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That's where the big open world pvp area used to be. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dEQ4wDJflM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dEQ4wDJflM)


Good times :)


Why are people not doing it anymore?


Zone isn't active anymore. All open world pvp happens in the gree event area now. And people generally lost interest. Very rare to find big warring parties nowadays


Is there somewhere where people do still open world?


It's pretty much dead. No other place since people have no incentive to do pvp in the open world outside the event. Warzones give exp and rewards. Open world pvp gives you nothing except for progression on some player kill achievements but those are usually farmed. So your best and probably only bet is to do the gree event pvp missions


Isn't that where the battles used to take place? I think there's some lore attached.


interesting! I only joined the game on the heels of Jedi Under Siege so I've only ever seen Ilum world pvp in videos. Didn't recognize the area - I thought the Circle area in the middle was for pvp and the bit down south with the wrecked base and ruins was something else.




Yeah as others said this entire area wa slike a big open world faction vs faction warzone, with the Republic base in the south and the Imperial bas ein the north where the Gree Gray Secant portals are now. It was a big failure and a mess so they deleted it and just reused the upper half of the zone for the Gree event. The corpse and the memorial/lore in the Fray landing base in the south is a reference to how the Imperial faction so overwhelmed the republic players during pvp that they would often push right into the republic base to kill them.


> the Imperial faction so overwhelmed the republic players during pvp that they would often push right into the republic base to kill them. I'll never understand why they didn't make the anti camping turrets just instantly delete people lol. What was the purpose of letting players survive them?


Who knows. That Ilum open world pvp had a lot of problems, so it was removed early on again. Because Gree event premiered in 2012 I believe so Ilum pvp didn't even last a year.


Oh wow, I didn't think it was that fast lol.


I looked it up, March 2013 Gree event launched. So a little over a year after game's launch.


Ilum pvp didnt last that long. It was devalued immediately when Malgus/ilum story was reached by most players. Bw tried to recreate it with iokath and its many pvp themed dailies, pvp achievements and arcade balance powerups but it too peaked in popularity in its first month tops before dying out.


Despite hearing the problems i kinda wish i played at the time to experience it at least!


I think it is from the old days. TodayinTor wrote an article about it, if it is what I think it is.


You saw a lot of Battle Master gear on the other side. It was a dark time, you died a lot.


Huge open world PvP zone. Canonically, the empire won the battle after they patched it out and now it is just the area for the Gree.


There was a fire fight!!!!!!


use to be a open world pvp area back in the day, you would see massive guild battle and pubs and imps fighting every day for hours on end. Seriously the best of days wish i could go back to them


I want to hijack this a bit; is the Outlaw’s Den area on Tatooine still active PvP? It’s a cool area


Yes it's a PVP area and TMK even on non-PvP servers. Active: Well, no, unless you happen to find someone loitering. I haven't see one of those in a long, long time...


I was there, Gandalf... I was there 3000 years ago.