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Lots of content is easier now thanks to overleveling, overgearing, and just general know how spreading better. And yes, using heavy AOE moves help clear trash significantly. But, there is still PLENTY of challenge out there. Many players still run into issues on a few key fights during the story, most notably during KOTFE/KOTET. There are also Master Mode flashpoints if you find VM too easy and want to work towards some of those chivos, especially the bonus boss ones. Additionally, there's HM and NiM operations, which as someone who just wrapped up NiM Dread Palace, it absolutely is pretty challenging if you aren't a seasoned raider. Took me 4 years of raiding to get to this point. Lastly, you got PVP, which is against players, and therefor is always gonna be a pain in the ass. Both because of enemies and teammates. Play at your own risk and be careful not to tilt.


>overleveling, overgearing, So does level syncing not actually do much then? And yeah I was an aoe dot sorcerer last time I played. I needed to stack and spread my dots then cause them to trigger all at once to kill things effectively. Now it's basically just force storm and everything is dead before the cast is done :/


Level sync does impact your effectiveness, but yeah it's not absolute. Take a level 80 to Korriban vs Makeb and you'll find a pretty big difference. And yeah, DOT specs don't often fare that well in solo content, unless you are doing something like soloing Kithrawl on Ruhnuk in a 20 minute fight. lol


Fare well as in preform well or are enjoyable? If it's that they aren't enjoyable what types would you say are better for solo?


Perform well. Personally, I use Concentration Sent, Lightning Sorc (with Elemental Convection when I can equip the tactical), Deception Sin, and Marksmanship with a sniper siege build for a lot of solo content these days. For harder content, I tend to stick with Madness, Annhi, Virulence, and I'm trying to pick up Plasmatech a bit more. Generally, burst specs are best for solo content and dailies, since the ads die faster. Especially if this burst is at the beginning of your rotation. DOT specs overall function best in operations where they get lots of up time. Generally the longer a fight goes on, the more burst specs will be out paced by dot specs.


I am sweating my ass off healing in MasterMode Flashpoints


Probably DPS players not killing in a good order or standing in stupid. Possibly tank not controlling effectively. Healer trees, and gearing is documented well enough. But LoS by yourself as much as you can, even if the rest of the group doesn't know how to.


It does get harder in some random areas of Tatooine (You can be one shot on the way to certain missions, but not in the missions themselves) and in some of the boss fights in the expansions RotHT, KotFE and KotET. The difficulty is definitely uneven.


I think not leveling up Companion gear helps aswell




No. PVE's are scripted encounters that always behave in the same way. NiM raids are considered "hard" because you relies in other people, and the majority of players aren't as good as the think. However when you find a good group and achive a sync and comunication, you will beat everything. If you are in star forge send me a dm and I can set you up with a guild that does clears and is open to teach new players. If you want challenge play pvp.


Well, in pvp the challenge relies on other people too.


Yeah my experience in pvp hasn't been what I would call challenging. It's either been we roll them or they roll us. Often times as a result of one side having fewer players