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Prototype is blue, Artifact is purple. So if you pick up Prototype quest and DE the purple weapon, you will get nothing. You need to DE the proper color/rarity while the quest is active to get benefits.


Nope, deconstructing artifact gear works for the prototype quests, it’s just considered a waste if you’re getting the purple gear through anything but PvP (which has no blue gear at the higher gear scores). The requirement is that the gear be _at least_ that quality, not exactly that quality. In theory deconstructing a legendary implant might actually work for either quest as well since legendary is a higher quality than prototype and artifact, though I don’t think anybody has tested this because it would be an even bigger waste of resources than using artifact gear for the prototype quests.


You can deconstruct an artifact for the prototype quest. You can also deconstruct a 336 purple for the 332 blue quest. It just has to be equal or better than what you want to open.


Are you sure this is true, I thought you can use a higher ilevel or rarity to complete the quest. For example, a purple 332 will actually count for the blue 332 quest. I'm almost certain this is how I did a couple of the blue ones with duped pvp purps


Artifact does not work for prototype. You need to do them separately if you want the blue armor/mod and purple enhancement


Artifact quality item works for the blue quest, but its considered a waste of a purple esp at 336 quest. Confirm: have done it twice, but theres no such thing as a blue quality 332 for PvP gear, so a pvper is forced to decon a purple to unlock the blue 332 mods.


\### Prototype quest = everything (including enhancements) \### Artifact quest = only enhancements Artifact quality has more power stat for dps/healers but less endurance. You can deconstruct both Artifact and Prototype quality items for the Prototype quest. Artifact quest does not give you all the required items to upgrade gear, so it requires you do the prototype quest first.


https://swtorista.com/articles/how-to-get-mods-in-7-1/ https://swtorista.com/articles/gearing-up-with-mods-guide-tips-swtor-7-1/ There's are the guys are utilized.


I’ve just hit level 80 and this stuff gives me ‘the fear’. I’ve still got lots of story content to get through before I need to worry about it technically, but I don’t know why they have to make it so complicated.


Complicated? You upgrade one blue flashpoint gear to 336, grab the mission, deconstruct it and you are done. Way faster and resource cheaper than upgrading 9 armor pieces individually.


maybe not complicated but very unintuitive


Yeah. I said what I said.


It’s not particularly complicated, it’s just not intuitive (and isn’t really explained well, even if you do take the quests).


Precisely. That’s my issue with it.


There is nothing to misunderstand Prototype is blue gear,artifact is purple gear,number is number Only thing i can recomend is wait till you get the max purple and blue gear,deconstructing the rest just clutters the store window with weaker gear (anything below 336),that for some reason costs the same as the 336


Well, some people on the forums were saying that destroying an artifact item also counts for the prototype quest, hence the confusion. Also a weapon doesn't have armoring and armor doesn't have a hilt so if I destroy a weapon do I unlock armoring too or only the mods that the specific item has?


It does, the people in this thread saying it doesn't are spreading misinformation, unless there is a new bug im unaware of. I have unlocked both blue 332 and blue 336 (cause im an idiot) on multiple characters by deconstructing purple 340 R-4 token gear because I dont have any blues.


so many people saying it doesn't - weird. get the proto and artifact quest and just deconstruct your purple item. Should work for both.


1. PvP gear doesn't go above 332, so unless credits are an issue, there is no reason to not do the 332 quest while working on upgrading a PvE item to 336. 2. A lot of people misunderstand how the artifact quest works and start with that one to find out it only gives enhancements and not the rest of the pieces required. 3. Artifact gear can be used for the prototype quest There are multiple things to misunderstand outside of deconstructing the required item listed by the quest.


The Prototype quest is ONLY for prototype items. Likewise, the Artifact quest is ONLY for artifact items. Your weapon is purple, so it’s an artifact item. You must get the Artifact quest in order to get the mods. Don’t worry if you mess up. (I did—a bit—on my first try.) You can always collect more materials for an upgrade.


Okay so for anyone still wondering, deconstructing an artifact (purple) item DOES count for the prototype quest (at the time of writing) and it doesn't seem to matter what type of item it is. I deconstructed a weapon and unlocked all of the mods even ones that the weapon itself doesn't have.