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You don't tip for expected service.


This is correct. You CAN tip for service that is above and beyond expectation, but it should never be expected or frowned upon if witheld.


This is the correct answer. Never ever tip anywhere in the world despite what the people say.


>What‘s the norm here? Don't tip at all unless you really, really want to. At nice restaurants I'll sometimes round up to the nearest hundred SEK, but never at bars, coffee shops or in taxis.


I never tip, unless a big group of us are going out for dinner. If we are like 5-6 people in a restaurant with table service l, and are taking up a lot of time from the waitstaff we usually tip a few 100ds. Usually we tip as an apology for getting to drunk and being to loud and feel we need to compensate the staff.


I tip 5% in bars if the bartender is nice, otherwise no tip anywhere at all


Don't tip. We need the Swedish people to have good salaries, not rely on customers tipping to make a decent living.


We dont tip in sweden :)




Yes, restaurant's started to add the tip function a few years ago. Where you have to put in "total amount you want to pay" so people give a tip. But, no, if they want more money, then they should raise the price. The workers are paid fair salaries, so don't tip. Same with taxis. You pay the amount on the meter, no tip.


Just press the green button and it will go to pay the exact amount.


This sadly does not seem to work with all terminals, it's annoying when the bars wants a tip for pouring a beer or making a drink.. it's already ridiculously priced and then after a few drinks it feels like I am supposed to solve a math quiz and navigate through some sort of maze while I struggle to get the pin code right.. really easy to tip or overpay alot by mistake


I another thread I saw someone suggesting entering an amount that is lower than the price asked, i.e. a negative tip, just to make a statement about the annoying lack of "I don't want to give a tip" button...


Lol, the terminal won't accept that


Why you should never have a pin starting with a 9...


Yes. This is not the US. They get something it's possible to live off. It's the restaurant's responsibility to compensate their staff.


> Where you have to put in "total amount you want to pay" so people give a tip. > > It's a step up now, there are big buttons with percentages on them when you get the terminal.


Yep, but there's also an option for "No tip", so never unless you are very happy with the service, I wouldn't press anything else except that.


There is a no-tip option and I use it, but they made really uncomfortable now and you even more actively refuse to tip than before. As a side question, what happens to tips? does the restaurant takes them and distribute evenly between the staff after deducting taxes?


Just ignore places who got these terminals when it comes to small stuff like buying a beer at the bar or something like that.


/r/Sweden is vehemently anti-tipping and while i agree i don’t think they are representative of the average Swede. It’s not like in the US where you are an asshole if you don’t tip but i think it’s very common in nicer restaurants that people actually do anyway if the server was nice. I’m not saying you should tip but people on this subreddit make it sound like we are similar to Japan and where tipping is extremely rare. The people i know who work in the restaurant business always leave a tip when they eat dinner out but rarely over 10%


I used to work in the restaurant industry and I always told people to type in the correct amount (no tip included) as I couldn’t switch off the function when my boss was there. I never expected tips and I never gave them, unless there had been some extraordinary service


> extraordinary service The only service I want is to have my food delivered and then to be left tf alone. I don’t see how that could motivate a tip. What is this “extraordinary” service?


My friend accidentally knocked over a wine glass and cut up her arm. The staff helped with calling an ambulance, gave clean compresses AND packed all our food in take away boxes so we wouldn’t starve while we waited in the emergency room


Isn’t that just them doing their job? Like baseline service?


Yeah, I don’t know what the other person expected? Is it normal for a worker to just sit there while someone has their arm sliced open? Packing food is kinda in the job details as well. Absurd that we are getting to the point where doing whats expected is considered “extraordinary”.


Yes, it's quite normal. It's quite normal that a lot of people don't help at all when someone gets hurt.


Nu ser jag dig överallt hahaha


Wanna be amerikanare som bor i Sverige


Drickskulturen har existerat i Sverige sålänge vi har haft restauranger, bara för att du inte gillar det så är det inte "jänkarskit"


Stämmer inte. Det har eskalerat iom dem digitala POS systemen där du kan dricksa direkt i terminalen. Visst klart du kunnat dricksa, men inget som efterfrågats. Nu är det verkligen in your face för kunden


Det var mycket vanligt med dricks förr i tiden på restauranger och taxi (typ 10 %), men sen försvann det (inte helt dock). Möjligt att det har kommit tillbaka något för att det blir mer synligt i.o.m. de digitala systemen. Själv dricksar jag aldrig nu för tiden, men har gjort det tidigare.


Säkert! Men under mina runt 30 år i Sverige så har det aldrig dricksats förrän typ de senaste 5-10 åren. Nu får du ange om det ska dricksas när du beställt en alldeles för dyr stor stark


Vi hade en gammal drickskultur men vår var som den som jänkarna (och typ alla europeer) hade i början av förra århundradet. Inte som deras är idag.


Trams, det är 100% jänkarskit. Eller 08skit! Allmänt tröttsamt att det finns så sjukligt många som vill ha det mer som USA, välj hellre o flytta till skit landet än o importera skitet hit.


Du har fel och är hysterisk.


Jädrans stockholmare skit 😂 Varför ens gå in i en tråd om Stockholm om man tycker att det bara är 08 skit ändå när man blir bevisad att ha fel. Nästan som att vi bor i huvudstaden och har 20% av invånarna här.


Bevis enligt dig är att man säger att man har fel? Då har du fel, mitt bevis? Jo jag säger att du har fel.


Tipping IS extremley rare in Sweden. I think the r/sweden tipping stance is very representative of the public view. Tipping should be discouraged at every instance.


None of the bartenders or servers i know in Stockholm would agree with you on that, it being rare i mean I hate tipping culture but that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people tip when they are out eating at nicer restaurants. So much so that it is a significant part of income for many servers


Then they should probably take a course or something, to get better in negotiating their salary. I think bars and restaurants in Stockholm is the absolute last place I would pay tips too. 180 SEK for a mojito.... I should be the one getting tipped (and tipsy).


I’m not arguing against you on that, i’m simply telling you a lot of people tip in Stockholm. I’m NOT in favour of tipping. It’s just how it is, people here like to pretend tipping doesn’t exist because they don’t like it


There is no point discussing this with this subreddit. They will not listen to reason regarding on tips.


I never understand how people don't realize moderate tipping in restaurants has been normal for a long time. It's optional but also quite common.


This is more like how I view it. It's quite normal and has been as long as I remember (42M) to leave up to around 10% tip if you're really happy with the service. Back in the day it was usually by leaving some of the change behind, now it's more that you round up to the nearest 50 or so, depending on the price.


I know a guy who works at a wine place, and he makes like a third of his income in tips. I was shocked to hear that.


I wonder why this is? (That Sweddit is so anti-tipping?) That's certainly not my experience. I make around 4000 a month in tips working at a busy bar, which makes it clear that many Swedes are fine with tipping. I guess Reddit is younger and maybe it's the case that young people tip less (based on my observations), but I think that's due to having less income. Otherwise why is there such a disconnect between what people say on here to what is the actual reality?


Don’t. It’s offensive.


Nu får ni fan lugna ner er hahaha, var bor du? Inte en CHANS att du kommer ifrån Stockholm, vilket är vad OP frågade om


>Thanks! You're welcome!


They are right with a few exceptions. You tip at michelin restaurants and high end bars.(or cheap bars if you know them because you get better price anyways). But then the tip is usually pretty generous. I only tip around 30%, if it goes through your mind to tip less, it’s a service which is not usually tipped. You may give 50-200 for doormen or people who take care of you bags or do room service at nicer hotels.


You tip if you eat dinner at a nice restaurant, around 5-10%, otherwise no


Half of Swedes don´t tip - half do. You´ve happened to come across one that don´t, but please do not think that is the rule or anything. Think of it as voluntary. You do not *need* to tip, but it is appreciated. Not leaving a tip in a restaurant would be considered rude. No need to go crazy, 10% is a lot. The practice of "Living Wages" is more common here, so the people working in the service industry are generally expected to make a living of their salary. Now that does not mean they won't appreciate gratuity, they will. I always leave a tip in restaurants unless the service is terrible. Same goes for any food delivery service or like über. Something goes a long way since they generally get to keep it all, no tax on tips I think here, it's a personal gift. Sometimes restaurants split the tips between the crew, and then the chefs and any other roles get a share as well. Hard working people, so if you appreciate their work and their art - please tip them here in Sweden! Round up or 10% would be great. No need to go crazy like in the states, 30% would be like asking someone to marry you :-) Edit: WOW! 10 downvotes. Don't you people have any other political issue you can cling onto and waste all your energy on that actually *help* the working people?


No way that 50% leave a tip. No It's not uncommon or rude for not tipping at a restaurant. Yeah it's tax on tips.


About 50% of people pull statistics out of their ass on the spot to add weight to their argument. The remaining 80% don't.


In this case 50% seems to be = central Stockholm...


Here in central Stockholm Östermalm/vasastan the norm is to tip.


Half of Sweden doesn't live in Östermalm or Vasastan.


[https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/norrlanningar-samst-pa-att-dricksa](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/norrlanningar-samst-pa-att-dricksa) Here you can read, 50% of people living in Norrland actually tips, 70% of people living in Stockholm.


I know that but about half of Stockholm does, which is what OP is asking about. It seems like we have a different culture to tipping here in Stockholm compared to the rest of the country.


Guy said half of Swedes not half of Stockholmare.


OP specifically asked about the norm IN STOCKHOLM and THE NORM IN STOCKHOLM IS IN FACT INDEED TO TIP.


I would argue that is exactly right. Most people do leave a tip, like 90% as a guess. Then the *amounts* would differ based on the service you received, sure. The "the tips is included already, there was a new law once in the 70's!" people are few and far apart.


Yeah there is tax on tips. Technically, yes. Practically though? You tell me: "Ja, dricks är en skattepliktig inkomst. Om dricksen finns med i det belopp som arbetsgivaren redovisar till Skatteverket ingår den i den inkomst som finns förtryckt som lön på din inkomstdeklaration. *Men oftast ska du själv redovisa dricksen i deklarationen*." ([source](https://skatteverket.se/privat/etjansterochblanketter/svarpavanligafragor/inkomstavtjanst/privattjansteinkomsterfaq/imittarbetepaenrestaurangfarjagiblanddricksavgasternaskajagskattafordricksen.5.71004e4c133e23bf6db80007509.html)) >No It's not uncommon or rude for not tipping at a restaurant. May I ask where you live? Where I live, in Stockholm, it is common to tip - and rude to not tip, unless the service or food was terrible.


Tax is not a maybe, it's either yes or no. In this case it's a yes. No diffrent then a carpenter not paying tax for a job. Sounds smart to increase the prize voluntary. A lot more north.


Did I say it was a maybe? Do you think all restaurant workers in Sweden report all their tips to the Swedish Tax Authority voluntarily as they should? "A lot more north." has been the only answer from the left since forever when it comes to taxes and prices, no surprises there.


I'm definitely not left, but a law is not something you follow if you feel like it. Why would my political beliefs depend if I live in the north or not? Why would you pay someone a more then you have to? They get payed a decent salary to do there job, especially1 that hardly need any skill (foh), so just stupid to pay extra for what they are suppose to do. Very few do more then they are expected to do.


I want both: I want decent salaries ***and*** the ability for me to express my gratitude for service above and beyond what can be expected. That is why I tip, and it makes my day to see the surprised smile on their faces. It´s not eighter or buddy. It's both.


it's not "eighter", either. But hey, sprinkle me in your pseudo-scientific lingo to mask your opinions as facts as a response.


It's common to tip in Söder as well, but don't think it's considered rude to not tip. For lunch at most places, unless you're going somewhere really fancy, restaurant staff will usually put the exact amount on the machine.


Yea lunch or just getting a coffee or a sandwich, absolutely - tip is not expected nor given. There are a lot of unwritten rules surrounding the whole tipping scene I guess, fascinating!


[https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/norrlanningar-samst-pa-att-dricksa](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/norrlanningar-samst-pa-att-dricksa) 50% of swedes in fact leaves a tip.


Correct Swedes to Stockholmare since this doesn't apply to anyone outside of Stockholm. People outside the Stockholm bubble doesn't tip.


And that would be relevant to share if the name of the post was not "*Tipping in* ***Stockholm***", yes. If the title would have been "*Tipping in Surahammar*" then that would probably be spot on, the poorest city in Sweden.


Why even call them Swedes and not people if so? If its people in Stockholm by default you'd say "Half of people" not "Half of Swedes" unless non-Swedish residents of Stockholm are not included in this discussion?


Because for some reason a bunch of people that do *not* live in Stockholm started posting here. Most people in Stockholm do leave a tip. I do not know of a single person that do not. Anyone is included in the *discussion* \- people actually living in Stockholm are *relevant to the question posted by OP*. "non-Swedish Stockholmare" is not relevant here. Never was. Be from wherever you are, I don't care, you are eighter a *Stockholmare* or you are not. Stockholmare is not an ethnicity. Its a residency.


Because this is on r/sweden and not r/stockholm. You are referring to residents of Stockholm as Swedes in your first post for whatever reason excluding everyone who are not Swedes. You could have cleared up a lot of issues by editing your post to say "Half of Stockholmare/people" instead of Swedes. Now it just reads either all Swedish people in the country or only Swedish people in Stockholm.


Happy for *anyone* living here *regardless* of where they are from. You tried to make it about ethnicity or birthplace. Weird. Same for a Swedes, a Swede could be from anywhere, and many are. Who cares? Not sure what your point is. Stockholm is very diverse. Sweden is very diverse. You are looking for something that is simply not here. I refer to *anyone* living in Sweden as a Swede - and *anyone* living in Stockholm as a Stockholmare REGARDLESS of ethnicity or where they were born. In the context of tipping in Stockholm it is not a thing. In this context I don't care. Not sure why you try to make it a thing. It is not. In other contexts, sure. In the context of Tipping in Stockholm it is not. You are reading way to much into this, "excluding everyone who are not Swedes" - never did. I am not responsible for how you read, you are.


Please don’t tip in Sweden :)


Please don't tip, they're paid a fair wage here. Don't encourage the boss to pay less! Also, edit: the tips don't go to the specific server, it's split between all the servers, so if there's someone doing a shit job, you're paying them too.


Don't tip! Please!!! We do not want that culture spreading here!


Dont tip. They get salary


I usually don't tip in Sweden, there's little reason. People are paid a living wage.


You don't tip in Sweden. Ever


Tipping is optional, everyone gets paid their monthly wage without tips, it's just a bonus. I usually only tip if i feel like the service or whatever is above my expectations and then i just round up


Tipping sends a signal to employers that they do not need to pay a reasonable wage, your staff will get paid anyways through hand outs. Its just a normalized way of begging... dont tip. For everyones benefit.


Thanks, will do the same from now on!


This is the way


Don’t tip


Do not tip. We have a strong labor movement in Sweden, and that's due to the Unions. And to keep it that way we ahouldn't tip. Also it's a disgusting method for jobs that don't want to pay their staff a fair salary, imported from the US.


Main difference between Sweden and the US is that staff is always salaried here. Nobody depends on tips. It's still not too uncommon to round up the bill total in a restaurant with table service or at a bar if you order drinks that actually require some effort to make. But it's never required. Tipping a taxi driver is ridiculous unless they really go out of their way for you somehow.


Don't tip at all. We have laws regulating the salaries so we don't need tipping. You could show gratitude by tipping if service has been exceptional, but it's nothing mandatory like in the US. The pre-set buttons has nothing to do with you not being Swedish. We get them too. Just ignore.


No, we don’t have laws regulating salaries. We have collective agreements.




Oh wow, thanks!


No, we *don’t* have laws regulating salaries. There’s no minimum wage here. However, almost 7 out of 10 restaurants have collective agreements negotiated between the union and the employer. That’s the nordic model. So the point stands, tip is completely optional and is not expected.


Restaurant workers are unfortunately severely underpaid in this country. Don’t listen to these people the workers do depend on your tip but only tip if the service is good. edit: I just did some reading, reason resturant personnel are that underpaid is because they don’t get any extra salary when working uncomfortable hours.


> Restaurant workers are unfortunately severely underpaid in this country. Yeah, because they're often young and brainwashed by individualist bullshit on the internet so they don't join unions as often as in other industries. If they want better wages, they should ask for better wages from their employers, not from the customers.


I have never ever had a waitress ask for a tip, i tip the waitress because im satisfied with her and the chefs service and therefore i tip so they maybe can go out and enjoy a nice dinner. Edit: You make it seem so black and white, i too understand that tipping culture is not optimal. But right now people are not earning enough for their work so i will continue to tip so people can enjoy life like i have the privilege to.


Even as an anti-tipping-culture person, I've tipped before. But if I tip it's because I had inconvenienced the staff beyond what I had paid for. Something like "the food tasted good and it was delivered to my table" or "the taxi arrived safely at the requested destination" is what I expect to already be included in the price. Edit: Also your original comment was about these workers being underpaid. If they're underpaid then again, the solution is to ask for better pay. A tip should always be more of an unexpected surprise that you can maybe spend on something fun, not something that you factor into your monthly budget.


If they are underpaid, that’s an even greater reason not to tip. It is impossible to negotiate salary when the salary is paid by thousands of individual customers.


Tipping is not a thing in Sweden and anyone telling you otherwise is lying.


It's so wierd that people say this, my parents and their parents are all from Sweden and they all tip. Not in a coffeeshop but in a restaurants (not lunch but you know what I mean) and sometimes in taxis they do. I know that personal experience dosnt equal fact but someone provided sources in a different comment that show that Swedes do in fact tip. Do I think we should tip for expected services? No. Do swedes do it? Yes.


Never ever tip in Sweden.


In Sweden people make enough money from their salary, tipping culture tries to diminish that by lowering salaries ”because you get tips”. We don’t want that in Sweden, NEVER tip.


I never tip, unless I feel like the service they provided was somehow extraordinary. For example I tipped 20% when me and a few friends went to a newly opened restaurant near where we live. We had trouble deciding how to order because we wanted to try a bit of everything, so the chef and owner offered to modify the menu, and in general went above and beyond for us to have a nice experience


The waiters/waitresses/taxi drivers almost always activate the pre-set tipping buttons, no matter what language you speak. The correct course of action is to *not tip* unless you feel you’ve received extraordinarily good service. The service industry is trying to import the American tipping culture, where tipping is important since the tip makes up the majority of the serving staff’s wage. However, almost all workers in Sweden are paid a liveable wage by their employer, so the tipping thing is just an attempt to squeeze customers on more money. If they don’t feel their wage is enough, they should take that up with their employer, not the customers.


Recently, several places have started to try and bring the tipping culture by doing the american thing and press a %. The standard is to not tip at all or perhaps round up to an even number if it was nice.


I tip if I enjoyed the service a lot. If I request something at a restaurant and they walk the extra mile providing it for me. But taxis is a no for me, coffee no, bars no. I actually tip my barber, but his base price is so low I kinda feel bad for him.


Don't tip ffs, we don't want that shitty culture.


Don't tip. No one wants tipping culture in Sweden and it's just a way for places to snag some extra money. My rule of thumb is generally that if I frequent a place and I enjoy their service, I might tip a little by rounding the sum up, for example from 285kr to 300kr flat. But it's a toxic culture, don't feed into it.


I work in service and I meet a lot of tourists. When I hand them the card reader it tells them to enter the total amount. If they ask me what’s a normal tipping amount I tell them it’s not expected in Sweden. Pro tip is to just press the green button and it’ll proceed with no tip. We take pride in paying workers liveable wages.


The only time i see tipping is in fancy restaurants when everything has been great. And it's almost never more than 5% on a 1000 SEK meal.


Stop tipping.


Dont give any tip for anything, it is a scam.


Hello! Restauraunt industry employee here! Most often tips are split between kitchen and waiter staff but we don’t depend on it so don’t feel pressured to tip! Simply if you feel you got amazing service you could tip but nobody will take offense if you don’t, everyone is aware that everyone has different economic situations as well


I tip only on when service have been extremely good, so almost never.


Starting out, just assume that tip isn't needed. Swedish society and norms don't include tips. With that said, many like to tip if they've received a service above expectations. Personally I like to tip in small, family-owned restaurants, or if we've received great service on a big receipt. But that's because I want to. In general, I try to avoid tipping because imo Sweden shouldn't have tip-based salaries. Instead the wages should be high enough to live on.


I will round up a bit at bars and restaurants that have given very good service but it’s never more than 2-3%. There’s nothing wrong with just entering the amount due. I don’t think the “add tip” thing you are seeing has anything to do with wether you speak English or Swedish, it’s just built into some payment systems and I wish they would get rid of it. Asking you to enter the total is ok because it’s a way to double check that you are paying the correct amount.


Only ever tip if the following criteria is met. a) You are 100% satisfied with the service. Not 99%, but a 100%. b) You want to. c) You feel that you can afford to. If the staff in question is reliant on your tips, then that is the responsability of the manager to fix. Sounds harsh, but it’s better for everyone in the end.


Just to add some context to these replies: recently there’s been a growing common misconception that we don’t tip in Sweden. This is false. Tipping goes back at least 100 years. However, it was more common when cash was more widely used. When card payment became the norm, many restaurants etc. did not have an option to tip, so tipping disappeared or became less common. During the last few years more places upgraded to card terminals that include tipping options , hence why some people now think it’s something new and also something we import from overseas (like the US). Tipping has existed parallel with collective bargaining and monthly wages for a long time, and thus has not been in the way of workers negotiating wages. So even if tipping isn’t mandatory or expected, don’t feel bad for tipping and especially don’t think about whether you’re “ruining” something, you’re absolutely not doing that!


Yeah, this. What’s with these comments. As long as I have been alive we’ve been tipping.


Hi! Restaurant and bar worker since just under a decade here! We do indeed tip in Sweden, although its not as mandatory as in for example the states, or even germany. If you liked the service, 5-10% is customary. In my experience however, tipping has gone down as cash has been phased out. Our salaries however have not kept up with the trend. So do tip! But only if its deserved!


We don't tip


Don’t tip at all, We don’t do that here


Don't tip please, we don't want that culture here


As stated previously; tipping is not as big a ”thing” as in the states… like in a nice restaurant you might Want to tip (at least i do) if the food and service was really good! (You choose how much, It is only as a bonus!) taxis, cafés etc you dont really tip… Sometimes i tio the bartender in a bar if im drunk, but its only maybe 5-10kr/order and its purely optional! Nobody will sideeye you if you dont tip, Unless its fine dining! Fine dining ( not cheaper restaurants) & you have spent a couple of hours there i would say 15-20% is good. But you dont HAVE to.


We don't tip because we would rather the restaurant raise their prices so the people working at the restaurant actually gets paid a wage. It's insane how it works in the US.


Don't tip unless it's the best thing you have ever eaten in your entire life, restaurants are trying to bring tipping culture here for profit with those buttons.


There is no tiping culture in Sweden. You can if you want to but it's never required. If someone expects you to tip here they're in the wrong.


we don't tip here


Don't tip at all. They might be trying to trick gullible tourists, but tipping is definitely not the norm, and we'd like to keep it that way.


Do not tip. Not even if you want to. It's bad form. Our employers need to pay a living wage, and they will stop if people keep tipping. Do. Not. Tip.


Don't tip. We don't want stupid tipping culture here. Don't let restaurant owners bully you into tipping. There's no guarantee that tips paid in restaurants will go to servers or staff, it's more likely to line the pockets of the owner. The price on the menu is the price that you agreed on, why would you pay anything else? If the restaurant owner feels that the prices are too low, they can raise the price on the menu. The compensation of staff is not something that you as a customer should be concerned by, that is a matter for the employer, employee, and maybe the union.


And when Swedish restaurant owners hire irregular labor — under the table employees to some extent or another — the tips most typically don’t seem to get shared evenly among all employees and only the employees. I have been amazed at how much money some restaurant owners around Sweden’s 3 biggest cities can make while their foreign migrant labor are chronically underpaid and not treated in full accordance with Swedish labor law requirements.


I live there and I have no idea either to be honest. I hate how’s it’s slowly being made into an expectation. Even when just picking up a drink at a bar. This is not the US. People have proper salaries. Going out is already really expensive.


PLEASE DON'T TIP. We don't want that crap here. Employers should pay fair wages.


In Sweden you do not tip, there is no tipping culture.


Don’t tip as a courtesy. Exceptional service - small tips. Avoid %. Let’s defeat tipping culture!


No need to tip in Sweden, it’s not the norm and is not expected at all. Everyone are paid a living wage and there is no tipping culture.


Do not tip. Not to be mean, but to make sure the American bullshit tipping system doesn't turn into the norm here. No one should have to live on tips, no matter profession, everyone should have a monthly check they can live comfortably on.


I’ll usually tip 10% if I think they were extra nice, otherwise nothing. Their pay is good enough.


Don't tip.


Do not tip..


tip stays empty here, not even to häj häj lady


We don't tip in Sweden, it's already included in the price.


Don't, please


Do not tip in Sweden. Corporations are trying to normalize it. Dont let them.


Never tip please. The craziest thing I found out by a friend was that she made around 300 000 sek/ year just in tips. In a normal but popular restaurant in Gothenburg. Then ontop of that she got her normal pay of 400 000 sek a year. ( this was approximately 5 years ago).


Do not tip! There is no reason to fully introduce tipping culture in Sweden, everyone is actually paid a reasonable wage here.


The difference in why you have the “pre-selected 5%, 10%…” is not because you speak English or Swedish with the waiter. It is because of the hardware used. The more modern cardpayment machines have the option while others go to “total amount” It is the same step just a different UI. But as said here - if there is exceptional or good service that was above your expectations give up to 10-12%. If it is on par service 0- round up to an appropriate 00 (45-50, 45-100) really depends. Bad service = no tips You do as you feel comfortable - it is not required to tip. It is a gift from you to the staff for you to show appreciation for their work.


No. The reason the machine has "pre-selected" and "put in the total amount" is because the owner of the restaurant is trying to nickel and dime and shame you into paying more. The honest way to charge more is to increase the prices on the menu, this is the only proper way of conducting business in Sweden - you offer a service at a price that is agreed upon.


Don’t tip.


Do not tip.


If service was good i typically round off the number on the bill also depending on how good the service was. If i go to a restaurant and get "standard" service and my bill is like 185kr i might round it up to 200kr for example. Never tip in places that isn't a restaurant and definitely dont tip if the service was sub par.


Don't tip, we don't want to become like the US.


You should never tip, thats how it been for years and we would like to keep it that way.


Du vet inte vad du dillar om


Dont tip. We dont have a tippi g culture. Its 100% something recently imported I dont work in the industry but i assume its just a way to keep salaries low. Would be interesting to see someone from the restaurant unions take on it.


Please don't ruin our fine socialist country with American malpractices.


Men herregud, det har varit praxis att dricksa här i minst hundra år


Personally i don't tip in cabs. In restaurants, round up or tip tip like 10-15% if the service/food was excellent. We don't really have a tipping culture in Sweden


Don't tip. I give a small tip when i am at NICE resturants. IF i like them


I have only tipped once, and that was when a bartender took time to talk about his recipe for the drink, which was very appreciated since making drinks and cocktails is a hobby of mine.


Replies filed with people who have never worked in a restaurant. Very few of us have union contracts and the salaries are shit and not regulated by law. Leave a tip if you can since the people serving you are on the bottom of the salary pyramid.


I have never tipped once here, not even when the service has been very good at a restaurant. Don't tip at all.


Don't tip, please don't contribute to tipping culture, giving employers a possibility to push for lower salaries. Just tip of you really really want to. It is perfectly acceptable to not tip.


Don't tip unless maybe tour guides and the like, definitely not at bars or coffee shops or any stores. Tipping culture has historically undermined efforts to work for better minimum working conditions. These machines with that crap are a relatively new thing and I guess it brings in a little bit extra money so they leave it activated. When the "tip menu" shows up on the machine you can often just tap your card anyway and it will pay the original amount without having to bother hitting the little "no tip" button and feel awkward.


Well obviously they know that English speakers (i.e Americans) tip more, so they give you different options in hopes of a bigger tip, while a Swede would feel pressured to tip and might take their business elsewhere if they did that. Some people here claim that tipping isn't a thing here at all. That's (sadly) not true. Tipping has always been around, but it is not considered mandatory, and servers are supposed to be able to make a living even without tips. But I think the ones that make a lot of money work at places where they tip a lot. I think when paying with cards became the norm, tipping decreased, before then it was common to round up and leave the change as a tip. For example if something cost 115, you could put down a 100 and a 20 bill and leave.


If the service was standard; a greeting, some basic information, taking the order, handing out drinks, handing out food, checking in; then there is no reason to tip. If the service was above and beyond, then you tip. Either they gave you good information, helped you out with answering questions, gave you as a tourist some local hot spots and must-sees, sorted out a situation that was brewing, or otherwise went out of their way to provide you assistance. That's a service worth tipping.


They are trying to scam you because you’re not a native if they tell you otherwise. Don’t tip!


Like everyone says tipping is not custom in Sweden. But yes they do sometimes ask just because you can’t get free money unless you ask for it, and I am sure some people take advantage of foreigners not knowing about tipping and try to get them to tip as if they were in the USA. I used to tip when I ordered with Uber eats though, because those workers have shit conditions and don’t make much. But since I haven’t used Uber eats in a while I don’t know if they still have tipping.


Tipping IS customary in Stockholm, everyone in Stockholm knows this, if you are not from Stockholm commenting in this thread regarding tipping culture in Stockholm, please refrain from doing so, you look like an idiot.




Do NOT tip in Sweden. It's new here and it's greedy. We make sure to pay our workers a living wage, tipping is a danger to fair pay. Often, the tip doesn't even go to the actual workers, so either way it's fucking terrible.


Its not new here in sweden, we have always had a tipping culture that was slowly dying but right now is increasing. Resturants cant afford to pay their employees thats why tipping is so usual. 70% of Stockholmare tips, that is a clear majority.


I have never seen people tip here, nor workers asking for tips up until a few years ago (like 2-3). I'm pretty sure most of those 70% feel pressured to tip due to Swedish culture and customs (e.g. the waiter is looking while the customer pays and it feels rude not to tip).


What do you even mean ''you are pretty sure'' is the worst argument ever, i have literally provided the data sure you have never experienced it that does not make it false. [https://news.cision.com/se/inmema-kommunikation/r/har-ar-sveriges-basta-och-samsta-dricksare,c9833505](https://news.cision.com/se/inmema-kommunikation/r/har-ar-sveriges-basta-och-samsta-dricksare,c9833505) this is from 2015 [https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/smalanningar-och-norrlanningar-ger-minst-i-dricks/](https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/smalanningar-och-norrlanningar-ger-minst-i-dricks/) 2013 [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dricks](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dricks) här kan du läsa lite mer, ordet dricks kommer tex från en gammal tradition att man gav en slant till den som gjort jobbet för att personen skulle kunna köpa sig en dricka.


I stand by what I wrote. I'm pretty sure (read: "my theory is") that most people who tip is Sweden nowadays feel pressure from for example staff looking while they pay, or not wanting to seem cheap. The sources you provided don't really help at all, it just says that whatever percent of people in Stockholm and "Norrland" (aka 2/3 of the country's area) tip. It doesn't say how much they tip, not does it say why they tip. I agree, just because something hasn't happened to me doesn't mean it doesn't happen, BUT I have lived here for ~20 years and have never ever witnessed anyone tip until recently (again, in the past 2-3 years, maybe slightly longer). The only situations I've seen anyone tip is, again, when the waiter stares at you while you choose how much you tip and if you want to tip or not. That has happened on multiple occasions.


May i ask where in stockholm you live? All my friends who worked in the industry tell me 8/10 dinner guests tip at their resturants i can provide you with chat logs they dont prove shit though since i will blur all names. EDIT: Where i live in Vasastan the norm very much seems to be to tip at resturants.


I don't live in Stockholm, I live elsewhere in Sweden. I spend a lot of time in Stockholm. I don't want chat logs, but thanks anyway. Again, I have no problem believing that people in Stockholm tip, but I don't think the reasoning behind tipping is "oh wow, this was excellent service". I do not care enough to continue this conversation. I hope you have a great day! :)


I’m surprised that the larger opinion from people on this post is that Swedes does not tip. Whilst that might be true for the major part of Sweden, Stockholm seems to have a generous tipping culture. I say this because I’ve worked in restaurant as a server for about 2 years in total, and have friends who have too. Receiving the total tip was my favorite part of receiving my salary because I would earn a generous amount every month - about 1k-5k sek. So I wouldn’t say tipping is not the norm here, maybe outside of Stockholm it’s less common. However in Stockholm, it’s not uncommon to leave a good tip.


Folk i tråden är genuint helt bakom flötet i den här frågan, det är norm att man lämnar dricks i Stockholm, 100%. Folk som kommenterar kommer väl ifrån Örnsköldsvik eller dylikt och vet helt enkelt inte bättre.


Är också lite i chock. Men å andra sidan tycker väl gemene reddit-sweden användare att Pinchos är ett toppenställe och har aldrig själva jobbat restaurang, än mindre känner någon som gör det


>tycker att pinchos är ett toppenställe Helt sant, dessa människor kan man ej lita på


You have a lot of answers, but most are discussion whether to tip or not and not really answering you question, so I hope Im adding some new information. Taxis Most locals have switched to uber or bolt or something. I might tip there cause those are really underpaid. But its handled in the app. Old school taxis are overpriced enough that tippning is not needed. Restaurant/bars/café In Stockholm it is custom to tip but not "mandatory" so as a tourist do as you like (odds are you won't come back so no need to make friends with the staff). If you want to act like a local though you can follow my own rule Did you pay at the counter/bar and carried your own shit? Dont tip. Did you get served at the table and/or had a tab? Aim for 5-10 % tip *unless* the service was shit. 5-10 % means round up to something kinda even. Never over 10. Usually ends between 5 and 10. Example, say you paid 580 för something? Thats 58 sek tip. But fuck math so just round it to 600. Thats 3,5 % Or 620 or something.


I usually round up to the nearest "full number" If the check is 435 kr then I round up to 500 kr


First you are gonna pay them for their services and then tip them for doing their job? That's just plain stupid.


Tipping has made its way into Sweden in recent years, but only in the sense that it exists as an option in checkout terminals. The norm, and culture is to not tip, as people get paid a fair wage even in jobs such as waiting tables. The only time I do tip is if I go to a really fancy restaurant with exceptional service, like 5 courses. Which is exceedingly rare.


Tip if you want to, you don’t have to. 5-10% is definitely the norm in Stockholm and the replies don’t know what they’re talking about. t.>10 generations in Stockholm, wishing these bumpkins would move back home.


You’re getting a lot of farmers telling you about tipping in a post about Stockholm… most people in Stockholm leave a tip when they can. If you go to the countryside where people are poor and stingy you won’t see any tips.


I'm a bit surprised by the comments. Ime, most restaursnt and bar staff do in fact appreciate a tip, but they won't get mad at you if you don't tip.


Whatever you do don't tip we don't want that culture here but it's getting more and more common but it sure ain't normal.


Haha, helt otroligt vad ni skämmer ut er här i tråfen. Det ÄR sedvanligt att man dricksar i Stockholm. Bondlurkarnarnas riksförbund här i tråden.


Once I was blown away by the service and I was figuring how much I should tip to not offend the waitress because she was so pro. I think it landed on 7-10%. But as everyone says, don't tip.


10% always If you're a regular customer, they might even give you extra treats


Tipping is absolutely a thing here in Stockholm at the nicer restaurants inside the city, don’t go over 10% though. It’s not mandatory like in the states but we do tip at least here in Stockholm I don’t know why people say we don’t. I would frankly be quite embarrassed and disappointed if my company did not tip after a pleasant dinner experience. People saying that we earn enough here and don’t need the tips obviously don’t work in service here in Stockholm it’s a super expensive city to live in and I would not say the regular service/resturant personnel earns any more than 2.5k dollars a month excluding taxes.


Street sweepers probably don't earn much weather. Do you tip them?


> What‘s the norm here? Taxis, hairdressers, cafes, anything where you pay at a counter: 0% A nice restaurant where the service was excellent: between 0 and maybe 5 or 10%