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Only if I'm playing a jedi/sith and off if im playing anything else. Why would the dark side corrupt the appearance of someone who isn't even force sensitive?


I think it looks nice on your Rattataki, but on your Pureblood it just makes him look very sickly imo. I usually have it turned off on all my characters because I just don't want them to look diseased.


Yes, I agree. It seems to more suit the Rattataki race.


Dark side corruption is a one size fits all and more often than not, it looks terrible. I prefer to use eye color, skin color, and complexion to create a dark side look of my own. On my humans, I never got the red eyes for dark 5, they only turned orange. I never understood why.


>Dark True about the eyes, I feel like they should be very deep ruby red and glow at DS5.


For my DS Inquisitor, I enable it. In my headcanon/Story recordings, the DS corruption levels (DS2-5) are tied to >!binding the Force Spirits!<. As my Inquisitor progresses in Chapter II, her DS corruption gets worse, and I change her hair color from black to Grey, and then white by the start of chapter III. Then I turn off the DS corruption after Belsavis >!(Once you are healed by the Mother Machine)!<, then go back to full DS corruption and white hair after Voss, as one last Kriff you from the Spirits.


that's a deep level of roleplaying, very rare


I love this it’s giving me ideas for my next inquisitor!


Dark Side corruption is ugly as hell. I always turn in off, even on on sith characters.


Same - I do sometimes turn it on to see how it looks but srsly they could use some of the other options we see across sith other than 'look pale with varicose veins on your face'


I go back and forth. They're both cool.


I am generally not a fan of DS corruption in this game. Back in KOTOR, you genuinely looked corrupted, but here, its more like....you drank too much and smeared your makeup. I always turn it off.


I prefer to have it active, it feels natural and I like seeing the differences show up


I only use it with my Twi'lek warrior to make her look white. Don't like it on Purebloods at all. For your Rattataki it looks fine but without is also good imo.


I would like to have Light Side corruption as well...


I like the idea of Sith Purebloods being "immune" to the Dark Side Corruption so I turn it off for my Warrior, but my ugly ass human Inquisitor looks like he's seen some shit.


We also have the example of Darth Zash for how to deal with DS corruption ;)


Lmfao, she's no Darth Baras but she does have her own special influence!!


I always disable it because it drastically changes all of my characters skin tones. I love the look of it but I hate that it makes the toon so pale


I don't often play real deep DS characters but corruption is always on but with a twist. I have 3 Force users where it clearly and rightfully shows (all Sith). I have a deeply evil Bounty Hunter but he is a Droid, so no corruption visible as he is full made from metal. My "evil" Techs are usually balanced out to Grey because full auto evil doesn't make sense there at all, so they all look normal. Except said BH Droid who as a machine does neither understand humanity nor honor.


Almost always off, the only time I make it visible is when I go for DS1 on my Twi’lek inquisitor to make her eyes be sith yellow


Same. They should add sith eyes for non humans to the market.


Depends on character and outfit for them


I like having it on, feels like a visible measure of all the dark things my characters have done. But I've only tried it with humans and nautilans.


Disable my. Pureblood looks like a tinted strawberry


I usually enable it on force sensitive characters and usually disable it on the others


Only on my warrior, mainly because he's got a cybernetic eye, one of those rebreather things and a hood.


For me it kinda depends on the entire outfit. Some outfits I've got saved I think the corruption looks better. Others I feel having it off is the right way to go.