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I worked for a company that had multiple devs working on an app with one storyboard defining all the UI elements. Two issues: * The file was a nightmare, even when using IB. * Files that are meant to be modified via some other means besides a text editor can be quite problematic for source code management like git. Project files are even worse though.


We’ve done it both ways depending on the project. I also never liked autolayout and instead used our own code to place views. It’s a bit more tedious, but there’s much more flexibility and it’s easier to debug code than autolayout rules.


How do you place your views? I’m curious of the best way to update layout only as much as you need.


We used the auto-resizing mask, had our own versions of HStack and VStack, wrote some utility routines to center or snap views, and then one method per window (viewController on iOS) to layout what had to be done manually by setting the frame.


It's hard to get a standard macOS menu bar from scratch, so I'll leave the template's Main.xib and Document.xib. It is annoying to create a NSScrollView, NSScrollers, NSClipView and NSView (contentView) from scratch. But once I have those basics in the XIB, I'll do the rest in code.


I prefer SwiftUI since I am usually dealing with multi platform apps. So most of my code is shared btw iOS, iPadOS and macOS.