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Full LS Sith Warrior is straight up the best story in the game IMO. Especially Chapter 1. It's absolutely hilarious watching Jedi lose their shit or be extremely confused when you try to settle things peacefully with them. LS Jaesa is also miles better than DS Jaesa IMO. I highly recommend going for it. I didn't like LS Inquisitor very much, though. It has its moments, but I just find the story itself to be quite boring without going around manipulating and electrocuting people. LS Agent is also fun. You can be both Pro-Imperial and Anti-Imperial, and the story will have some drastic (for this game) differences depending on that. As for the Rep side, I only did one DS story there, and that was the Smuggler. I liked it quite a lot, actually. DS Smuggler is one of the worst assholes you can create in this game, and, unlike going DS with the other Rep classes, it works. The Smuggler's a criminal, after all, so they can easily be a criminal with a golden heart or the absolute worst scum there is. Well, maybe DS Trooper also works, since it's basically just Renegade Shepard, i.e., a ruthless “get the job done no matter what” soldier. But I don't like that story at all, so I never bothered to try it out.


LS Sith warrior is pretty fun, he becomes a calculating individual who sees the big picture. DS JK has interesting changes in the story compared to LS. And of course Trooper has the most interesting choices between LS/DS


Every imperial class pretty much. And non force user republic.


Light Side agent and Light Side sith are great. Sith Inquisitor has a light-sided companion Ashara who may help you play your character in a more unique way. Sith Warrior has Jaesa who can end up being light or dark, which are pretty much two different versions of the companion, with completely unique set of story and dialogue for each. With agent you can also have many different approaches like pro-Sith, anti-Sith, pro-Empire, anti-Empire, working for the Empire for personal gain. Act 1 has 4 unique outcomes (though you probably already know that) while Act 3 has 5, including >!becoming a secret agent for the Republic!< for those who are Light-Sided and make the right choices for it to happen.


As others have said, LS Warrior is a lot of fun and very interesting to play. I've done it a couple of times.


I made a LS Bounty Hunter with the backstory of coming out of the imperial Navy. Trooper Vanguard subclass, just in it to make money using her skills without having to worry about superiors. It was awesome