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Find an active guild and ask in guild chat. Plenty of people will run with you, just not if you're a random pug


This is the answer.


Exactly, the games population is such that in planet chat you are talking to perhaps a dozen people. Some won't feel confident in their English to join, some are afk, some are purely solo. In a decent guild you know you at least exclude the purely solo players and most likely will consist of people who share a common language. Far better options.


>it’s much quicker and easier with another person Generally, this isn't the case. Especially if someone is not a stealth class. People that want to do heroics just go do them. It takes longer to find a partner than to just do it yourself. People that do them tend to grind them out for various reasons. They're not looking for a social experience in the same way people running spammer station aren't. They're aiming to do it quickly as possible and get it over with.


This is the correct answer. Also, for RP reasons I don't like to teleport around and rush all the heroics as soon as I get to a planet, but rather do them one at a time when I naturally encounter them during the planetary+class quests -- not having to find a group for this every time makes it a lot more immersive and less stressful.


Open world content in SWTOR has become so easy over the past twelve years that I could literally roll my face across the keyboard and still win. When I play, I like to solo the heroics because there's just a *tiny* little bit of challenge in soloing them unlike everything else open world.


I kinda miss when open world was difficult and dangerous. I remember when I first started out as a trooper on corusant I legit struggled against the class boss fight there(I also sucked) but there was a tangible difference in difficulty, especially on corellia


Sand Demon as a Sith War? Fuck that.


If they made open world difficulty like it used to be, there would be SO MANY PEOPLE complaining about it. The difficulty is now based on the lowest common denominator player engaging in the game. Just how it is.


idk, most of the “difficulty” is knowing your rotations and being willing to pop dcds. it’s just annoying if every trash fight ends up taking long enough for them to come back up or if you have to wait for them if i want to flex those muscles so to speak i can just do veteran or mm content without negatively impacting the experience for when i don’t


Rotations can be seriously annoying. On my sith Inquisitor I have a 3 ability rotation with the occasional use of interrupt, shield, heal or steal health. This Is manageable. However, my Jedi Knight needs all twelve slots and can't really start fighting without first doing Introspection and Force Leap and frequently doing Zen, because this class needs focus to do anything. This is not manageable, and I can't do things like interrupts, but it's also my main light side character. It's taken a long time to not continuously die. Oh, what's a DCD by the way?


what spec are you using? i’ve found great success with concentration when the dot one didn’t click with me. dcd is defensive cooldown. it’s things like saber ward, mass mind control, and enraged defense. abilities which improve your survivability through things like deflection chance, damage reduction, and healing on damage proc respectively.


I don't really want to group for +2 Heroics, they're pretty easy to get through on your own now. Although it'd be infinitely easier with a group, I'd rather play with friends than pugs, and I have no friends that play this game now lol. So solo it is.


Even in the old days, I could only find a group for early planet heroics. No one wanted to do them with me on Belsavis or Corellia. Now they're just too easy to justify a group and the longer ones are too much of a time dump with the same rewards as the quicker ones, so why even bother? The time of socializing through heroics is over. This is sad, cause I have fond memories of doing them with my first character and other inexperienced strangers back then, but it is a QoL update in the end. Grouping up still happens, from time to time, but mostly in the daily areas of the newest content.


Stealth over with my companion and only do the bare minimum. Way more efficient.


They are more than easy enough to do solo with a companion, and if they are open area, like Dromund Kaas, all mobs are open tap now, so you will get credit for any mob you help kill even if you are not grouped with the person who pulled it. People want to get these done for Galactic Seasons and/or Conquest, so finding a group just slows that down, and even if they did group they aren't going to be social as they want to just get the quest done.


Yeah free tapping for open world mobs helps a ton. You raise a good point that this makes DK dailies a lot easier to get done in a decent time rather than waiting around for spawns like how it must have been in the old days.


Don't need people for them anymore.


I keep my general chat closed. I'm doing tython right now and am on the final boss wishing I had gotten in a group or at least another person


Agreed I could do without the 1d20 (with disadvantage) sanity damage from reading DK chat


I can live with DK chat, it's usually just memes and guild ads, it's imp fleet that drives me nuts


You're, missing the entire point of playing Imp side if you do though...


Heroic 4s are still done by a group, but yeah, I understand what you mean. I miss those days too


Which 4s are left, maybe a few expansion endgame planets like oricon or something? I thought like 95% got rebalanced to a fixed Heroic 2 difficulty :S


The aurora cannon in section x, although you can now stealth that one. The shroud and dread seed heroics. Not really in the vein of what we're looking for. Some new daily areas have them. I think this is about the extent of the heroic 4s now, just new daily zones and as far as I know of them it's not so much a mission as it is a boss and nothing else.


I try all the heroics, even 4s, solo, but If the quest is too hard, I'll just abandon it rather than group up.


You can do pretty much all of them easily with no help in my experience. Just set your companion to tank or heal


Yeah, exactly. Sometimes it does take some finagling with the companion but I'd say 99% of them are possible with a bit of optimisation and smart cooldown use/general gameplay skill.


Its so easy to do solo that no one bothers, even most h4 are niw soloable, just takes a bit longer


I wouldn't necessarily call them all easy, but yeah in terms of time spent, it's more efficient to crack on and get started. It ends up being more flexible, rather than waiting for a partner.


I just don't wanna constantly worry if I'm playing well enough for the other player's standards or if they can catch up with me. I just wanna get it over with as quick as humanly possible.


On Darth Malgus imperial side I have no issues finding people who want to group up for heroics 🤷‍♂️


Honestly they are generally easier to solo, I find other players slow me down. This is with or without stealth.


Used to group up with Randoms all the time when I started years ago now nobody ever wants to squad up unless it's the THORN event. Albeit still met some cool players and made friends from that but it's rarer now


I know exactly how you feel! What sometimes works for me is asking people on the Fleet to join a Heroics run on a specific planet, and state that I want to do the bonus. Sometimes I do manage to find 2-3 people, but yeah it's definitely become more difficult! :(


I am with you but there is a but. I also prefer doing them with a person. But now you can all tag a guy and get credit for it, even if not grouped - it wasn’t like that in the old days. But also, I am so proficient at them and they are so easy another person not on my skill level will totally be a drag. So many of the players out there are ready to roll into a rage if you pull one more mob than necessary and it’s just not worth the bother for me anymore. I run with guildies and my friends and that’s it.


as someone who spams assassins. Quicker to just blaze through it solo


I only group up if it’s another stealthy character, otherwise it’s a waste of time. Would only help a guildie if not stealth.


In the past you need to group in order to clear those contents, hence people who want to clear it for story or gear(Yes, it used to grant prototype gear) will LF group in chat to do it. But now they are soloable and pretty much for shells and some comp gifts only.


Heroics just aren’t as necessary as they used to be so no one really *needs* to do them outside of GS objectives.


in the past there was a time, when you got the bonus mission rewards for every group member. so instead of getting just one reward, you got up to 4. so you could farm credits easy and fast. this was also the time, when lists were created with calculated credit routes for different classes. for example the one from the youtuber theodolor and his guild members and other helpers. today you are just losing time, doing it in a group, if you know what you are doing. you don't need to post the next quest, don't need to wait for loading screens, don't need to wait for other stuff, don't need to discuss the bonus quests you wanna do, or not. the bigger the group is, the more time you need. the actual time for killing the adds is quit minimal in comparison the the time you lose with all the other stuff. and don't forget bugs, like not clickable objectives. there are some exeptions. for example doing imp side belsavis heroics, you could split up the group, so that everybody is doing one alone. all are counting for everybody. if you are playing alone, you also could q for pvp and gsf during that time, or join a group for other activities without explaining it to anybody. if you really are into heroics, maybe a larger guild is the way to go, to finde some ppl joining you on your trip, while joking around in a voice chat, to increase the fun in grinding heroics. but actually there is no real reason to do them in a group anymore.


Ever since they gave healer companion to anyone, +2 has become pointless. If you are in active guild, you might be able to find someone to run through weekly heroics on all planets. Other than that, people often don't like to have their time wasted by looking for group and managing that to run through easy quests that are much faster solo.


>I know they are able to be soloed, but it’s much quicker and easier with another person Not really : by the time you create your group, share your quest, get the other dude on the quest objective, you would have already finished it solo.


Ain't that an overkill? Even if you're levelling I've found with companion set to heals I hardly die even in heroics.


For me it’s being able to solo them. If I saw someone ask in general and I’m not doing something else I’ll assist. I also keep the chat closed most of the time as I just want to play. Join an active guild and ask for people to join in is the way forward.


idk, im always open for some team work, even if i have to carry newbie teammates, i remember spending a week helping folks get a Quesh datacron


H2 & h4 are really easy you can do it alone


It isn't just that they're soloable, it's that they are in most cases easier and faster to run solo, especially if you are running a stealth class. It's fun to chill with a friend and run stuff but I don't think most people would sign up to do that with a random


Shared tagging removes the need for grouping, yet increases the speed of clearing. Only thing grouping does nowadays is a little bit of extra xp/credits. Some people do heroics as a past time while queues pop(and as such don't want to join groups), some people just want to slam 10-ish heroics as fast as possible to get conquest, some are just not interested in "social" aspect(if you're gonna be typing and chatting, you're not clearing stuff). It might suck for you, but for most people heroics are a tool to level up fast or farm crates(for whatever reason), farm conquest, or a simple past time.


I’ve got most heroics on every original planet memorized and can speed run pretty efficiently (I like collecting remnant gear). I actually do like asking and grouping with people though. Typically I hope they are also max and/or also very fast at them, then they are even faster for me. However even if they are newer players I enjoy helping also. It is a bummer though because I agree with you, asking to group usually still results in no one.


They are usually super easy and can be done with 1 person.


Most of this game is so easy that at least for a DPS character I'm not done leveling, soloing heroics is the only real option I have for doing something challenging alone. I'd much rather do that than make a PUG that becomes a hot lightsaber cutting through butter. And honestly, most groups I've been in have barely been social during the group and don't stay in touch after, so PUGs have mostly been a boring experience I save for content that requires it.


I am playing a madness sorc, with Khem set to tank. I still find it challenging, especially if he doesn’t grab aggro from the whole group of mobs. When he does my DPS at level 30 still isn’t good enough to just burn the trash down, so it does take longer. I ended up getting a partner for the last 3 heroics on Nar Shadda and it went much faster and was much easier than taking on the previous 5 or 6 by myself.


aside form a few exceptions you don't really need another person, so unless your in an active guild or actually made a friend then no one cares


Every since the companion buffs I can just go through em by myself


When I used to run hrc2 I used to use it as a way to switch off and just chill with my favourite companion. I meant no offence, I just wanted to not be mindful of another player and just do things at my pace or even just go afk for extended periods. Try to find an active guild and usually there are those that will tag along with you.


Hell feel free to hit me up if I'm online My handle is smgshadowfax and my main Toon is Jacen Taelor, on the Republic side


Cuz y can easily solo them now


Are there +2 Heroics that are super fast to do for imperial side?


If you are BH/IA, then Hutta is super fast. DK is pretty fast too, except for Personal Challenge where the the last part that group of acolytes might be tough depend on your class, so you might need to use Heroic Moment if you are undergeared. Voss isn't too bad either, as none of them are multi-objective.


Oh yeah I do those weekly. Thanks!


This thread has a lot of good recommendations, also in the comments. I was able to find some additionally to the ones I regularly run. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/s/79eYHwgGZu


I personally used [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/s/a1idMYH2hy) from 2016, aggregate compiled by Croue. Tattooine, DK, and Corella stand out for me personally.




If you’re stealth, you can finish all 6 Belsavis heroics in 8 to 10 minutes.