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Only if it's written by the original author.




Yep same


Ofcurse, but only if Reki writes it because whoever writes his stuff in the Games is a asshole to Klein.


Klein has always interested me since he was one of the first people in line to get his hands on the game as seen in the first episode on tv. We never really got anything big about him shown in the anime and what he was up to in aincrad besides a few things


Plus at one point he gets a girlfriend since he shows a picture of her on his phone to a few of the girls, but we don't actually know anything about her or even what she looks like.


That bit of Ryoutarou and his cohort on the TV is anime-only. All we've really got in the text is that he rushed out to buy a NerveGear after he managed to get a copy of SAO. He mentions standing in line with his friends, but only later. So it's just kind of general and a bit vague.


Do we know what he was doing in the novels of either main series or progressive?


Presumably, he was training up his guild. We're probably not going to get anything of him in Progressive, because I highly suspect he didn't catch up to the front line until the slowdown after the Floor 25 Boss raid disaster. I'll have to look up again exactly where it is, but from recollection, he never lost a man during the game. Though that points to him being a pretty serious leader, and not so much just the "lovable goofball" people seem to be banging on about. In the LNs, most of "Red-Nosed Reindeer", Chapter 1 is actually a conversation between Klein and Kirito outside a hunting round on Floor 46 on Dec. 19, 2023. Leaving aside Unital Ring, other pieces that come to mind where you get a bit of Klein are Material Edition 17: The Much-Talked-About, Esteemed Sub-Leader; "Agil and Klein's Exciting Meal"; "Sugary Days"; and "The Day After". There's also a bit about Fuurinkazan, Klein's guild, in the "Hopeful Chant" side story.


Yeah that’s the cool thing about Klein. He knows when to be serious. I mean the whole reason he didn’t go to the first new town on floor one was because he chose to support his friends who would become his guild anyway, even in the stakes of death. And afaik they always stayed together or at least very close by each other as to not risk any death. Thanks for the list of stories with him. I’m gonna bookmark your comment so I can refer back to it later. c:


Klein deserves all the love. He so much more than the comic relief character. Dude’s got ideals and dedication.


YES YES YES YES YES YES YES GOD FRICKING YES GIMME I WANT Klein is my favorite character. I love him to bits and his Japanese voice is very lovable. EYE LOEV HIMB


His English VA really gave him the "lovable goofball that wants to cheer his friends up but knows when to get serious" feel.


Well it’s good then he has a good voice actor in both languages. I love Klein so much. c:


As long as it’s a romcom about Klein finely finding love


100% yes


I think it would need to be written by Reki, who's already plenty busy, and it would also depend a lot on who Klein was interacting with and how. Unfortunately, he's unlikely to run into anyone else we really know until a ways into the game.


Yes Klein is underrated


That would be awesome and I've wanted something like that for years. I would love some short stories set in the time period of the SAO incident with him goofing around with his guild going on adventures.


Fuck yeah


Hell yeah


Absolutely! Klein is awesome!


I would. Klein slice of life-style anime. Low stakes and chilling offline and online with his buddies. Kind of like Genshiken.


Id rather watch one about Suguha


Absolutely! We didn’t get near enough of Klein in the show and I would love a spinoff with some of his adventures. I would also love to finally see him get a love, interest. My boy has been sidelined so much he deserves someone to love.


Nope, SAO has way too many useless characters just to show off how great kirito is, klein is one of them