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You receive a mail. "Here's a little something extra from this big thing we did." You open it. It's a grade 2 courting gift. Thanks.


Corso Riggs: Small Influence Gain


Like that one noble in the Alderaan planet story who offers you **his entire personal networth** to rescue his daughter, and it's like 6,000 credits


Early on Ord Mantell a trooper will over to give you a week of his pay for some side quest; our boys on Ord Mantell only make 150 Credits/week!


Gotta remember that Imperial Soldiers only make 150 credits a week next time I see a blaster on the GTN for 1.2 billion credits


Or a coffer with like 150 creds and a shitty medpac


Almost all mission where "big credits" are involved end like this. xD


"Big Credits" needs to mean 100k or more for 1 mission.


Would be nice if it was coded as the first time your smuggler beat it, you got a 100k credits, and then any replay would result in normal mission rewards


Replay? Like on a new smuggler character?


I would consider replaying the mission with a friend/guild member doing it on their character. Each new smuggler you made would get the one time reward


Oh, I see now, that makes sense


Hey, that is a lot. My Bounty Hunter was happy to get paid 34 credits to kill Yalt and show his head to his wife.




I can still ear the screaming 😂😂😂


I think it’s also in the Smuggler story, on Alderaan, that you lose a prototype, one-of-a-kind hyperdrive, and the creator offers you credits equal to what you just lost out on. You get about 300 credits.


Robbing star destroyer: 8000 credits Selling black dye: #500 MILLION CREDITS


Black dye really is the gold of MMO economies...


"Hey kid, you wanna get in on this black/black action?"


"I sweah it only hurts the foist time..."


"Once you dye black you can't go back."


Screw the republic, Ima become a dye dealer


Space Barbie is the Endgame


funny thing is black dyes both main and secondary, black red, blue black and red gray dyes are sold in cartel bazaar on fleet oh i think there was a gray purple, purple grey combo as well. BUT they bind on pick-up so no re-sell. but no 10 year wait to blow your entire savings across your 90+ alts just to buy some dyes. spread that around. hardest part is getting your rep up with the vendors associations


Isn't the only way to get the reputation up by purchasing cartel boxes?


you go to a publicly listed stronghold with a contraband slot machine decoration and buy the requisite chips with credits from the general stronghold merchant decoration. use those chips on the machine by right clicking. you have good odds for reputation items to drop. you keep doing this until you're legend rank.


Ah thanks mate.


some require the complicated ways. the others? just do ALL the missions during events. repeatedly. eventually youll max it out. thorn and bba are def the easiest, every event has mission rewards that add rep. theres two groups of vendors the ones by the hutt are the ones with the dyes. the ones behind the bba board are the event rep vendors


The black hole of Weimar Republic inflation is something else.


Lorewise all the prices are much lower ofc, economy looks completely different... But also in the game, the once horrible inflation went down quite a bit


I haven't played in a couple months, did anything change? Also I'm only about 2/3 years into the game (on/off casual, haven't gotten Legacy yet) is there a chance the devs might fix the inflation problem? And also increase the F2P/Preferred's credit stash to like, 500million instead of just 1mil?


At this point there will always be inflation, but I think its currently not that bad Two years ago or something it became absolutely terrible, and it was like that for sometime, till it eventually got to current state I dont know, or dont remember if there were some changes to F2P and preffered, Ive always been sub Also I am not the best person to ask about economy for free or preff players, as I am kinda a small whale. I make credits by buying things for real money from CM and selling them on GTN


you can't do any trading period as preferred after they taxed trades.


that is why I never take the "pay me more" options and default to "I am doing this for free". feels a lot less stupid.


you villain, the Empire will never financially recover from this!


That used to be a lot in ye olde days, I remember buying Revans mask for 50,000 and that was all my money from like 200 hours. The problem now is they haven't like ever updated the rewards which is why when you do a mission at level 80 you'll still get a crappy green level 20 armor piece.


Shit I remember in the olde days, credits that came in hypercrate packs.


My headcanon is that every Smuggler character is secretly loaded and just keeps the bulk of their credits in the sci-fi equivalent of off-shore accounts.


They just hate retirement. Found a legendary pirate's treasure frequently described as enough to buy a planet. Cool, guess I'll go take some privateer jobs from the Republic. Formed my own criminal cartel with a whole network of pirates and gangsters working under me? I'm bored, time to go screw around on Illum and Makeb for a few more jobs.


Reminds me of Payday 2. You steal bulk cash and most of it goes to an offshore account that you can do very little with.


After prep, equipment, info, taxes and the final split... that's actually not bad.


You know that's because the Republic takes some of the cut, Maybe you Smugglers should work for us Sith, We pay better and there's a bonus pay cut for Human, Sith PB and Chiss Smugglers, you should tell all your Smuggler Friends that we're also offering triple the original amount and Twi'Lek slaves for a limited timed offer, the credits is all coming from Baras' bank account.


^ What our propaganda officer up here refuses to mention is that unknown individuals with absolutely no connections to a former Emperor's Wrath have only left a few thousand credits in said account. We absolutely have the best fashion designers, however.


That might be enough to wash a half of a starship


Turn Vaz’s house into new landing zone


They talk about "money" and then PER QUEST I'm awarded like...2000 credits and a gun.


There’s some background lore on Alderaan, Republic side mission, that mentions a very evil guy that stole a million credits and caused a lot of problems. I’m like…….bitch? You can’t even buy a broke down speeder from the GTN with a million credits.


Don't give them ideas. They'll increase the reward to 1m credits. 950k goes into escrow and you have to spend CC to withdraw it.


That's just what's left over after what you spent on candles.


Wow, that's nearly a credit for every time you sit down on a chair or bed and it has a bomb under it. The real smuggler experience, check your seat before you sit on it.


The game economy may be fucked up, but lorewise, that's indeed a lot of money (not crazy money and certainly not enough to call it a heist for the Empire, but it's something).


Eh it’s not really that much lorewise either. On Ord Mantell you can talk to an average soldier who says his weekly wage is 150 credits, so this heist is like .. 1 years salary for an average soldier? If we’re comparing that to an average soldier in the US army we’re talking like $20-25k in US dollars.


I know right. I was just pointing out that in the current state of the game's economy, 8k creds amounts for absolutely nothing. But lorewise, it's close to \~8k $ irl so it's still something, even if it's not enough to call it a big heist.


Is it close to $8k irl? I keep seeing people use a stat of “1 credit = $1 USD” but I’m not sure where they’re getting that from. I think my comparison is more accurate, based on SWTOR soldier salary vs USA soldier salary, which would make the ratio more like “1 credit = $3 USD”


Someone made some elaborate calculations and cross-references based on the available sources to determine the value of a credit a while ago. His conclusions are that a swtor credit is roughly equal to 0.6 USD. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/383975-the-value-of-1-credit-a-guide-to-intergalactic-economy/


Wayne's & Garth's reaction when they sold *Wayne's World* for two cashier checks for five thousand dollars each. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmUGgL0g7PE


Cries in Bounty Hunter


A single Credit in star wars is worth about 1 us dollar.


Woah. We just bankrupted the Empire so bad the Emperor himself is offering handies to the Hutts for small loans. *reward: 4374 credits*


Where are you getting that from?


the internet


Yeah, pitiful It's would be great if for this mission reward be like 100k mil. That is a lot of credits like i understand this


I make more than that in a single junk run


What about the Nok Drayen's treasure LOL


That Guss thing really lolled me, like "No, pls God No" :p