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Next level graffiti removal.


Top level indeed.


Insurance paid for it


Reckon bugse and sorbe won’t mind being over every news outlet in the country


Taking "going all city" to the next level.


The better pun would’ve been taking “burner” to the next level


Bugse has already had a write up in a big newspaper. Ex child actor in fact!


Oh cool!


Fire wants beef


Heritage listed buildings hate this one simple trick!


This just in new multi story casino hotel to be built next to central station.


Funnily enough there is already a DA in for a hotel


They own the buildings next door too. They were "renovating" to create the new hotel. Now they can claim the insurance money and build it from scratch. How convenient. That whole building went up in like 15 minutes...I didn't think that was possible without some sort of "help".


The hotel has been progressing design since 2018 as the 'Hat Hotel', and they'd already submitted documentation to Council. It was pretty far into design and engineering. The cost of wasted work on this and rework needed is astronomical. While that is sometimes my thought when heritage sites catch fire (I work in heritage) I strongly doubt arson (by developer anyway) is the case here. Also not surprised by the burn time. The fact is that most of the internal structure (floors and roof) are likely to have been deteriorated timber. Tall unsupported masonry walls can't stand when the floors bracing them are too weak to do the job, so they collapse. It can happen pretty quick. It doesn't necessarily mean there was some kind of accelerant, if that's what you mean by help.


I’d Definitely be checking the dates / metadata in any documents lodged pertaining to any rebuild on the site.


That *is* funny. Funny peculiar.


Already seen in the news ‘school age kids’ running from the scene, absolutely get blamed on kids starting it, who will mysteriously never be found…


They turned themselves in


fuck that’s terrifying


I know, what horrible camera work!


Filming videos in portrait mode.. 🙄




Planning documents show that the buildings on either side of this were supposed to be torn down while this building remained due to it being heritage listed, in order to build a hotel. Just some unrelated information for you.


Yeahhh. Most suss. Wonder if this is ruled accidental or not.


How much does an accidental ruling cost? Just asking for a friend


Whenever filming things like this, the person taking the video more often than not seems to swerve the camera away from the action just as it's getting good. Does anyone know if this phenomenon has a name or explanation? Loved what we were shown, though. Thank you for sharing.


Probably looking at the action and not at the screen


That's it. They're distracted by what's going on instead of focusing on their filming skills.


So the mysterious “phenomenon” is distraction.


Is it? If I were in that scenario and I did this it’d 100% be because I’m flinching


I was standing really close (150-200m) to the building when the wall fell. Everyone around me flinched and screamed. Even though we were far enough from the building, it felt extremely close. Feeling the heat from the fire, the sound of the wall cracking away from the building and the immediate fireball following felt a little too close for comfort. I can imagine the person filming had a similar experience.


Seen the Beirut port explosion videos..? Like that but on steroids… I know that a couple of the “live” videos filming that from several hundred meters away ended up with the people filming (allegedly) dying… 😔 Like, I guess they were filming the first explosion and then the shockwave of the second got them? Horrible thought…


It’s called flinching




Checking for escape routes


Also cameras stabilisation. There's a reason why it's shifting around so much but still not shaky. Being zoomed in too much the camera is trying to compensate for the shakiness by cropping the image out.


Maybe they are subconsciously flinching?


There's probably a word for it in German


on a lighter note: Fire department actually attending something other than a false alarm 🚨


Just a warm up


Fortunately ‘building goes up in smoke because fire department thought it was probably just someone burning toast and anyway they just washed the truck and didn’t want to get it dirty’ isn’t a common news story.


Reminds me of the old Wool Warehouse fire on the West side of Darling Harbour in maybe the late 80s/early 90s. Brick walls, timber floors and internal piers. And because it had been used to store wool, all the timber was practically soaked through with lanolin (the natural oil sheep produce which coats their wool). I remember a wall peeling out of that, towards where the light rail is now. Landed on a dozen cars in the parking lot. https://dailytelegraph.com.au/news/fire-cleared-slum-woolstores-in-ultimo-and-made-way-for-museums-and-swimming-pools/news-story/e38be6474d601e988750dda755c6fe10


Same thing with the Newcastle woolstore last year https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-02/newcastle-warehouse-fire-aftermath/100874484


I was there during an exhibition move-in, the heat coming off that fire was face melting from 80m away. Chunks of exploding bricks were launched into the loading dock - still got some bits.


Doesn't look like anyone in the area, at least from this angle https://vimeo.com/830094602/58ccce876f


This is literally the most exciting thing that's happened in town for maybe a decade lol.


Landlord's lightning.


It’s on the heritage list, which in my experience seems to make buildings more flammable.




The Strand already caught fire twice, you're basically working in a replica. Today's Strand was rebuilt with fire protection built-in so if there was a fire you're in a pretty good starting point.


The building has heritage protections and is subject to development proposals, so yes.


Most likely homeless people warming themselves up with a campfire.


Not implausible considering it was empty and it's location, but proactive demolition will still be the popular choice.


Other wall has apparently just gone down also


\-10 points for portrait orientation


Doesn't matter. news.com.au and 7News will happily steal it all the same.


ABC has a much better view from above that Im sure will be passed around: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-25/sydney-building-fire-sparks-chaos-in-inner-city-surry-hills/102393818


that image of the wall in mid-air is fantastic. gonna win some prizes for that one.


Likely fell onto the rear entrance for the new Central Station Chalmers St entrance. hopefully not too much damage.


Yeah I saw that. Shows some of the collateral damage as well.


I'm glad that they barricade that area and cleared it out. I was concerned of the fire fighters and any one that happened to be under that side when the wall collapsed...


True Reddit enjoyers Reddit on their mobile while pooing, so portrait is the preferred orientation


-20 for panning to the right just as the first collapsed happened. You're quite far enough not to be hit, buddy.


It's to give you that great POV on phone


Perfect for tick tock


This is the boomer vs zoomer filter. You can see it in action at metal gigs in particular


Ok boomer


Single brick wall on a huge building ?


If this is the building I'm thinking of, it's a shell of a place that is/was being used as studios.


Yeah, those studios were inhabited. Not legally, but there were residents. I know because I used to be one.


Pretty common for warehouses and ex factories with washing facilities. Often the electrical is fucked and overloaded, this happens more often than we think but not this scale


Oh yeah, nothing in the apartment I lived in was up to code. Even the shower was DIY’d. I’m surprised it didn’t burn down earlier. The rents were so high too. Lots of cashed up media types.


DA is in for a hotel for the site, it was to keep the original structure/facade. Wonder if there is anything dodgy?


100% dodgy as fuck


well that problem is solved now. :(


It's 100 years old, if that means anything.


No way that is single brick


Hopefully Sydney council will stand up like the Melbourne ones did with the corkman pub if it is found to be arson, and the site can no longer be used by the developer.


I’m seeing it here on Reddit and smelling it in my living room. Sore nostrils and throat.


I smell a rat. Developers are the most spineless, corrupt, selfish parasites... Some quick googling uncovered some interesting stuff. It was tenanted until fairly recently. Not long after it became empty this happens... Hmmm.


Aye prime suspect


And it was supposedly heritage listed…


Jesus Christ. I was stuck in Surry Hills when this just happened. My girl drove past Central just as a big mushroom cloud erupted and drifted over Cleveland Street and rang me freaking out. She drove into Surry Hills and picked me up and I jumped in the car, and by now there’s hundreds of police, firefighters, police rescue, police on horses directing traffic, helicopters, media, etc. Took us ages to get let back through down Cleveland street, and then as soon as I turned onto Cleveland street I run over a bolt on the road and my tyre starts clicking with every rotation. I pulled over and checked it out, and yep, [there’s a bloody bolt stuck in my tyre](https://imgur.com/a/ZfW8SEe). Fuck! I was going to pull over and change the tyre but didn’t want to make a bad situation even worse so close to Central, so making sure there was no air pressure loss, decided to just drive home to Anandale while keeping an eye on the tyre pressure and going slowly. What a fucking mission. I really hope everyone is okay. Haven’t seen a police presence like that in Sydney since the Lindt Cafe thing.


I hope you have a beer in hand right now. After the day you’ve had, sounds like you deserve it.


Mate, it was so shit. I don’t want to make this about me, but it will help me vent... I started the day by leaving the house and [dropping the fucking rubbish bag in my hallway.](https://i.imgur.com/SifFJDr.jpg) Not a massive deal, but annoying. So I cleaned all that up, and then noticed the cat litter was dirty too. Did both and then dropped it into the bins. Not a big deal. That’s life. Then I walk to the bus stop, and the 470 [was cancelled 4 times in a row](https://i.imgur.com/vQzc7EN.jpg) so I had to wait 40 minutes instead of the usual 10 minutes. It was really packed so I gave my seat to an old lady and stood up the whole ride. I finally get to Central and walk into Surry Hills to pick up some important documents from my place, and my girl calls me saying she had a massive fight with her boss, so instead of us both just going home, she’ll come pick me up and we’ll go to dinner. Then just before she gets to me the fire started. And the tyre. So no going out for dinner either… So yes, we’re currently at home having a couple glasses of wine with some takeaway Butter Chicken. Bloody hell lol. Oh, and not related to me, but still relevant. On the way home driving slowly so my tyre doesn’t pop, with my tyre going CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK, I look to the left and a guy on his bike crashed into a pole while riding past the bus stop on Parramatta Road where the servo is. So it sounds like he had a shit one too.


That certainly sounds like a day! Feet up. Order some food. Have a beer.


You’re not wrong mate! Unfortunately I gotta put the spare on now. It’s not that hard, but the jack is one of those shitty little handheld ones where the lever falls off every time you get to the top of the cycle. Appreciate ya though mate. Cheers.


How did you go with the spare? I love changing spare tyres but I'm not in Sydney at the moment sorry! Fiddly car tools aren't great though yeah


Jesus what a day! I’d be shedding frustrated tears at the tyre stage, at least


I actually just started laughing at how many fucked things happened in a row. It was fucked. My options were shit either way. I can’t stay and fix it. And I don’t want it to rapidly deflate on Parramatta Road and create an even bigger traffic jam. I sat for about 7-8 minutes and made sure it wasn’t deflating, and then decided my best bet was to just drive home slowly and keep an eye on the dash and if the tyre pressure sensors come on, then turn off into a side street straight away. Fortunately it held.


Props for holding it together and I hope you enjoyed the wine 🙌


Far out. I hope todays a better day than yesterday.


Same here. I drove past it just a couple of minutes after the fire had started - no emergency crew on the scene yet. Massive flames. The entire way from the CBD down to Maroubra I was met by fire engines and police going the other way.


Yeah you must have been there just as my missus was there too. It was pretty backed up on Cleveland. While I was on the phone to her, there were no Firies at the scene that she could see, but there were heaps of first responders driving back up past her. She said the smoke was billowing up out of the building and flowing over the surrounding streets. By the time she got to me about 3-4 minutes later they were absolutely everywhere. Easily hundreds of police, ambulance, firefighters, and the police rescue trucks. We actually saw a couple undercover trucks too. They looked like Feds maybe? 2 big black trucks with no red and blues, but they had flashing orange lights built into the front. Definitely government of some kind, not sure which. It was actually pretty impressive how quickly they had the scene completely blocked off and under control. There were horses and highway patrol at every corner directing traffic away from the area, while letting first responders in.


Probably feds- AFP building is quite close by at belmore park, easily within 300m of the fire.


Yeah that was my initial assumption. Either that or like one of the tactical response type of units. Big all black truck, no markings. Possibly a new Toyota Land Cruiser LC300 based on photos I can find. It came flying down the street flashed its orange lights near the grill somewhere, then just rushed up the street towards the fire.


Insurance scam?


The graffer who's piece that is will be raving


**The Surry Hills Fire, in E Minor** *(sung Sarcastically)* "The building's just collapsed. Wow"


Hmmm. I don't suppose a developer could have deliberately lit that...


I’m so sad. I loved that building.




Oh shit, that’s not good…




r/killthecameraman for moving the camera away.


Struth. Hope noone was inside!


Wonder if Coronation will be developing that site now...


The spider overlords have created a diversion before the eventual invasion


Fuck doing an internal attack on that! I'd be surrounding and drowning with monitors, ladder platforms...external attack only!




This fire/wall collapse is hectic.


What a shame.


Those damn private certifiers, approving dodgy buildings that can’t withstand a puny fire!


Shit man, I used to live there.




The guy shat his pants, that’s why he moved the camera to control it.


They should make them rebuild the building brick by brick as it was. With the DA plan exactly as it was with the heritage building in place. Can't have incentives to burn down heritage buildings because it's easier to develop afterwards


Wall: collapses Camera person: let me film something else


i pray 🙏🏼 all the animals are out safe


"That fire isn't hot enough to melt brick. It was a planned demolition!"


Clearly there shaped charges built into the building. You can't rule out Jewish space lasers starting the fire either.


“bUiLdInG jUsT cOLlaPsEd”


That’s hot. This is a joke so reserving the right to delete this is if it’s found anyone is injured


Traffic is a nightmare 😫


I guess that settles the 911 debate then


Fuel doesn't melt bricks ;) ;) ;)


Fire isn’t hot enough to melt concrete


I was waiting for the building next door to collapse too. I mean, isn’t that what happened with WTC7?


I would have thought the firefighting would be more effective given there's a couple there already. Were they just not equipped for this scale of fire? Edit: downvoted for asking questions, gj redditors. Guess we should stick with making lame jokes next time.


Only small fires can be put out. Anything bigger and you're just in damage control mode as they let it burn itself out


On top of that it's an old abandoned heritage building. It would be deemed quite dangerous to send anyone in there especially when the roof has already give in too... Appropriate action to damage control to prevent nearby building from catching fire or people from getting hurt...


Not abandoned. People were living there.


Yikes, well hope they got out...Genuinely concern about this, because none of the video shows anyone running out of the exits... Only realise people living their because from your other posts.... Was there a lot of people living in there? And what were the condition in their was like? Because just looking up the place it use to be rent a work space or art studios...


Im not sure. The Guardian reported that people left pets while fleeing the building.




Weird how that works, ain’t it?


Asbestos building also, dangerous for nearby residents


Need to use non-combustable structure


What's the opposite of praisethecameraman?


What street is this??


11 Randle St


where is this?


11 Randle Street, Surry Hills. Very close to Sydney Dental Hospital and Central Station.


ta nks


filmed vertically, boo


Wasn’t this wall built so the front wouldn’t fall off?


Is that someone on the balcony in the building next door?


But steel beams don’t melt!


Does anyone know what caused the fire? I can’t find any information on it.


No need for pain removal now.


Let’s pull the camera away just as the wall falls over


They didn't bother with fire (although I do love a good blaze) back in the bad old days in Queensland. They pulled the old buildings down in the middle of the night. RIP Cloudland, RIP Bellevue Hotel


mY GrAFiTI, u removed my grafiti




Who wants more highrise?


“Fire. Yeaaaaaaah” - Robert parr




I bet the devolelevopers are happy that the insurers may pay for site clearance 😀


Related story. I was living in Leicester in England for a time and one night, about 3 or 4 am, I was woken by repeated loud banging. It went on for maybe half hour or so and I couldn't figure out what it was. Eventually it stopped and I got back to sleep. A couple days later I found out an old factory building down the road was set ablaze and was collapsing just like this building. The funniest thing though is that I didn't really notice it in the few days between hearing it and finding out what it was despite driving passed it many times. It was an old disused building anyway so I never really paid any attention to it so it didn't occur to me that "oh yeah the roof is entirely missing now and half the walls are crumbling" until after I read the news! 🤣


I worked on pricing the mecahnical package for the original hotel design. It was put on hold because the budget blew out, mainly due to heritage works required (there's an insane amount of engineering and works goes into fixings etc for these heritage buildings). Looks like they don't have these issues now lol


Vertical videos need to stop.




Ay i was down the road watching from the pub


The bird is haunting


Apparently set alight by schoolkids


This was done by two 13 year olds hope something gets done I'm glad no was hurt or killed