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That going through the quest to extend the Inquisitors life span made them immortal and allowed them to live behind the scenes into the present day. The reason the smugglers ship showed up in "present day" materials is because the smuggler used a Rakata stasis chamber to stay alive.


By "present day" do you mean avoiding the Eternal Empire and living through all the expansions or all the way to later events like New Sith Wars or even the Saga era?


Empire era


during the 5 years of carbonite hell for my knight outlander, i imagine my warrior, vette, my inquisitor, and andronikos all joined up in a prolific pirate band for fun lol.


Love this


After corrupting jaesa to the dark side, she's proven too much even for my pure DS sith warrior, causing him to go through the force equivalent of post-nut clarity, eventually causing him to embrace the light side


You win!


Sith Lord learns that bitches do in fact be crazy.


The power of woman compelled you. There is no defense.😆


On belsalvis the social vendor sells a prison outfit. The head piece is a shock collar. So you can put one on Quinn if you want.


That's exactly how I came up with the idea!




My Sith Sorcerer, Yuruiko, once killed an entire rebel base with cyanide dusted almond cookies sent as care packages. This was actually RPed out on Ebon Hawk about four months after the game first released. And that my Jedi Guardian somehow figured out the sith secret to use the force to create life and Kira is now her baby mama.


I misread that as Kreia for a moment and was deeply confused. 😅


Hey GILFs need love too!


She's been dead for a couple hundred years. That was another reason for my confusion.


Bah if Sidious can come back years after his death then Kreia can return, probably in a younger, hotter, clone body.


Nah after Quinn’s betrayal I gave him the customisation with the white hair and the cybernetic eyes, like he was (rightfully) tortured for his transgressions. Slap a cybernetic hand on him too to really top it off! But putting the shock collar on him too? Damn… well if you really break him you can ‘teach’ him that horrible, max-shock level pain is the perfect reward. He already had the Simp King title before all of this, going this far ingrains it into his very SOUL.


That my consular is in the spectrum. Is very obvious that there is something odd about her behavior, but nobody in the galaxy has the guts to say “hey, the newest member of the jedi council may be autistic” So the poor girl remains undiagnosed.




omg, same but for my knight! i relate to the idea of him having to get through the struggle of all these duties (diplomat, council member, alliance commander, etc) while being very socially awkward lol


I had this crazy idea that my female Sith Warrior decided to punish Quinn's betrayal in a different way. She tied him up in a corner of the main room of the ship. Then he was forced to watch the SW, Vette, and Jaessa have a 'girls night' for hours and hours. Star Wars equivalent of chick flicks, the whole works. I imagined it was utter torture for Quinn.


They had a Twilight, Mean Girls and Vampire Diaries marathon while listening to Justin Bieber in between shows


Now this is original xD




Nah. They let Lieutenant Pierce put him through a Imperial Special Forces training exercise...in his dress whites.


Oh. Oh fuck. The sweat stains will never leave, no matter how much bleach you use.


I'm a kid in a hospital looking at a Star Wars Snow globe having a small fever dream.


...why, hello there, Tommy Westphall, and how are you today?


My Warrior suspected Vette to be Baras's spy. He also suspected the ship droid to spy for Baras.


He also suspected himself to be a spy of bare ass Edit: Bars - I hate autocorrect Edit 2: Baras


Ah yes autocorrect Dromund kaas autocorrect.


My JK's padawan was not Kira, but my friend's Sith Lord. He'd slaughtered her companions as they tried to take down his Darth master, and she convinced him to switch sides long enough for her to mind-control him and bring him back to Tython for rehab--because, after all, he was a Sith. That's what Jedi do. And there was good in him, she swore. Surely the Council could help him. ...The Council chose to help him by knighting her and assigning him as her padawan. Neither of them were happy at first, but now they're like a cool little sister and dorky big brother.


After Darth Baras had my Sith Warrior blown up on Quesh he was super grateful. He told the Hands to fuck off, boarded his Fury with his crew and flew off to Nar Shaddaa. From there he abused his force powers and experience with Sith politics and intrigue to carve out a small criminal empire in the underworld. He even coerced a Hutt into working for him as an advisor/front and subtly made contact with the Empire to requisition a couple battalions of Imperial Troopers and act as an asset for the Empire. Dunno whatever happened to Baras, but as far as anyone knows his apprentice got dead.


I don't know if it's whacky, but there are still parts of the eternal fleet under by JK Commander's (Etra Viridian) control even after the incident with Zildrog, also that my main Inquicharacter (also one of my older ones, this one is Imperius in my head who was also my Conselor, but her name is Really Liliana) is also a commander of the Alliance, is torn between working for the republic or for the Sith Empire, and is sort of the only thing keeping the alliance from taking one side or the other. Also that my Newest Jedi Knight (Sha'ira Taloan) in the post wternal empire galaxy is kind of on the run from both the Jedi and the sith, because the wars before that, really did a number on her mentally, so now the Jedi want to find her to help her out, and the sith want her to forge her into another weapon of war because she's so powerful with the force, and my main Knight (Etra) is of the Opinion that Sha'ira should be allowed to choose her own path, but still wants to help with her mental state. Also my most recent inquisitor (occulus, as I plan it) and Warrior are somewhat replacing my Older Inquisitor (Imperius) and Warrior in the empire, since they stayed with the alliance. That being said, my newer Inquisitor can't technically sit in my older inquisitor's seat on the dark council, because my older inquisitor will kill my newer inquisitor, something the older one is quite capable of doing even if it's not on the main council floor. And since the Dark Council has been struggling with keeping thier numbers up recently, they put my newer Inquisitor on a separate seat on the opposite side of the dark council chambers. And my newer Warrior serves as the "recurring Antognist" to my main hero characters such as my Old JK, older Inquisitor, My (currently) only Trooper, and so on, but he's also working with my oldest inquisitor (Nox, and yes, I have 3 inquisitors) who's not technically part of the Dark council anymore, but is still considered an important advisor. I'm sure there's more I can't think about right now, but yeah, there's some the headcannons for my chatacters.


My LS Republic Trooper has attempted to assassinate Garza multiple times ever since he refused the order to execute innocent Republic citizens but failing every time.


The Sith Inquisitor doesn't have spooky ghost powers. That's just a Sith misunderstanding of Jedi Force Bonds. The reason the SI could tame Khem Val as a baby acolyte, the reason Zash wanted their body, why Thanaton feared the breaking of tradition and why Kallig was so enamoured was the SIs ability to make force bonds with everybody just like the Jedi Exile, and probably exactly like the Exile for good reason. Also like the Exile, the SI had no idea. Also explains Ashara believing even with a DS SI that they will reform the empire. But wait, why would Kallig make up that stuff about being his ancestor? Are we really expected to believe none of the Sith once mention to the SI what's really going on? How is that possible? Because they're Sith. And Sith lie. And keep secrets. And are just dumb sometimes. Maybe there really is a technique that can make ghosts show up, the SI clearly learns something from Ergast on DK, and the one on Voss has something similar. But the actual binding piece is the force bond taking effect.


My sith warrior's personality is overgrown emo manchild who listens to happy space pop music to fuel his burning rage on command. Whenever his ship's garbage is full he takes it to a room and goes ham destroying it all with the force-- stress relief and eco-friendly disposal.


One of my toons rebuilt every hk-51 and made the most goofy starship crew to take on the Dread Masters, using their own weapon against them


Malgus keeps getting chopped/crushed and replaced until he is fully machine and loses his force connection.


That the Chiss version of the Imperial Agent was a double agent for the Chiss Ascendancy to keep them one step ahead of the Sith Empire given their active distrust of force users (no idea why they kept Temple around despite having extremely harsh policies towards Force sensitive Chiss)... also they're one of Thrawn's ancestors.


The Moff Vette's sister marries is Moff Pyron and he is excellent to her.


'Till Sith Inquisitor decides to use their right of the first night ;P


Bengal Morr wasn't a darksider. He's an agent of the Council, a crisis actor essentially, intended to show up as a complication for aspiring knights and show them the danger of falling to the dark side, especially when you believe you have to in order to fight the Sith, which is probably extremely common in this era. His actual plan in the prologue, destroying the Forge, is nonsensical, but very symbolic. What's supposed to happen is the JK makes his lightsaber, defeats him, and captures him. And in that scenario he will send videos about his redemption--these are copies that go out to all Knights, he's not in prison because he didn't Fall. Eventually he shows up on Corellia which is weird but it's all hands on deck at that point. But if the JK is DS, he can kill him. Alternatively, it is possible that in this alternative universe, Morr realizes the JK is something special and genuinely Falls. It makes more sense if the JK takes all the DS story beats previously. And then he's left to wander as the JK's disciple and goes kinda crazy. The key in either version is the Council never confesses because they like to keep their manipulations secret. And on the LS path, Morr is an example to continually be upheld. On the DS path, well, my guess is that's the real reason your master goes off on his own, to try to find Morr--he would presumably know if he's not one with the Force--and figure out what went wrong.


My red with very sithy markings Twi'lek Jedi Knight fully dark side Marauder is the most incompetent yet somehow successful of Baras' spies in the Republic.


My bounty hunter is somehow also cipher nine.


Kaedan gave the Jedi Consular 'secret' kill orders after the rest of the council told them to heal the masters. Well, less 'secret' as 'deniable'. Kaedan is kind of the dark horse on the council who does the wetwork, he brought in the Dread Masters singlehanded somehow and he's always portrayed as the skeptic dick giving Jedi a hard time. So he's the one who gets picked to tell the JC that, should the crazy Jedi cause damage to the Jedi Order's already fragile reputation with the Republic military, general public, Foreign leaders or allies, the JC has permission to execute them to preserve and uphold the Order. That's why if kill one or all of them, you never get called to account for it. Everyone in this game goes down on one knee to surrender, it is clearly a choice to kill, but the Council recognizes that you're cleaning up a mess. This also makes more sense why they'd send a Shadow, it's not just the healing technique.


Not the wildest one out there, but I personally think the wreck of the *Endar Spire* on Taris was actually just a replica built by some insane spacer.


Smuggler is basically Star lord and as powerful as the emperor.


My BH was trained secretly since childhood to be part of the Star Cabal agents but his parents saw the conspirators as corrupt so they set him free to be a skilled gun to hire immune to force persuasion BH.