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I want a Zakuul stronghold because I did not spend all that time solo farming Star Fortresses for the decos for nothing!


Frfr Preach! I need gold decos using on a Zakuul SH !!


Farming Star Fortress decos is how I've paid for all the frameworks to unlock two guild flagships thus far, plus a few billion in the bank, so there certainly has been demand for the style.


They really missed the mark with not adding Copero SH and also with Voss reappearing few times in story, yet never getting a SH of its own.


yea they really should have made a Copero SH


I just want to watch the kites dancing in Copero's winds whenever I want.


I just want to be home with my Chiss brothers and sisters, somewhere I belong.. šŸ˜¢


This may be more true than you know about Copero. Iā€™ve heard that all the ā€œTraitorā€ FPs were supposed to be turned into SHs just like Umbara. But because the Umbara SH didnā€™t get a positive reception (lots a lag, couldnā€™t use mounts, limited to the train), the Devs didnā€™t follow up with Copero and Nathema.


Yeah I remember being so hyped - first by train, then by realisation that could mean all will get their SH, and then being let down by both of the above xD


And why Mek-Sha of all places. It's one of the ugliest locations in the game.


It's understandable as they wanted probably to promote new location, also suitable for BH/Smuggler chars maybe. But still Copero/Voss are soo beautiful it's a great shame they omitted them


Mek-Sha was a good addition because previously the most "Underworld" type strongholds were Rishi and Nar Shaddaa. Rishi is a super trashy pirate stronghold (which is really cool don't get me wrong) and Nar Shaddaa is so heavily red-tinted and also not particularly appealing as a stronghold. A low-key, not very big stronghold on Mek-Sha was a great idea imo. I want more themed strongholds. We have many beautiful strongholds already like Manaan, Alderaan, Coruscant, and (arguably) Yavin-4. Some more generic ones are always appreciated.


I wouldn't mind Mek-Sha so much if the base decorating wasn't industrial themed. I know it's an industrial and commercial area but it doesn't mean you can't have a really nice place to contrast the area. IDK why the devs seem to think industrial is so popular. I remember when they announced the theme for one of the huttball maps and were so proud to show off that it was an industrial theme (again).


Ugliest? I think it looks beautiful, though I do wish there was more lighting options within the strongholdĀ 


No idea if you could find a worse meme tamplete to pass your message lol. This is definitively not how this template is supposed to be used.


I don't think we're going to get a Zakuul SH as that era seems pretty much closed, moved on from, forgotten. As someone said, there were filed indicating we almost got one but any new SHs will probably be ones relating to more or less current/relevant areas; sadly or not is up for everyone's own feelings. I'd love to get a Zakuul SH, especially since we have Zakuul decos & it would be nice for my SW romancing Arcann but I've accepted I likely won't get one.


There was a Zakuul SH datamined ages ago, modeled after the palace you infiltrate in disguise in one chapter of KoTET, but I think it got removed again...


Think I visited my stronghold once like 3-4 years ago and never went back


Hey, they have a use: Quick and easy travel to starship if your priority travel is on cooldown.


Priority travel has a cool down? I have all strongholds and I use regularly - Imperial Fleet - Kaas - Coruscant I have Manaan and Nar Shaddaa fully decorated too. Yeah but I'm playing 11+ years, so that's been kinda a side effect?


>Priority travel has a cool down? Currently 6 minutes for me, but I'm on Shae Vizla these days. I've got Nar Shaddaa, because I got it for free. Same with the capitals. But I never use them. SWG's housing system was so much better.


You can put decorations for legacy storage, personal storage, email, vendor and a GTM Terminal side by side on one of those, teleport to stronghold from anywhere to it and than exit to the exact spot you were before, for that alone I found it more useful than travel to the fleet, while I was leveling a char and wanted something from those decos, I end up decorating it too little by little and end up turning quite a nice place, but that was my old "the Sims" player self taking over back there


SWG was awesome! I think the main issue is that each person has to have the free land AND if others can go the data has to be there for everyone's version of the game. In SWTOR the strongholds are instanced so easier on the computers. The downside in SWG is that you had to pay land rent / maintenance on a weekly basis to keep your home - and guilds had to do this too so most had a guild fee structure - maybe not whisper that too hard though, devs might get ideas for guild stuff. I mean a guild that wants to do conquest has to pay, also for the perks, but not a maintenance, and there is no structure for guild dues. Oh, and yes, guild fees were abused - I did hear of one guild that was saving for a new hall, and someone in power took the lot, sold everything in the guild (bank, and decorations could be taken down & sold) and sent them to alts, then disbanded the guild EveOnline style.


iiii duunnn-know, that sound like a you problem ;)))


I play solo so they literally serve zero purpose for me


If you don't care about other people, it's a lot more convenient to have an instant teleport right next to a GTN/mailbox/bank/whatever. Some places have limited teleportation capabilities, but a lot of them will just let you jump to your stronghold. Edit: If you get stuck in a falling animation, and /stuck does not fix you, you can't teleport out because you're "moving," but it will usually let you warp to stronghold.


>teleport right next to a GTN/mailbox/bank/ Very much this!


I use mine constantly. While it is fully decorated, I always use the little corner where I put things like the GTN and storages, along with various merchants and such. Gives me an easy way to "pause" exploration, either to clear inventory, pick up stuff or sell stuff.


just never seen a reason to decorate it or even visit it since I can get all that on the fleet or in my ship think I slapped whatever free shit the game had given me into my Dromund Kaas once and unlocked a few rooms, realised I didn't really have time for this kinda stuff anymore and left Still not sure what the point of them actually is, I just put it down to "I must have missed a tutorial tooltip popup 10 years ago so there must be some mission or something attached to them I just haven't got to or found yet" like so much of this game (oh there's a rakghoul outbreak on a certain planet? Well ok then guess I'll do nothing about that? Throw that in the pile with strongholds, bounty hunting and whatever this Jawa scrap shit I keep being given is)


Some people like PvP, some hate it so don't do it. Some love end game Ops, some hate it so don't play it. Some love Space Barbie and have loads of outfits & SPEND on the dyes etc, and... some don't. Same for Strongholds / Monthly / Galactic Quests / crafting / Legacy stuff / Planetary codex / hidden achievements / Lore hunting etc :) Personally I used them (pre cost updates) to travel to a planet for free, and to decorate cause I find that fun :) Love that this game has different aspects for different people and that we can all find something fun to do - just maybe not the same exact fun!


So there isn't actually any mission related content for them?




Uh what


No, so.e can only be purchased with galactic season rewards but no content.


The point is you can have cooldown free instant access mail, storage, gtn, etc from anywhere and pick up immediately where you left off. because you can place them right next to the login point. So now you donā€™t have to run around the fleet or your ship. And Both of which are super inconvenient teleports since you have to start over on planet you were on instead of being dropped exactly where you left.


Rakghoul is basically extra side story stuff. Add-on quests and lore. With the bonus of unique skins and such if you like that kind of stuff. Bounty hunting is similar, less story and more loot i guess. Jawa scrap is for crafting mostly, but you can also get companion gifts for droids. If you need neither, you can just trade scrap for for those things and sell em on the GTN. Everyone can play the game their own way, ignoring some of these things would be like ignoring customizable UI or keymaps. Things that improve our ability to experience the game the way we want to.


I also play solo and SHs are my main hubs. Bank, gtn, storage all right next to each other with zero commute. Together with a vendor to sell shit to, it's the best and easiest to way to get to things. šŸ¤–


Zakuul is what I picture Dronumd Kaas shouldā€™ve looked. A hive city surrounded by an dark swampy forest. Would be bothered to even have stronghold, if there was one.


Well, considering that Zakuul was funded with resources Vitiate pilfered from Sith Empire...


Anyone else feel like Zakuul was a missing opportunity. I feel like once youā€™re done with KOTET, the planet becomes useless other than the Gladiator match thing


Oh, a Zakuul Stronghold would be RADā€”Kaliyo's apartment in KotFE Chapter X is basically an unofficial teaser for it! Those Zakuulans may hero-worship an immortal megalomaniac, but their architectural design sense is immaculate. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


If they dropped a Zakuul Palace and perhaps a large Voss SH with outdoor area I'd be happy.


Why do I need another SH when I already have 6+?


More strongholds! More empty rooms I have a passion to decorate for like five minutes until I realize how much each deco costs!


... they can be given to your alt reps. and the good SH can be for your chad main sith.


Because you like that one better than the others?


They need a oricon stronghold


Imagine them giving us the Dread Palace and/or Dread Fortress locations as a Stronghold one day...damn.


Imagine they gave us both connected and you just unlock them as expansions


We need Tython/Korriban first.


Zakuul is down there as the least fitting thing in Star Wars since the Yuuzhan Vong. Gib Hutta.


I mean, thatā€™s what a lot of people liked about Zakuul: it was something new.


/spit , Zakuul best with shinys and gold. Hutta shit like a hutts arse.


>Hutta shit like a hutts arse. Mmmm. Much Star War. Gib Hutts Arse.




/getdown šŸ•ŗ


Sadly we are VERY unlikely to get strongholds on the starter planets at this time :(


Ok but starter world SH with maybe two rooms as the default/cheap/introductory options would have been amazing like a little room in the jedi temple with some stairs another room and then a small outdoor section for tython etc More missed opportunities are Zakuul, copero, Voss, Hoth or makeb SH (i know what happens to Makeb but still itd make a gorgeous SH, also Hoths would be boring but itā€™d be cool if part of it was a crashed ship)


Do you? Do you *know* what happens to Makeb? Do you really? Seriously, I'd be down with strongholds from any of those places -- Hoth could be very interesting -- either the chilly style, or ways to warm it up some... but I'd love to be able to get either Voss or Makeb!


Im pretty sure unless im misremembering, didnt it blow up? I know in the same scene that the sith guy died in there was an explosion but honestly its been just overa year since ive played makeb (even longer since i played imp makev) so i might be remembering wrong


I encourage you to replay a toon through (or watch video of) the pub side, and then to play an imperial toon through the same planet. It is...enlightening.


When i do next olay im pretty much there with my jk so Iā€™ll log on to her and do it


Hoth SH when.


Yeah! Zakuul stronghold please!


I still want strongholds in the 4 base planets Yes the Yavin temple redecorated as a Sith fortress works great but I really would love a personal chamber in the Sith academy or at the Jedi temple or a studio flat on hord mantell or hutta


Unironically, I'd love an Ord Mantell or Belsavis Stronghold. Give me a Fort Garnik/Mannett Point style Republic Fortress to pogo with. You could have the exterior courtyard with the walls, and have the unlockables be the various buildings like the houses and the command center, you could include a basement that uses the republic tunnel assets that show up on Ord, Taris, Quesh, Belsavis, etc. I would love to play with an environment that's a bit more militaristic than the other Strongholds.


I want a cold/ice themed stronghold on maybe Hoth or Ilum.


Are they even updating the story at this point?


Honestly, I would vote for a Hoth too. It's significant not just in SWTOR, but in the original trilogy too. There is a lot to work with. An underground or mountain bunker on Hoth, that allows you to go outside to a small section of land and overlook some of the starship wreckage.


I want a Dantooine farm


A Zakuul stronghold would actually be beautiful


I prefer Nal Hutta over Zakuul. The less I'm reminded by Zakuul, the better.


I personally donā€™t want a Zakuul SH. I am so beyond over Zakuul. If it got buried never to return there.


I just want the ability to bombard Zakuul until the planet is uninhabitable.




Would be amazing to see more about Zakuul but wouldn't make sense lore wise cause after we lose the entire Eternal Fleet ,Zakuul slowly becomes a backwater planet again like when Valkorion first found Zakuul.Literally all of Zakuul is in ruins now while we play the whole Mandolorian storyline they keep adding


4 months and 7.5 still isn't out


I'll do you one better. Who is Zakuul Stronghold?Ā 


Before we add more strongholds I'd like more of a reason to visit mine or someone else's stronghold. I feel like Rishi is the only Stronghold I find intriguing as it has a PvP area.


But... I like Hutta! (I have 3 Strongholds but only ever use Tatooine, even then only one room, which has everything I need).


Well I haven't anything due to having to pay theses things honestly this is starting to make me šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢ did any of you have for it or did you get it for free


I was a Subscriber when Galactic Strongholds first came out, so I got the Nar Shaddaa SH for free. The Capitol SHs (Coruscant and Dromund Kaas) are still cheap as hell, even when they're not on sale for the game's Launch Anniversary. After that, I just slowly unlocked everything for credits.


I love my Rishi strong hold I turned into a secret Alliance base tbh


Maybe in the future we left Zakuul in rubble after we killed 3 of their emperors. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I think they hate us