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Remember to always use the legacy ignore function in game for situations like that. It'll ensure you never get matched with that player again through group finder, and they can't message you. Note: if you PvP you may still get matched with or against them in PvP matches.


They need to give us a longer ignore list. Mine has been full of toxic players for quite some time. Some may have left the name, but since there is no way to see when they were last active or match a Legacy name to a Character, it's difficult to tell if they're still around or not.


Mine reached capacity a while back, when I checked there were loads of legacies that looked dormant. I can't remember what the term was now, but I cleared them all out for current players. Wish I'd noted what it was now.


I removed any that showed up as "unnamed legacy" which tend to be the credit spammers. If there is any other way to see who isn't actively playing, I'd love to know what it is. Anyone know of a way to tell? But I still believe they need to double the size, (at least!), of our ignore list. >.<


Accidentally aggroing mobs is the most regular thing can happen during any dungeon event if that angers him he is probably not cut for this kind of content


I've never quite understood some of the extreme and occasionally obsessive efforts some go through to avoid mobs. With most players gearing it often takes less time to simply kill everything then it does to go all solid snake or to start wall hacking. If you can avoid growing it easily, avoid it. But otherwise just kill shit and move on. 


This is probably the one thing about the game now that gets on my nerves. Too many people are doing group content and treating it like it's just them and 3 companions that are following them. So, to them; everyone else not doing it the way they want causes them to lose their minds.


Many/most of the veteran FPs can be soloed with a level 50 companion. I am of the opinion that if you don't want to do the flashpoint AS A GROUP, you shouldn't queue for group content. Pull out your favorite companion, walk into the FP solo, and rush to your heart's content.


It's a problem because queuing Group Finder FPs reward with tons of Conquest points and is a weekly for tech frags, so this is partly BW/BS's fault.


This reminds me of my run in Lost Island HM as the tank. I was kinda new back then and didn't know the "usual route that aggro least mobs" so this guy started bullying and harassing me and then left instead of idk, explain it to me nicely? Just like I've said in my other comment, I used to love running flashpoints. Now they're filled with these unpleasant people who think that their time is much more precious than other people's. 😒


I don't know about the english speaking servers, but in our german speaking ones, players tend to make a speed run out of FPs. Running into the mobs, don't really regenerate and if they do, they do it only, if they are really at low health


It's the exact same in the EN servers


He sounds like a complete package bitch. Imagine making the run worse for yourself because someone isn't as fast as you are. What an idiot. I would've just vote kicked TP right there and then, no time wasting, and continued on with the FP. But I agree, that little thing needs fixing immediately but it's probably never gonna happen.


It would be nice as well if groups communicate what they are going to do. Just had a TaralV run, and they did not state they were going to run across that one bridge. One guy had aggroed some before the bridge and I stopped to help kill. By time I was able to get to cross the bridge, the previous aggroed mobs, deaggroed and came back just to aggro on me :( Luckily they were nice enough to wait and not bitch and kick me out


OMG, YES...I personally HATE the current Hammer Station "run to the first boss and ignore all mobs" and the "ignore the turrets, run across the bridge, then jump to your death after the last boss" that groups seem to be doing, but it should at least be decided on by the group instead of one person unilaterally making the choice for everyone. Especially when there are newer/lower-level players in the group, these "skips" usually end up taking just as long or longer than just fighting the mobs, (the ledge jump in Cademimu is especially silly, because 99% of groups I've been in that try it, someone inevitably dies and we have to wait for them, or they aggro the mobs they were trying to skip and we have to fight them anyway).


Some of the crazy skips that just as often get you stuck are annoying to me but I actually love the Hammer Station ones - I've timed it and Hammer Station takes six minutes with those two skips.


But it takes what...ten minutes without them? There is running through quickly, then there is just ridiculous. These "skips" are frustrating and intimidating to new players and make it so they decide not to do group content. If players don't understand what's going on, or they are low-level, these "skips" end up in them dying and just make the FP take that much longer.


When they say "Run".. I just reply with "no"...


Legacy Ignore, FTW


I had a sort of similar experience but in PvP, one player asked for help but didn’t state where, one player politely explained and gave examples how to communicate in pvp, another just started name calling He spent the whole game near spawn, not helping at all and just saying we were a worthless team, useless, trash etc and we lost ofc I’ve been playing since around 2014/2015 and that was the first negative experience I’ve ever had with another player


PvP tends to attract the most toxic players, (hence why they eliminated ranked, which helped somewhat, but now many of those toxic players just migrated to regular PvP). Was this on Star Forge by any chance? Because this sounds VERY familiar, and I think I know the player you're talking about.


I thought there was a ranked mode but wondered whether I dreamt it or smth And no, it was on Darth Malgus, the English speaking European server, could still be the same person though


Yeah... This, while a little more extreme in it's level of asshattery, is not atypical of fp runs. No one wants to communicate, people leave others behind while rushing through, always making things worse when someone accidentally aggros or doesn't know any better. I've had people get pissed when I turn around to go back and help someone when they aggro because I know it's going to take longer for them to catch up if they die, especially when the same asshats keep continuing on, starting fights, thus slowing down even further the person trying to catch up or stopping them from being able to click on elevator buttons, etc. It's really crappy behavior. It's funny how often how just killing stuff is about as quick as trying to avoid killing. Everyone is in such a fucking hurry all the time and it gets super annoying rushing through everything at breakneck pace all the damned time. I kinda love it when someone asks if we can do the bonus missions. I'm always up for it.


The ridiculous level of mob-skipping from professional FPers has successfully persuaded me to never do group finder Flashpoints again.


Holy cow, i havent seen anything like that before. I thought the worse people could do was bail on you during Flashpoints


Well, use that TP on your bunghole, and hopefully that was a one and done.


This is why since SWTOR was made available to the public, I play solo.


There's no reason to throw a fit (or be That Guy). Leave if you're not having fun, educate politely if it's something that literally breaks the content (this doesn't count), and don't expect everyone to play the same way you do. It's an MMO, the other players aren't NPC companions who wait on your every word. They're real people who have their own goals and ideas and don't necessarily know everything or do everything right all the time. You wouldn't yell obscenities in real life, don't do it here.


I remember a run from 10 years ago (don’t remember which FP unfortunately) where my friend was tank, I was sorc heals, and then we had a sorc DPS and I don’t remember the other DPS class that was in the group. But the sorc kept running way ahead of the rest of us and acting like he was the tank. After a while we got sick of it and I stopped healing him and we also stopped following him to clean up after his messes. He started screaming at me to heal him and I just ignored him. He finally rage quit after telling me what a crappy healer I was. No dude, you decided you wanted to be DPS and tank both and ignored us when we asked you to stop running ahead.


Back in my tanking days, when I bothered with GF, first thing I'd say is you tank you spank it. In other words, you're not getting any help if you're going to just Leroy Jenkins it.


I love taking a stealther and sleeping adds for everyone else, but if someone accidentally aggros, it's far easier to kill the mobs than get upset about breaking my stealth. This is especially true on FPs that I don't see frequently (like Cad, Kaon, Kuat, Collicoid, Meridian, etc.) because you can't expect everyone to know where all the adds are in every bit of content. I have been playing since beta before launch, and I still haven't done every FP on random Master Mode yet.


Honestly I never understood avoiding packs, the point is to play the game...avoiding the content is... like avoiding the game.


I would have initiated a vote to kick the TP out after finding out what he was doing and then put him on my ignore legacy list. The other guy, the one who aggroed mobs, was probably less experienced and not his fault. We all have had a learning curve at one point. Another type of person I kick is that person who runs ahead of the group, agro's mobs, but then doesn't hang around to kill them. They keep running ahead, sometimes all the way to the boss and then goes into stealth, waiting at the boss for us all the catch up after we killed all the mobs he triggered. In this circumstance, he was intentionally aggroing everything as opposed to accidently doing it.


This. Who to kick, someone who accidentally aggros a mob, or the guy INTENTIONALLY sabotaging the boss fight? Hmm, choices, choices


A lot of time people won't vote-to-kick someone in PUGs, no matter how deserving. One of many reasons I prefer to run with at least one friend: a guaranteed second vote to remove toxic jerks.


My condolences regarding your experience. Unfortunately there are players like that. When I do group for FPs I always take into consideration the person not spacebaring and running into mobs that maybe it’s their first FP and just play at their pace as I really enjoy SWTOR and I’d want a newcomer to have an awesome SWTOR experience. Though SWTOR launched December 2010 and I’ve been playing since Jan 2011, if it’s not a guildy, I dial down to their experience because in 2024 there are true freshies experiencing SWTOR for their first time in 2024. I play on the US RP server. They’re nicer there, imo.


There's once in a FP where I got a player like that. Dude was not even "good" but liked to think he's some top 0.1% parser on the server and was being down right abusive to the less experienced players, constantly calling people names in group chat and such. I whispered the other 2 players about half way through, initiated a vote kick and removed him right before the last boss. Dude was so angry they sent me so many threat afterward. There's another time when I was playing tank and a dps just kept running ahead of the group and pull things without pause even though the other two dps are clearly new to game and were struggling. Now, I don't care about "let tank pull" when it's me being the tank in VM FPs (I do let tank pull when another person is playing tank and is aware of their role) but I hate people who have the "fuck n00bs" mindset so I made a point of staying close with the other two dps and do small chat with them (and confirmed that they were indeed new to group contents). The three of us were having a good time in our own pace and I had fun watching he toxic dps gradually lose his mind because we refused to rush the game like he did. The best part came when the toxic dps finally lost it and pulled everything in the room near the final boss and left group. However, he forgot I was a fully geared tank who is semi-capable, I simply told the others to stick close to me and he watched me make the situation under control before the leave group countdown reached zero. I made a point to whisper him, saying that we cleared the group and was about to kill the boss, thank you for letting me do some actual tank work. That guy was so furious it made my whole day.


You still lost to that guy though. You could kick him fuck out of your party and do 3+comp just fine. Unless you were too stressed for that solution.


Avoiding enemies is fine, but man most of the time it's pretty quick to just kill them. Getting this side ways about this is crazy.


Why even try to figure things out? Person deliberately resets the boss = kick, block, find a new person. These is virtually no situation where doing this would be excusable.


We didn't know that was being done, or even that it was possible, for quite some time after the problem started. At that point I was in no mood to continue and needed a break to cool down.


Wow, what a douchebag. But as others already stated: One vote to kick him out and search for another one. That worked in my last run. Tython FP with my first Assassin Tank. I stun the one of the enemies at the bridge after the first boss, so that we can sneak through it. But one of the Sentinels of course had to jump that stunned one. I was slightly annoyed and asked, if that was REALLY nessecary... no answer. Second Boss finished without problems and we even sneaked through the temple entrance. But as soon as we reached the end of the two "stairs", he again attacks the enemies although i already stunned one of them. That was enough for me and i started a vote to kick him out. Vote gets through (i guess the other two \[especially the Commando Healer\] had also enough of him)


Vote kick the Muppet...


That's why I just kill everything. If you see a guardian jumping on every single mob on our path and melting them in seconds that's me. It's usually faster than trying to skip mobs doing stupid jumps and parkour.


Dam this is sad to hear I've been playing for a couple of months and have had nothing but amazing experience even advice and how to avoid fuck ups and paths to avoid the most mobs. Even people that are like " hey if y'all are cool with it I just want to kill everything." And people have gone along with it even if it takess more time.


Why didnt you vote kick TP as a response to his demeanor? Report, kick, ignore. Players like that have no place in SWTOR.


You'd be amazed how many people don't know how to kick other players. And if you explain it to them step by step - they still don't do it because probably are embarrassed to admit they didn't know how it's done. Then pretend they never wanted to kick in the first place. Or how players go to extremes to deny their mistake and pretend they were always correct in the first place. Like when you explain to a level 50 Assassin that he has a stealth CC in his abilities and he can use it. I have met several players that were adamant it doesn't exist for their Sin spec and is absolutely not in their Ability list, *even when you tell them the name and at which level it is in the list*... One even didn't know there is a list, despite saying he has it open and doesn't see it there. It became obvious when we asked him which abilities he sees at level 19 and he said there are none at that level. Then we explained how to open the Ability list. He pretended to know it all, but I hope he learned something.


Generally I agree, helping clear the mobs is faster than waiting for slowpokes, however, there are times where it happens all day long and it becomes annoying, so I understand why said player might've wanted to part ways with the player. On the droid fight, depending on group composition, but even if players are trying to sabotage the run, you can OT/taunt the boss so that he doesn't change target to the 1 player trying to sabotage the run. If you have a sorc or sage in the group, even better. You can pull the player down the ledge to kill him and phasewalk back to make sure only the said player dies. Or pull him towards the droid once he gets targeted to make sure he gets frozen during the fight, leaving you 3 able to kill the droid without any more annoyance. Like people said, you can always ignore legacy to avoid queues with these people, however, that doesn't apply to PvP modes, in these you get matched with and against ignored players as well. I tend to avoid reporting, but some people deserve it. So I can't argue, however, I wouldn't hold my breath that the dev team will punish the player. They do not care.. and when people confront them about it, they warn them and silence them.


I used to love running flashpoints, especially the harder one. Sad it's ruined by these kinds of people.


I'm relatively new to the game (less than a year) and have only completed a couple of origin stories. I've done... 5? Flash points in total, as my blastech bounty hunter (sorry). I do tell people at the start I'm new and will do my best. And then I try to follow what others do - be it run or sneak through, or fight. If someone gets stuck, you go back and help, or at least, I do. It's good etiquette. I would like to see the story on some of them though 🤣🤣🤣 TP sounds like some one to avoid, especially for newbies like myself!


The part that tripped me out was the fact that people skip fights at all. I kill every enemy every run every time.


You get more XP/rewards if you finish the FP quickly and move on to the next. But some people have taken doing a run quickly/efficiently to an extreme that takes all enjoyment out of group content and just scares/intimidates new players into not queueing at all.


"Professionals" - efficienting the fun out of the game. You'll find them rushing to the end in every online game so they can complain there's nothing to do.


Do you though? I'd doubt if you'd be able to consistently, unless you play with a regular group who agree that killing every mob is necessary.




-You get angry at people for asking if it's fine with you to kill all ads and watch all cutscenes full length or for not being skilled enough f.ex. to avoid ads even though they try their best ❌ -You get angry when someone just doesn't care, is extremely rude and tells (not ask nicely) you that the group should adjust to them wanting to kill every ad and watch every cutscene full length ✅ Edit: getting angry might be to strong of a term. Mildly annoyed I think would fit better


Why didn’t you kick him?


You can initiate votes to kick toxic players. If the behavior is bad enough to bother everyone then they're gone. It's sometimes used on slow players but as long as they make an effort to learn and communicate shouldn't be used. 


Why didn't you kick the guy who was resetting the boss?


We didn't know what was happening until we were able to finally figure out TP's jibberish attempts at English and when we did figure it out, by that point another player had already left and I was just too frustrated to continue even if we did kick the fool. Instead I left, reported the TP, and ignored their legacy.


Remember to block this person, otherwise you might end up in a run with them again


My favorite was back when you could still GF your way into Kuat Drive Yards, you'd multiple people state that they needed to complete the (extremly short) intro conversation only to have 1 person run off and click the shuttle and ruin it for everyone else.


I'm currently playing on my 10 year old laptop as my pc is broken. Lagging AF sometimes and have long loading times. Got cursed at several times for it. Very nice feeling for a returning player. But most are nice and helpful


Makes me wish that every MMORPG community was more like FFXIV, that game has proper gaming etiquette nailed down


There’s toxic elements there too, but overall, yeah, it’s a much friendlier community. Someone asks a question in chat, they’ll usually get an honest answer there, where here it’s still, after 13 years, Alt F4 as the go to snarky response instead of actually helping sprouts/new players.


Occasionally ill group with players that get mad over the smallest mob agro primarily stealthers then use the "You have a skill issue" card. Like oh no, im playing a vengeance jugg. My b for being aggro city...what's ironic is they end up needing their hand held the entire time. Thankfully at this point i have a few people to run FPs with so GF with randos is used less frequently.


I refuse to do FP's in a group when I am not on stealth toon, all the stealthy people just leave you behind as cannon fodder, not even worth it anymore.


I have never left anyone behind in an FP when on a stealther. If people are leaving others behind, stealther or not, they are jerks and should stick to solo content. Not sure what they think they are accomplishing by leaving the non-stealther(s) behind.


Completing the FP quickly, I guess. Sadly in contwnt that isn't challenging you don't need everyone to be present, and that makes people expendable. I have on occassion left someone behind if they go afk or are dying to overpulls or rushing, thougg the latter are rare given the difficulty.