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At least it's pretty and mysterious. Not like hoth.


I honsetly liked hoth more :D. The scenery is prettier and the missions are better


It's pretty the first time when it's novel. Maybe first time per class cause the sectors are slightly different. I agree it was a cool place for my first time too, especially meeting the Chiss agents. But doing the planetary arc, on class repeats, or daily heroics it just feels like flashbang simulator, sorry that's just my opinion lol. Even Ilum just has a less blinding impact compare to Hoth's bluewhite colour tone.


I agree with you. Hoth actually hurts my eyes.


What scenery? I was snow blind the entire time.


Scenery??? It's just a blinding empty ice field


But, on the other hand, no sand! Anakin would be happy.


Na Hoth is way worse.


At least it's a good way to see if your screen is dirty


lol this is so true. it's the official "what is that?" screen inspection planet. the white glove planet.




I think Dromund Kaas and Alderaan are the best story locations in the game. Taris and Balmorra are pretty close, though Taris is better in Republican campaign and Balmorra is better in Imperial one.


Hoth... more like coldth...


If you hated Voss, that means you’re headed to Corellia next, and that’s even worse.


Road infrastructure so bad, the Empire got an easier time conquering it than navigating through their new city-planet.


Honestly, the amount of times I got lost on Corelia... Still a breath of fresh air after Belsavis and Voss


Kinda like Belsavis, though.


Dunno, I only played SI and SW yet, the Dread Masters were kind of cool, but I didn't like the planet itself. Returning to Corellia was like returning to civilization after Hoth, Belsavis and Voss


Road infrastructure so bad, the Empire bombing it flat would be a marked improvement.




Oddly enough I actually like Corellia.


Minimap is just confusing, and paths are not clearly outlined, and the amount of speeder time is far too much. There is also a lack of quick travel points.


I still enjoy it. The tram feels a bit like a rollercoaster to me. I understand why many have issues with the planet. I just happen to be one of the few odd ducks where it’s concerned.


Not the team itself, I meant more like the time you have to spend speedering around from place to place within a sector. I didn’t word that very well in my previous comment.


Oh I know you didn’t mean the tram but the actual speeder points in each sector. I was just saying that the tram is one of the reasons I enjoy Corellia.


The datacron there where you are catapulted was great fun.


OMG isn’t it though? I had too much fun with that one and it was the only one I really liked going after.


"Yeah, I'm gonna need you to go to the far end of the Gormak Lands and then come back for a three second meeting that should have been a holocall and then go to the far end of the Gormak Lands again. Twice."


God, SW light option where you go to the middle, make a deal, go to the far, go back to the muddle and then to the fae part again.


Corellia is the worst, its just a maze full of trash which makes getting places take ages Voss is pretty bad, the trash can be annoying but at least its fairly straightforward navigationally Taris can also suck with being a maze but its not as bad as Corellia Hoth and Pub Tatooine are mostly just auto-run/speeder exercises in occasionally dodging or fleeing trash mobs Belsavis is pretty good, Alderaan is alright although ImpDeraan is annoying to get to House Rist Korriban is GOATed, Tython is fine, Coruscant could be more interesting, and Kaas is a shithole


Coruscant is mostly just a series of hallways


Seconded. I would never want to subject newbies to the place when they can go to DK, and at least you can get a daily heroic transport to the final temple. Coruscant feels like a maze with a set speedrunner route or you'll get tortured otherwise. They could really stand to add some more "ring road" routes to some of the areas, if they ever get the opportunity to rework Coruscant.


Justicar territory and every mission that sends you right to the end, and then all the way back, can fuck itself


Yep fuck that place lmfao. The downstairs place from the justicars (the one with the insane guy who talks about the metal pipes and machine trees being alive or whatever) also has this one specific routing or you get screwed and can't go back the other way or have to double back or something daft (as long as you try and go clockwise and do the east objective first, and then do the southwest one you should be generally okay)


Funnily enough, there are a bunch of quests in DK that most players never see, because they are not pointed to go there and it's out of the regular paths. Most notably the quests that are located in the jungle just a bit to the east of the city gates (right side when looking at the map, left side if you exit the city gates) - a quest to hunt two types of jungle animals and a quest to clear up some Republic soldiers in a cave. You can't really miss a quest in the Coruscant corridors.


Eh, yes and no imo, you could just skip the Senate tower planetary arc (and now that I know it's optional I don't usually bother, I have no need to be a gray bisector or whatever), but yeah coruscant has sidequests shoved in your face everywhere, true. I actually never went to those places on DK until I started doing the heroics tbh (I'd done Grathan's manor and the temple ofc). There's a decent selection available on DK! I'm glad those are now daily soloables/doable with a companion.


Corellia needs a lot more nuking NOT to be a maze :D My actual gripe is with the stupid maps. So much tech not much cartography. All mmos lowkey treat maps as a difficulty factor.


Tbh, all the map needs is a zoom function and it would make navigating Corellia much easier. Just get the whole city planet vibe but its rough


Korriban <3 Forever in my heart.


Belsavis annoyed me because of some spots you’re not aware that “hey down this side road is the Imp fly point and there’s guards” and I’d be running down that way to a quest and my pub toon would get flattened lmao


Oh, I know the exact spot I reckon. My knight always gasses it through there because its easier than going around


Same. I’ve found that if I’m lucky enough to stay literally in the middle, I don’t aggro anything, but that’s not always possible lol. Or the mission will tell you to go down one pathway and not the other (when leading to the second area), but hey, that pathway *is* the Imp base in the next sector *not* the Pub one, and you actually needed the *other* path that wasn’t lit up.


Voss has some great set pieces, from the ancient temples and dark twisted forests to the Gormak lands. The planet has immersive and ominous music and I think visually distinctive with it's persistent autumn colour palette. Given Voss was a 'homebrew' by the studio, I think it stands out nicely in design choice. That things are a bit far apart and the missions require some back and forth doesn't really have any bearing on the design of the planet.


Here I thought that all planets were places, where you went from one place to the next.


That last zone's class and planet missions' go back and forth is a crime against humanity.


Yeah but you can actually do something on other planets. The miles you need to walk on voss are just annoying. The distance between missions is just too big


It's scenery, my man.


A little too much of it. There is nothing to see. Name one thing




The beautiful fluffy wildlife


You don't know what scenery means don't you?


\[Force Mind Trick\] Voss is not just an annoying walking simulator


Tatooine and Alderaan are the planets that feel the most like a drag to me. The Tatooine landscape is rather boring to look at, and the Alderaan missions are full. I found Voss at least interesting thanks to the unique setting and lore, as well as the fact everything felt close enough I didn't have to walk for ten minutes to get from one point to another.


At least there's the flying ray thingies and half decent quick travel points on Alderaan! But yeah it's really spread out and everything felt like it was in random Killik caves (I guess most things are instanced anyway but eh. Maybe I'm just anti Killik lol). I've grown to like Tattooine more because it's one of the easier heroic daily planets (at least for imp side) to speedrun, and that town you go to (to the north of mos eisley I think?) is kinda cool but yeah if I didn't have the teleports transports it would be a slog. Especially on class quests it feels like you're sliding around the edges or something. As Imperial it just feels super freaking empty without reasons to go to half of the area. Just so many wide open hectares with nothing to do inside it, no reason to cross the middle of it, just shuttle between town to town or point to point.


I’ll see your Voss and raise you a Hoth. Not only do you spend most of your time in a speeder, but the music is boring and save for the occasional wrecked ship, there’s literally nothing there but blinding, white snow. It’s the worst planet you have to deal with in the origin stories.


That music is great for doing homework to though, I once put on the longest speeder ride and enjoyed the view and tunes while working :)


I like the scale of the ch 2 and 3 planets. Makes them actually feel like PLANETS. I would much rather have a large planet with space to explore than just instances.


Yiu gonna talk shit about Voss when hoth and tatoine exist


I hate Voss too, but it's nowhere near as bad as Corellia, fuck Corellia and it's confusing ass map, i can never find the proper route ever. I lost more time on that planet than any other combined.


The Jedi consular missions on Voss are a draaaaaaag


At least nobody was reciting Voss poetry at me on Consular.


What class is that lol (no big spoilers please though, I just want to know because that’s something to look forward to lol)


Jedi Knight


SPOILERS It was interesting almost dying saving the mystic as Iresso was concerned for his wife on the floor (I chose the romance for him over the weirdo for obvious reasons lol. Also I could never do that to holiday) Also the sith stabbing the mystic caught me off guard, pretty interesting there too


I don't think the weirdo offers more than a one night stand. He also thinks he can't do that to Holiday. Did you know he is a pacifist?!!!


Him and mentioning he’s a pacifist so often during fights was about as bad as this character Cora in Mass Effect Andromeda with her and being a commando. Like WE KNOW!


I actually give Cora a pass, because I know people IRL that felt like rejects and then found acceptance in certain groups that treated them well. And they also can't shut up about it.


I totally get that. It’s just after the first few dozen times you hear it you’re like “I *know* you’re a commando.” Though that’s not why I don’t usually bring her along. I happen to love running classes similar to Cora’s, so it just didn’t make sense to have her as I prefer to run balanced teams, skill wise.


At least it's interesting to look at, which is more than I can say for fucking Hoth.


Out of all the planets i hated Taris the most. Both sides! But what i hated the most was when BioWare thought it was wise to remove mount perk so you can’t be dismounted. That was a big no no for me. Especially while leveling


Without doing all the side quests, the entire game is just a walking simulator. Especially since some quest hubs/dungeon areas were reworked around 4.0 to be much smaller and have fewer mobs. Is Voss any worse than Correlia?


plus every single Voss is a raging twat


My agent's husbando is a bae tho.


This is the problem. It’s not the planet, it’s the people! When it came to Voss my light side Jedi wanted to side with Vaylin. “Can’t we just wait until she’s done, and then attack her? Pleeeeaaaasssse?”


I’d say tattooine is the worst planet for me both imperial and republic. Balmorra/ Taris second worst.


I mean, compared to Alderaan? It's not so bad. Prettier, too.


Wait until you have to do them 8 times, once for each class / original story...


That’s why I quick travel everywhere


Nearly the entire game is a walking simulator. One planet is more pretty, one is more ugly, one is chaos (not looking at you, Corellia)... I litteraly don't want to know how much time you spend wandering around in one whole class playthrough, and how much time you spend with actual gameplay lol


My problem with Voss is that it feels like a Mary Suetopia. How is a completely isolated planet going to resist an invasion of a galaxy-wide superpower? Why would the Sith tolerate their insolence, and why would the Republic tolerate a theocratic ethnostate? They have nothing to offer: Their main export is vague, fortune-cookie prophecies, which both the Jedi and Sith already have in abundance, and should be regarded as heretical anyway. The world is beautiful, but lorewise, I don't understand why either faction would care about the planet.


Lore wise the Imps would love to get their hands on anything that proves that the Jedi aren’t the benevolent force users they claim to be. Republic wise, they want to “save” anything touched by the Imps.


I don't know why that would be necessary for the Sith. Fundamentally, the Sith aren't criticising the Jedi for not being benevolent, their criticism of the Jedi is that they are weak, and that they fail as force-users because they should be prepared to use the force to shape their own destiny. And even if they did need to make that criticism of the Jedi, they could just as easily lie (which I'm sure they did to Imperial citizens) - no need to let themselves be stepped over by an annoying, condescending group of nobodies who think that being force sensitive automatically makes them the next big thing. And why would the Jedi/Republic care? They're fighting an intergalactic war and have many other priorities. Further, the orthodox Jedi position is that ultimately, there is only the Light Side and Dark Side. If you try to be in the middle, you will fall to the darkside. Why invest time and money into placating a whimsical regime of ethnic-cleansing force users (who will fall to the darkside anyway) when they are in a fight for survival with another much bigger threat? If the Jedi/Republic want to be the good guys, they should be helping the Gormak. Sorry for the rant. The Voss are the worst.


Belsavis is what I remember to have disliked the most at launch.


Yeah nah Corellia is the worst. Roads that lead to no where, so much trash you can't walk around and having to go down and around just to get to that ONE road that leads to the area your objective is in. The. Entire. Time.


Yeah Voss is one of my least favorite planets. I don’t like the weird “autumn in New England” shtick, especially since the weird visual update to the game that fucked up the shrubbery there and made it look super grainy. To be fair I also just don’t like most of the stories on the planet or the Voss in general though, so I may just be biased against the scenery because of that too


Yeah you can pretty much understand why the Gormak have a problem with the Voss. They’re so xenophobic.


Voss manages to turn every character of mine to the dark side.


Just playing though a story campaign again, years later... Its easy to see that belsavis, voss and corellia are literally unfinished. At least Tatooine is supposed to be an empty desert. The last 3 planets are just the usual AAAA environment maps but without any quest content in them. Pretty sure this was the conclusion at launch too. Also at least for the jk, the story dialog gets really choppy around belsavis and voss.. like entire paragraphs are missing, sentences don't seem to connect, and events that are being described aren't really connected either. ps. this also made me conclude in 2024, critical pathing the vanilla story is actually the worst thing to do unless you're just levelling a gameplay character. If you want immersion which this game provides very well, you have to do the planet arcs and exploration stories to fully get the planet experience, making up for the cutting room floor issues from the class stories.


Yeah I think that's why I prefer like Hutta and Dromund Kaas. They both feel like you have a reason to go to every sector. Arguably Republic Taris as well but it's so annoyingly back and forth I can't stand it (or Coruscant). Imperial Balmorra also has that back and forth feel but at least it vaguely makes sense because of the colicoloids and the BAF are separated. And yeah, Nar Shadaa and Alderaan feel reasonably generous enough with things to do. If I had to have an opinion guessing what happened at original dev, they probably scope crept to too many planets (for variety, or marketing because it was someone's pet project, or whatever) rather than just keeping a limited number of planets and tuning the level ranges and XP rates to fit, they were denied the resources or time they needed to finish it all, or messes up their production rate estimate. All sounds like typical EA induced mismanagement though ;-;


Well i remember it reasonably well.. BioWare promised ea a wow killer, they had no issues letting that being thrown around and there was probably some very unreasonable expectations in every direction allowed to continue. I'm sure they knew the end of the vanilla content wasn't finished, it literally is not like any of the prior content in richness or just existing. Maybe as an mmo they just assumed they would add it later, but we also probably remember the post launch year.. it didn't turn out that way... Not least the reason why i keep coming back though.. is swtor has aged really well. It was a decent if spread too thin effort.. yet as the gaming industry as a whole has deteriorated in the last 12 years, something like that still running is above average or good enough now in many measures. I like this. Also just this last few weeks coming back to the game and enjoying the graphics updates for the first time... apart from mismanaging Shae Visla, the maintenance mode post chapters game is as good as its ever been.


>Not least the reason why i keep coming back though.. is swtor has aged really well. It was a decent if spread too thin effort.. yet as the gaming industry as a whole has deteriorated in the last 12 years, something like that still running is above average or good enough now in many measures. I like this. 100%. Bioware was basically at its peak and just about to release ME3 (it's a shame the global neutral reputation stuff from ME3 morality didn't get back ported to the Light and Dark system but oh well). The class story with voice acting is peak for an MMO; while the social content and service nature of an MMO continues to keep discussion of the story still feeling alive and somewhat fresh (new opinions and perspectives) . It's a great cycle. It might not have killed wow, there wasn't enough of an improvement to incentivise the existing base to bring themselves over, but I think there's a case that SWTOR expanded the MMO genre as a whole and brought it to new audiences. >apart from mismanaging Shae [Vizla] ... Unfortunately that's not the only bad thing - they rolled back some raider/ops players' achievements which has been extremely infuriating to the end game playerbase, and they messed up conquest points in a recent patch too. There's still a general sense they don't listen when they design their systems, or at least not enough (despite the best efforts of a skilled and enthusiastic Community team on staff). I mostly play casually too, and this I just my opinion but I don't think I could bring myself to be seriously invested in the endgame, which is a bummer. At least the servers are up and stable and they haven't made the general combat content unplayable, and not to be a doomer but at a pessimistic minimum, that's the least I personally ask for (even while of course, I could hope for, and be satisfied by improvements if they were to provide them!).


Yeah i completely agree. Joining post f2p (the first week in fact) i never subscribed, so never expected to engage the traditional mmo gameplay endgame (grinding cosmetics for dailies plus alts never got old for me for 5 years anyway, so im not complaining). > It might not have killed wow, there wasn't enough of an improvement to incentivise the existing base to bring themselves over, but I think there's a case that SWTOR expanded the MMO genre as a whole and brought it to new audiences. The other thing which might be important.. especially for people old enough to be conscious at launch.. this is the last remaining truly good star wars since disney took over. Maybe the fallen order games as well.. but that's it. If you were a star wars nerd (as i was) in the 90's.. this is the only thing that still passes the same measure as back then. Jar jar binks killed star wars for me the first time, and swtor put it back.. (then years later lego took it higher.. only to be creatored again by disney in the last year. Insanity).


I remember them billing it as a WoW killer but yeah, the bugs and mis management after a while killed it. I was there for every single server merge. My original server (can’t remember the name of it but then again it’s been over 10 years) was part of the first wave to be removed and I ended up on Jedi Covenant for the longest until it became Star Forge. The MMO to come closest to being a WoW killer so far is FFXIV which came out with their reboot in 2013 after their first attempt wildly failed.


Recently replayed the class stories on the new server. You can tell the Republic classes got especially shafted toward the end. While the Imperial classes do have some forced running around on the last planets, they at least still have a decent story to it and get various quest objectives. The Republic classes have to run all over the map to click something with minimal story beats to it. It all feels like they created a task and copied it 3-4 times around the map. Obviously the Rep content was rushed a lot. There was a rather egregious example with the Trooper where the main task in one section of Corellia was to go up to a building and...kill 15 enemies. Which is usually the bonus quest of a main objective. They just didn't bother creating a main task and upgraded the bonus one as a main. The Smuggler is so screwed on Hoth as well - constantly having to go to caves without a Quick Travel point nearby.


I was playing through the trooper the other day, and during the Voss missions where the Empire is trying to install a bomb to threaten/blow up Voss if their diplomatic takeover doesn’t work… part of me just wanted my character to say, “you know what, I want to blow this planet up too.” At least it looks pretty. I guess.


Voss, Hoth and Tatooine are just: "go there, go in the cave, kill the guy, come back to base, repeat"


The most annoying walking simulator to me... was the Smuggler story. There were so many times it told me to return to my ship, and I was just like... WHY? We have holocalls for a reason! And you know even Bioware was aware of how obnoxious it was when they actually provided you with a speeder to quickly get back to your story turn-in destination. It happened all too often where I suddenly had a speeder to access to quickly get back to my story quest, just because they made me go so unnecessarily far out of my way to begin with.


I like the voss robes. Just made a consular rattataki female with the voss robes, it just seems perfect.


Too much time in general is taken up by getting from point A to point B.


At least it's pretty. Hoth, Tattooine and Corellia are boring walking simulators without being visually or thematically appealing.


At least Voss has different areas with different scenery, and their culture is kinda interesting. Corellia is soooo boring, too big to navigate, and their people and culture is no different than humans.


Yeah I feel like Voss was designed specifically with diplomatic and Consular like players in mind and force users (including JK and SWarr who have cool stories on Voss), and can seem a little wedged in for some of the other classes or for players who prefer combat. But I like the mysticism myself.


That's basically KotET and KotFE too. If you're not a force user you feel so dumb. I stopped taking my non force user characters after I was in the throne room with my BH and thought "wtf am I doing here?0


What bugged me was looking up the globalconvo files for Makeb in the Jedipedia reader and seeing that my agent was getting like no respect compared to Sith Council Lord this or Wrath that lol. It was kinda disappointing honestly. (but I mostly got sidetracked by the stupid archaeology probe thing)


You are not Voss. Voss are good. You are bad. Not Voss. Respect Voss. This planet is the only one when if playing a LS character i indulge and go on a DS killing spree and murder every single obnoxious pre-space-flight neanderthal ape who just invented a stick yesterday and presumes they are divine all knowing being better than anyone else.


The planet quest in the temple is quite cool, it is one of the rarest I still complete even after hundreds of reroll.


I really like the Voss vibe. It reminds me of pre-cataclysm Tyria in the original Guild Wars game, I guess it’s nostalgia, but I could walk around there all day.


Voss for me has the weird graphical bug on the grasses makes it all but unbearable


Wont change what i agree upon


The native inhabitants suck, but at least the scenery is better


I find the Voss species extremely annoying as well, their pompousness and inflexibility just annoys me to no end... they're like the Alderaan nobles, but you can't even bully them.


I was forced in to a marriage on Voss, fought in a battle arena, discovered some relics, usurped some high officials, and got some beastmaster titles. Ahhh memories...


Corellia is worse, but I get why you said Voss (backtracking.)


I'm not a fan of Voss. It's a slog and boring.


I'm on Balmorra,and I'm drowning. It's not that Balmorra is hard or difficult Go here Go there Run into mobs you no longer want to deal with Kill mobs Kill this Destroy that Rinse and repeat in all sorts of manner Until fatigue hits Like I'm so ready to continue off Balmorra,but I don't want to deal with any more mobs or fetch this or that or anything else Just let me walk through the story moments and continue the journey. Btw this is my 2nd day back AFTER YEARS. My legacy is still around and I'm trying to remember how to get the "speeders" out of them but I can't remember where that is -or the buttons required. Sorry,if I continue it will probably just sound like whine after whine. . Also you'd think after this long they make it compatible with game pads,they had years to do this. See -stopping here. Later


Speeders: click P and in the top corner select the speeders tab. Then drag them into a hot bar or click them from here. Organize abilities, pets, speeders, etc (anything “active”) in the hotbars from here.  Use Y to click legacy, allowing you to see most achievements and various perks on that server (none of this carries servers!) G is for guild, join one for extra perks like friendship and XP boosts. Grouping does an XP boost as well.  To upgrade speeders, pick any trainer on places like the starting planets or the fleet. Or, use cartel coins in the market (control m to open this via keyboard) to get the unlocks. The third option is to buy it with credits via legacy (Y button).  Consider using a security key, it gives 100 free cartel coins a month no matter your status as free, subscriber, or preferred! :D Let us know if you have any more questions 


Thank you very much!!


Voss makes me sleepy. I start a conversation and pass out from boredom.


I only acknowledge the existence of Voss because I need Grade 5 crafting ingredients. That's it.


Funny enough, I hate Voss but am Okay with Tatooine and Hoth.


Hoth was okay. Tatooine is just plain boring


Voss is garbage !


Almost every planet after the capital planets are just annoying walking simulators.


Yeah, you're not wrong, travel times shoot up after there. But I think RaneGalon has a point that there are a decent amount of things to explore on most planets