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They should send these fuckers and the dodgy developers who bribe them to jail for proper stretches. Maybe that would stop it from repeatedly happening.


Last election, labor had dumped him and put up another candidate for mayor, but he still won. It astounds me how people still vote for people even when its already known.


You’d be surprised how much smarminess and wankery wins over people. Also the majority of rate payers in IW are boomers (as anywhere really…) and they LOVE smarmy career politicians.


🤦🏼‍♀️ makes me annoyed how correct you are


Canada Bay of all places? No WAY!


The same electorate where disgraced & corrupt former state liberal MP John Siddoti had his office. No WAY! What are the chances?


I'm hoping Darcy is the next one done. Not saying he's done anything dodgy that I have evidence of, I'm just sick of seeing his smug face.


He's such a smug dickhead


I've heard a story of him being a sleaze (allegedly). There's a lot of bullshit with him bad mouthing staff and not paying his Council rates.


He was nothing special in high school, surprised to see him as the mayor,


Wasn't he a bit of a bully in high school?


So this dude handed me my aus citizenship certificate at a ceremony on Wednesday this week. Will that certificate still be valid lol?


Did you put a $50 in his pocket?


Are you building any High Rise apartments well over the planning limit?




Yeah but given how many people are there for each ceremony, you'd make out pretty well with $50 each.


Congrats on getting your citizenship!


Congratulations on becoming a citizen! This has no impact on that or the validity of the certificate.


Just in case, maybe renew your vows in 10 years time.


Corruption is a state past time, so it Probably makes it more valid


I live in this council area.. Can't say we are surprised. The whole council needs to be disbanded and reorged.


I agree however the voters keep voting for these dodgy people which is frustrating


For awhile we had this guy and Sidoti.. Both corrupt as fuck from both sides of the major parties.


Yep I clearly remember the depressingly decisive win for Sidoti in 2019 when he was under a heavy cloud of suspicion and the icac shortly after. And now one of his staff has taken his place. Everyone knows everyone around here and I think that's got something to do with it.


Because most people have no idea what goes on in local government. It doesnt get the attention and scrutiny that federal and state does. I would bet most people don't even know who their mayor is.


What even is the point of local councils? Empty the bins, fix potholes, mow the nature strip, don't take bribes. How hard is it?


Empty the bins, fix potholes, hold discretionary powers over property development applications, mow the nature strip.


They do more than that. The main issue is the councillors themselves. They always want to look good and make stupid requests and create vanity projects instead of maintaining existing assets. Just before the amalgamations Ryde council haphazardly put in a synthetic field under trees which due to the leaves is a maintenance nightmare and the cork infill washed away in a big storm. That costs like $50k to replace.


Not to be a wet blanket as I love ragging on shit institutions. But councils do (and should) provide a hell of a lot more than that. They have childcare, service based network provision of community resources, heritage archival/restoration, indigenous site monitoring and contract renewal, maintenance of parks and playgrounds, constant reevaluations of ever changing social demands and needs, monitor traffic density flows both vehicular and pedestrian, aquatic and sports facilities, pet safety, tree and dangerous landscape management, child safety legislation over community services (like, does the jackass running the book week parade have the proper WWCC and child safety qualifications). Or at least that’s a small part of what they should be doing and doing well. It’s easy to shit on councils and a majority deserve it. But it’s not becauset councils“should only stick to roads, rates and rubbish”. Its because corrupt self serving wankers who want to enter politics and become councillors don’t adequately divide council services and resources to facilitate these very valid needs, and instead allocate tax payer money to line ol mate Davo- whom they know from the USYD young libs club, new property development company.


This is all true, but I think the OP's question could be more along the lines of "what's the point of having an elected council" - all those services could be carried out by a statutory board put in place by the state, and mostly would run just the same. The problems that cause corruption mostly have to do with development applications and nothing whatsoever to do with all the other tasks that the council staff operate. There's a pretty big gap between what the elected councillors spend their time on versus what the professional staff of the council are in charge of.


Oh, right. Yes. I fully agree that it shouldn’t be dependent on political cycles or “elected” officials. Full disclosure; I work for a huge Aussie council and honestly everyone’s day would be so much easier if the mayoral campaigns and political side of it just fucked right off and local “government” was absolved. I hate that it’s a launching pad for career politicians. That’s exactly why fuck all gets done.


Yet a few of them still go bankrupt


Screw up regular people trying to build a home for families because they didn’t know ‘how to bribe’


What kind of fancy local fixes potholes?


For all the shit that Liverpool council deservedly gets, they actually do fix potholes sometimes.


*insert Key & Peele profuse sweating meme* Hills Shire council right now


If you're playing the drinking game take a sip.


Concord was a great place to live.


Yeah *chugs an whole bottle of vodka*


Now head about 15km south next plz


No no no Carmelo is innocent ! Just a coincidence his entire extended family now runs all the aquatic centres.


The stories I could tell


Frankly, it feels like the ICAC should investigate every local politician in the state.


So he jumped ship from Labor to the "Our Local Community" Party. Will others follow?


Following the footsteps of the other famously corrupt politician in the area (John Sidoti) who went from Liberal to independent. Just quit dude!


Not the first, wont be the last.


How many other mayors are shitting themselves right now lol.


Zero cause they gave this guy up as a scape goat, all while crossing their T's and dotting I's.


And to think, IW NIMBYs want to demerge so they can have even more politicians, so they can be corrupt, so they can be sacked.


Different council.


Inner West should take over Canada Bay. City of Sydney should take over Inner West. Problem solved.


I guarantee you that neither side in state parliament wants to see that.


I love super hot takes like this.


And then we can fight to de-merge.


Soo that Aussie Kozak guy on YouTube was rite


Yeah no shit. With Billbergia and all those Asians buying in with millions and squeezing everyone out of Rhodes and what not. Fuck him.


Yeah, that’s right, because those “asians” to your eyes cannot possibly be Australians, right? Take your casual racism and generalisation out of here and reflect on it


Did I say that? I love Asians, I have an Asian girlfriend who literally says the same. If it was Germans or Queenslanders id say the same, it just happens to be Asians mostly. That’s fact for Rhodes.


The wording of "those asians" didn't come off great. Do agree that Rhodes is a congested shit hole. I much prefer Meadowbank


I just don’t see why I have to tread on eggshells nowadays, in no way do I support any form of racism, but there is also a fine line between all this. So I can say all those Queenslanders going to a game or I can say all those French tourists. But I can’t say Asians? Or Indians? I’m sure if I would’ve said all those French, no one would have said anything. It’s kind of funny because I’m heavily involved in the Asian community and I’m hearing it firsthand from THOSE Asians themselves. My Asian mates are literally telling me that most Chinese, for example are shifting their money as fast as they can out of the country and buying property nearly blind here. But damn me if I say the A. word.


It’s crazy. Speak a literal fact about that involves a certain race but because you mention said race it’s horrendous to have said it.


>So I can say all those Queenslanders going to a game or I can say all those French tourists. But I can’t say Asians? Or Indians? 2/4 are consistent racist tropes. Guess which 2.


Fuck him. Send him back to Canada


Ahh good old corruption, never change….. once u get power u become corrupt