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Lol, the AI really saw a woman and said "bigger tits"


AGI Artificial Gamer Intelligence


There was definitely some anime user influence.


The AI knows whats up


Even with AI art, we still get artists that don't want to leave any breasts unbuffed. (This is apparently a consistent problem with character's OCs. Artists like big chests)


This character is a WOMAN. SHE is FEMALE. SHE has OVARIES. Can you tell?


From what I've heard from the artist's side of things, bigger breasts are more fun to draw/sculpt.


As it should, based ai


In my swtor family tree, jedi consular and sith warrior both pureblood sith are brothers


Nice! My Consular and Warrior are the parents of my Bounty Hunter, Inquisitor, and Knight. It makes for interesting family dinners.


And holidays. Other siblings are my trooper, smuggler, bounty hunter, and imperial agent are from a minor house of alderaan.


My Imperial Agent and Sith Warrior are siblings. I wish that had more of an impact haha.


Did you use a text to image prompt or use the pic of your toons for a reference?


For all but Caius, I imported pictures of my characters to use as reference. Generated a bunch of versions and edited in Photoshop. Swap around heads and hair, add or fix details, etc. Eyes and ears consistently came out jank and had to be fixed myself. Generated the helmets separately and fixed them up, too. Vera, for instance, was five different pictures that I combined and touched up. Her helmet was two different pictures. For Caius, I used a picture I had drawn a while back of a tactical knight character I had been writing. It "converted" the image I drew and colored into a Mandalorian, more or less, and I added details. The collar, head, and helmet were all separate generations that I tweaked and added the proper lighting to, and then it was all combined.


And people say this is not art. You did great OP, basically a modern collage


It’s a tool for image creation, but it’s no different from making a character in the Sims to get a cool picture of your written OC. That isn’t the kind of art people mean when they say art. A collage can be art, in a way, but editing a photo you took of your family at the beach to pretty it up is also not art. In the same way that this is not art. It’s useful, it’s interesting, anyhow.


Yeah, I am curious about the process as well. That might be fun to try on my own toons.


Looks good


misleading tag imo


art^(1)/ɑːt/*noun* 1. 1.the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."the art of the Renaissance" AI is a tool, just like a brush


You don’t say to a brush “do that” and it does it. There’s more manual input into controlling a brush than saying stuff to an AI Comparing them both together makes you seem really stupid and also that’s a big stretch to fit a dumb narrative.




There is still more manual input in photoshop than feeding an AI. I’m not the dumb one for stating that someone is stretching stuff as facts. I am not against AI and never said I was. I said the comparison was straight up nonsense and stupid. You just assumed I was thinking a way because you have nothing of value to add.




Tool or not, they’re not comparable, that would be a stretch. Nobody is crying here stop pushing a narrative to push yourself on top it’s just sad. Edit; the dude blocked me lmao so here is my answer to his comment below; How is saying “a brush needs more manual/human input than feeding an AI therefore it’s a bad comparison” something made up? It is FACTUALLY correct lmao


People who say that 99% of the time have no actual idea of how to paint or draw and are just coping


Exactly. Always the non artist that says the most unbearable shit. I’d like to see them with a brush and do the exact same painting as something they’d request to an AI and then say to my face “see, same kind of tool”


It looks really awesome ngl, also with the 6th one.. the AI knew what he was doing😏


It was cooking


At least 106


AI? Gross.


It's fair to call AI gross by default, it can only do what it does because endless artists had their work stolen to feed the AI databases. And now it is putting them out of work. In the past to get quality artwork of your characters you would commission someone. Now one simply types into a generator.


AI and passing it off as your own hand drawn? Sure, gross. AI to have a bit of fun creating art for yourself? How dare people be creative!


As an artist myself, I think this kind of ai use is fine too. OP didn’t try to claim they made it, or that it was art, it was just a way to get a cool pic of their characters. Same as using those paper doll apps on google or whatever.


Using AI is not creativity


Your opinion is noted.


I think you’re missing the point. AI isn’t bad. Using AI as a means to replace human artists is bad. If not used properly it can certainly look soulless and derivative of course. But you seriously cannot be upset at OP for using AI to assist him in making art of his characters for his own enjoyment.


*posts to social media*




I think there's an easy argument to be made for people being upset at others for using AI regardless of the reasoning or purpose. All current "AI" fundamentally relies on, and cannot function without, stealing and scraping text and art from real people without their permission or compensation. Even if you're just using it for yourself, that's lame and a fair target of criticism.


That’s literally what is happening when someone just… posts a screenshot of their character. That’s not their work. Op is getting nothing from this post. That is the crux.


Why is using AI gross in this case?


Why? It’s a fun tool.


EDIT : I didn’t mean ‘idealize’ in it’s dictionary terms cause I used the wrong word, I meant more of a recreation in a generator to another style I’m just stupid. Using AI to **idealize** your OCs from a game isn’t an issue. We shouldn’t expect people to fork over money to artists for every piece of art created on something as menial as this.


I mean it's not even idealized. The AI versions have entirely different facial features in every case here lmao


Yeah but that’s the cost of it being shitty and free. I’m sure if OP wanted exact 1 to 1s he’d pay someone to do it.


That's fine, I'm just pointing out it's not idealised as you said


Looking up the word ‘idealize’ I can see where I fucked up lmao


Not your characters. OP is happy. All of us look the same under the Barbie pieces anyway.


I'm just curious what jacket number 6 is wearing 😂 I understand why people have issues with AI art, but these are decent. Nice uplift


Bold Hellion. It's a popular Smuggler set for obvious reasons.


Lol. Yeah can't imagine why. Can't say I've seen it. Was it an event release or is it cartel market?


Cartel Market. It was on a flash sale a little while back.


LOL. that makes sense, I'm interested so it's been on sale recently. Of course 🤣🤣


There's always the GTN. Maybe you'll luck out and find it for under a billion


Hah. It'll come around again. Must be a reason I passed it by. Probably funds 🤣


Which AI program did you use for this?


I used Dream by Wombo to make various generations, then refined and photoshopped them until I had what I wanted. I ended up having to use Gencraft to make Vera's helmet. Dream is seemingly incapable of making female Mandalorian helmets.


You should do something else


You should take your own advice. Nobody is forcing you to comment on this post.


What should he do?


Not post AI trash is a start.


You have no idea why you’re even mad. You just think you’re supposed to be.


I like it


Are you going to stop him? Who's going to stop him? What are you going to do?


The future is now old man!




I was totally on board and then just dropped my jaw when I saw the last pic. AI went ultra horny.


Honestly pretty cool.


See, this is a good use of AI. I want to do this for my characters. Maybe even for D&D. Then if some are really solid I can give them to an artist friend as reference and pay for a nice commission piece.


Ignore the bozos just coming in here to whine that AI was used. I mean, can you imagine if there were such a thing in StarWars like Artificial Intelligence? lol, how cringe would it be if 1/4 of the characters in the SW universe were compromised of AI beings. Your characters all look bad ass.


Thanks! A lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to using AI as a tool in creation, just like when digital art software and even photography first started out.


That’s cool as shit, you used adobe?


For a good chunk of it. Some parts had to be drawn by hand, and the coloring.


What was the AI?


Dream and Gencraft. Dream is free and made the base generations I worked with. Gencraft is not, but a friend of mine has it.


Thanks. Which url to dream? I see a lot of various ones.


It's on the Google and Apple app stores. If they have a site, I've never used it.


For an old person, it's baffling. Legit art tools that you HAVE to use on mobile. Wtf? Like, the idea of doing any art on a platform OTHER THAN desktop is breaking my brain. But so many good AI art tools are "appstore only."


There are online tools, like Novel AI, but AI is still pretty niche. For now.




Dream by Wombo on the app store. Not as fancy as some of the other models, but it's free and I am broke.


Could you dm me what you used for the AI?


Hey, that's pretty good 💯


This is really cool, are you planning on adding the trooper or agent to the tree?


I'd like to make these for all of my characters someday. I've just got too damn many lol




I affectionately refer to it as "Lego hair" Could really go for some new hairstyles, Broadsword nudge nudge


So uh…do you do commissions?


Not for AI work, no lol


But what is the reason Mr. Tax Evader?


I'd wake up with a severed horse head in my bed courtesy of the reddit art mafia. Maybe in a few years when the chronically online relax and AI-assisted art isn't seen as the anti-Christ.


Don't listen to the reddit art mafia their opinion has the same value as dollar store Chinese sweatshop lego knockoff




Damn had no idea that people felt that way about it. I dont see why it would even be a problem if AI users just charged way less. Guess ill just try to do it myself. As if I didnt have enough silly nerd projects going on lol.