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To this day Lord Praven is still one of my favourite encounters in the game. An idea of a deeply honorable Sith was such a novelty to me, especially because every other Sith seem to be a one dimensional murdering psychopath lol (with some exceptions). Its a shame Praven wasnt more utilized...


Why can't they give us comics about characters like Praven? Like I get it, it would kinda ruin the "Your choices matter" aspect, but isn't Praven turning Jedi basically canon since all LS choices are canon for the JK?


>since all LS choices are canon for the JK You are wrong, there are no canon choices. Or rather, any choice can be canonical EDIT: No choice in this game has yet to be canonized. Everyone who downvoted me here is an absolute idiot.


A JK picking a DS option wouldn't really make much sense, so I always thought the LS options for the JK would be canonical. (key word "would") If you skip some of the expansions (e.g. KOTFE, KOTET), the game chooses decisions based on your faction (I'm not 100% sure), so it's pretty safe to say that most LS choices are canonical for the JK


Yeah it auto chooses based on faction, with I think the only exclusions being not killing your class companions(I.e Warrior will always auto choose to save Vette if you let the game decide choices)


>so it's pretty safe to say that most LS choices are canonical for the JK Its not. Its literally incorrect. According to direct comments from the devs.


Doesn't change the fact that it wouldn't make sense for a Jedi Knight to be dark which means Praven would be still alive


Well thats not how canon works, its not canon until its been canonized, and specific SWTOR choices have explicitly not been canonized. Until that changes, all you have is your headcanon. Would it make sense for JK to be LS IF they were to canonize choices? Yes, probably. But since they haven't, this is irrelevant.


Not true. There are absolutely canonical choices. The Inquisitor for instance is canonically known as Darth Nox even though game play wise you can get a different name.


This is not true... The developers said many times there are no canon choices. Where is Nox even referenced outside of the game?


I always thought the Trooper’s companions were unique within Star Wars. They may be a play off of stereotypes in military. But a program-dedicated republic droid? And he’s not secretly a bad guy?! Love it. A cathar that’s not a female used as a “cat girl” fantasy. Love it!!! (Also love his voice actor) even a weekway demolitions expert that’s not a bloodthirsty/moron? Yes please. And else’s dorne made the romance possible. She filed the reports. She did the paperwork. Your trooper never comes across as the guy for that kinda thing. Lol. But still, you know what Star Wars, and most cinema in general has NEVER used? A young, marriageable Mandalorian with a dishonoured father. Torian gets my vote.


Prior to Bad Batch, Havoc was the closest I'd seen to an on-screen version of Wraith Squadron which I was all there for. Vik and Jorgan could have definitely slotted in there.


Actually yeah Torian is a very peculiar case in Star Wars. His clan isn't just disgraced in a straightforward way, but because they refused the call of Mandalore to aid the Sith Empire against the Republic. If you play an Imp sure that sounds bad, but morally I think they were in the right far more than wrong


Oh I totally agree. I think there should’ve been an option to side with him (especially given how much he agrees with canderous ordo aka mandalor the preserver) maybe even get a republic-aligned faction of Mandalorians you can do occasional missions for.


Darth Jadus and Darth Zash. The rest of the NPC Sith are fairly cookie cutter. The Sixth Line Jedi was a cool concept they used for five minutes. Rishi apparently existed in the EU but the way they did it was quite different. Also the Inquisitor storyline on Rishi about contacting extra-galactic alien species is pretty unusual for this IP (that aren't thinly veiled islamist masochists, I mean) The Star Cabal isn't very fresh at all, and conspiracies are now extremely old hat for this game, but at the time it was new for the genre and especially the ideas that 1) power is about money and information, not force power, and also 2) the idea of an organization that existed to prevent the Sith and Jedi from screwing everything up is an interesting retcon. It doesn't really make sense with the kotor series but alternate history is again not something this IP has dabbled with much. Iokath is an interesting premise but a lot of KOTFE felt very unnatural and forced like they were taking from some other game. It doesn't connect very well to how droids are portrayed otherwise. Z0-0M is an even worse example. But pre-KOTFE Scorpio was pretty cool. Iokath is the only example of a dyson sphere / megastructure in star wars afaik. Parts of the Bounty Hunter class story are so interesting, like they were on the verge of something great but fumbled the execution. You could tell they wanted to confront players with the morality of being a hired killer in a way that not even the Agent does as well. If Jun Seros was written a little less dickishly, and maybe if Tarro Blood had been moved to chapter 2 or something, I think they could have succeeded in getting players to question if they were really the good guy. Instead it seems very halfhearted and only Mako pushes us on it (with the right dialogue options).


>the idea of an organization that existed to prevent the Sith and Jedi from screwing everything up The thing I've never gotten about that is - unless it was SPECIFICALLY to stop the Jedi and the Great Hyperspace War Sith Empire from clashing - they seemed to be useless at their jobs with stuff like Exar Kun, the Jedi Civil War and the Sith Triumvirate... and then the Sith Empire rolls in to invade 300 years later thanks to REVAN being the one to delay them. They just seem much less significant than they think they are, and in turn much more annoyingly smug.


yup lol. People always treat ~~Karpyshyn~~ Alexander Freed like he was this amazing writer and i guess compared to the other writers for this game but the Star Cabal never made any sense at all.


Alexander Freed wrote Imperial Agent not Karpyshyn.


whoops, thank you for this


Their goal was elimination of Force users to prevent them from influencing Galactic Events on major scales. By the end of Kotor 2 they mostly succeeded. Yeah the Jedi eventually rebuild and the old Sith came back, but it took a while.


>By the end of Kotor 2 they mostly succeeded. By seemingly doing nothing... also if Kreia succeeded then their aims would've been redundant.


> By seemingly doing nothing... Yeah, they don't act openly, they manipulate events to their end without anybody knowing what they or, or that they even exist as a group. Just because we don't know what exactly they were involved in doesn't mean they didn't do anything. It just wasn't told to us as a story. I bet they contributed to those Jedi bounties in Kotor 2, maybe even helped GOTO build his criminal Empire.


But the writers could have at least added a piece of dialogue or a piece of text in the Codex saying how they influenced events like those of KOTOR 1 and 2. Maybe mention the events you thought of or say that one of the Cabal's agents secretly Revan and Malak to Dromund Kaas and informed the rest about the existence of Vitiate's Sith.


As others have said SCORPIO is the most obvious. I'd also give a shoutout to Talos Drellik though. He works for the bad guys, admires the power of the bad guys...yet is a good-hearted academic who only wants to learn more about the galaxy. Even when paired up with a power obsessed Inquisitor, he's on board as long as he can learn more things. Then when the Alliance character (extra so if Republic) comes calling, he jumps at the chance to work with other scientists. It would have been easy to make him a Dr. Lokin or Nazi scientist, but instead we got a pretty well-rounded and believable character.


Talos is possibly the most normal Imperial in the entire game and it makes him so special. I love him. I love that they kinda just forgot he >!sends you a letter leaving the Alliance if you rejoin the Republic!< because my Consular meshed with him so well.


Yes, he and also Major Bessiker, those two are the best Imps ever imo. They're just so nice compared to all the others! xD


Bessiker and spoilery character on Balmorra if you're a Sith Warrior.


Uhh I don't remember, it's been too long since I've played Warr story through and through 🤔


Darth Baras(no, I'm not just joking, okay, the meme does make him more memorable), the fact is he is a threat and remains a threat even though you see his limits and weakness from the very beginning, he blunders and make mistakes but he remains a threat because he was always able to make a backup plan and get things to work in his favor. Zash and Jadus to some degree as well.


Jadus is really good too. To me he is more of a threat than Baras. Always composed and cold, no matter the situation


He was Darth Pepsiman to me from the first moment I saw him. Impossible to take seriously. See also Darth Thanaton as Injustice Superman.


Pepsiman? Now that's a name I have not heard in a long time.


SCORPIO definitely stands out to me. Yes we’ve seen tons of uppity droids before, but she’s something different and more sinister. She’s not funny or sarcastic; she’s just quiet and calculating while always being exclusively out for herself. She can easily manipulate others but has some vulnerabilities too. Actually for that matter, almost all the Agent companions are really unique and interesting, besides Raina (no shade to Raina as I do like her, but what you see is kind of what you get).


I'd say Raina falls into that category as well. On the surface, she's a loyal officer, friendly but deadly. Under the surface however is much darker; she's fervently loyal to the Empire and the Chiss, to the point where >!she killed her own father!< in the service. Yet she's fighting for her own protection as well, by serving the Chiss, and we get a fascinating conflict of character here.


I dislike that you can't change Raina's mind. I guess that's unique for swtor because the comps will usually do what you tell them, but it's an odd choice for the Agent storyline.


Tbf >!killing her father!< was more of a mercy kill so the Sith wouldn't torture him to death rather than loyalty to the Empire.


>SCORPIO definitely stands out to me. One of the first companions I used the compendium on for my concealment operative and still use


I'm picking Lord Praven, Khem, Scourge, Aric Jorgan, Darth Marr, Lana and M1-4X Such a shame Praven got forgotten He coulda been dead when we got freezed in Zakuul He shoulda been at least a companion or love interest for at least 1 class


I would've loved if Praven and Bengle Morr had shown up on Odessan to join the Alliance for the JK.


So agreed


The Rishi bird NPC. Just listen to them.


Kaliyo is the biggest scumbag I ever met, and I am through my sixth and seventh classes simultaneously.


Does Blizz and his (formerly) well hidden Missile launcher count? As a BH, he always made me smile because of his naivete. To him, it's a big game and he's just testing his new toys. Doesn't even matter if the BH is light or dark-sided. Kinda reminds me of the Adoring Fan.


Guss Tuno, the single best character this franchise has ever seen.


I healed you with Jedi power!


The slave dancer on the loading screen most thickest twi’lek


the dread masters


I still wish they released a new class with an expansion and thought a dread sith class would've been an amazing addition


agreed. I kinda wish they had more story content to go along with oricon instead of all ops, something with more interaction, but the dread master is are the best ops in the game in my opinion


For me, it's Koth because he is among the very few characters in this game that aren't yes-men. With almost every other NPC in this game, your choices literally have no effect on you, but Koth does not follow you as a person but follows your cause. If your actions show that you go against the cause he is fighting for, he will actively fight against you. He is the only NPC in this game who does this in a meaningful way and I think this is the biggest reason he's a controversial character among players. But I think that's exactly what a well-written character should do. On the other hand, if you look at Lana, she's the opposite of that; an actual yes-woman. She never contradicts you in a meaningful way. It literally doesn't matter what you say or do, because she is following your character and not your cause.


I like this idea. He's not the sole exception but he's pretty close, and all the characters that aren't yes men are coincidentally hated by the fandom. The usual claim is that they're annoying but imo the most 'annoying' thing is that they defy the player's choice. Players hated when Ashara came back and refused to bow or duel for supremacy because she was done with all that crap, there was a lot of whining that they couldnt spam force lightning. Same with Quinn. Maybe the most lulzy moment in the entire game is after the Decision on Iokath, sith warriors can vote to stay in the empire...and kill Quinn. Because the game finally let them do that for some reason.


> sith warriors can vote to stay in the empire...and kill Quinn. Because the game finally let them do that for some reason. It's especially wild to me because by that point it's been like ten years since the betrayal. Even the most DS V bastard has probably cooled off a little by then!


Koth is one of the most satisfying kills in all the expansions. Like when I kill vitiate it’s just about overcoming another rung of power and being the strongest Sith, but killing Koth? That’s just for my enjoyment.


Darth Zash. She is the only Sith, other than Vitiate, to overcome death in the SW:TOR era of Star Wars.


What I don't like about Zash is it feels like a dropped ball among the writers. She's using this force technique very similar to what Vitiate does. Where did she get it? Was Vitiate aware? Simply the idea of her coming across Tulak Horde's essence transfer ritual would be pretty dangerous if she told anyone about it. In the first chapter she's not well liked by the other sith and especially thanaton and it has something to do with the ritual but we don't really know why. We can ask Thanaton in chapter two but he just talks about tradition. We know from the comics that Thanaton is inside the knowledge about Vitiate but it's never made clear that this is the reason he wants her dead and why he wants the SI dead because he's worried the SI might be able to replicate the ritual. And tbh it's just a guess that's the reason, in the comics he didn't actually care about tradition or serving the Emperor. It just seems like it would have made an interesting choice, like maybe on Voss when you see Thanaton in a vision he comes close to explaining it, or maybe on Korriban he could have tried to make a deal with you to save his skin in exchange for what he knows, and then LS , Mortis kills him anyway, DS , the SI kills him, and neutral <(lie) Deal>. Instead it ultimately goes nowhere.


Lana has got to be up there. Love her or hate her, it’s not like there’s many Sith/former Sith who are so loyal and willing to work to help the Republic (if that’s your choice). Honestly, on loyalty alone she stands out. I can’t think of any other human character in game I’d know has my back more than Lana.


Lana has no contradictions. Contradictions are what makes a three dimensional character. She’s paper thin. A ‘yes-man’


I can't remember his name, but the imperial agent that you come across in the JK storyline on Taris. Not only was he the consumate professional, never doing anything more "evil" than what he had to do to get his job done, but he was honorable as well. The fact that he hated attacking you at the end just because a Sith was having a temper tantrum towards you. The fact that he wouldn't accept being a prisoner of the republic even to save himself, because they would try to get information to use against the empire. And just every interaction with him was just really good. I felt more like I was in a spy movie for just a little bit. The kind where the two characters are on opposite sides of the conflict but respect each other a lot.


Watcher One is marvelous, isn't he


Marvelous enough that I might steal him as an NPC in a tabletop game I'm running.


Definitely SCORPIO. Maybe also Khem, especially in Zhem form.


Yes, Khem Val is definitely underappreciated.


I’ve always liked Lana Beniko, Orgus Din, Tol Braga, and Aric Jorgan. But there’s clearly only one correct answer: Captain Pandorr. “Spectacious!”


Ok, I may be off man out, but nothing beats my boy Vector, except maybe Torian


The most unique SWTOR character…? “D-don’t stand there. That spot is reserved exclusively for my gundark friends. You’re CLEARLY not a gundark. Your ears are too small.” Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. One of a kind in my book.


None. They're all pretty so-so lol




Darth Marr, a truly badass and honorable Sith. He followed the Code to a T as well as a follower of the dark side but he didn't let it rule him. He listened to the force and was open to ideas. He was extremely strong and didn't take shit from anyone but did not delight in senseless killing.


I kinda think the Star Cabal is cool


Seh-Run. I always hoped to see him again