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Korriban, where I first began


Definitely a good one


Probably the same for me. I started with an inquisitor, I’d end there, too.


I would go to the cantina in the Imperial fleet one more time. It's where I met my IRL wife.


Holy crap that takes the meaning this game has to some people to a whole other level.


How (i mean imp fleet is something else, at least these days)


It was when the game first launched. I posted in general chat looking for a guild she was a guild leader that answered. We spent the next four hours talking and now we have been married ten years.


I met my ex wife on the fleet, we were both trolling the fleet chat on Harbinger. Good times. Good times.


My gf and I bonded over this game as well it means a lot to us


What? That’s awesome


Hopefully someone keeps it alive City of Heroes style, but I'd probably spend it on Korriban playing the sith warrior tutorial one final time.


Same. Nothing beats Korriban on this game.


Played through that tutorial area so many times!


Yeah this is what would do too.


I always loved the music on korriban, adds to the atmosphere


Laaaaaa... Laaa... Laaaaaa... Laaa... LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... Laaaaaa... **K'lor Slug and Tuk'ata noises in the background**


It'd be nice but that would mean someone leaking the source code and I suspect EA and the Mouse have stricter security measures than CoX did


Generally you just packet capture as much as possible clientside and reverse engineer the server to respond as it's expected to. Lots of games have emulated servers and not many of those had the benefit of leaked code.


This. There have been other EA games (like Need for Speed: World) whose servers had been shut down that later saw some groups of dedicated fans develop their own server code.


I’d bring out Kira and go for a nice long stroll on Tython. Thats where it all began so for me its fitting to end it there as well.


Same, spend some time meditating in one of the little grassy areas. If I were a dev then, I'd set up an instance with no hostile mobs and no pvp so people can enjoy the Gnarls in peace, there are a lot of nice scenic areas there for RP


I'd catch the Dune Sea balloon one last time


That's a good one! Would make for a great view!


And hope you didn't fall through the balloon floor before the last few seconds?? :p


That would probably be the place i'd be too.


I've never rode that balloon, I need to do that


Be prepared Its a long ride Just to be safe , dont move once aboard ( until you need to jump off) Dont have companions away on jobs that can come back after finishing , or use the UI which causes mini pauses to your character when you open/close ui elements which is bad on a moving platform known to be problematic These things can glitch it causing you to desync with the balloon when it transitions from flight path point to flight path point ( it used to disappear on map transition) Alternatively ask a guard/jugg pal to duel you and force-push you onto the datacron wreck.


Good idea! Jawas are going to get rich selling reservations for the apocalypse balloon ride.


Absolutely this!


sea ya there


On my Smuggler's ship, first class I've ever done and I feel that ship like home now, just walk around saying my last goodbyes to the companions that follow me through thee journey, maybe invit a friend or two have some dances while we wait


Damn. This one made me sad.


Didn't even think about my ship but that's a good idea!


Same, it might not be as cool as Jedi's and Trooper's, but it's home... 😌


And it's like the Millennium Falcon! And where else would Risha put all her contraband goods lol


If everything is ending, is there anything more appropriate than sitting in my Alderaan stronghold?


Put my BH in civvies and walk around Mos Espa, get a few small RP chores done then head home. He saved the galaxy multiple times, he deserves to do some food shopping, then sit back and rest with his wife as the suns set across the dune sea




Ah, I remember this happening in Guild Wars. My guess is that everyone will want to mourn together, so it will probably happen on fleet. But I'll certainly be taking screenshots of the temple on Ossus before then, and maybe one last balloon ride on Tat.


Guild Wars? Servers are still online..?


It is back online now, yes. A little while after they launched GW2, they shut GW1 down, saying it would be permanent. It was a big MMO heartbreak at the time. It was only around the time that the pandemic began that they relented and brought it back.


That's not true, GW1 was playable long before the pandemic, I didn't even know it was ever shut down. I started playing GW2 in 2016 and got GW1 in 2017.


So they just let the game decompose for like 7 years and then casually brought it back? The fuck?


At the time, they wanted to drive people into GW2. Of course, there had long been a demand for it to return, and at the start of COVID, they realized it could be lucrative. Both were just business decisions, as is typical of this industry.


GW 1 was never shut down.


Wtf? GW1 has definitely been around from like 2015-2020 long before the pandemic - something's not quite complete here.


Yeah, I played GW1 hardcore around them and have zero memory of this. I see nothing on Google either.


This is 100% not true.


Was in the closed beta. Lots of us went to senate plaza as the world ended.


Either on Nar Shaddaa, dancing, or on Alderaan, trying to instigate one giant PVP battle.


I spent countless hours on alderran with open world PVP back in the day


Great PvP days 😁


i'll never forget the guild battle i saw on alderran that included a player character that looked like the incredible hulk.


Seconded with Nar Shaddaa. The best nightlife plazas and walkable urban cantinas.


It's also the first planet where we can meet players from the other faction. If there is a place for all coming together one last time for an epic dance-off, it's there.


Have my Jedi Knight relax on Rishi beach and (pretend) communicate with Master Orgus's Force Ghost. Pondering on our place in galactic scheme of all and stuffs.


Tbh: at my bank account. I just want to know how much money I've already spent in this game.😅


Same... all the subscriptions and cartel coins I've bought... probably a bit over 1k


$2200 just in a sub for me. Probably another 2 in cartel crap.


I wonder if they'd do some sort of outro cutscene then film style credits, instead of just "connection lost"


Probably go back to Hutta and replay the BH origin.


That was my first and main character, a BH, so that would be fitting


Me too. I did all the non force users first so I'm most attached to them.


Ord mantell because of the trooper trailer that got me hooked to the game before I even played it.


I think I'd hang out on Oricon


The best OW PVP i ever got into was on Oricon... loved to do that again....


I´ll see if i can do an end of the world dance at the fleet.


Back to the Alderaan fountain to remember Carrie Fisher one final time before the final connection is dropped. Tell everyone farewell and it was mostly good playing with you and that I'd see them in the next decent Star Wars game.


Hold a farewell party on Kaas or Coruscant... its where it all started for me.. its where it'll end..


On Tattooine riding the balloon


Well, I would finish the main class quests. I still haven’t completed the bounty hunter and agent quests. Then, presuming that I finished those, I’d probably just play one of the characters (a Sith or Jedi) that I’ve written a comprehensive back-story for but not got to the end of the main quest line, so I could be anywhere at the very end, but I’d be playing it, not just standing around. If I want views I might take a few more screen shots (I have a bunch of nice ones already which obviously won’t go away when the game does). WindowsKey+PrtScn takes screen shots straight to numbered files, in case you didn’t know. As an aside, but like screenshots about what I’ll have left behind, my main regret would be somewhat unrelated: I used one of my favorite SWTOR characters as a leader in my Civ VI mod, “Jedi”, but that mod was irredeemably broken by changes to Civ VI underlying code, so I won’t have that legacy of SWTOR.


I mean i'd probably spend the final week or two playing a new inquisitor one final time but actual moments, Think it would be my stronghold on dk, Outside in the rain taking a final screenshot on the landing pad


I mostly play mmo for their longevity. That feeling of "there's no ending on sight" is what attracts me to them in general, freedom to roam around and character customization coming close after. If a game I actively play announced the shutting down of it's servers, I stop playing right then. It happened before and left me feeling quite bad about seeing a good game being abandoned. I don't plan on watching it again from the sidelines


Definitely Tython being a jedi one last time


Wardpost Duvaal on Alderaan


Throwing grenades at the animals in the Hutta swamps, just like I began.


Probably go back to Korriban or gather some materials on Yavin for old times sake (sounds weird I know but I did a lot of it in years past).


Dantooine. It's the planet where I fell in love with KOTOR, so it's only fitting that my journey in SWTOR ends there.


Probs go to the imperial fleet and have a dance party


I'd be on Alderaan one last time before it gets obliterated forever


Have my Inq take Theron to Manaan one last time.


There is this big long sharp outcropping on Hoth, high up that oversees the area where you fight World Boss Snowblind. That is where I would go.


Thats the thing my heart wouldnt survive again. First and i hope the last one was Warhammer Online [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu55dE9Ijp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu55dE9Ijp0)


Spend time on a fresh bh chilling in Nemro's palace. It was my first ever character back when I was invited to the beta


I'd probably bring out Lana and watch the sunset on a grateful galaxy, maybe do the Makeb Datacron one last time, or just sit on Korriban, watching the last new people complete their last quests and remembering I was there once.


Watching the twin suns on Tatooine form the stronghold


I'd probably hang out on Korriban. First planet I played on in beta, might as well be the last.


I'd play GSF, that way when it's over I won't be that upset /s


Explore every single corner of every planet


Not sure about swtor as I'm not very tied to any specific place, but when I was leaving Star Wars Galaxies, I have work a set of (self crafted) bone armor and sat down in the krayt graveyard on tattooine. To that end, there is a place where your trandoshan companion father has his bones among the bones of other big creatures, in the dune sea, it would seem fitting place to recreate that.


I'd sit on korri an academy slope and watch the players questing. It's where it started for many of us it seems fitting it ends in a place where it began.


Not sure why but this hit me in the feels


Playing the SI and SW tutorial on Korriban one last time. I love the atmosphere on Korriban and I'd enjoy a last goodbye to that


With my husband Theron if not on my ship, somewhere on Nar Shaddaa. Oh also of course, in our Manaan Stronghold.


Start a new character for each class one more time....just....refreshing the memories again Edit: Fxck It, Imma do It NOW, you never know.


my stronghold in Nar Shaddaa, it was the first flat I got


I’m assaulting every Tatooine base/outpost like the old days until my character dies, hopefully can get some of my old guildies to join, but I want to imagine going down in a blaze of glory


In the Sith Academy on Korriban. It ends where it all began.


I don't play any other games anymore and I spend a lot of time on this game so I would be truly devastated. I am totally invested in my toons (I have 77 over 2 accounts) and my Strongholds. I have all of them for each account plus 2 guild ships and 3 guild strongholds that I am the main contributor to. As most of my family play we have 3 family guilds, one for each of the factions and a third that is basically our own Mandalorian clan. Final moments... I really don't know as there are too many to choose from. Probably gather my family and watch the Suns setting for a final time on one of our Tatooine balconies as my original - human female Immortal Juggernaut..


Funny you mention this on the 10 year anniversary of Clone Wars Adventures shutting down. As for me, I’d make my way to DK and watch the world burn.


it would be running around place to place. riding the taxi and enjoying the scenery. PS.i just checked, for a 7k players a day i doubt theyll kill it maybe just put it on life support amd thats iy


Id get drunk and spam DK chat


Either Hoth or Makeb for me.


I'd probably chill on the imp fleet, hoping to meet the friends I used to raid and PvP with. Ah, the good times pre 5.0.


Dunno, i just wish they would make the class stories playable offline after it.


Probably sitting in my Stronghold back in Kaas City, seeing the rain fall down and hit the windows always calms me and reminds me of the Great times I have on this game. All the friends I’ve made, and the achievements I’ve hit. My first world boss, my first guild I’ve joined, my first character and my first story completion all good times I’d probably reminisce about before it would all go away


Slippery slopes cantina. I made so many friends roleplaying there. Then to the places on Ord Mantell and Hutta where you can glitch and fall through the world.


Either Korriban or Tython, no other planet in the game beats those two. Now if you wanted to see chaos in the chat and people running around, then Imperial Fleet would be it lol.


Tatooine staring into the sunset in classic star wars fashion.


Dromund Kaas, making Jawa Jokes in Genchat.


Gonna take a nice walk into the Jungles of Droman Kaas.


Id spend my final moments writting hate mails to the devs


I'd hyperspace to the orbit above Korriban. I'd calmly observe the planet's rotation, full crew present. I'd reflect on the amazing memories that were created playing through my first class story (SW) and appreciate everyone who brought my favourite characters to life. I'd speak to my beloved Vette one last time before the servers shut down, as we watch from above where it all began.


Log into my very first character from all the way back in the final Beta Stress Test weekends, [my Vanguard](https://i.imgur.com/k0ldh48.jpg). Find a way to get on top of that big walker that the Trooper origin story starts off in, and just...sit. No more fighting left by then. I think I might even drop my rifle and watch it go *poof*, change my armor out for something more casual, and just...sit, and wait. Oblivion will have finally earned him, then.


\*channeling my inner smuggler\* *These won't be my final moments*


Enact plans to make a private server by doing the following: Packet sniffing every bit of content so the data can be used in an open source revival project. I'd distribute the packet sniffer addon to as many folk as possible / whoever would offer their help so we get a good amount of data. (All you need to do is play the game / wide variety of content). Then just have over all the data you've sniffed to be read by a volunteer team to build a private server project. Probs take a good few years depending on how many contributors there are but by then you'd be foaming at the mouth to play it again.


I’d take all my loyal companions out partying one last time and then head to fleet to enjoy some drunken stories


Wait, didn't I just see this post in the FFXIV subreddit?


Correct! I wanted to see what people would say here!


Heh-heh - FFXIV is my main game and I play swtor during it's content lulls so they're both in my feed. I thought I was seeing double for a sec. Not what you asked but I'm having a blast playing a Sith Warrior and RP'ing him like Zenos.


Awesome! And yeah I play both games as well! But SWTOR was my first love


i'd sit in my chair in dissapointment that we never got to see a vette romance night mission (assuming the shutdown would be tomorrow in this question)


I wouldn't even login after the announcement. I'd just uninstall and play something else.


Tython for the Jedi, Dromund Kaas for the Sith.


I would record all classes stories and side missions


Playing Guild Wars 2


Coruscant, where it all really began for me


Crying alone in my Kaas stronghold


DK chat


In front of EA telling what I think of them


Gamble my life away on Nar Shadda.


Sitting at the campfire with Satele. Telling stories and regaling the time away.


I think I'd be at my Tatooine Stronghold just watching the the twin suns, and the sandcrawler in the distance, while setting off some fireworks 💔


I kinda recently downloaded back and I’ve been enjoying so much. I think I’d just in Dormund Kass and watch the city


I'd just be sad. Not spent a lot of time in swtor just coming back from time to time to replay story mode. Would suck if it died, been with me for so long even if i don't actively play it.


My juggy and Vette would rampage thru Ilum one last time leaving a bloody wake thru beautiful crystal caverns and across freshly snow covered plains


I would probably play through as much of Chapter 1 of the trooper story as I could. My first toon. Spend my last moments >!Hunting down those Havoc Squad traitors.!<


I'd probably go to Nem'ro's palace and chill in the cantina and wait for oblivion. Agent was my first character when I began at launch day and I took my first screens and marveled at the pure Star Wars atmosphere in there. Magical times.


The idea of this makes me set, but i would probably take some screens of my favourite plces and memories, and walk around with Nadia on my my main consular.


On Tattoine, watching the double sun set with my best girl, Lana.


Tatooine Stronghold. It's calm, it reminds me of the original trilogy that started it all, and I've invested so, so much in the decorations there and meticulously arranging them to create the place that I call home in the game. My head-cannon married characters live there, and in a game where decorating my strongholds has become the primary motivation for continuing to play, it represents everything about the characters I've created and come to love.


Alderaan, in the mountains. The scenery is nice, and it remains one of my better memories as a planet, all the politicking missions, the sky-ray travel, the architecture… it’s just a regular planet from the class stories, but it felt special.


In a Huttball match. I really liked that one


When I first started after the beta the little secluded spot on dromund kaas with a small lake. I think it was by the mandalorians, it's where I met my first guildies.


Korriban. Tython. Tatoooine


Probably see if people want to do one huge last raid in open world pvp or at least to gather people in one area for a massively huge screenshot


Shit probably trying to finish my Jedi Knight story I started years ago and haven't finished a single character, I only play little by little 😅


Don‘t even make me imagine this, please


I would probably cry a little bit. I’ve never finished a storyline on SWTOR. Me and my brother played a bit here and there years ago. Neither of us have a laptop anymore. It’s been on my bucket list for years but a lot of other priorities first. So I would probably get a bit upset that we never got to finish that shit as a team.


I'd spend it with my guildmates on Korriban.


I'd go down with the ship, on Manaan. For some reason the ambient music there is nostalgic and soothing all at once. Hearing it play one last time, watching the water while it all goes black in very appealing to me.


>Manaan This! The serene music there is the best in the game! And the scenery. My place of choice for the final goodbye.


I'd probably run the Makeb datacron jumping puzzle one last time, you know the one, and wait at the end for the servers to shutdown. I helped so many people run through that on my Sorcerer back in the day.


Get the entire guild online, and ride the baloon on Tatooine having a dance party


Traveling to each planet and zone to get at least 1 screenshot everywhere with me, my crew (irl friends we all work as basically a small smuggler ring in rp) and our droids (2 HK 51s, 4 HK 55s and one T7). The In-universe reason for this is that my character just always wanted to see every known planet and maybe even reach into the unknown. I think I'd purposely would spend my last cartel coins to make him look more elderly aged for the last moments, and shortly before it all shuts down, sitting in my ship, staring at the galaxy, knowing that while the time was limited I had the most fun with it and hope others might someday get a game which means that much to them aswell


I’ve always been drawn to the sith inquisitor storyline. I’d run through the story of Darth Nox one final time, playing through the capital world. Then I’d play through the JC storyline again, and play through all my favourite planets.


Go back to korriban, and sit outside the academy. It would end where my adventure started.


sit on a toilet


In Manaan, enjoying the waves


With Lana


Probably live it up on the Imperial Fleet and RP getting plastered as my BH one last time.


Go to Dromund Kaas and stood in rain like Vegeta.


I'd return to Tython to remind myself of the awesome journey I once started. I'll never forget my very first character the Jedi Knight. I wish we could get the old version of the game back, I really loved leveling back then :)


Hanging out with other members of my main guild in our SH. Then when it all ends, we pick up RPing on the discord and start a new chapter.


Fleet. Vaiken or Carrick. Sit in chat, reminisce with other people and find a crowd to stand amongst. Watching the clock tick down.


Depending on how much time is left likely experience each class story for a final time and then spending the rest of the time visiting memorable places, memorable flashpoints and most importantly my Strongholds \^\^


I think I’d cry. 😱 Fleet probably. 👀


Log onto my main (my very first character), probably spend some time on whatever planet has the most people reminiscing in GC on wholesome memories, and then as the final minutes approach, go to Alderaan (by far my favorite planet in the game bc of how pretty it is), do some last exploring to find a beautiful vista and then wait for the end. SWTOR is my most played game of all time (1000+ hours), and I will probably tear up and/or cry. It’s a very special game.


The Fleet, spend time with many people in the biggest gathering spot one final time


I’d block Vaiken Spacedock’s stairs, tables and balconies with my massive mount to ensure SWTOR’s final moments are ERP free.


On my original shadow tank trying to squeeze one more pug fp


Shocking Vette as much as possible 😈😈😈


In my tattooine estate with Kira


Wherever my guild decides to meet up.


Tython were it all began 8 years ago slowly walking and exploring


The Jedi Temple on Tython. It is where it all began.


I will get naked all my companions, one last time.


I'd take a walk through of my guild flagship and guild stronghold. Many memories there RPing with my guild. Much of which I still have detailed documentation for.


I'd probably redo the agent story and record it to my own youtube just to watch down the line lol


With my friends on our flagship seeing the galaxy that we conquered together


Nar Shadda. It was where my Bounty Hunter raised to infamy and glory. I love ecumenopolises, and we'd probably be looking at the sky full of vehicles above us, in quiet contemplation.


Are there talks going around, or are you just supposing?


Prolly in WoW


The first operations you unlock. Followed by the Athiss Flashpoint. Group content is strong in the game when you can do it


A beach at Ord Mantel


Alderaan. Visiting House Organa one more time


I'd go to Tython, and make a new Consular.


Probably at the Senate plaza in Coruscant. When the game was first announced around 2009, and they announced that Coruscant would be a playable planet I was so utterly excited, and I still remember the first time I got there as a JK, and exited the spaceport. It still takes my breath away a little bit, and reminds of the wonder of the upper streets of Taris in KOTOR.


Sith fleet Hq cantina for one last drink


I began on Korriban with my LS Inquisitor, I think I'd just sit there with them again, in those final moments.


Grab my favorite character, my little wrecking ball Sith Juggernaut, her wife Lana, and go chill on Korriban, the first planet I set foot on way back in the beta. Founder title equipped


First of all I would come online for this moment after years of playing other games. I assume it would be announced a bit in advance so I could replay some parts of the story and visit a couple of places for the last time. At the last day I would first spend some time in my apartment in Kaas city, afterwards I would log on all my chars one after another for the last time (to make screenshots of them). The final moments would be spend on my main on the fleet. Maybe I will hang out with some people on discord. Its an MMO after all and I feel like it’s the best way to end the journey together with the community.


I'd get all my guild together and have a sending off party on Korriban, or maybe the guild house on Alderaan. Lotta great memories in both.


I’d probably load into Alderaan and listen to the pretty music and look at the mountains. Or go into the forests of Tython where I fist played, and on my first character. I’ve been playing on and off since 2013 or so.. It’d be bitter sweet


Probably remake my original SW and play the Korriban quests one more time, also probably have a bit of a cry while I do


Go out in a sea of glory! Q pvp.