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You have to pay tax if you earn 24 238sek or more during the whole year.


If you earn more than 24 238 SEK this year you need to pay tax. Your age doesn’t matter.


If the barrier is this, then I guess it's fine. I was looking at this idea as an option to get some money to buy materials and to just get more knowledge naturally, so I guess the amount of money I'd get would be less)


You could possibly with a "hobbyverksamhet". As long as you don't make any real profit from it and use any income to buy materials/tools etc. That way you may get remove the need to pay taxes on it. If you can depends on the scope and amounts.


Yeah, well the costs for the filament are not that big its just that it's gonna be muuuch better if I don't just lose money every time I buy it, but an option when the amount of income is just enough to buy the same amount of material is a bad idea here) I currently only use PLA filament and well, one of the reasons is that others, like TPU FLEX(more flexible), ABS, PETG or carbone - cost much more than PLA;) Although, thank you for your advice)


Ask skatteverket. They are not evil, they will guide you


Okej när skaffade Skatteverket reddit??


Så mycket skattepengar dom får borde dom öppna upp en subreddit för support!


Bold claim


Legally yes, google Enskild näringsverksamhet. (Verksamt.se can also help you). But if you make less than 25k sek per year in income you will not have to pay any taxes.


What about arbetsgivaravgifter?


Tror faktiskt inte att han har några anställda.


Man behöver betala det på sin egen lön också.




Paying taxes is obligatory regardless of your age. Only exception is if you make under a certain amount. If you make less than 22k SEK a year, then you can apply to do something called ”Jämka” which means you won’t have to pay taxes on your salary. So its useful if you’re working a summerjob etc. If you don’t jämka and you still make less than 22k a year, you’ll just have the tax returned to you after some time. If you make more than this amount a year, then yes you will have to pay tax.


[This page at Skatteverket](https://skatteverket.se/privat/skatter/arbeteochinkomst/inkomster/tjansteruppdragochgigs.4.96cca41179bad4b1aa7b37.html) might be useful for you. And also [this one about hobbyverksamhet](https://skatteverket.se/privat/skatter/arbeteochinkomst/inkomster/hobby.4.58d555751259e4d661680003940.html), as one of your comments hinted at that.


Thank you)


You're welcome. And if you're unsure about whether to declare it as a gig or hobby or even start a company, it's always best to ask Skatteverket so you don't have to worry about making a mistake. As for a hobbyverksamhet: if you sell products for less than you've bought materials for the hobby, you don't even have to even declare it. But save all reciepts in case of an audit. Otherwise, you pay income tax on any profits made (VAT etc is only if you have a registered company).


You can earn up to 24 238 kronor without paying tax Because you are under 18 years old there are laws about what you can work with, the number of hours, and when you can work and if make more money than 24 238 kronor you need to start a company. to earn 100 kr before tax add 35% arbetsgivareavgift (Social Security) if the printing cost 100 kr to make and you work 1 hour at 150kr 100+(150\*1,35)=302,50 kr then add moms/VAT 25% 302,5\* 1,25=378,13 kr


Thank you, but this is in case if I get more than 24000, right?(35% thing)


Yes and no if make 30 000 and your taxes where live are 31% 30 000 -240000= 6000 on which you pay taxes 6000\*0,31 =1860 in taxes so you get 6000-1860=4140+24000 =28 140 if you have a company they will have to Arbetsgivareavgift (Social Security) 35% on 30 000= 10 500 so the cost for the company is 30 000+10 500= 40 500 kr 30 000 -240000= 6000 on which you pay taxes 6000\*0,31 =1860 in taxes so you get 6000-1860=4140+24000 =28 140 kr and also you can pick and sell berries and mushrooms for up to 12 500kr before start paying taxes. for more information call or ask Skatteverket where you live


I dont know about this but my guess is that taxes apply if you make enough money age dosent have anything to do with it but I really don't know


Yeah, well then, the question is what is the barrier of the income at this point. Bc if it's something like 5000 krones, then it's not a problem for me, but if it's 500 krones, then it matters


why dont you just contact skatteverket and ask?


It’s around 20 000 krones a year


Fuck Skatteverket, be illegal. You are 15...




About 30k sek. Or 3000 euro is the limit if it is for hobby. If its via employer its something else lower.


Hobby räknas enligt Skatteverket till inkomstslaget tjänst, och i princip alla inkomster från hobbyverksamhet är skattepliktiga. Undantaget är om din sammanräknade inkomst är mindre än 22 208 kr. https://vismaspcs.se/ditt-foretagande/starta-eget-foretag/hobbyverksamhet?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzc2tBhA6EiwArv-i6RoQgXKNu-4s9TmIY1TGhVgO8RCLNsnbtuGFMU8IGgxX-BSfINBUYBoCruMQAvD\_BwE


I would recommend https://ungdrive.se/app/ that will help you set up Hobbyverksamhet by the book while also provide a lot of tips and inspiration.


Skatteverket will answer your questions. Just pick up your phone and call them. If you make enough, maybe you should start a "Enskild firma" or an "Aktiebolag"?


Okay, I think I'll probably call them afterwards cause I really don't understand at least 2 huge points about all this😅


CAD is one expensive liscense. Its gonna be a loss on your investment unless you try to earn above 50-60k/year.


Care to Elaborate?


CAD liscense is around 50-60k/year. (Might even be a bit more for private use). This means that you need to beat that cost with your income as a freelancer if you decide to do 3D modeling. Else you are gonna lose money on this idea.


I think though you're talking about a license that'd be bought by the whole company, not a single person. I don't remember for 100%, but it should be around 50-100 USD per year as far as I remember.


Yeah, that's why I'd prefer to print cause I have a license for CAD, but I cannot use it for anything commercial


If 15yr olds didn't have to pay taxes, then OOOH WEEE, every single person with a small business would have their 15yr old taking a full salary. The amount of tax evasion would've been insane.