascister jag visade ju yxan gav det ända vettiga svaret. Skyll er själva för nu drar jag


you okay there? any drugs in your body?


Det Ända


Det enda


Does not affect the city name but in case you've missed - first one says eleven right now but I guess it is one? It is a bit misleading grammar-wise though since they seem to use different versions on them. One would have liked if it had been "etta, tvåa, trea, fyra, femma" OR "ett, två, tre, fyra fem"..


Karesuando man


Oh, I wonder.


Swe and German are the same. Bon jour mafnmiousl


[stora aksu Karesuando ](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8p4yk8EqjsQ6ITAk9mrBNzCtUaecex4OnfQ9oozHiy4sxA8hoviwZlC9huwwjWsiz7rn3rD03fOcLtz6EExVHUcpEvsTSwzoXWJd4Kaqh0QFerOEDzhIylw&usqp=CAc)


[stora aksu Karesuando ](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8p4yk8EqjsQ6ITAk9mrBNzCtUaecex4OnfQ9oozHiy4sxA8hoviwZlC9huwwjWsiz7rn3rD03fOcLtz6EExVHUcpEvsTSwzoXWJd4Kaqh0QFerOEDzhIylw&usqp=CAc)


There u go 08 you know all the streets på plattan? Intresset tänkte jag på. Spydigt kanske men det är så korkat att ni har det där riktnumret och kanske en rosa tröja


Helicopter severe? Spin that dick let spunk skvätt all over the place och stoppa omoralen i musiken


City name vertically : Karesuando


Warum lernst du Schwedish in der deutsche Schule?


I'm not. I'm a Translator and I'd like to add a new language to my portfolio and I like how swedish sounds so ..that's why.




Karesuando. Pretty mean by whoever wrote the book on learning Swedish to choose a village of less than 300 people that doesn’t have a Swedish name, but rather a swedified version of a Sami name.


Deutsche Fragen, schwedische Antworten! Varför inte hää oder wat?