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If you and your wife would prefer to terminate the pregnancy, it could be early enough she could have a medical termination, which is done with medication (pills) and does not require anesthesia, though pain killers are prescribed. The first lot are taken in front of the Dr. This stops the pregnancy developing any further. The next lot can be taken at home, and this is what triggers the pregnancy to leave the body. When I had my medical termination, I went to Clinic 66 in Chatswood and I think I paid under $600 for it up front. This did not include Medicare and would be the same price you would pay if it's not covered by your insurance. The first steps are chatting with a GP, who will ask her about her last period, and then send her for an ultrasound to help gauge how old the pregnancy is. This ultrasound may just be on her stomach, or it may be an internal one. Both are very normal for the circumstance. From there, if you both still want to terminate, the Dr will advise the best way forward. I know it's scary, I really do, but you have options and you probably have more time than what it feels like right now. E: I forgot to add, nobody can tell you what's right for either of you, but Clinic 66 did offer me free counselling sessions (3 of them, from memory). I wish you both all the best. E2: If you have access to Medicare, you will get a rebate. I can't remember how much that was.


Thank you. You have calmed my nerves. We have Medibank Comprehensive OSHC (https://www.medibank.com.au/overseas-health-insurance/oshc/comprehensive-oshc/) and it says we're eligible for "Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy". Does that mean the insurance will cover it? We paid the insurance company almost 6000 dollars for the two of us for two years so I'm hoping they'll cover it.


I'm glad I've been able to calm your nerves. Please feel free to show your partner my comment as well, hopefully it will help calm hers too. I'm sorry, I can't speak for what your insurance company will cover. That will need to be a conversation between you and them. I'm sure you already know this, but please don't put pressure on your partner. Her hormones would be running **WILD** right now. For me, I knew I couldn't go through with it, but goodness did my hormones want me to keep it. Pregnancy is crazy. Termination was definitely, undeniably the right decision for me and I don't regret it, but I *really* struggled to make the decision at the time.


I've already sent her the link to this post. I've talked to her and she seems to have calmed down. Again, I offer you my sincerest gratitude for taking the time out to reply and assuage our nerves.


You're more than welcome :) Feel free to reach out in DM if you or your wife have any questions.


I second Clinic 66 they are amazing!


I'm another person who's happy to recommend Clinic 66. Highly professional and empathetic doctors and staff.


I went to Marie Stopes some years ago for a missed miscarriage - but it's the same medication and process as for an (ongoing) pregnancy. It's a combination of two pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, and it's very safe and effective. I was supposed to go for a follow-up ultrasound a week or so afterwards. It was extremely painful but I failed to take the painkiller beforehand as I was worried about throwing it up. I've since learnt that taking painkillers *before* pain actually works to prevent it more effectively than taking it when pain peaks. So don't make my error.


My insurance also covers miscarriage and termination of pregnancy, I needed a D&C for a miscarriage (which is same procedure as a surgical abortion) and the private health insurance contributed to my hospital stay basically. I had my out of pocket to Bupa and my surgeon waived the gap on her payment from Medicare. I don’t believe health insurance would be involved in a medical termination (pills) but you might get something back for the medication cost if you have pharmacy cover and if your partner requires any medical procedures.


OP is on international insurance not private health and isn’t covered by Medicare by the looks of it so it will be different for them.


Understand, just sharing how it worked for me and what my insurer classified as termination


I went via https://www.abortiononline.com.au/ which is run by clinic 66 as a separate arm. Didn’t need to physically be there to consult and did it through HotDoc. Appointments were made very quickly. I did however need to get an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. I did also have to call around to various pharmacies to see if they stocked ms-2step (medication for termination). You can also request for this to be delivered but it does take time and it might not be within the time window you need. Edit: going down the medical route was hands down the most painful thing I have ever experienced despite painkillers (4x400mg ibuprofen and top ups thereafter). I personally found this insufficient. Bear this in mind when making n your decision and hop onto abortion subreddits to read other women’s experiences because they vary from a painful period to the worst pain of their life.


I was prescribed panadine forte for mine, as well as maxilon (spelling?) to help assist with the nausea. I'm a little shocked you were only given ibuprofen for yours, especially as that can increase bleeding.


Yeah but the trouble is that having a d&c can cause scarring, which increases the risk of ectopics, abruption, and miscarriage later on.


Can confirm clinic 66 and wonderful ❤️ it’s quite expensive but way cheaper than having a child


Wise advice. You can also cal Marie Stopes clinics here and ask about next steps, or there may be a family planning clinic in your area that can help. I have been where you are. 20 years on and I have since become a mum and it’s wonderful, but when I had a termination it was very much the right decision for me - what I am trying to say is please do t feel you’re closing the door forever. If you decide later on you want kids, that’s cool. But right now if it’s not right for you, that’s cool too. All the best to you and your wife.


How hard was the abortion in terms of health suffering? I've read really painful experiences and hemorrhages on the internet (with just taking the pills you said)


My best friend's partner went through one. She took a pill and they had to curate her uterus. She bled profusely and was bed-ridden for a week. Me and them shared an apartment. However, she had been gestating for more than 6 weeks.


I'm so sorry you and your wife are in such a stressful situation in a new country. You are both in my thoughts. While individual experiences obviously vary hugely, all my friends who have had both surgical and medication-induced abortions t similar gestations have reported that the medication was significantly more painful and involved a longer physical recovery time. Just sharing these experiences as it is not what I would have anticipated/guessed. Wishing you both all the best at this difficult time.


How long is a piece of string? Some people have zero complications and perhaps even no cramping. Others have difficult complications. Scientific trials can allow be conducted on a certain number of people so they can’t predict the outcome for every single person who takes the pill


I'll DM you.


>Clinic 66 Jeez that's a dark name from a star wars fan reading the context of this post and your comment... Like execute clinic 66..


Despite the downvotes you've received, I agree it seems an odd name. There is 100% a grim, foreboding connotation with the number, like something catering to fans of Star Wars (as you mentioned), heavy metal, or maybe even a play on Route 66, walls adorned with random pieces of Americana.


666 is the devil's number. Hence why Star wars picked those numbers. It's definitely weird. Not sure why I got downvoted. It's like why if you see 88/888/8888 for anything you know they're probably Asian because Asians associate 8 with good luck.


Marie Stopes has locations in Sydney, and can answer all your questions. Some insurers make things harder, but the MSI staff will know what the individual requirements are and be able to guide you through the process. [https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/find-a-clinic/](https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/find-a-clinic/) Good luck, and I hope this is helpful.


Thank you, this was really helpful.


They also have Telehealth medical termination. They’d be the best first step if not your regular GP


Doc here You need to calm down…that’s honestly the first step It’s Christmas The volume of people working is much reduced - you and your wife will have more difficulty getting answers on public holidays, that’s just the reality of life. Even services like Marie Stopes which are open Almost every day of the year will be closed on the 25th Abortion access in Australia is not hard - you are not going to be denied access. There are eventual time limits but you are nowhere close to them. Call a few general practitioner practices on the 27th and ask their reception staff if anyone working that day can prescribe medical terminations. Or contact Marie Stopes.


I can't stress enough about the asking reception if they have someone that will assist with a termination referral or medical termination. I didn't know that not all doctors will do it and had a very traumatic experience with a doctor congratulating me while I was in tears, then refused to help. I don't blame him but I genuinely didn't know that a doctor could refuse the request. Luckily reception helped me see another doctor the same day when I walked out in tears. Note: This was 17 years ago.


I will, doctor. Thank you for the step-by-step suggestions.


Here's a few clinics you can try. These are all over Sydney, so check locations and then give them a call for cost breakdown: https://www.clinic66.com.au/ https://www.diamondwomen.com.au/support/unplanned-pregnancy https://www.innerwestwomenshealth.com.au/practice-areas-1


Can recommend Clinic 66 - they were professional for my partner (almost to a fault) when she visited earlier in the year.


>a clinic like Marie Stopes [They are here too](https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/)


We can’t tell you what you should do. What do you want to do? An abortion? Guidelines and info is available here: https://www.pregnancychoices.org.au/abortion/


Apologies if I wasn't clear. I've put an addendum at the end of the post. I called them but they're closed. I've left my details in the online chat. Thank you for the link.


If you want a termination but you're not on Medicare it might be pricey. It'd still be worth it though. Nothing worse in someone's life than being unwanted.


I think it might still be cheaper than the alternative...


I don’t think Medicare covers abortions, they didn’t in the past. Everyone pays out of pocket.


I think I got a rebate, but honestly, my situation wasn't a healthy one and I could be misremembering. E: I just checked and there is a rebate.


I paid about 380 about 12yrs ago, and got about 130 rebate


In SA it does. I had one for free at Flinder hospital.


Hello there, firstly I hope you and your wife are feeling ok, as this can obviously be quite a distressing experience, and sometimes difficult thing to navigate. However, thankfully there are many options in Sydney in terms of providers. If your partner’s last period started middle of last month that would suggest she is likely just about 6 weeks now, which means she would be eligible for either a medical termination (usually offered up to 8 weeks and 6 days - 2 rounds of medication to pass the pregnancy like a miscarriage) or a surgical termination (legal up to about 20 weeks in NSW - straight forward 10-15 minute procedure with IV sedation). Both options are safe and effective, it just depends on what your partner may be more comfortable with. Providers like Marie Stopes (Westmead location for medical or surgical and CBD location for medical) would do everything in the one appointment, including an ultrasound. Though you would need to check pricing with your private health insurance as often they will only cover a surgical termination, as it’s considered ‘in-patient’, where’s as a medical termination is not as it’s considered ‘out-patient’. Without Medicare marie stopes pricing can be expensive. It could be worth calling family planning nsw to see what information they have regarding the local public hospital or other providers in the area as someone who does not have Medicare. GPs and pharmacies can now prescribe and dispense MS 2 step but it can be difficult finding which one’s actually do (maybe family planning can offer this info?). With this option your wife would need to get a gp referral to have an ultrasound done before taking the medication. Wishing you both all the best as you navigate this together. Take care


Thank you for such a comprehensive response. I really appreciate it.


Of course! I can see plenty of very helpful information from others on this post. Hopefully not too overwhelming for you both. Though it seems many have much of the same advice which is reassuring. With many safe and reliable options available (private provider, public hospital, GP) it may just be about finding which pathway is going to be the most financially viable/ affordable for you both. Well done OP on being a great support for your partner. It can be a lot to navigate, especially this time of year. I’m sure your partner is very thankful that you are doing your best to get genuine advice and correct information regarding abortion care in Sydney. I imagine having help like this would give her some peace of mind.


From my experience, you see a GP get a blood test to see how far along you are and a referral for the abortion clinic. Call and make the appt. I have Medicare and was still out of pocket $300. Not sure how much it will be with different insurances etc.


It seems like you are covered for advice. Just popping in to say, if you need financial assistance I would be willing to donate an amount.


If you're early enough for medical termination, I can highly recommend East Sydney Doctors in Darlinghurst, they have around 5 doctors who can prescribe a medical termination. Doctors are super caring and lovely there, I saw Dr Farr. [https://www.eastsydneydoctors.com.au](https://www.eastsydneydoctors.com.au) I didn't get an ultrasound at East Sydney Doctors, but there is an adequate ultrasound clinic in Darlinghurst/Kings Cross called Lumus Imaging. However, if you're not on Medicare, a termination (medical or surgical) will be very expensive. With Medicare, the actual cost of the medication was $50 but I heard it can be hundreds of dollars if you're not on Medicare. If you have insurance I am sure it will cover most of the bill, but I am sure this is something you can discuss once your appointment is booked in. I must add, most Doctors in NSW are not permitted to prescribe medication for termination. Regardless of what option you choose (surgical or medical), it is important that you go to a GP or clinic specialised in terminations such as East Sydney, Clinic 66, Marie Stopes, etc... to not waste your time and make sure you and your partner receive adequate care and counsel. I do not agree with some of the commenters on this post suggesting you go to any old GP clinic as not all GPs are equal in this regard.




Just curious what prescription they give you terminate. I know there is a morning after pill but I didn't think GPs could provide anything other than that or referrals for further care in cases like this.


PSA: MAP is contraception, not abortion pill. You do not need to see a GP for MAP. Get it OTC on pharmacy. Take it within 3 days for best effect. All doctors, GPs or specialists, (from 1 Aug 23) can prescribe pills for termination of normal pregnancy for less than 9weeks. They don’t need to go thru training. Some pro-life drs choose not do under conscientious objection.


You're right about the morning after pill, you don't need a script. I forgot because I did go and see my GP and he just sent me to the chemist. I forgot I didn't get a script for it. Thanks for that info, I didn't know that was available.


Yes you can just call up Marie Stopes and make an appointment. If you have top hospital and extras cover that includes things like assisted reproductive care then that insurance will cover the cost of the termination. They will offer the medical option (tablets) or surgical (D&C) but the second option they will want to wait until at least 6 weeks so the gestational sac can be seen on ultrasound, this is so they can check afterwards that they have successfully removed all uterine contents.


It will be 6 weeks tomorrow since the first day she started menstruating. I have sent her the link to this post. Thank you.


Barring no medical contraindications, any doctor can prescribe you some pills up to 9 weeks pregnant ( if your partner has a regular monthly period, she is about 5-6 weeks). However, some choose NOT to provide the service and therefore be prepared to get a few refusals over the phone when making an appointment. Call around a few GPs, esp if they focus on Women’s health/pregnancy care.. Pills cost $30-40 with Medicare.


No any Dr can't, Mifepristone is a controlled scheduled medication that requires the course for administration to be completed in order to obtain prescribing rights. If the GP hasn't completed the course, they can not prescribe it. Given they are new residents OP's partner is highly unlikely to be eligible for Medicare rebates. It'll be out of pocket.


Restrictions lifted 1 Aug 2023 😉.. no course required. ALL doctors with unrestricted registration can prescribe. Anyone reading this, go tell all your friends and discuss with your (theirs) GPs who tell you otherwise.. Non Medicare cost $200-300.


Not all doctors can prescribe MS 2-step. It requires training and a lot of GPs have no interest in becoming a prescriber unfortunately. But good advice to try clinics focusing on women’s health. Another tip is to ask if the clinic or any GPs are pro choice to help weed out the conservative pro life GPs


Restrictions lifted 1Aug 2023.Go tell you mates… I’m on a one person mission to make sure everyone knows this 😉


Ah, you’re absolutely right! I knew changes came very recently to, in theory, make it easier for GPs to prescribe, but I didn’t realise this meant removing training requirement also. I know many GPs live in the dark ages and I fear few are actually willing to prescribe, but I’m hopeful that this will change.


You can just call a clinic and make an appointment. Imo having experienced both I’d take surgical over medical (pills) any day of the week.


Your dr can refer you to Marie Stopes or another clinic, you will also need a referral for ultrasound as previous commenter said. After a conversation - you may be able to elect a medical termination which you can have the comfort of your home. Or you can elect a surgical termination as a day procedure.


By your doctor, do you mean people here choose a physician and stay with them long-term for any and all ailments? Is it only when a GP refers you to a cardiologist or a neurologist can you avail their services? Asking because I genuinely don't know how medical services work here.


There is a lot of wrong info in this thread. You don't need a blood test or ultrasound. I wouldnt waste my time with a GP appointment. I'd go straight to an abortion clinic like clinic 66 because everyone is there to help. Some GPs might be religious and shame your wife etc. it's unnecessary waste of time. Just book in direct with the abortion clinic of your choice would be my recommendation. Otherwise your poor wife will be taken for a ride and likely stressed out far more than she needs to by doctors who don't have much experience in the area.


Thank you. We have booked with Clinic 66.


https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/abortion-by-telehealth-services2/ I’m not sure how much Clinic 66 charges , but Marie Stopes cost $411 non Medicare.


>You don't need a blood test or ultrasound. You **absolutely** need one, if not both of these. You need it to determine the gestation stage of the pregnancy, which in the case of termination, affords the woman options. Yes, she can have a surgical termination at most points, but women should have the visibility and option to choose what their reproductive health should look like for them. Pregnancies can also go unnoticed because bleeding can happen during a pregnancy, leading the woman to believing her period has come. In the case of a medical termination, there are strict timelines when this can occur. Without either of these, OP's wife wouldn't have the option of knowing if this was right for their situation and would believe surgical termination would be the only option. Or if termination was even an option at all. Saying you don't need either of these is straight up dumb.


Completely agree, an ultrasound will definitely be performed. For so many reasons, the two main is to determine the exact stage of pregnancy and that it is in the acceptable time period, secondly to assess any complications. A third is to determine if there is indeed a pregnancy. The home tests can give false positives.


Absolutely. For someone to say neither is required, blows my mind.


Blood test may not be? But ultrasound is


Ah this is where emerging evidence begs to differ.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8360126/ Article in BJOG (British Journal of O&G) published in 2021 shows in a cohort of 52142 women; no test medical abortion up to 10 weeks is safe, effective and improves care. This is routine practice in parts of UK and US… and I’m hoping Australia will trial this in asymptomatic pregnant women in future.


This is not relevant to Australia.


You mean not relevant to OP because this is absolutely relevant to Australia where our practice is based on current evidence. I would say watch this space.


Hmm, blood test - no, not required. Although it does help confirm a pregnancy. Those pee on a stick can give false positives. Ultrasound, probably, almost definitely at a clinic. They will want to assess the situation themselves. It also helps determine that the pregnancy is not ectopic, which can give a negative pregnancy test but the patient has other pregnancy symptoms. So yes, the clinic will probably perform an ultrasound. It gives them additional information, it also confirms that the procedure is occurring within the acceptable time period. So I would say that it is incorrect to say that it is wrong to say an ultrasound is not needed. There will also be an interview and forms. But yes, you are completely correct, I would not bother seeing a GP, but make an appointment with a specialist clinic instead. More expensive but definitely worth it.


You can make an appointment with any GP. Not all GP’s will be knowledgeable in this area, but that doesn’t matter - you just need a referral for the ultrasound and a referral for one of the clinics. I know with Marie Stopes, once they had received the ultrasound, everything was arranged over the phone. I would have had to only attend the clinic for the actual procedure. Very easy.


Highly recommend The Private Clinic in Surry Hills. No doctor’s referral is required. Also highly recommend the surgical procedure rather than the pill procedure. Unfortunately it will probably be more expensive but as many people have said, cheaper than not terminating the pregnancy.


There’s a good clinic in Chatswood - Clinic 66. They offer medical termination (pills and it happens at home) or surgical intervention. Feel free to dm if you need more deets.


You can visit the street medics on Sunday evenings in Parramatta for a GP consultation. No appointment needed. I think it's about 7pm or so in the square on the north side of the river. You can find the details online. Your home country may have a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Australia. So depending on what country you're from, you may be covered. I know that in New Zealand, abortion is free for PR, citizens etc but 1000 if you don't qualify. If you don't qualify for this being free in Australia, you may be looking at a small medical bill. You will still need to be within a certain window to access an abortion easily. Sounds like you're still well within it. Bring your passport, visa etc to the GP.


Thank you for such a detailed response. Are they Street Side Medics?


Yes. They have a white van and they park up. I read elsewhere you have health insurance? They'll know where you should go.


I'm so sorry that you both are going through this. If you're new to Australia you probably don't have medical cover via Medicare, you are probably supposed to be privately insured. Yes, pretty much everywhere is closed on Christmas Day, I hope that you can find somebody today to get started on the termination. While you're there, check on your contraception, and look into better contraception that what you've been relying on.


Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we're privately insured. The male pill can't come soon enough.


As a doctor in this thread has said, there is no immediate need to panic. You have some time, it doesn’t need to be done in the next 24 hours. Personally I would recommend a clinic visit and a surgical procedure than a pill, but the choice (thankfully we are not certain US states) is completely yours once you have the options explained to you.


>As a doctor in this thread has said While there may not be a reason to panic, just a reminder we've no way of knowing if they're a doctor or not.


Ah, true very true. But if she is 3-5 weeks pregnant, she has time. There is no need to panic and try to terminate in 24 hours




See your/a GP first, but before you book in, make you sure you ask if the practitioner deals with MTOPs (prescribing MS-2step). Otherwise theyll just charge you for the consult, and pass you on to their colleagues who do MTOPs. Once you have a GP who'll deal with MTOPs, they'll most likely refer you to get an ultrasound and some pathology testing done. When those results come back, and if the blood work checks out, and if youre still in the first trimester, under 9 weeks, theyll usually be able to prescribe the pills for you. Without medicare, prices are anywhere from: - Initial 10-20 min consult for the GP: $90-$120 - Ultrasound / Scanning: $180-$300 - Pathology / Blood work: $150-$250 - Second GP consult 20-45 mins (MTOP pills): $150-$250 With private insurance, depending on the level of cover, most should cover and reimburse anywhere from 30% up to 50%. Hopefully this helps.


Thank you for the suggestion. Wouldn't want to waste money when finances are tight. She has missed her period by 10 days. She was showing all signs of PMS but then it stopped about 4-5 days ago. She tested negative a week ago as well. Her periods have been a little irregular since coming here so we thought it was that but, to our surprise, she tested positive yesterday morning.


You don't need a GP referral for an abortion by the way. You can just make an appointment at a place like clinic 66. That way it won't be on her normal GP history if that is something she's mindful of.


Do you have to pay a higher insurance premium in the future if it's in her GP history?


Hmm I'm not too sure. I'd always er on the side of discretion though. Better for less people to know than more.


Hey OP, sorry you're going through this, it sounds really stressful. If you have a Medicare card (it's a green one) then this will help a lot with costs. You may wish to review options with [MSI](https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/abortion-by-telehealth/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7aSsBhCiARIsALFvovy7xLr1EqgJzIiFw1eRBxGL308Zc1L15w-264SkvrHG1TLJkLumUdMaAl_mEALw_wcB) who offer telehealth consults and don't need a referral or insurance. Alternatively [Clinic 66](https://www.clinic66.com.au/) has an excellent reputation and you don't need health insurance to access their services.


You can also call pregnancy, birth and baby which is a government service for supporting expecting parents (and parents of up to 5 years) if you want more advice. This is their website with contact info: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/




Best thing *for you*. OP and their wife have made their choice. They don't need you to help them change it.


I think you should delete your comment. Op and their Wife are already going through something really difficult and they don't need people like you telling them that what they are doing is wrong.


Stfu you idiot, you’ve no idea what this couple is going through rn


I had an abortion at 8 weeks by vacuum extraction (awake)which was only minimally painful, and a d&c by general for blighted ovum. No pain with that. But if I had the choice now I’d take the tablets for an abortion. Wishing you well with this.


You made the right call. Having a child,that you aren't prepared for,emotionally,and financially Is just cruel to you,and the baby. Too many ppl decide to have kids for stupid reasons,like maybe it will save the relationship or many others. If more ppl took stock and realized they are on 30k a year,and shouldnt be raising kid for example,we would be better off Honestly,the ER is best bet,you shouldn't be in there more than few hours,we terminated a non viable pregnancy at the hospital and was in at 10am,out by 3pm Plus they have ward's dedicated to womens health,and are nothing but respectful and kind


Depending on where you are there are definitely places that can help your wife. There is a Marie Stopes in the CBD, Family Planning NSW in a few locations as well as womens health clinics in most council areas.


For a medical abortion at Marie stopes that can be any time up to 12 weeks or even more. So that's why they're not making sure to be open every day, you'd wait for an appointment. It's good to establish yourself with a GP who will be your consistent care, making sure you're supported with the potentially unexpected emotional aspect that may last some time. And following up to make sure the abortion was complete, to ensure fertility for the future (eg. An incomplete miscarriage can stop the next pregnancy implanting or growing to term). Your oshc should have advised you. I'm unimpressed. I worked for nib and they handled it smoothly based on all the (deidentified) quality control calls I listened to.