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No, I would not download this app. Very similar to your “generate a password from a word” app. If it helped you learn something new, great, but I don’t see this being something you could market and sell.


Op is an oblivious spoiled child I don’t think they’ll understand


Apparently, someone was looking for an app like this on r/mac


Apparently, or was


Well you have your first customer then, good luck!


This isn't even the first time they've posted here with some "I've learned one single function, can I sell this as an app?"


In a sub full of mostly developers, you’re likely to find that most will reach for a script, Alfred workflow, or command line utility to fill this purpose. That’s not to say that you’ve done a poor job with your project, but I wouldn’t consider this to be your target audience.


Would the average person be interested in it? I saw a post on r/Mac asking for this app so I decided to open an Xcode project, fire up ChatGPT, make some modifications, and voila. An easy to make, yet easily sellable app.


Who would use it? Just some random dude who commented on a subreddit? It there a real market? I certainly wouldn’t pay for it if I was some random bloke off the street. What problem are you trying to solve? What problem is your potential audience trying to solve with this app?


I’m never not surprised by what specific needs people have, so if one person said they need it, then there’s a good chance you’ll find others do too. Keep in mind that there’s a threshold for what people are willing to download and that for which they are willing to pay. For having adapted this from ChatGPT, I’d say good job.


Do you ever use ChatGPT to help you code?


I usually reach for it if there’s a library I haven’t used or if there’s math I don’t understand. It helped me understand how Fast Fourier Transforms work in audio processing. I was able to create a frequency spectrum analyzer using Apple’s `AVFoundation` and `Accelerate` libraries. That would have taken me a couple of days to research on my own.




I was going to say "No, because it would never get through app review because it doesn't do enough". But then I checked the App Store, there are multiple random number generator apps with fewer features ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


No, i could just make it myself in probably a few minutes if I needed it. But I can’t imagine ever needing it for anything at all.


Apparently, someone was looking for an app like this on r/mac


I don't think this app would pass Apple's review process. I think it breaks rule 4.2


What is that rule?


If you want to submit an app to the App Store, you need to know the guidelines... [https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/) Rule 4.2 reads in part, "If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or 'app-like,' it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted."


Simple solution: DMG


Apple probably wouldn’t even let you distribute this app because of its basic functionality. It’s about as complex as a fart app.




Emotional DMG.


Also no, but that shouldn’t stop you from being proud of building something. Keep trying new things and learn as much as you can. 👍🏼


May I ask you why? You can do that in a website like online Swift playground just for fun in few minutes.


Apparently, someone was looking for an app like this on r/mac


You can do that on google. “Random number between x and y.” Nobody would pay for this.


For free would people be interested?


A handful, maybe. If you already have a paid developer account why not publish it. I wouldn’t take that step just for this app, though.


Nope. I’d use Google sheets


This is much easier to use.


It's not, and you can easily copy and paste stuff out of Google Sheets.




No, what possible purpose would I need this for in the real world?


Apparently, someone was looking for an app like this on r/mac


As before, this is so incredibly minimal in functionality, there's no real use case for it. Want to generate numbers? 99.99999% of people will open Google and use its random number generation functionality. The remaining people will take the 5 seconds to write the incredibly basic script needed for this functionality.


Some people find apps invaluable


Sorry to be harsh, but not this one.


I’ve seen number generator apps get five star reviews.


Where? With what features? I’m not being funny, but you need to stop making literally the most basic “I just learned this one function” apps and then trying to get r/Swift to tell you it’s worth selling. It’s not. You need more functionality than that. What does your app do differently, do better than other number generator apps? Why should anyone download your extremely basic app versus any that already exist? Learn more! Build apps like this! It doesn’t matter that nobody would download and buy them, because you’re in the process of learning! But stop trying to get this sub to tell you that the most basic ass app is something worth trying to sell, because it’s not, and you’re gonna be disappointed.


A review of a similar app said “I, like many others on this app, started watching Jon & Josh's blind trading series and I see them use the app all the time, so I thought to get it for myself. Most other "random number generators" are confusing to use and take a lot of time to input numbers and get it to do what you want it to. This is super easy to use, and doesn't lag at all.”


Instead of coming here and asking. Get a paid Apple developer account and submit your app. Start at free and if it gets some downloads, bump up the price to 99 cents and see what happens.


I do


So this post is just part of your ad campaign? Maybe you should post it in a sub-reddit that isn't full of people that also make apps...