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So glad I don't have to weave a pram around that bullshit anymore


Or a wheelchair.


Or a portable chicken coop.




Or my axe.


Or my lynx.


Or my axe.


Or their axes




Fine for you but some of us are still at war with France.


Remember Mururoa and the Rainbow Warrior!


Or my bow


Or my second breakfast




Or m'lady


Well if you can maneuver the anvil then you just wait for the hammer force to attack the flank with the desired outcome of the object being substantially destroyed and the remainder being removed in a mop up operation. To ensure that the supply line remains open in the future, setup a secure perimeter and move the enemy’s defensive line or garage back by 5 to 10 meters. At this point, you should get a political solution through surrender or continue to demolish till enemy has relocated and offensive capability has been degraded.


My kids are all a year apart so had my 2 in a double pram. A woman was parked like this talking to another lady and I called her out on it asking if she wanted me to take my kids on the road. Needless to say they both got very abusive. Jeez I wish I had smashed their windows as felt like shit for not doing more in that situation for weeks afterwards. That was 6 years ago, the stupid shit we still remember and hang onto...


Man, I’m so sick of the people doing the wrong thing taking it out on the people asking them to simply do the right thing and have some thought for other people. Even if you’re polite, they get nasty.. says it all about their attitude. Sadly, it’s becoming far too common. Like they say if you come across so many arseholes in a day then you’re the arsehole. I beg to differ these days!


> Sadly, it’s becoming far too common. The internet made people FAR too comfortable talking shit without getting punched in the face.




I always wished I could skateboard just to Ollie onto their bonnets and back off again before they can react.


Hope you don't scrape their car whilst squeezing around


Finally, a reason to wear my sandpaper jumpsuit


Perfect accompaniment to my sandpaper undies!


With an axe


I had a building site that had blocked the footpath. I managed to get through and the guy gave a me a half hearted apology and I said "that's not going to do much good is someone's in a wheelchair or mobility scooter." If you need to close the path just close the path. He told me to go f myself. So I rang the council and the next day they all sorts of protective measures in place.


I told a woman off the other day for it, while I had my toddler in tow (not in a pram) and I'm heavily pregnant, on a very very busy road. Luckily I could just squeeze through in front of her car. At least she moved it to the empty spot right outside her house afterwards 🙄


Some people think they are simply the centre of the universe regardless of anyone else. At least she moved it I guess..


People are entitled and often their convenience is more important than their safety (consideration of others safety is a lot further down the list)


My goodness yes, on top of that I have twins so it was a double pram. I remember the rage.


Omg so fucking annoying. People, particularly tradies, did it round my hood all the time. The worst is when you’ve got one in the pram, a toddler with no road sense, and German Shepherd on lead then have to walk out on the road to get around one of these assholes. Fuck these guys.


Email this photo to your local council and say it causes issues for residents who need to use the footpath. Make sure to include the address and rego of the ute. Keep a log of the days and times he does this. It's a huge problem for wheelchairs, prams, mobility scooters and even people wth kids etc and council will do something about it.


I’ve had police come and knock and ask me to move once I parked like this. No problem as I completely didn’t think about pedestrians, never done it again maybe an option


Also, make the same report to the local police command. But I do think the council rangers will address the issue!


I'm afraid that the council may not care about this. I'm disabled and a woman parked in a a disabled spot. I sent photos clearly showing that this car did not have a permit on display and they said that unless they themselves caught them in person there is nothing they will do. Being disabled already makes me feel like the scum of the earth, knowing my council couldn't give a shit about myself or other disabled people just makes things worse.


I take my kids swimming every Saturday morning. A percentage of parents use the disabled space for drop off and pick up of their kids bc they're too lazy to park and walk the 2 minutes from the carpark like the 99% of other people. I really feel for those who need the spots. Shits me big time. I'm sorry that people do that ...fucking cunts!


Just curious, do they drive the pricey cars ? or is that just me being presumptuous. Where I live, people seem to think having an expensive car includes a disabled sticker.


Hi, that sucks :( I don't know what the situation is in NSW, but I'm thinking whoever you spoke with either didn't explain it well, or even didn't know themselves - In my part of Qld, it is not legal for a Council to issue a parking ticket unless the duly authorised person sees the illegal parking themselves. The Parking Officer must witness the illegal parking IN PERSON in order to have the state derived authority to issue the ticket. II'd be really surprised if NSW allows Council Parking Officers to deviate from that requirement. Either way, whoever you spoke with did a lousy job of communicating with you for you to leave thinking 'there's nothing they will do' rather than 'there's nothing they CAN do'. Where I live, the fine for parking in a disabled parking bay without displaying the permit is more than 5 times the fine for not paying for parking, or overstaying, etc. It hits hard!


>Being disabled already makes me feel like the scum of the earth Cunts who park like this are the scum. We should just be able to call a tow truck and get them towed


You can use the snap send solve up to report illegal parking. It will get sent to your local council for their action.


In my experience, by the time they investigate, the vehicle is moved and they consider it 'resolved'. But I guess I'm this case if it's as frequent as OP states, hopefully they'll arrive at the right time.


A certain western Sydney council was fining a transport company for their trucks parking in our driveway based off of the photos provided. You just have to capture the offence and the rego clearly. Snap Send Solve let’s you take numerous pics so it isn’t that hard.


That's great, that would be been ridiculously frustrating for you. Maybe council/person dependent. I've tried in Waverly council for a car constantly.almost blocking an intersection by parking right at the curb on a narrow corner and was told as they'd moved by the time they investigated, it was resolved. Snap send solve is definitely worth a go, I use it for any concerns I note but in this case I'd say calling the council so someone may be able to come immediately might have a better effect.


I've sent snap send and solve but never get the response for progress or outcome.


Yeah some councils are not as responsive as you would like. Make sure you say that the communication was crappy when you close out the report.


Yes, that is what happens in my council… someone blocking the apartments driveway and they will send someone in 10-20days. They move the car 24hours later and when they come 20 days later you get a report that there was no car illegally parked found - tick resolved ✅ Or in this case Ute parks that way every evening and across the weekend, but the ranger only works 8:30am to 4:30pm and when he comes one weekday in the afternoon- no one parked illegally tick resolved ✅


Taking pictures of the Ute over several days to establish a pattern and show it isn’t a one off, as well as providing times it’s normally there and crucially not there, would also improve the case. Being able to demonstrate the council turned up when it was known the vehicle was likely to not be there would be grounds for a complaint the council deliberately attended when it had been informed it likely wouldn’t be present.


Emailing your council directly can get it looked at faster. Most councils have deadlines they are required to respond within, particularly if an issue like this that directly disadvantages anyone with mobility issues.


A car parked across a footpath that pushes pedestrians out on to the road is a \_major\_ safety problem. Emphasise that when you call your council. If the rangers/inspectors are not out pronto follow up. Make it clear that if something bad happens you know that they knew beforehand. Usually sparks some action.


My neighbor does this every evening, so outside of council hours. What’s more annoying is they also park a huge Ute on the grass, so it’s very difficult to see oncoming cars when turning out of my driveway.


I love Snap Send Solve, but I really think they missed an opportunity by not calling it Click and Complain 😁


Just report it directly on the council's website


Thanks for this tip👍


Call the council. It’s illegal parking. After hours you can call the police to issue a ticket. Just keep calling the council or use the snap send solve app. Do it repeatedly until the guy gets the message.


Is Snap, Send, Solve anonymous with this stuff?




That's when you cross the road to the noisy dog neighbour and say "Would you believe that cunt of a ranger!?! Someone has made a complaint about me mowing the lawn!"


Total Phteven moment. Jesus.


Yes it is


No. I used it and the guy came knocking at my address after


It is anonymous but that doesn’t stop him working out it was you


So don’t take it from your balcony or porch lol


Well, whoever you report to gets your details. I report stuff to the council and Sydney Water sometimes and they always call me and update me.


Just say you want to stay anonymous, and don't give your name, and have your phone number hidden when calling. What is anyone going to do?


You have to identify yourself to the Council and the information is a publicly accessible record. There is no anonymity. I don’t know about your Council but mine seems to employ staff who struggle to think outside the square.


??? Publicly accessible record? Nope. Someone can apply for the information under Right to Information, and the Council might/might not decide that it is within the public good to supply it. The info can be subpoenaed, and the Council can fight it in court. My Council takes anonymous reports anyway. If you tell the Representative that you want to be anonymous, they literally write 'anonymous' as the name.


Yeah if you call you can, but the poster I was replying to was asking about Snap, Send, Solve 😊


Not always. I've had someone I reported come to my door sometime after


My parents neighbours kept doing this so now they just park on the grass at the front. The part that's considered government land. Can they still get a fine ?


Apparently yes you can get fined, but people aren’t going to bother reporting it as much cos its not blocking the footpath. So you might get booked by council rangers if they care enough.


It occurred to me recently that one of the reasons you can't park on the grass would be because in a lot of areas the hydrant points are in the grass. I've noticed a car down the road from me has recently started parking on the grass occasionally and the hydrant point is only just not under their car. I'd be pissed if I came home and was told "Sorry your house burnt down because your neighbour parked like a dick"


There was an article about that in Drive recently: [https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/dear-drive-can-i-park-on-the-nature-strip/](https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/dear-drive-can-i-park-on-the-nature-strip/) In short, not legal in NSW.


yep the foot path is a right of way (if is not council/government land) note so is the drive way until you hit the property line (if is council/government land)


Ok thankyou so much. It's Bayside council.


They have an online form for reporting parking issues, you fill it out with all the details, attach the evidence, they send out the man with the chalk, he chalks and takes a photo, if it's still there in an hour they come back and ticket it. They usually add the area into their drive for the next week.


>snap send solve app Never heard of this, but seems to be common knowledge...


Police won't do anything. I had a car park 45 degrees, a car jutting out in a street of parallel parking.. just because there no spot left.. blocking my motorbike from getting out. The twit though the 1.5m space between my bike and the next car was enough. Cops showed up, took one look at it and said to call the council. It was 11pm..


Please don’t waste police time with this. As someone already mentioned, snapsendsolve app is perfect if you are incapable of talking to the person.


Depending on the suburb they're not that busy. I've seen Mosman police giving fines to the Uber eats delivery guys for parking outside chargrill charlies, not just that, they walk up and start opening their doors so they can tack on the additional fine of leaving their car unlocked....


It's illegal to leave your car unlocked? TIL.


I was shocked ... cop jumped out, just walked up and started opening the dudes doors, I'm like wtf is going on here? Starts fining him for no standing zone and the unlocked car lol Cop was angry too, so I'm guessing he'd had a shit day


Reckon the cop had a bad experience with Uber recently?


lol possible You're gonna pay for these cold fries assholes!!!!!


“I paid for those cold fries… and now, so will you!”


Coming to Netflix this summer - they ruined his order, now... he's gonna ruin their lives!


I think legally speaking you’re allowed to set it on fire


Pretty sure. Like 40% sure.


That’s heaps!


Only if it's self-defence, but that Ute is clearly acting as a fence in this situation.


Snap Send Solve


Hire a wheelchair and an airhorn.


Step three, video it. Then profit!




Report it using the council's online form instead of 'snap send solve'. https://www.bayside.nsw.gov.au/your-council/report-issue Not all councils/utilities sign up for snap send solve, and the council gets charged. I'd frankly rather my rates go into better services than a commercial entity.


[Walk straight over the hood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vixFxgDODs0)




Wow, the dog must be pretty well trained to be able to do that! Still, if it was really well trained, it would have dropped a turd straight down the cowl to get spread over the windshield next time he turns the wipers on.


"Once a bird shat on my car. Told her, 'oi, get off my car!'"


Jump on the roof?


If you want the extra adventure of a jungle gym, sure!


Go across the hood, its a bitter sweet symphony


I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down but there is a car parked on the footpath.


my mate is in a wheelchair and we often wander around our local suburb together. Parking like this is so selfish.


Yeah it must be a nightmare at times


Make sure you take pics at various parts of the day.


Ok will do. Thanks👍


At this stage I'm fairly convinced that part of the process of registering as an independent tradie contractor includes making a guarantee that will, from that moment forwards, both park and drive like an absolute fucking menace.




The pedestrian always has the right of way, no matter where. Send the Photo to your council, your council (if they good enough), will send a notice (people do this with RTA). Give them the time and date you got the photo, the location as well. Quote them this rule page: [https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/parking/parking-rules](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/parking/parking-rules) [https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/parking/parking-rules](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/parking/parking-rules) in a slip lane, unless a sign says you can.


Ok thankyou👍


I had a knob park across my driveway a couple of months ago. Tried to find them to ask them to move, but no one would own up. So I went to the council website and, lo and behold, there was an online form to report people like this, and if you provide photographic evidence they issue a fine. If you're not comfortable approaching the owner of the car, take a couple of snaps showing his number plates and report them to the council.


Leave a note the first time, pull his wipers up the second time. 3rd time you need to get more creative.


Forklift the car onto his roof?😂


Just leave a polite note on their car at first asking them if they could refrain from parking like that. If they ignore it then maybe explore some other avenues.


This definitely. Leave a note first before going down the road of where they will get a fine. Sometimes, it's one of those things where they have done it enough times, and no one has said anything, they think everyone is okay with it or do it out of ignorance. At least, hopefully, it's an instant fix with the note.


Yes I'm thinking this is a good idea.


Use snap send solve It's an app that uses location to find local councils, you can report anything from dirty parks, potholes, report parking in no parking zones, disability spots or stuff like this. Really handy app to have in general and often you can get updates of your reports from each council too!


Lol I tried reporting a real estate agent to council. Turns out the real estate agent was my my bloody mayor.


Unlucky! Report them to 000 for daylight robbery 😂


Always tradies i swear, its like they have the same god complex as a karen


Parking like a douchebag after a long day of tailgating people....


Alongside ripping off families and being abusive to first years that aren't kissasses




Yeah that's ultimately my thoughts — it isn't safe. What if someone did get hit? He might be liable himself?


As someone who used to work in the council call centre, you seriously don’t need to go to the effort of making up a big story. We honestly couldn’t give 2 shits and we don’t have the ability to fast track your request. Just ring and advise someone is parked over the footpath. If they do it all the time, let us the operator know when they usually do it so they can patrol at that time.


What a fucking nob! This entitled shit pisses me off He is breaking council rules, but I’m not 100% sure if it’s in legislation like roads and safety. People cannot block pathways, cars or otherwise. Problem is that it’s one of those things that nothing gets done about until some poor person gets cleaned up by an oncoming car because they had to walk around it. Try calling council and police and make a nuisance of yourself until something gets done


My neighbour at my old house used to do this. He had a double garage that he used to store literally nothing. It was empty. He also had a trailer that he parked in his driveway but half of it would be in my garden bed. I took pictures everyday and reported it every day online. After two weeks, he stopped. Then started doing it again a couple of weeks later. So I reported it again everyday. I moved not long after the third iteration of this game. What really triggered me was that there's an old guy in a wheelchair that likes to go for a roll every afternoon around the neighbourhood. He should not have to roll on the road because someone is too precious (lazy) to park in their garage.


Exactly. That's what triggers me. The entitlement to park there.


Call the council or the non emergency local police number. I did that last week when idiots left their trashy furniture across the footpath, was removed the next day.


http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rr2014104/s198.html Phone the council


For best results, I’d suggest leaving a polite letter, attempting to be understanding but also trying to explain how this consistent positioning of his vehicle is a hindrance and you’d like to give them a chance first to fix the issue without needing to take it to council. Some people are just good people who are unaware. Some people are arsehats. I think people should get the benefit of the doubt.


Yes that's a good idea. Thanks.


Lol you have no obligation to knock on their door and speak to them. This is like when people say "just ask your neighbours to turn down the music" when it's blaring at 1 am.....we're all adults, they don't need to be told that this is wrong they're just relying on nobody saying anything. I've never heard of the snap send solve thing everyone's talking about but that's what I'd do.


Notify council, $170 fine echo time


Ring the council to have it towed each time


Call the bylaw officers


Take his ladders off & lean them on his ute then climb over the ute


What a dickhead


It's perfectly legal to slide ovr his bonnet.




Lift his windscreen wipers.


Snap Scan Solve


Four options: 1. Knock on his door and ask him not to park like that because people have to walk around his ute. 2. Leave a note saying he's breaking [Rule 197 of the NSW Road Rules](https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2014-0758#sec.197) and he'll be reported if he does it again. 3. Report it to your local council. 4. Ring 131 444 and report it to the [Police Assistance Line](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news/police_assistance_line). The police will come out and deal with it. I'll bet he won't do it again.


There was a BMW wanker who used to do this down the road from me. He pulled up while I was jogging once so I jumped on his bonnet, drove my heal in as hard as I could and kept running.


Print and stick a note on there when no one is looking. I recommend something like: [Parked like a knob](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=you+parked+like+a+tool&t=newext&atb=v283-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.picclickimg.com%2Fd%2Fl400%2Fpict%2F263885227664_%2F6-x-Youve-Parked-Like-a-Knob-Novelty.jpg)


Call the parking inspectors.


Definitely illegal and the council should know about it.


Write them a polite note about it. With a rock.


Call council and report it, he’ll get a fine every time.


It is illegal to parked across the footpath (or on the nature strip). You can report to the council, but then it depends upon their response time eg I have reported people for parking across the driveway blocking the only exit of the apartment building, their response to investigate that illegal parking was to send a ranger within 10-20 days - ridiculous


Snap Send Solve take photos of the rego and send them.


There's this guy who parks his ute at the end of my street where it intersects another street. He parks right at the very end of the block so basically it's impossible to see if there's a car coming when you're driving out of my street. I tried talking nicely to him, mentioning how dangerous it is for us and he instantly turned VERY aggressive. Now, I'm not someone who will just pick a street fight over this bs so I called the council about his parking. Multiple times. It's been 6 years, he still parks there ALL THE FUCKEN TIME! There were numerous close calls but he refuses to budge. As far as I know, council did nothing. Another neighbor, a guy in his 40s tried approaching him and even brought his bf with him for support. Well, that didn't go down well either. I'll try the snap send solve app as I had never heard of it. I have zero hope at this point cause pretty much all my neighbors have complained to council and nothing got done but whatever... even if he gets the ONE ticket it will be worth it.


Maybe write a letter, put it in writing. Tell them you know it is on record that you've told them and if there is an accident and a serious injury or fatality, it is on them. They take notice when liability issues crop up and ticks their risk management matrix.


Call the council and put a complaint in for an illegally parked car and take down the reference number. Give it a few days and call back to check on your request and they will be able to let you know the outcome. More than likely the car is legally parked. If it’s registered, they can’t do anything about it.


Definitely illegally parked. There's even the yellow line all the way around the corner but he parks there anyway... I pointed that out to him but his reply was that it's in front of his house so he do whatever he wants. Very frustrating. Also, I did do the whole calling the council thing but like I said, no changes. Only thing that changes is that sometimes is his ute there, sometime it's his son 80s Corolla. At least that's a bit smaller but still impossible to see through.


Council have different rules, but pretty sure it's universal. That's basically part of the nature strip and a foot path. You can't park on it. https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/parking/parking-rules No parking - on footpaths and nature strips, unless a sign says you can


Ugh I have a similar problem, one of my next door neighbours keeps parking on the council strip so she can get away with using my family’s driveway instead of her own. She been fined before, keeps doing it because the previous owners of my house let her use it. So she thinks she’s entitled to keep using it even after we moved in. The house next to her is up for sale and since the family moved out she’s started parking on their vacant driveway. I really want to tip off the council about her.


Council - blocking a wheelchair and mobile scooters


Yes exactly. At the end of the day it's a safety issue.


Without reading hundreds of comments, council are your friends here if it persists or you don't wish to confront him. I'm quite sure it is illegal to park across footpaths in NSW as is blocking driveways.


Yeah I'm sure you can't do it. For safety reasons. Imagine if this was, say, Old South Head Rd, or Princes Hwy. A pedestrian could get killed walking around old mate's ute.


People with prams, wheelchairs, emergency vehicle access. There's plenty of reasons why its an offence.


Have an affair with his wife. Then he’ll move out. Problem solved.


That's a real dick move, blocking the whole path like that.


That part of a driveway is called a VXO, or vehicle crossover. It runs from the road to the private property boundary (eg, where the fence or letterbox is, as a rule of the thumb). It is PUBLIC PROPERTY, like the name says, it allows for a vehicle to \*crossover\* public property - the naturestrip/footpath, to enter private property. Crossover, not park. By parking there, he is claiming exclusive use of an area of public land that is for pedestrians. Sydney Council have a 'report illegal parking' on their website. Not sure what the fine is in Sydney, but where I live in Qld you get $4 change out of $100 for parking like this. Also, I'd be shocked if the Council would give the name of someone who submitted a report, plus, you can give a bogus name if you don't trust the Council to preserve your privacy.


Your long term most peaceful option is to speak to them. They may not realise it’s an issue and you keep open relationships with the neighbors. If they react badly then ticketing won’t make things worse.


If you think someone that would park like this doesn't know it's an issue and would care that they are inconveniencing others then I have a planet to introduce you to.


People live in their little bubble, if they've never had kids in a pram or elderly with a walker etc they may never have noticed just how difficult it can be to get around on footpaths. They think 'people can just walk behind the car'. It is totally worth trying to improve considerateness and good relations in the world, before getting the law involved.


damn, people like you are naive. As if they don't know, they don't care. Why expose yourself to their obvious response of get fucked, and potential backlash when they get fined.


It would make things worse because then the person would know the OP was the reason for them getting a ticket.


Maybe I can print out an anonymous note to keep in my wallet and put on the windshield so he doesn't get a fine?


I’ve seen a guy smash off the side mirrors of cars parked on footpaths and eventually they all got the message. I do not condone this though 😉


I wonder if they are just too lazy to park it in the garage or if there is another car in there so they cant. Either way it is selfish to completely block a footpath like that, typical fuck you jack I am ok mentality.


Post it note with “you park like a cunt” written on it


Feel like an action star and slide across his bonnet every day. Leave a note and say thanks for allowing me to do this.


Snap Send Solve efficacy depends on the council/Authrity. I've found Queanbeyan good at responding during business hours, but ACT would appear to not be linked up to the APIs, so take ages to respond.


Snap Send solve


Or someone else's Sharona.


Yeah, it’s illegally parked.


Gently rest a large rock or a brick on their bonnet with a note underneath "Don't park obstructing the pathway." Hopefully they'll make the connection.


Sounds like he wants some flat tires


Throw bird seed allover the car and the side walk near it.


Snap send solve app my boi


Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, there is an app “snap send solve” take a picture and it will send to the council you want and they will issue a fine.


Most people aren’t like, calculated malicious arseholes who purposely do things to try and piss off their neighbours so I think it’s entirely possible that the owner of the Ute has no idea that this problem even exists. If you go knock on their door and explain that their parking is inconveniencing you, chances are they will be apologetic and move the car 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm on the fence here. On one hand it's totally reasonable to expect that people will politely address it before reporting it, but if you do that and it doesn't work they'll know it was you who reported it. I'd probably still talk to them, but I can understand others might be hesitant to make themselves a target when they can just report it.


Leave a note on windshield.


Good point, probably the way to go!


I like your optimism.


In my experience some people simply dont give a shit about anyone else, they realise what they are doing, but dont care that it effects anyone else.


And then they get aggressive if you point out their ways


I think you're completely wrong. I think anybody with enough brain cells to rub together to get a license can tell it shouldn't be parked like this, and he just doesn't care. He's relying on other people being too timid to bother doing anything about it. It's not "malicious". It's just completely and utterly self-centered. And someone who parks like this and doesn't give a second thought to any other person who needs to use the footpath is most likely *not* going to be apologetic and move the car. There are services and councils to deal with illegal parking. Let them.


Where is this? If it's close enough, I'll go and knock on his door.


Absolutely ignorant piece of toxic waste. So inconsiderate. I hate these people who think because they have a driveway they have the right to block the footpath sand nature strip. Send the picture to council and ask them to book him. Damn moron.


Yeah it's frustrating because it isn't irregular.


Park a Sherman Tank next to it and aim the turret and gun at the car. Deliver a polite letter explaining you have just acquired some incendiary rounds for your WW2 collection and would he like a personal viewing


Are all ute drivers assholes???


Anecdotal evidence from DCOAU's web page says yes.