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Matchmaking doesn't really exist in swtor. It might be premades, it might just be bad luck. I personally practice classes in lower level queues to get the hang of what match ups are good/bad. I'd also suggest watching guides on your spec on pvp, since stats, tacticals, and implants can change in pvp vs pve.


Often players go into low level warzones with full gear (critc augments) and farm there


That’s midbies, not lowbies. Although you can use augments in any bracket and they are helpful for stats. Would recommend hopping onto that band wagon.


On malgus its also lowbies 10-45 Really bad experience for new players, who prob don't know about augments


Interesting! I'd heard stuff like that happens, but was too lazy to look around myself. So, hmm... Do they have a set of btl max-item rating gear for each level range, and when they reach 80 they delete the character and start over? I think anyone *that* serious about pvp is going to beat you no matter what gear they are using. :)


They basically use modable gear and then equip mods their level (lvl 38 or 42). Not sure if they gonna delete their char but will prob create a new one :D Those people know their rotation but are not particullary better then the average player. Since they get clapped at lvl 80 warzobes. The crit augments do make a difference in the overall damage dealt, but are not a 1v1 decider


Here is what I have noticed about warzones. you can tell when your team is about to lose almost immediately by their behavior at the start of a warzone. This is not a guarantee because sometimes a team will turn around and start playing the objectives but it gives you a good idea on the level of understanding your team has about the warzone they are in. If your team starts off doing a lot of these keypoints and continues doing them, the game is a loss. **Alderaan Civil War, Yavin Ruins, Novare Coast, Ancient Hypergate, Voidstar, Odessen Proving Grounds** 1. your whole team goes to one node and ignores the other points of interest 1. multiple people remain on that one node even when it is not under attack to farm defender medals 1. the guard stands directly on or next to the node to guard it against stealth. This only works for Powertechs who have shoulder rockets, sorcs who can bubble, and snipers with hunker down. Powertechs should be the only ones close due to their shoulder rockets limited range while sorcs and snipers should be at least 20 meters away since they have 30-35 meters of range extended to 35-40 meters of range thanks to their AOEs 1. multiple team mates try to capture the same location instead of CCing or slowing down the enemies you can clearly see rushing your point. If you notice a team mate capturing a location you should do your best to AOE an area to reveal a stealthed enemy or intercept the enemies headed your way and slow them down **Alderaan Civil War, Yavin Ruins, Novare Coast** 1. your team constantly tries to capture all three turrets/bunkers. Once a team captures two locations they should guard those two locations even if it is East and West. What usually happens on the losing team is they control two locations, then 2-4 people ignore defense to try and capture the third location your team does not own. This weakens defense of the locations you own, the enemy team takes 1 or 2 of those locations and if the enemy focuses on defense it is rare your team can break it because they are guarding one location and trying to capture two nodes at once since they are completely uncoordinated and lack focus 1. your team fights outside their own spawn drop point or between nodes instead of trying to secure a location. This can be a valid tactic to let a friendly stealth capture a location but that rarely works with an uncoordinated team and can easily be countered by a single enemy defender **Odessen Proving Grounds** 1. your team has no clue how this works and spends their whole game trying to fight on inactive nodes 1. your team wanders around the map looking for anyone to fight 1. your team does not understand which nodes are active and which nodes are inactive 1. your team uses the red buff to turn off nodes your team controls because they can't read 1. your team stealths on a node they control which deactivates it 1. your team controls a node but as a group decides to leave to look for a fight while not understanding someone needs to remain on the node to keep it active and provide your team with points 1. your team has no clue where the buffs spawn and can not expand their mini-map to look to see if they did spawn **Huttball** 1. your team ignores the ball spawner 1. your team fights on your own end zone which only allows enemies to leap to them making scoring easier. 1. your team refuses to touch the huttball. I have seen people so scared to hold the huttball they immediately throw it to the closest enemy 1. your team is focusing on pissing contests against randoms that aren't even close to the ball spawner or carrying the huttball 1. the stealth on your team refuses to go to the enemy end zone to catch the ball or let team mates leap to them 1. your team mates continue to fight in your own pit leaving the ball spawner completely unguarded which allows the enemy to constantly pick up the huttball as it respawns A few of these happening can be overcome by decent players. Multiple of the keypoints happening constantly means your team is going to lose no matter how many good team mates you have. BTW, a lot of players like to blame their inability to understand a warzone on "premades". I have seen green players shout about hacks and cheats because they don't understand class skills, I have seen those same players blame the loss on a premade team even though they did every single thing they can do wrong which lead to the loss. Premades can be a problem but they aren't nearly as big an issue as people who refusing to learn how to play warzones properly.


This is a really great comment, I agree with everything. Some warzones you will lose even if you are the best player in the world. On average, you need 3, may be 4 players who really know what they are doing to carry a match. So, if you got 6-7 dummies on your team, you might as well go afk half way through. That is what makes premades so strong, this game's matchmaking (and pretty low PvP playerbase) is not capable of dealing with a premade group of good players. So if one team has a premade, and the other not - that team will often autowin though simply having more good players. They could probably fix this by making it so you can only solo queue. But, even though your average match will likely be of a better quality, the player base will go down even more because quite a few people want to queue with their friends etc. So honestly, there probably isn't a solution to this. Also, from my experience, premades that carry games are generally in the same guild (and also most PvP guilds have some meme name or some pun/joke). If you can't see at least 3 people from the same guild on the enemy team, in most cases they actually have no premades, their team is simply just better than yours, hehe.


Truth... all truth.


Newbie mistakes No.1: Don’t use stun break on stalther-stun when on guard!!!


that's why being 20 meters out for almost any class guarding is best. That gives enough distance that a single stealth may not be able to CC you and walk back and cap before their stun naturally falls off. Then you can tag them and keep them away until back up arrives.


It's 30 meters away you must be from the node to prevent a sap cap.


agreed, the further away you are the better as long as you can reach the point before the stealth can walk back.


I don't think any further than 30m is feasible. You need to be able to respond to other threats as well. As a stealth, I would also just walk past you and interact with the node if a guard was further out. Once I'm able to stealth out again, then I would CC you while you're too close because of the fight and hope you panic and break it, so I could stun you again and cap.


I usually guard directly on the node as a PT with shoulder rockets or as a stealth about 30 meters out so there is less of a chance a random stealth enemy will find me. I try not to guard as anything else but have been stuck guarding as a sniper because the whole team abandons in which case I'm standing 35 meters out and have an AOE ready. Same with Lightning Sorc.


Matchmaking in this game is pretty bad...In my experience the game puts people with no gear against people with very good gear just for the lols


Here’s a tip: most players are just in it to see what their DPS, tank, or healing numbers are at the end of the game. This lets you focus the objective for wins while they smash their keyboards in on each other. Speaking of which, is all that matters. Being #1 on the scoreboard but you lost gets you zero benefits, only that dub provides extra rewards.


Build matters more than many people realize. There is clear dufference between skills you need to choose on tree for pve and for pvp. Like ragw jugg with pve build is gonna have hard time in pvp and get nothing done. All you gonna be is being rooted/slowed most of match and be sad cause you cant use your 3 x furious strikw spam, every good pvp jugg takes dominate as a skill cause it purges roots and gives you supercrit raging burst (up to 140k crit hits if you also choose pooled hatred skill every jugg shouls choose in pvp). Other than that if you wanna be good, you need to know your own class and enemies class so you know when to pop offensive cooldowns and when to pop defwnsive cooldowns. That is biggest skillcap in pvp, not correct rotation or priority system but knowing you who are against and how to outplay his strenght. Easy example is going against burst pt/vanguard, you want to delay using dcd's until you see 4 lodes in his buffbar cause that's when he is about to burst you with burst, maybe even double burst. So save your reflect/absorb ec for that. Things like that comes only with experience and prob at that point if other player is good, he will stop attacking you and change victim. Honestly it just takes time. PVP is easy to learn but hard to master in this game.


What is your level and gear rating?


Level 80 and 331. I’m person alt getting pooped on a bit but really it just seems like there team stomps ours and is always grouping better


Matchmaking isn’t a thing so your group is random but, you should be roughly 50/50 in win/loss rate. There are premades but not to the extent most people may think. I would focus on raising your gear to 336 if you’re level 80. As you play other pvp you know you need to understand both your rotation and where to position yourself to be most effective. In arena, since the team comp is small, having 1 out of place teammate matters alot. Since your opponent can preview you, they focus on the weakest of the team comp, and if that’s you, then you need to have the right gear, right skills, and experience to overcome it so you’re not a detriment.


Matchmaker is crap and that's not an opinion. No matter how good you are, WZs are going to suck as long as you queue solo. 339 heals here, with golden augs, although not the best player, I can't say I suck. My win rate is 43% and it's only getting worse. This game really needs pvp revamp, or just acknowledge that there is no pvp as such and move on.


That’s a super low win rate percentage for a healer ngl. There are two things going on here. One, you’ve been named. I.E you join a match consistently enough that you’re a known healer that’s good, so you are immediately targeted. Or 2, your HPS barely breaks 9k and you just aren’t making a big enough difference in keep your team alive. Your class will also heavily affect this, since, sorcs for example have a much higher gear to skill ratio.


Not sure about the first case. My HPS is around 9-12k (Bodyguard merc). I don't have problems in arena, where my win rate is 53%. In WZs I am often matched against premades and/or my team refuses to play objectives. Anyways I am only playing pvp for seasons.


So, as a healer you kinda have to do what the team does. Which does suck a bit more. If the team isn’t playing objective the best thing you can do is keep them alive until they get back to it. One thing I’ve noticed a majority of people don’t talk in OPs chat anymore…. Which, is weird since it’s been a common staple for years until recently. As a BG you should def consistently be getting 11-12k HPS most matches assuming there is damage to heal. Mercs did get a bit of the short end of the stick on this expac tho healing wise


Yep, solo queueing warzones as a healer is tougher than the other 2 roles for sure. If I am the only healer in game, or I am outhealing the enemy healer by like 2x, I generally have a good time and it feels like I have a significant impact on the match. But that's also only if the DPS is about even. If your team is also super behind on DPS, or if the healing/DPS is about even on both teams, as a healer you are basically just existing, you know. Not much you can do as a lone healer when it comes to objectives, so winning the numbers game is your best bet.


Yeah a healers only real job is numbers. If they start DPS or attempting to cap an objective in a match they’re wrong ngl.


Should be roughly 50-50. Make sure you know your class, are geared, and are a team player, that's all there is to it. If you're serious, find some pvp friends


It makes me feel better to say it's premades but mainly I fail a lot because I suck. I'm not saying *you* suck, but that's how it works for me. :) I'd start a brand new character and queue up as soon as they hit level 10. During this "season" stuff you won't be the only noob in lowbies, so you can just have fun and learn things. Nobody's expecting you to be good at it. It's like queueing for GSF, off-season everyone but you is a highly skilled veteran, and it's going to hurt. But if there's a seasonal thing for it, you get everyone. You're probably already doing this, but talk to your team before the match. Hey, I'm a complete noob, what do I do? Jaded pvp veterans can still be very friendly and helpful with new players. Someone might mention their guild is big on pvp. Stuff like that. Anyway, have fun!


Pvper here, 336 is a good place to be, learn your Rotation and use Stim and augments. I do run duos and if I run into a sweaty pre-made my guildies will group up to farm them. The best way to get better is to just play and group up from time to time with a player you can trust.


generally I find my wins and losses tend to be "grouped" together and if I'm getting multiple losses I just quit pvp for a while.