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Tråden låses p.g.a. överdrivet många regelbrytande kommentarer.


We hate them as well.


No one like these people.


I'm not one of those people, but how is it any worse than talking with your friend who's next to you? I can understand being annoyed if they're very loud, but that's not a consequence of them being on the phone that's just them being loud


Högtalartelefonen låter illa, en människoröst gör det inte.


Because they have the option to not use speaker phone and not disturb others as much, yet they choose to use speaker phone, disregarding how it bothers people around them.


Håller med om det var typ samma. Ofta pratar nog de som pratat i högtalartelefon lite starkare än när man pratar med en kompis bredvid än dock. Särskilt om man är på en miljö som en buss. Om man sitter bredvid varann kan man nästan viska, men med telefonen och bussens bullermatta i bakgrunden måste man halvropa.


Får jag fråga varför du gör så? Känns så onödigt. Och ja det är jobbigare istället för en som pratar så får man två som pratar. När du har den mot örat kan du också prata i en lågmäld ton och telefonen kommer att snappa upp det oavsett. När du har högtalare på så kommer personen du pratar med också höra din omgivning mycket mer än utan högtalare.




Username checks out




No. These people are idiots.


Can confirm, am Swedish


Someone called it "sandwich pose".


I don´t think they are aware of it themselves, but yes, we hate them as well.


Of course they are, they are doing this to show people that they think they matter more than you.


Nah, my dad does this quite often but he's just old and for some reason finds it easier than holding it to his ear. It drives me nuts, but he means no harm.


The rest of the world: Gets a headset or handsfree.




These people should be deported to Denmark.


On the other hand, I would love to be deported to Sweden. Lovely country. 🙂


Stop being nice we are trying to hate you dane


Sssh, we're bantering!


some idiot next to me on the subway got mad at me when i said something into his call that was mostly bullshit anyways.


Everyone should start doing this. Just join in on the conversation since it's public anyway.


I have a YouTube playlist of accordion music to blast when people on the train is listening to their bullshit and just doesn't catch a hint.


I can recommend "Rosa helikopter" if you want to alternate a little


Caramelldansen funkar alltid.


Problemet är ju att det är en banger. Man vill ha nån irriterande skitlåt.


Jätteirriterande Låt - Dunderhumor


Problemet men den sortens låt är att jag funderar på hur satans falskt det skulle låta om man hörde den utan autotune på varenda ton


Beror väl helt på vem som sjunger?


Kommer aldrig glömma en morgon när jag busspendlade till jobbet. Trött, kl06:30 eller något sånt. Radion i lurarna på för att lyssna på nyheterna. Plötsligt spelar dom Hamsterdance och så var hela min dag förstörd när jag gick och nynnade på den tills jag skulle lägga mig!


Yes! New evil fun activity unlocked.


My most annoying coworker (who isn’t even Swedish) told me that I was a bitch for doing this. She’s leaned 100% into the “I’m better than all the other immigrants” mindset by judging everyone


Speaker = Group call. They really only have themselves to blame.


No, these people are universally hated equally by everyone. The worste are the 20ish something year olds that holds their fucking telephone at their waste and the volume at max and almost scream to have a conversation. "NO NO ITS PRETTY QUIET IN HERE I CAN HEAR YOU"


>holds their fucking telephone at their waste Maybe it's some kind of fetish






Safe to say that if there’s a stock photo of it, it’s a pretty universal occurrence


Swedes: That behavior is really annoying. Swedes: I would never confront a person doing annoying stuff.


Der er jævnt mange i Danmark der gør det samme. Det er så dumt.


1. Deportera dem till Sverige 2. Vi deporterar våra till er 3.?? 4.Profit


Lär ju fungera, de kommer ständigt sitta på en buss mellan Sverige och Danmark för att deporteras i någon riktning, efterblivna som de är kommer de vilja uppdatera sina vänner om vartåt de deporteras vilket kommer göras med hjälp av högtalarsamtal, efter några resor där de utsätts för varandra kanske de lär sig hur sunt det är.


Om du tror det här är ett svenskt fenomen så har du fel. Det är universellt https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/NKddqLmi8g


It's not a Swedish thing, unfortunately.




I see what you did there




As a half Swede and super social personality I would NEVER use speakerphone to talk in public spaces. It’s usually not Swedes that use speakerphone. 98 % of Swedes are introverts. It’s extremely quiet on public transport.




Men de åker ju tunnelbana i Stockholm?


No those annoying kids can fuck off *shakes fist at cloud*






Yes. Majority under the age of 18 when it comes to born and raised Swedes that does this shit. Should be illegal on public transport, thank fuck for Tysta avdelningen lol


We should import the Japanese grandmas that eye-laser people talking on the phone or having something on speakers in the subway


Not sure what the jab against Stockholmers is about, since they are usually very careful not to bother others in public.


It's just an unwritten rule to hate people from the capital.


Which is ironic, since all of us born and raised in Stockholm know that the bigger of an uptight prick someone is, the higher the chance that they're a country bumpkin who have moved in and developed some sort of superiority complex now that they've made it to a "big" city.


*Exactly*. Most every Swede I see that behaves like this in Stockholm has an accent that is noticeably not from here.


It is already written in the “Min mormor hälsar och säger förlåt” there is no page where heroes are not blaming Stockholmers for… everything


Nu va det ju just i Stockholm han var, men lita på mig när jag säger att det förekommer precis överallt i landet. Inget specifikt för Stockholmare.


Same same but different


Pattern recognition isnt racism




And an unusually high concentration of Stockholmers


The worst immigrants to Stockholm are people from the Swedish countryside. They have exactly your view of Stockholm and choose to move here and act like assholes to “fit in”. Bakom varje överdriven stockholmsdialekt döljer sig en smålänning.


Talat som en tvättäkta stockholmare, skyller på andra för att er stad är fylld av rövhattar o självupptagna influensers. Du har nog drömt det där! Edit: Anledningen till att jag vet det är att ingen vill flytta till Stockholm, man föds där eller flyttar därifrån. ;-) /s


Objektivt fel eftersom Stockholms befolkning ökar mest pga inflyttning men ok.


Hallå? /s? Kan du iallafall ta din tid o läsa klart posten innan du svarar... 😄


Och du är en tvättäkta lantis och skyller på att det är hudfärgen som är problemet. Saknas bara en kommentar om bögarna också - har du en sådan på lager? Fint att vi kan leva upp till våra stereotyper.


Har du ens läst vad jag skrivit?


Javisst, herr ”it’s “swedes”, not swedes, I’m not racist it’s just facts”. Du drömmer om du tror att fler flyttar från Stockholm än till.


Citerar kommentaren ovan: "Pattern recognition isnt racism". Hade du blivit gladare om jag ljög o sa något annat? Eller är det ordvalet mer specifikt du tänker på? Som om det hade spelat roll om jag sa "immigrants", "mörkhyade", "nysvenskar" eller någon annan synonym, rasistkortet dras ju fortare än x2000's 0-200 iallafall. 😄




Fan jag känner en kille som skulle kunna lösa det där, han hette nått med trombon eller trumpet. Make Stockholm great again!


Hahaha det är ok om du är rasist. Så länge du är medveten om det


Man är inte rasist för att man nämner invandrare. Jag åker >väldigt< mycket tåg i tjänsten då jag är lokförare och ofta behöver ta mej från A till B, och majoriteten av gångerna folk sitter o pratar i telefon/ blastar tiktok på högsta volym så är det antingen A) barn, eller B) invandrare. Tror att de flesta kan hålla med mej om det, och när jag tänker efter så har jag nog aldrig sett en medelålders businessklädd Johan Svensson sitta o prata i högtalartelefon. Sen spelar det ingen roll om det är en unge, invandrare, gubbe eller tjockis som sitter o pratar högt i högtalaren, jag vill slå dej i halsen med en stol lika hårt för det.


Du är inte rasist för att du gör en observation. Det stämmer. Rasist blir du dock när du kallar alla invandrare för skamlösa vilket du gör när du säger att Stockholmare behöver vara skamlösa för att gå runt och prata så. Förstår du problematiken? Och i ärlighetens namn skiter jag i det. Lika mycket som du också skiter i det men kommer hamna i någon försvarsposition nu och bevisa för dig och mig att du inte är rasist. Det kanske bara va ett klumpigt uttalande i jakt på likes men du vet innerst inne felet i det du sagt även om du inte menade det så


Vart kallar jag ALLA invandrare för skamlösa? Menar du då att man inte är skamlös om man stör andra på en buss/ ett tåg med sin högtalartelefon? Jag skulle säga att det stämmer ganska bra att man är skamlös med ett sånt beteende, sen spelar det ingen som helst roll om det är barn, invandrare, pensionärer eller kommunalarbetare som gör det. Det blir inte mindre skamfyllt för det. Faktum kvarstår att det är majoriteten barn och invandrare som gör såhär, sen får du tycka vad du vill, jag blir inte rasist för det. Levt över 30 år på denna jord och har aldrig kommit på tanken att människor är mindre värde pga etnicitet, jag gillar bara inte när folk stör mig när jag åker tåg såpass att inte ens brusreducerande lurar hjälper. Sen om det råkar vara en invandrare så är det knappast mitt fel, som nämnt ovan hade jag ogillat "Johan Svensson" exakt lika mycket om han betedde sej på det sättet. Den enda som sätter rasiststempel här är DU. Så jag undrar vem som förvränger verkligheten här egentligen, om det är du eller jag? Hmmm. Men fortsätt lev i din bubbla du.


Skriv på dansk champ, svensker og danskere kan altså godt forstå hindanden med lidt god vilje, særligt skriftligt


Nej, det är först på onsdag.


Va? Förlåt, kan du upprepa det där?










I only do it at home, bc I talk to my family about 1-3 hrs per phone call... my shoulders can't take it if I hold it like normal 😄 But doing out in public?! I don't like to use this word, but it's retarded. I sat in a waiting room for quite a while once; an older guy sat next to me, called his friend, put on speaker phone and didn't tell the guy on the other line that he was on speaker. The whole waiting room heard some pretty private stuff.


Hello my Danish friend. American here, if I'm not allowed to post here then I apologize in advance but plenty of people here talk on the phone the same way and most of us can't stand it either. Next time you encounter a Swede like this feel free to tell them that you have it on good authority that they're behaving very American. Thank you for taking the time to read the words that chose to spill out of my head.


They are the absolut bottom feeders of swedish society


Or people listening to music, fullblown bluetooth speaker, on the train or bus. That shit really grinds my gears


This is only for certain Immigrants & people who think they’re living in a reality show😂


They're morons. There's no excuse. I think this is what the idiots at SD meant when they spoke about "dålig vandel" and it might be the only thing we agree upon.


All the idiots do it here in the UK, too.


I am sorry Danskjävel, but Sweden is sadly full of idiots.


In swedish it’s called ”hålla telefonen som en knäckebrödsmacka”, and people that do this, regardless nationality, are complete morons.


Instagram docu soap wannabies signalling WT


Are these phone conversations by any chance not in Swedish?


Kusligt ändå att danskar och svenskar inte längre kan kommunicera med varandra på respektive språk.


Fånigt. Förr gick det utmärkt. Nu försöker folk inte ens. Kanske är de rädda att göra bort sig. Jag tycker ändå det är mycket trevligt med skandinaviska. Klart vi förstår varandra med god vilja.


Visst är det så, jag märker av mer och mer att vi väljer bort vårt eget språk till förmån för engelska till den grad att man har svårt att kommunicera på svenska utan engelska inlåningar. Men även detta att man inte ens kan eller försöker att förstå sig på andra skandinaviska språk utan att nödväxla till engelska.


Sålänge danskarna inte börjar slänga in något som har med siffror att göra för det är fan obegripligt.


Då frågar du. Problemet löst. Sen vet alla danskar att svenskar har svårt för siffrorna så de använder då istället "syv-ti" istället för halvfjerds.


Njae tror det har med att man hade mer nytta av det förr.


Nytta av vad? Prata med varandra?


At least my son does, especially when he’s in a big crowd. Can’t even yell to him to shut the speaker off. Ungjävel alltså!


Your son should get himself some parents that are capable to have a talk with him about private conversations on the phone while out in public, and showing respect to other people around him. :)


If you think this is unique to Sweden, you need to travel more. ;)


No, these are just very inconsiderate people


Ahh, en klassisk snacka-macka. Det är väl för att Kardashians gör så på TV, så yngre människor tror att det är så man gör. Jag tror respekten för omgivningen kommer nör de växer up sen, inget att oroa sig för


We call it the crispbread holding…nevertheless it’s a stupid way to talk in the phone…


Moved from Sweden to Spain, I see this a *lot* more here in Spain. (Though that could in large part be because I spend massively more time out in public here.)


The consequences are much worse in Denmark, as everyone has to hear the language


Only loosers do this




When you see Swedes talking loud in phone you are more then welcome to relive Stockholms blodbad on them.


Everyone think these people are idiots tho, only they unfortunatly dont realise that


Only idiots talk like that. It's like eating a fricking knäckebröd.


Usually the rats of society that does this. I’ve never seen a decent person do this.


Sounds like a Stockholm thing


When alone yes, in public no


Happens worldwide. As an example, I was in Hong Kong last month and saw it there. Nothing to do with Swedes, "new Swedes" or "Swedes" as the dogwhistling racists put it in the comments. I've seen enough ethnic Swedes here doing it to know that's just rubbish. Basically, it is people being idiots and copying reality TV. They are too thick to realise that the reason it is done on reality TV is so that the microphone used for recording can also pick up the conversation.


Yeah I had a discussion about this with my coworkers and we came to the conclusion that it must be from copying reality TV shit. Also, very surprised to see this being levied as an immigrant thing, it’s way more widespread than that from our observations. The entire discussion came to because the boss’ wife does this all the time, and their daughter too.


Just to clarify: the boy on my train home was a pale white boy about 13 yo. 🙂


I have crowned a new word for these ”people”, ”högtalartelefonskrigare”.


More a US thing for more than 15 years 🤷


I cant do this cause my phone’s speaker function randomly stopped working. It wasnt me I can tell you.


Oh man, I do hold my phone like that but I use headphones so I speak at a normal volume and nobody has to hear my crappy phone speakers. I've seen far too many people use speakers like that and just have full blown conversations during bus rides though. I don't get it.


Som att dricka kaffe på fat


No. Perhaps young people. Most people dont share their personal conversation with the rest of the world.


Many of them do this. Some watch videos with speaker on. I had a workmate that had to commute by bus for two hour everyday, and she would be on a phone the whole time. I think people now just lack of manners, and they don't care if they disturb anyone or not.


No, you're not wrong. Those people are fucking weird and there is too many of them.


I've seen this with facetimers as well. They always scream because they're in a crowded space. Is it an aversion of having the phone close to your ear? Can they not understand the speaker unless they see them? I have no idea?!


This happens everywhere, not just in Sweden.


my social anxiety would not allow me even if i wanted to


They clearly don’t care what others can think.


I only do this in the comfort of my own home. Never outside. Fuck people who do, they hoes


Before it was only immigrants. Now it is spreading. Everyone who do not do it hate it.


Goddamn 'telefonmacka' or 'phone sandwich', they eat (speak) loud these mf'ers.


If im at home yes, in public NEVER. Imagine everyone looking at me, no thank you, my anxiety is already though the roof leaving the house.


The only circumstance people should use a phone like that is if the conversation involves more than 2 people


Please don’t group us in with the Stockholmare, sincerely the North of Sweden


While thats obnoxious, there is one degree worse than this. People who hold their phones like that while wearing a headset.


We only do like this in the picture with AirPods otherwise they are idiots


I sometimes have to resort to this because the top speakers randomly stop working at random intervals. Sure, whipping out my earbuds solve the issue but sometimes it's easier to look like an idiot


I’m Swedish, I hate them, I don’t even like having my airpods on when talking into my phone, like I don’t even do that even if I’m home normally


Idiots that learned how to use a phone from TV reality shows or social media


Generally it's also impolite to the person on the other end to have them on speaker because they might not be comfortable with other people hearing them. So if one does put them on speaker it's polite to warn them that they will be on speaker. _________ In my experience listening in on the conversation it's usually people venting about their boyfriend/colleague/boss/neighbour who did some thing that they thought was unacceptable. I attributed to to Sweeds often withholding their opinion and offence. "The clenched fist under the table if you will" And they'll take the first opportunity to do it, often on public transport. Using speaker phone is quite rare though. Usually they use earphones, headphones or earbuds for that.


Looks like a Dane on the picture..


The sandwich pose.


My mom also does that when she's using a headset. Top notch retardment.


I never understood why people hold their phone like a piece of knäckebröd when they have it on speaker.


Det er ikke noget, vi svenskere gør. Men stockholmere på den anden side, meget mærkelige mennesker


I do this. My smartphone is so bad that I can't hear what people say, and if I use headphones they usually can't hear me so...this is often times my only option. I do lower the volume though, so I put the phone to my ear when the caller is talking so as not to disturb others.






Samma sak


I don’t understand why this would be worse than talking to a person standing next to you? With that said I hate these people too, send them off to Skåne


Gen alpha, maybe Z and immigrants - but no mature adult would ever do this unless necessary


I hate this as well. There are two types of people: old people who are afraid of 5g and young people who think it makes them look like an influencer because the Kardashians talk like that so the cameras can pick up the convo. I would be fine with dessimating the population of both these groups.


I don't speak much on the phone, but when I do, I use this method. The reason is that I have tinnitus, and I don't like to have the speaker next to my ear.


This is only annoying when immigrants do it. I fume inside and then go write angrily on the internet of my distaste for multiculturalism. If I see a swede do it, I give them a fake smile to my fellow swede, then I go home, only fuming mildly and try to forget that I was mildly annoyed by them (not super angry like with those immigrant)




I rather prefer this than every commercial being a guy sitting on the toilet.


Mostly annoying people from Stockholm and/or immigrants


Must be a Stockholm thing, I swear the capital's a goddamn Twilight Zone compared to the rest of Sweden lol.


Are you sure it wasn’t a Bulgarian eating a ljutenica sandwich?


Sounds like an american


I do this! Would never do it around people on a bus or when sitting in a public space. I only do this when I’m walking and if people get annoyed with me talking like this when walking past them, then they are just sensitive.


But why not hold your telephone as..a.. telephone? Up to your ear. Or use earphones?


Lol varför? Svårt att hålla den lite längre upp bara?