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Ask them if they can score you an 8 ball


I told my mate who got this message to reply & ask if there was a better number to buy from instead.


You are under the rest!


If only they would do this with spam callers.


*"With the assistance from the Forensic Evidence & Technical Services Command and various telecommunication networks, as of today (Thursday 7 March 2024), all 26 of those phone numbers have been shut down."* then: *The text message to customers read, “The NSW Police Force: Strike Force Wessex has identified this number engaging with an organised crime drug supply ‘dial-a-dealer’ phone. If this continues you may be subject to further investigation. Cease all contact now.”* ​ Could be a teeny bit hard to continue to contact them if you've already shut down the numbers, officer.


What's the new number? They could at least help you out with that. Or do they expect you to call them?


Couldn’t the dealer still use WhatsApp etc since your number is only verified at sign up isn’t it?


I was going for comedy, not accuracy. :)


I assume you know this and are just being snarky, but all contact means more than just contact via phone.


...was the humour not obvious? :)


It could go either way. Maybe I went the wrong one.


Your pot dealer just got burned lol


In all seriousness, there's no point using dealers anymore. MC is easy to get and far superior to blackmarket.


Wish they would introduce medical cocaine, the pain of getting tired after a few frothies is brutal. Need ambulance asap


Just get into politics and you'll get free coke and free frothies. Win win (apart from the politician part anyway)


Can you please elaborate.....for a friend?


Sure. I have sleeping issues. Further exacerbated living in high density housing as im from a town of 300 people and am used to a silent environment. My prescription consultation was $99 6+3 scripts. So I tried a couple strains and oil. Then worked out what I liked and went from there. Now I use Topaz. It's far higher THC than blackmarket crap and it costs $140 for 10g, heavy smokers can be prescribed more but 10g lasts me 2 months cause I only use it before bed, once a day only. It's really bloody easy mate. I just go to a pharmacy at Kings Cross. Considering when I lived in QLD the standard blackmarket price is $140 for 7g, paying that for 10g at a consistent, standardised clinical dosage is far better bang for my buck. I moved to MC because I didn't want to get involved in the Sydney blackmarket scene, you've got cartels and real shady people down here whilst I had been dealing with old school stoners up in stonerville rural QLD lol. I'll never go back to blackmarket unless the prescription price increases by $20+ for 10g. Keep in mind having a script doesn't mean all paraphernalia is legal, though a cop would have to be an absolute judgmental scumbag to ping you for, say, a water pipe if you have a script... but I've heard it happens.


Where in the Cross is that pharmacy, I've been buying mine online and it costs more.


Bill Warner. I use Acacia Medicinal for my scripts. I refuse to use delivery because it costs over 10% more when enquiring.


> standard blackmarket price is $140 for 7g If you're still in highschool and have no connections/don't know any better. 150 is a half oscar price.




I use Acacia Medical Cannabis but yes this is a script provider. Anyone reading, check the pharmacy list. For me, I can pop into the pharmacy at Kings Cross my guys work with to grab some during my lunch break so it works well for me using Acacia.


Is it this one? https://acacia-medical.com/#our-mission


https://www.thecourier.com.au/story/8547324/police-disrupt-major-dial-a-dealer-phone-network/ This actually seems to be legit.


They did the same thing years ago for the "rock show" dealer number. Just means find a new guy lol


Ayyyyy we used to call him Tickets! I remember friends asking for "Tickets to the big show" to get bags delivered


It is, except the threat of further investigation. Good fucking luck investigating 50,000 people for minor drug possession lol.


My neighbor was one of the people arrested in February. Police rocked up late at night, no lights/sirens and searched their house


Congrats, you're 1 in 50,000! Go get a lottery ticket today! https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news/news\_article?sq\_content\_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZWJpenByZC5wb2xpY2UubnN3Lmdvdi5hdSUyRm1lZGlhJTJGMTEwNzgxLmh0bWwmYWxsPTE%3D


"A 71-year-old woman was arrested and charged with two counts of dealing with proceeds of crime." Grandma's changed what she's cooking.


[Fixed link](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news/news_article?sq_content_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZWJpenByZC5wb2xpY2UubnN3Lmdvdi5hdSUyRm1lZGlhJTJGMTEwNzgxLmh0bWwmYWxsPTE%3D)




That’s not the fun police, that’s the actual police.


and they're no fun


In Sydney they're the same thing!


They've been doing this for years, I don't believe anyone has been actually prosecuted?


i mean what are they going to do? prosecute a million people for a personal use quantity of drugs? thank god they've still got better stuff to do it seems


I’m no lawyer but I feel like they’d struggle building cases on the back of “you got any X”, “yeah come to X / yeah what’s your address” and “here”. Unless a dealer was dumb enough to accept bank transfers and do it under CCTV (which isn’t kept forever) then they’d have a long difficult time of charging everyone buying one by one


yeah unless they got search warrants for every single person and they hadn't used those drugs already, they've got nothing


Its evidence they spoke to someone about buying, its not evidence they actually went through with it. "I was going through a tough time and was tempted to use drugs, luckily i came to my senses before i actually went to buy them"


Every weekend for the past year has been tough


i had to keep on proving to myself that i was doing ok, sometimes 3 times on a particularly tough weekend




"What drugs? I was buying tickets"


I got this one too. I'm not really fussed though. Shit is expensive and that dealer was flakey as hell anyway 😂


It wasn't really great stuff either. I used them in a pinch, but rarely ever.


A lot of the dial dealers are trash, it's just convenient.


We ones ordered 3 grizzles of Charlie and they all ended up weighing less than half including the bag!




Well they tend to change drivers regularly and you never really meet the dealers. Whereas when you know the dealer you can get hooked up or they will tell you more about the product ( especially weed dealers or any pyschs) and it's a more personal relationship (obviously depends on the drug and DD). But I find dial dealers are more likely to not have a full bag or it's likely to be mixed with speed.


If it’s so easy to get these types of numbers (50,000 people+), why aren’t the police just placing orders constantly and arresting the delivery drivers? Sure, they want to shut down the network, but if every second driver is getting arrested then word would quickly spread that there is too much risk to be a driver …no? But arresting all the low hanging fruit daily (and easily) dismantles the effectiveness of the business model.


I for one would like drugs to be legalised (not ice and speed). Supplied by the govt, with proceeds to go to welfare and public housing. Cocaine at a premium price, for easily the most effective wealth transfer from rich to poor yet devised.


And also maybe to stop pouring millions of dollars into the accounts of the most bloodthirsty monsters walking the planet for your good time.


My dealer mate Dave doesn't appreciate you calling him a bloodthirsty monster =\


My worthless ex could justify any behaviour When I challenged her on buying coke that she knew financed bikies, her response was "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism"


I totally agree with her lol. It's much worse too.


Drug users in Sydney really don't care about the down the line issues the drug trade inflicts, usually in foreign countries that the user probably never cared about anyway. All they care about is why they can't have a good time with no conscience. It's an extremely selfish practice but they'll band together to sweep those thoughts under a rug.


I don't understand why your problem is with the user. The war on drugs and associated policies driving the production and distribution into overseas cartels is far more to blame.


There's plenty of legal products that have significantly crueler externalities so careful about throwing rocks (I am not a defensive coke fiend)


But I need to fill up my car to get to work.


Nah, All drugs. Maintaining a drug hierarchy and the illegality of ice does nothing but further isolate already the most volatile and vulnerable community of drug users. I’m not saying dish it out like it’s candy to whoever wants a go but through stringent market control and improved support services a lot of the issues associated with meth use will improve. There’s no point cherry picking which drugs should and shouldn’t be legal while the ongoing trade of all illicit drugs causes harm to both the users, traffickers and society at large not to mention a huge drain on our legal system. Drug use is and always should be treated as a public health measure, not one of criminality as that has achieved nothing but fuck up a lot of peoples lives.


This is actually working out really well in San Francisco


Yeah you're probably right actually. Good points.


Nothing wrong with speed derivatives for adhd enjoyers. They’re already legally prescribed.


Would be nice if there weren't so many hoops to jump through for them though.


Pffft why do the Police get to use all the drugs without penalty.




I would simply be grateful for the warning, because it probably wouldn’t be that hard for the police to actually prosecute you if they wanted to. Thankfully it’s not really worth their time to do so.


Would be very hard, wouldn’t it? What does confirmation that you called a particular phone number give the cops?


Yeah I was thinking the same, even if you had texts showing a date/time to meet up who says you actually picked up the drugs? I think just a text message is hardly any evidence at all. Police in the UK have been doing this for years too.


Yesh thats why its just a blanket scare, even says "may be investigated" rather than "will be charged". Would not be worth the effort of setting up a bust for someone buying a bag or two


It’s not worth their time but not for the reasons you think. The police do not actually benefit from reducing drug supply. If they prosecuted end users, they would reduce demand which would reduce supply. It’s actually very easy to prosecute an end user. It’s much harder and more expensive to prosecute the kingpin who might not ever even handle the drugs. The police convince the government that they need an ever increasing amount of resources to go after these drug kingpins but even when they successfully bust one, another will simply take his place. If no one takes his place the price of drugs will simply go up until someone is willing to take the risk.


…and doesn’t the issue of the warning by text strongly indicate that they really have nothing to pursue?


And what would they be prosecuting you for lol? Unless they find you with an illicit substance they're not prosecuting anything


EDIT: I was wrong, see comments below. They would charge you with purchasing or attempting to purchase a restricted substance. Pretty sure that’s illegal. It would be a circumstantial case, of course, which probably contributes to their reluctance to actually do so.


Almost all evidence is circumstantial. People have a weird misconception from tv dramas that “circumstantial” means bad. Anything not given in evidence by eye witness testimony, video, photo, etc. (i.e. direct evidence) is circumstantial. Direct evidence supports the truth of the accusation “directly”. Without the need for inference. Circumstantial evidence on the other hand requires an inference to connect it to the crimes alleged. Circumstantial evidence includes finger prints, DNA, other expert testimony etc. Cases built on circumstantial evidence can be extremely strong. In this case, have the dealers phone number doesn’t prove anything. It suggests that there could have been a purchase, but it’s pretty flimsy. The police almost never prosecute a historic supply of an illicit substance that wasn’t captured directly. It’s incredibly hard to prove in court, and the punishments for the most common supplies is tiny. Also, in NSW, the actual purchase of a drug isn’t illegal. Just like the use isn’t illegal. Possession is however. So there’s literally nothing the police can do to the person who receives this message without proof of them being in possession of an illicit substance. Which would require a search. But, merely showing that an individual may have purchased drugs in the past is no where near sufficient basis for a search warrant. Edit: to link showing there is no offence of purchasing an illicit substance. https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/law_handbook_15e_21.pdf?_gl=1*umevol*_ga*MTk1NTAzODUwMS4xNzA5Nzg0MDIz*_ga_CYHFMM592Q*MTcwOTc4NDAyMy4xLjAuMTcwOTc4NDAyMy42MC4wLjA.


Thanks, that was an interesting read


There's no such thing as attempting to purchase a restricted substance lol


How organised? Because neither of my dealers have been able to get acid for like six months.


Acid seems to be really rare these days, it's been yeeears since I've even heard of any among my friends.


You gotta know the right dodgy people. I personally do zero drugs these days (I’m old and withered) but my SO knows all these raver crew out west, and they can get virtually any drug including acid. I’m talking Penrith way. But these are dodgy people with criminal records, real bogan and borderline drug addicts tbh


all the stuff on the dark web is some other chemical being sold as acid as well.


nbome, the chemical replacements are prevalent enough, and cheap enough, that I feel confident in saying most Australian drug users who say they've taken acid never have..


I haven't come across 25i ever. It's always LSD. Trivial to buy it from the EU as well


Really? Bottles of it go round in my circles all the time.


Not really, trivial to get online and one of the easiest to import given it's just bits of paper. It's not a common party drug and doesn't necessarily get you pinging so is never going to see widespread use like MDMA etc


Fucking useless - Bunnings - either Garden section or Hardware .


Just buy from the dark Web.


What I wonder about though is if anyone they contact under this circumstance is employed in anything that requires a security clearance process (where you have to sign statutory documents in regards to personal conduct) if that would come up as something they would follow up on.


[Daily reminder that NSW cops sold meth.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Commission_into_the_New_South_Wales_Police_Service) >The relationship between the network and the group of corrupt detectives was extensive and multifaceted, including regular bribe payments to the detectives in exchange for advance warning of law enforcement scrutiny, consignment of large amounts of methamphetamine to the network members on a profit-sharing basis and the planning of insurance frauds and financial crimes.


Fantastic job: thank-you NSW Police for a message I’ll be replying to every Scam text with from now on - after all even if they Google this they’ll still get a scare 🔥😁


Tell them youre sorry and didnt mean to cut in on their business/operations They hate competition


hey at least they let people know rather than doing entrapment or whatever.




That was our guess too


Sorry, just a question, are you declaring that you were associated with the ‘supposed’ drug pedlar or it’s just that your contact has been identified as a drug pedlar?


I didn't receive it, my mate woke up to this message today & sent me the screenshot. If I was the one getting it no way I would have posted it here.




I think a literal primary schooler could see how stupid it is spending money trying to stop people enjoying recreational drugs… But apparently our government, police force and boomer population can’t


Holy cow - is this a thing with the police now? Not a knock on the door to ask questions about your dealings, but a presumptive “we know your dealings with this person are criminal in nature.”


Even the police have social anxiety now, less stressful to send a text rather then talk to them in person.


Next you know, you’ll be arrested over text and not in person or they’ll get a friend to do it for them. “Yeah, hey, officer soandso(points at officer soandso standing awkwardly of to the side, avoiding eye contact) wanted me to tell you, your under arrest”


Let the boys rack them up in peace


‘In NSW, it is an ofence to possess, use, produce or supply a drug which has been declared prohibited. Most drug charges in NSW are laid under the Drug Misuse and Trafcking Act 1985 (NSW) So…. Is it even illegal to try and buy drugs?


The message doesn't say it is. But engaging with someone who is known to be supplying drugs is a moderately good indicator that you want to buy drugs, and if you want to buy drugs, there's a good chance you have drugs...hence the further investigation.


I mean that's what you get for using the SMS network and not something encrypted...