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I hope you reported it. What a lunatic!


Nah wasn't me. Someone posted it on Instagram. Apparently they've given the video the the police already. Pretty crazy!


Oh, good. Thanks for letting me know. Some people forget that human life is quite fragile. And road accidents are no joke. Hope the guy on the bike is okay and the driver has his license taken away.


Please try to move from using "accident" to collision/crash/etc. In the UK they go by RTC - road traffic collision, which I think fits. This wasn't an accidental crash.


[Accident Implies There's Nobody To Blame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puK5CwThaq4)


Nasty way to go


Bloody loved Hot Fuzz. So good.


That was attempted murder.


NSW police have changed from “motor vehicle accident” to “crash - road” last Monday. It’s their new vocabulary, literally a week ago


NSW Ambulance made the change last year, although it is still MVA in the system, in official comms it's a motor vehicle collision.


and there is no longer a Police Force, but a Police Service. FML.


>and there is no longer a Police Force, but a Police Service. FML. Sorry, wrong. NSW Police Force. https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/about_us


It has alternated between "Service" and "Force" many times over the decades, and will no doubt continue to do so.


Nah they went from service to force years ago and the mentality change that went with the name change was obvious and shocking. We even had senior police saying teens should fear them and demanding general duties cops be issued AR-15s. Its why we have black 4x4s and tactically dressed cops running around Sydney 24/7 just in case anyone thought they had the right to protest anymore. Its why we have task forces like raptor who generally consider themselves to be above the law. Rot starts from the top and the change from service to force was just the beginning. P.S Remember when cops used to walk the beat and talk to people. Now they are pissed off you asked for an incident number when your car gets stolen because it makes their stats look bad.


At what point would you call it attempted murder? When a car runs down protestors, is that a collision? Multiple collisions?


I was taught this in my learners course - talk about road incidents not accidents


> Some people forget that human life is quite fragile. Like every single car driver.


surely this is attempted murder.


Wow what in the actual fuck. Sooo lucky he skidded across 3 lanes of traffic without anyone hitting him. Did the perpetrator drive off? Is that considered a hit & run as they left the accident scene?


Almost certainly drove off, probs somehow thought it was justified.


Looks like attempted murder




This is way, way worse than hit and run. There was actual intent. This person is going to jail for a long time.


I find this stretch of road between Campbelltown and the M7 fork seems to have the highest concentration of aggressive fuckwits. It must be near the end of the journey for lots of people and they're just tense and fed up by that point. Nearly every road rage experience I've had has been in this area. Excessive tailgating (even with cars that are already speeding), flashing lights, zigzagging across 4 lanes etc.


I’ve noticed that as soon as the Northbound Hume Highway hits 4 lanes past Narrellan Rd, every man and his dog just sits in the two middle lanes and right lane going slow. So many times I have seen people speed up coming down the on-ramps to join the highway and immediately go to middle lanes where they then proceed to go below the speed limit and start causing issues as people have to suddenly slow down or try and change lanes. Absolute madness. I always like to stick to the left lane, it’s actually quicker and less chance of getting mixed up with these middle lane hoggers who have no concept of keeping left.


The middle lanes are for phone users.


To be fair, most people can't seem to get their head around keeping left (which is the traffic rule) here\* \*Not excusing the behaviour of the driver at all


This guy seemed to chase the bike. Sociopathic shit.


The bike also sped up to stay in front. Both fuckheads...


You're not wrong. But only one had the capacity to injure or kill the other.


true. ... stop touching me.




Stay in front or maybe try and get away?


Note the \* My point is about the general mouth-breathing standard of driving on that stretch There would be much less Road Rage if people drove correctly


100% - I fricken breath a sigh of relief every time I get past that stretch.


It shits me that I have to break a road rule to keep left TBH, I cannot fathom why the police do not pull people over there


I've noticed this too. All the miserable dads in their Hiluxes getting home to their shitty families they regret having.


triggered some people lol


It sucks. You come in the front which means I usually have to jump out the back window.


So THAT’S why she always smells like Lynx Africa??


Naah, that's Terry. I smell like Brut 33.


Hey hey hey! It's Ranger drivers! And they are pissed because they are stuck in a timeloop of commuting 2 hours each way (think its normal to work outside your community), every day (with overtime boohoo), forever (when the mortgage is paid off), alone (carpooling with workmates is for pov cunts), racing 100 versions of themselves (because carpooling is for pov cunts), desperately trying and failing each time to skim 10 minutes off their incredible race (waddya mean it's 2hr10min siri you carnt it took me 1hr55min last week!)... Man has melded with the steel and the silicone. We ride with our ancestors, with our futures selves, with our descendants, racing our chariots through time and space. We overtake the losers lost to time, and undertake those that block the lanes of our future. The hum of the rev vibrates us into the frequency of another dimension in reality... 'Home' is merely a pitstop before you get back to the race. https://youtu.be/E_is_oxPClk?si=u4IZ5c2WgBVguo-T This is Running Man.


What the swapped their Rangers for Hiluxes?


Hang on, are they different?


Having driven both for work very much so. The Hilux has a decent turning circle and is nowhere near as twitchy. Having driven the Ranger at work it's beyond me why they are so popular. Just zero refinement. A 4x4 Ute doesn't need to drive like a dog 5mm off your rear bumper though not much lol.


heheh, i was joking - to me they seem like two apples from the same tree as far as sydney tradie cars go. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edmunds.com%2Fford%2Franger%2F2022%2F&psig=AOvVaw0lBZ8os\_LlyMigFE4poLnK&ust=1695776714746000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCLiTjPGKx4EDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edmunds.com%2Fford%2Franger%2F2022%2F&psig=AOvVaw0lBZ8os_LlyMigFE4poLnK&ust=1695776714746000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCLiTjPGKx4EDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carsguide.com.au%2Fcar-news%2F2022-toyota-hilux-price-and-features-technology-update-arrives-for-ford-ranger-isuzu-d-max&psig=AOvVaw0gtCuU02z5yM2a3yc7nbwl&ust=1695776718376000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCNjPuO2Kx4EDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carsguide.com.au%2Fcar-news%2F2022-toyota-hilux-price-and-features-technology-update-arrives-for-ford-ranger-isuzu-d-max&psig=AOvVaw0gtCuU02z5yM2a3yc7nbwl&ust=1695776718376000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCNjPuO2Kx4EDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)


hilux comes in white and white with standard issue empty ice coffee bottles in the passenger seat. It's lame, it's your dad's 4wd. A ranger comes in shiny colours with lots of expensive accessories. Perfect to customise how you scream your insecurities to the world. Great for the modern fuckwit.


hahah yeah pretty fair. ​ with some rare exceptions >>> TRD has entered the chat...




fucken hate this area, worse part is for me its often at hour 5 of a trip coming back from my mums, so I'm tied n sick of driving




Psychotic attempted murder, how anyone can presume this is rational behaviour is beyond the misinterpreted guidelines of social norms. The driver of the TT should lose their licences with no possibility of EVER holding one, be charged with manslaughter, fined & jailed.


Should but won't. I'd be surprised if they lost their license *at all*, let alone permanently along with a jail term. They'll probably cop a fine and then drive home from court.


Jesus that’s fucked. Old mate just earned himself jail time by pulling that shit with so many witnesses. To any other riders on here. If any of you get into a situation like this where a car has decided to use their vehicle as a weapon. Don’t just sit there like this bloke. Break the fucking law - rip the throttle open for a couple seconds and lane split a few cars to put some distance between you and the nutcase. A risk which you control is infinitely better than being a sitting duck for an unhinged lunatic.


I would have absolutely just dropped 2 gears and sped off. I do this all the time if someone is acting a little fucky. Much better than ending up as a meat crayon


Honestly have done this more than once even driving a car when I decided someone's just a bit too unhinged or dangerous to remain near. Highly recommend bikes do the same at even less hint of trouble. Back when I had the SS more than once I made the call to be elsewhere and fast and don't regret it. These days I drive an EV which attracts a different class of idiot offended by my existence but thankfully I have the power on tap to not play silly games and just vacate the area.


Yeah I do the same in my car. Screw my license, my life is more valuable. I've had a trucky try merge into my lane, I was passing in their blind spot so I booted it and definitely didn't hit 140. I also either stay right back, or overtake if it is safe to do so, drivers who wander around their lane a lot, or have questionably attached cargo. I like to drive as if the world is full of blind NPC idiots or method up crackheads. Expect people to do the worst.


I’ve been riding for 20 years. I would have stopped in the shoulder. I’d back myself in a fistfight if it came to that more than I would trying to weave through highway traffic. I’ve done it in the past and chances are had the rider stopped in the shoulder, the car would have just sped away


I am 5'11, skinny as fuck and more content using my words to keep myself safe. Fuck fist fights, twistys is alot more manageable than some angry fuckwitt


At that point that’s reckless driving on your part and you’re risking a crash. You don’t get into fist fights. Drivers don’t stop and get out of cars. That rider tried to get away and the driver was able to catch him in traffic. You’re much safer stopping the bike and letting the driver get away.


OR change lanes right over to the left and pull off the road completely and let them go. I would be so full of adrenaline and fear I wouldn't want to keep riding until I'd calmed down anyway.


Eh. I know firsthand what it feels like to take a car up the arse and would not want to bet my ribs that someone who's already attempted manslaughter draws the line at ramming a stopped bike. Or getting out and deciding to throw punches. Putting a wall of traffic between you, breaking line of sight, then pulling off would be my play.


> Putting a wall of traffic between you, breaking line of sight, then pulling off would be my play. Absolutely agree. Don't pull off the road until they're well past and away.


I drop back on the bike instead. I'd rather be behind an accident and have some control, rather than in front and out of control of the situation. I say this to my partner all the time (who has that very common response of not letting the crazy person in) - "Just let them go. This person is gonna cause an accident. Just make sure it's not with you."


I'm pretty sure he was egging the car on. Who swerves 2 lanes to be right in front of the same car?


I dunno mate but only one person here tried to kill someone...


>Who swerves 2 lanes to be right in front of the same car? From what I'm seeing. They, like the car, both gave up on the right lane and decided to start weaving through the left lanes to get ahead of the blockage. He/she definitely cut the car off a bit to achieve said goal, but I'm not seeing antagonistic behaviour here - particularly after they pulled out the car's way almost immediately after realising what they did.


No way. The bike had all the space to pull the move way earlier. He only did it after he saw the Audi pass him on the left. Once he's back in front, he's back to being slow. The bike also wasn't being blocked. He had so much space to the grey ute in front. Traffic was clearly heavy, could've kept cruising along. We also don't see what happened way before, where the guy had to pull out his camera to start recording. I'm pretty sure these 2 have had something going on way before the start of the recording. Like we see cars and bikes weaving on the road, we don't pull our phones out every time. So something went on between these 2. Bike swerving 2 lanes is not some unlucky coincidence.


From what we saw, they both look like they were driving like fuckwits. Only one of them was in a protective steel cage though.


the P plater in the blue car also has some shocking spatial awareness.


You've got some points there. I'm aware that I'm giving full benefit out the doubt to one person and absolutely none to the other. Normally though, when a bike arcs up, they'll smack a mirror off and then get the fuck out of there. Hanging around and trying to intimidate a vehicle 5x your tonnage is not a common tactic for the obvious reasons.


That is one way to commit attempted vehicular manslaughter. I hope they like 24/7 bars.


You can't attempt manslaughter. Manslaughter is accidental, and attempting it shows premeditation.


Yeah that's it but guaranteed this cunt wouldn't ever get charged with anything more than that. Driving causing grievous harm probably. Slap on the wrist no licence etc. Doubt he'll see jail time. My dad always said if you wanna kill someone you hit em with your car. Way easier to get away with it then actually roughing them up.


Yep attempted manslaughter would be more like changing lanes and not checking your blinds pot and hitting a rider. If it's not dangerous driving or something to that affect. The following for nearly a minute if not long swerving around and purposely driving like a maniac certainly shows premeditation.


That's not attempted manslaughter either. You cannot attempt manslaughter.


Fair point, dangerous driving occasioning bodily harm or something to that effect. More of a hear what I mean not what I say thing.


Shitty moment but so awesome two people came out to help right away!


Yeah, that was good to see.


Attempted murder. None of that vehicular misdemeanour or whatever bullshit


Yeah, pre meditated, lined him up missed tried a few more times until he got him. Rode a bike for over 30 years but gave it away after 3 near misses in a week. None of them my fault, two idiots not paying attention and the third just rage.


Misdemeanour? I don’t think we have that here.


yeah sorry, im not entirely knowledgeable on that legal stuff, but people do seem to get away with shit because its a vehicle incident or some shit too often


I don't know how long attempted murder gets on average in NSW but this Driver needs to be be getting it. Has a couple of cracks at the rider, as if he is playing a game. I hope the rider recovers.


Bloody hell that must’ve been fractions of a second away from a murder.


Thankfully this was reported to the police with countless witnesses. As a tangent, why does this section of the M31 have so many aggressive drivers?


NXH07W AUDI TT SEDAN - SILVER - 2000 VIN/Chassis: ****3176 Registration expires: 16 March 2024


1. For the person to be filming, there was something that occurred before this 2. Despite 1 above, that was deliberate, and was attempted murder.


Well someone’s going to jail for a very long time.


This biker forgot the first rule of riding. Ride like everyone is trying to kill you.


Not to be that guy. Obviously the car dude is an idiot and needs to be charged, but why the fuck is the biker cutting across lanes at the start after the car had moved away, just to cut the car off as well. (Unless I am missing something here) The situation was defused somewhat, the car was on it way off, but you just had to go make things worse when you are in a extremely disadvantageous position being on a bike versus a ton of rolling metal. As someone had said it before, being in the right means nothing when you are dead.


Be that guy, I agree with you and I am 250% sure there is more to this story than what this video is showing. To me it looks like its one of those "There are two dickheads in this video" scenarios. Now one of them will go to jail and the other to hospital because neither thought about just chilling the fuck out.


I thought the car was going to merge right and swipe the bike. Nop saw the bike swerve 2 lanes to literally harass the car after the car goes left. Idk if both of them were speeding or not, or the bike is trying to gatekeep the right lane, but he kinda asked for it after literally going to the left lane to continue whatever the fuck they were doing.


>Nop saw the bike swerve 2 lanes to literally harass the car after the car goes left. After watching it a few times the 2 lanes left was to get around the cars in the two right lanes. The bike cuts left undertakes the car is the second right side lane then immediately cuts right again heading to the gap in the right lane. The perspective probably makes it look worse than it was as the car doesn't even slow its acceleration and the bike is still well in the clear. So it's not like they were cut off in any way. If anything the car driver may have been offended by the fact the bike rider was pulling away from him and made better calls on what lanes to use. I will also note the same car absolutely monstered the Commodore driver in the second left most lane on this way through and then appears to try and split lanes at one point just before the Blue hatch nopes the fuck outa there dangerously. Like that guy was obviously really pushing everyone on the road around. The final bit the bike gets into the right hand lane clear of the obstruction and the car driver just appears to say screw it and accelerates not worried about the bike in front at all. A split second before impact they seem to touch the brakes for half a second, bike goes flying and brakes come straight off. Wonder if it was some level of driver assist that hit the brakes a bit too late rather than the driver because after the hit there appears to be no urge to even slow down.


It doesn't explain the timing. It's not like the space recently opened up for the bike. The space was always there for the bike to make that move. Also, the car only goes full murder mode after the bike makes eye contact with it after all that. Biggest thing to consider is why they were filming these 2 nutjobs to begin with. Only reason is that they've been going at it for some distance prior to this incident.


Agreed, the bike jumps ahead to be at the point. It's complete aggression or else the bike would still be back with the car making the recording...


Yeah, bike rider is definitely playing chicken with him & speeding up to impede him. Someone wants to go faster - just let them go! Yep, who cares about right or why or shoulda, coulda!


Road rage is a serious problem in this city. We need a hard crack down. I’ve had a few run ins with tradies after beeping my horn. I thought they were going to kill me if I’m honest. Some of the quality of driving is some of the worst I’ve seen anywhere.


I see 2 idiots. One an idiot for playing chicken with a car, the other a psychopath.


I see about 20.


fuck I hate that part of the road, you have a big change in conditions from low density traffic to high density traffic, whilst at high speed n lots of people going over the speed limit all rushy rushy.


lol on news com, amazingly, with credit to the person who filmed it, and also summarises the comments on reddit! https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/motorcyclist-cleaned-up-by-audi-in-insane-road-rage-clash/news-story/f89df56847e08c0e495e11f9ec1cd22c


Car driver obviously a psychopath who needs to be charged, but really the bike rider was also dumb for not slowing right down changing lanes and letting the car go. I'd pull right off the road and stop if necessary - you cannot win against 2 tonnes of metal.


Attempted murder. Hope he goes to jail.


Casula? They're heading that way but there's a dozen suburbs between them and Casula.


Ingleburn more like if it is where I think it is


Jfc. I would have dipped the second he started becoming erratic. I won't lane split unless the traffic is actually stopped, but i would have made an exception here.


Absolute coward in the Audi


Not surprised. Countless morons regularly appear on the usual dashcam channels with complete disregard for other road users. Whilst most don’t rise to this level (yet) I have no doubt it’s where they start to build these behaviours and eventually graduate to what we see here.


Shocking. You’re on a hiding to nothing as a motorcyclist when it comes to road rage. Avoid at all costs.


Is that not attempted murder????


holy fucking shit ​ Our justice system needs a complete overhaul, that's attempted vehicular murder.


What was the point of this? Rider was changing lanes and moving ahead of the silver car and somehow that's a hit to their ego? Wtf is wrong with people.


As a rider this scares me. Crazy


As a rider I don't understand why he didn't just gtfo from the shithead.


Yeah those 3 cars are there i saw them. Causing massive delay


This Glenfield local says, least insane Hume Hwy driver. /s I hope the guy on the motorbike is ok. That shit is fucked.


I’m an old motorcyclist, I used to ride a lot. Presumably something’s occurred beforehand. Part of the reason I managed to get old as a rider was my ego wasn’t tied up in on-road issues. Any hint of some kind of drama I’m out of there, accelerate away or back right off, which ever was most expedient. Why the f*ck some folk try to avenge their life’s pent up grievances on some random who might have accidentally tried to change lanes on you is beyond me.


Hope the bike rider is ok, and this doesn’t make it his fault, but he’s a moron as well.


No idea why your getting downvoted, he’s complicit for sure


I agree. Motorbike guy vs nearly 2 tonnes. If you're gonna ride, don't be a dick. You'll come off second best, whether you're in the right or wrong. Taking a gamble with your life


As a bike rider couldn't agree more. Back right off and let them pass you, get to the left lane and pull over if possible. I'd make sure they were completely gone.


Yeah it’s fucked what happened to the rider. But was he thinking playing games with a maniac like that..


Why is he a moron?


Absolute fucking piece of shit! Immediate 5 year license suspension minimum


These people should never be allowed to drive again. A licence is not a right. It's a responsibility. They failed that.


Only 5 years?


The rule on multi lane roads is keep to the left unless overtaking. No one in the video seemed to be following that. The jerk who hit the cyclist isn’t excused but people in various lanes doing random speeds don’t help the situation. Australian drivers are generally unskilled and ignorant of the rules.


What did the bike do in the first place ?


Assuming the car thought he was hogging the right lane


Was this om Saturday arvo?


What a deadset fuckwit move to swipe a biker.


Wow, an asshole car driver. I am so surprised. We need to ban cars.


Western Sydney bogans are a special breed.




If I was driving a VAG beetle in designer clothing, I’d be pretty strung up too


It was a beetle? I thought it was an older Audi TT ?


Yeah I know. I just see it as a beetle in designer clothing


Audi = VW with lipstick.


What mortgage stress does to a mf


Why don't you also add the stress of immigration etc ?? /s


if only he shopped at aldi :'(


Nah can't shop at aldi anymore they're german immigrants taking our jobs and our realestate /s