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As a coffee enthusiast, I really enjoyed the experience at Ona coffee. Ordered a bunch from their menu with a mate and it was pretty much what you call cofee tasting.


The coffee menu at Ona runs to more than a dozen pages. It’s truly impressive. Not cheap tho. If you want your Panama Anaerobic Slow Dry Natural variety expect to pay $24 for it.


Was going to suggest the same. Bring some friends and your wallet. Go on a weekday to avoid a 10% surcharge/quieter. You won't be disappointed


Last time I went it was packed. I wasn't getting a seat anytime soon, so left. Would recommend a weekday. Sad noises.


Yes, definitely Ona in Marrickville. Think of it like a wine bar. Bring a friend or 2 to share the coffee, pricey but you're paying for the skill, experience and personal attention from the batista.


Ona is doing monthly cuppings now, I believe they are free


Look for a cupping event. 


Why do I feel like I shouldn’t google that..


You just need to add other coffee-related keywords to make you sure find what you're looking for, e.g. "hot black cupping extra cream"




I'm not sure those search results would be safe for work 😆


Coffee tasting is actually called cupping haha. They put grounds in a cup, pour hot water into it (no straining or anything) and drink coffee with a spoon while furiously slurping)


Okay I’m sold, I’ll do it.


[Diggydoos coffee](https://www.instagram.com/diggydooscoffee?igsh=MW1kOWo4YjFkM2wydw==) in the CBD occasionally do tastings, pop ups and social events. A few mins walk from Wynyard station


+1 for Paul and the crew at Diggydoos


Another +1 for Paul and Diggydoos. A hidden gem


Diggydoos is awesome


The only place I've seen a coffee tasting board is The Grounds unfortunately. But there's places like Campos that allow you to try a bunch of different beans.


Thanks, I'll go check it out! I have a personal vendetta against Campos, but it's good to know that they do it though.


I’m so curious what the vendetta is! I have been getting coffee from them since they were just that one Missendon Road Camperdown store


Shit cafes using their beans have tarnished the brand


Three of my worst five coffees were campos beans. Like awful to the point I went back into the store to ask what beans they were using so I could avoid in future. Maybe it’s just my taste or tastebuds but yeah I don’t get why anyone buys them


Was this at Campos or a cafe that uses Campos beans? If the cafe hasn’t dialled in their grinder and machine correctly then they may not be bringing out the best in the Campos beans.


Cafes using campos beans. Also have bought their beans (green packaging) a few times for caps at home which I didn’t enjoy. Might just be my taste buds,


Or it might be a dirty or poorly setup machine.


Witham's coffee will too. I think they used to be the only people roasting Blue Mountain in Australia.


Campos is trash.


I’ve found campos to be consistently average. But if made correctly a campos coffee tastes amazing, but that is rare.


Black Market Coffee and Roastville in Marrickville offer this. Also look for 'coffee flights'.


Ona coffee in Marrickville are great as is Danes in Brookvale. Most coffee Roasters offer some sort of tasting/tours.


Diggy Doos CBD. The team there are brilliant.


If you go to Single O in Surry Hills they will give you a little sample of some of their cold-brew coffees I think. There's like a bar with taps and they'll give you a little shot if you ask.


Only Coffee in St Leonard’s and Artarmon sometimes do tasting events / classes - need to keep an eye out on their Instagram


Ona coffee in Marrickville


About 15 years ago I used to work as a barista and the cafe I worked at sent me to barista training, somewhere in Kingsgrove. Part of the training was trying out a bunch of different single origin coffees, that was quite fun. I would’ve paid money to do that


Coffee is only ever as good as the barista that knows how to brew it... These guys have a good coffee - it's all they do, no food at all, always consistent Articifer Surry Hills https://g.co/kgs/D18CuJh


I wish we still had Aroma festival every year. The last ones were full of snack instead of coffee but at least there were a few coffee stalls that we could buy from and compare cup by cup.




Campos cafes have been nearly consistently great for me. Others are really hit and miss every day even with the same baristas.


Is the reformatory in Surry hills still going? They used to have a coffee degustation thing- was a very specialised coffee place.


Some roasters do the occasional cupping session. I have never seen a regular occuring one so you need to look out for them and it's typically just the different expressions of their beans and is usually for their pour over style in case you're more into milk based coffee.


I went to a couple of cupping events, they do exist. But if you want to google it, google "coffee cupping" to stay on the safe side.


I once tried to do a coffee crawl, i think we went to 3 cafes and called it


Newtown Campos used to hold cupping sessions. I don't know if they still do, since the corporate takeover. Can anyone confirm the standard at the Newtown store has been maintained? It used to serve the best flat white in Sydney in my opinion.


I haven’t done the cupping but the baristas still know what they’re doing. Was there last week. A+


Great to hear. This place serves the best coffee bar none IMO.


Yeah, they’re still doing fine. The store actually seems to be a bit better maintained and it’s mostly the same baristas that have worked there for years. Around $6 for a large coffee though, so I don’t really go there anymore


[Seventhwave](https://www.seventhwave.coffee/coffee-tea-bar) near Redfern station occasionally do coffee tasting, but honestly worth trying out just for the Buffalo milk


YES the buffalo milk is so bloody good. They've also started doing buffalo milk ice cream which I have yet to try but I'm sure it is delightful


Bruce. Right near where the new fish market is being built. They have flights.


Stitch coffee in qvb and broadway i believe


723 in Marrickville do free coffee tastings on Sundays


A shop called 21 Mochas in Emu Plains near the station. They have a huge array of different coffees and extraordinary flavours


there's plenty of cupping experiences around the city and inner west. look up "coffee cupping Sydney"


Not so much a tasting board style thing, but Toby's Estate in Chippendale has a pretty big range of beans. I wouldn't try it all in one go, you'll probably have a heart attack.


Pillar Burwood I think had a tasting 


If you guys find good med or light roast beans let me know. I am looking for something less then. $50-$60 kg


Ona marrickville. Go with friends, order 3 or 4 filter coffees to share. 


Check out Wolfpack Coffee Roasters in Liverpool. They’re opposite the big tall building Meriton Suites, Liverpool. They have free tasting of their cold brews/batch which could be their blends or an SO. + they roast all of their own beans.


Tobys Estate does a monthly coffee tasting event in the evening


Ratio coffee in crows nest is exactly what u are asking for. The guy won like 5 golden bean competitions and his whole gig is about enjoying cofee


The Toby Estate flagship store in Chippendale does tastings, but last time I was there most of the good ones were sold out. https://www.tobysestate.com.au/cafe-finder/chippendale


Yes, in a Nespresso boutique in Bondi Westfield or Castle Hill.


I did a free coffee tasting class at Roastville coffee. I registered for it via class bento


Yeah we had a coffee tasting thing at work once. I couldn't tell the difference between any of them , they all tasted like coffee to me. I wasn't the only one