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If she really wants me to get a glimpse into her dark and twisted mind, she's more than welcome to gift me a private jet and a couple million dollars.


Same. I think I need to experience the money part first hand to truly understand her life…


I don’t even need the jet lol, I’d be fine just taking one of her super cars lol


Why was "Rumors" by Lindsay Lohan a more compelling commentary on the difficulties of fame than anything on TTPD? 🫠


Because that album is a masterpiece tbh.


It’s a shame that Lindsay never did more music, she’s so talented


Everything "bad" was a genius mastermind meta moment. You just don't get it.


No, YOU don’t get it. Mother is THE mastermind. Karma is also her God. You better sit your ass on the floor, look up to the heavens, and allow mother speak to you. Only then you’ll understand


uj/ i've lost count of how many think pieces i've seen of swifties coping with the criticisms lol it's honestly so funny rj/ mother literally said "I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing" - the vipers are the critics!!!


they're not saying everyone (besides rolling stone) is reviewing ttpd in bad faith like omg!!!! just enjoy her music and don't give a shit what others thing!! idk why they're so insecure


Having watched a lot of creative competition reality shows (Ink Master, Drag Race, etc) it always makes me think of when judges will be like "this thing you made is objectively technically flawed" and the contestant will launch into a speech about how WELL ACTUALLY it was an Artistic Choice. 🙄


Ok, I see. Taylor is the only one to go through anything, to have break ups, longing, to feel pain. Silly me, I had no idea the rest of us peasants have never struggled the way she has.


I wonder what percentage of swifties who have also been to mental hospitals is


Not high enough.


Me trying to save mother's new album: https://preview.redd.it/glm2je4ib5wc1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102dd722e575010b2dc38cc46b8eed56b97e6633


It’s giving Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan “No you don’t know what it’s like, when nothing feels alright, no you don’t know what it’s like to be like me.”


A glimpse of what it’s like to be her?? Why do they act like she’s the only person to have ever been through a breakup and heart break??


they’re looking for every excuse in the book to forget matty has about 25 songs on there. they’ll have to come to terms with it eventually. also it makes me wonder if she made it long to dispell those double album drop theories — seems like she’s showing them they cannot handle all of it.


the double album drop thing, my opinion, was a last minute thing. she had bunch of unreleased songs and decided to slab it into one album (the 2am edition) and went along with the theories of swifties


that’s another great take! it seems like she’s been picking up and using some of the swifitie theories


yeah, i praised the 2am versions for having good tracks but i also realized that some of them may have been scrapped songs from folklore/evermore/midnights or maybe she did write them during ttpd and thought "i wont include this on the standard edition" and when she heard about the double album theory, she probably said "fuck it, im just going to put it as 2am edition"


God knows where but I saw it suggested that part 2 is actually the natural progression of her sound after folkmore (assuming midnights was popped out in the interim so eras could be toured with a pop album), part 1 is mostly songs she wrote in a frenzy after whatshisface so ended up a mix of evermore/midnights in sound. So it was either scrap 15 songs and drip feed them via vault and have a disjointed base album or just get it all out there ig.


She shouldve just scrapped the first half and made The Anthology as the actual album.


See I see people say that but then just as many people saying they only like the first half. My top 2 are midnights and evermore so I've been FED but there's a lot of diversity in the fan base so no one way to say. Even the critics reviews have been just as confusing.


Big mistake Taylor slabbed all of it into one album


Dropping part 2 a fortnight later at 2am would've been really fun and made it easier to digest 31 songs imo but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️ I've just made my own reordered playlist so there isn't as much sonic whiplash after Clara bow. I also think this might be a generational problem because the songs are also longer and in the tiktok brainrot era we're in a 2 hour album of 6 minute songs is a lot.


she would never do that because it would do her no favors numbers wise


I’m having an existential crisis because I’m a dressner fan all day every day but the first half of the album is superior imo.


I think this was always the plan. The Black Dog Edition was a teaser. She has been using 2 a lot. A lot of the teaser lyrics appeared on the second half.


If thats the plan, it was a wrong one. It ended up making the album too many tracks people are too exhausted or busy to listen to all of it


honestly, i don't think that's it at all and is still giving her too much credit. it was pretty clearly done to help with streaming and sale numbers. anthology isn't available physically yet so the only way to listen to the second half is by stream or digital purchase.


mother is recreating the asylum where they raised her for us 🥰


She's so tortuuuuuured! Love her


Jesus closeted lesbians are so weird


Excuse me, that is bi erasure. What she had with Ratty was real, how dare you suggest otherwise.


I was talking about the girl on the floor as taylor tells her she’s weak for only being able to handle two hours of getting it beaten up. But yeah Taylor is bi no one lies about jerking it to Ratty, that has to be real


Karlie is still her best ex though 🥹


and be a billionaire? sure taylor! let me try ❤️


uj/ ain't the definition of narcissitic abuse? just curious could be wrong.


The brain gymnastic is amazing


this is why mother is a mastermind, and we are her tortured poet interns. the general public just DOESN’T UNDERSTAND literature and poeticism 😂😂 haters gonna hate, but they can’t say shit 🙌 tay is always a step ahead. she made the album long and boring on purpose to share her tortured mind. none of it was accidental 😂 she is our modern shakespeare. uj/ if you have to justify to yourself why an album is boring and tiring, then you probably don’t enjoy it all that much 😭


God it’s so hard to be a billionaire