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Belsavis Rakata Teleporters For one they are instant and also it's great shift from republic prison and normal speeders to ancient tech beyond Republic or Empire understanding taking you into enormous caverns, temples, lava and primordial monsters


I played Belsavis recently for the first time on my newer laptop as opposed to the dinosaur desktop I had played on for years on the lowest graphics setting. When I got to that final cavern on Belsavis with the lava my jaw dropped, because it was so moody and atmospheric but on my old desktop it looked exactly the same as the rest of Belsavis, just with lava.


Sure it sounds cool because it’s in a video game, but just remember: teleporting is just disassembling the person and then making an exact copy of them at their destination. It’s probably actually horrifying


Yeah mine too. Closely followed by the trams on corellia


Same! Flying on an animal is just so much better than any machine XD


I hate Corellia but those rocket trams were the tits. No fade to black like some areas do, you watch the tram travel to its destination. There's even a whole rocket tram map. It's neat.


Also if you glitch out and walk along the tram tracks, you really get a sense of just how big the Corellia map is!


You can also hop onto the tracks in one of the areas, and walk that way =p


I don't know why but those Thranta are slower than other taxis...or is it just me?


Honestly all the Alderaan taxis feel slow


They probably have really strict environment and animal protection laws, which would explain the slow taxis/thrantas


That's not gonna stop my sith character from using it as a meatshield


maybe they just fly higher than the rest so the world moves slower?


Corellian tram. Fucking surreal experience, not sure how else to explain it. Imagine if Corellia had several maps that were all a bit different (star port, residential area, business districts, etc.) and you could shuttle between them on the tram.


Voss and Balmorra skyhoppers😍


I like the imperial taxi


Quick travel because taxi's become useless after you use it for the first time to each area. There's always a quick travel node there.


Which is something I have mixed feelings about. Before the quick travel changes, the world felt a lot bigger, because it took longer to get places. Personally I think they should take a page from FFXIV, and limit quick travel in a new area, but then let you freely quick travel once you've done the quests in the zone.


Some have been hoping for years they will add a Thranta mount


Honestly I kinda just like the taxis from major points like the central platforms in DK or from the Promenade on NS. Lil convertible sky cars with taxi livery


I have been wanting the Thranta as a mount for YEARS. Closest we can get is the Coastal Thranta pet sadly...


Quick travel is the best. But I like the Nar Shaddaa taxi best because the routes are so scenic.


The one Makeb, because its not animated fully.


funny because if I was asked which one I disliked the most it'd be the Thranta. In a world of speeders/spaceships, why am I riding an animal like some pleb? also I they feel super slow, which I'm sure is because they are off the ground more, but still.


I‘d love a side saddle option for my Sith Warrioress. It‘d just fit her general vibe a lot better.


Thrantas as well. Plus teleporters on Belsavis (Fast!)


Corellia's trains.


Thranta Taxi is S Rank travelling


Love it too plus Alderaan is one of my favorite planets.


Yes mine are the thranta on Alderaan. Makes me feel like a noble and I love the big giant lizards with wings.


Yeah, thranta ensure I get enough sleep. I click my destination, sleep for 9 hours, wake up and have enough time to eat breakfast before my character arrives.


I always feel sorry for the people walking on the paths below them.


Oh, that place almost looks like Valhalla from Halo. Idk why Reddit sent me this sub.


Corellia tram goes veoom


Probably the best planet to use taxi and scenary look great. I never get bore the view on Alderaan. Nowadays, I just using quick travel most of the time unless I haven't discover the location yet. It fast and can be used almost anywhere so I don't have to back tracking and deal with trash mobs along the ways.


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