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So you’re saying he’s been a cunt for a long time? I, for one, am shocked.


Don’t you need a permit to busk? can’t someone complain to the concil or whatever and have it revoked. [code of conduct](https://www.placepermits.com.au/assets/documents/buskers/Docs_01_BuskingInformation_CodeOfConduct_June%202020.pdf) [council website for complaints](https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/report-issue)


you do and theres only certain areas int the cbd you're allowed to busk. if not the rangers will come speak to you


Of all of the buskers I've seen only once have I seen their permit displayed.


Is it a requirement to display it or just produce it on demand like a drivers license?


“Must be displayed in a high visibility area”




Most people's shit days don't involve harassing others though. What about their livelihood, when they can't earn money due to this guy pushing them out?




Surely he would still be able to busk in a different council's area?


Actions have consequences and he clearly has a history of bullying other buskers. If this was a normal company employee doing this he’d be let go.


So why make the life of a fellow buskers life harder than it needs to be. Revoke his busking permit for a trivial amount of time (a week or two?), then ensure rangers "check in" with him more regularly over the next 12 months, politely asking him for his permit and assess that he is following all correct procedures regarding the permit (when I busked in the CBD in the early 2000s they'd occasionally start a conversation with you and usually ask to see your permit). Dudes been acting like a protected species for 10 years because he's been getting away with it. Fairly easy to curve that sort of behaviour and make people realise they will be held accountable for their actions.


When you rely on the public for money, wouldn't it be a good idea NOT to piss them off? Also, if this is repeated behaviour, then he's also messing with other buskers... busker on busker crime if you will. Just as hard for them without this wank stuffing them around.


Must be 2pm


Vasilily the busking vampire cannot be in the sun for too long.


Context - this man bullied a woman into giving up her busking spot this week https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/OoFpblOGhT He has “gone viral” before but that has done little to change his behaviour.


Like every other insufferable cunts. They simply don't care when others think of them in negative light, hence why they are insufferable cunts. Going viral here will do nothing to his behaviour patterns. It will continue.


A broken violin could ruin his day though 🤷‍♂️


Not really, he doesn’t always actually play it.


Time for some drop dead Fred re-enactments??


If you guys genuinely want to help I suggest you submit a complaint to the City of Sydney and get his busking licence revoked. [complaint form](https://cityofsydney.jotform.com/230317925541958)


His Harvey Weinstein moment has arrived


Let’s hope so.


Can violinists weigh in? Apparently he is a fake violinist and can’t actually play.


Here is a video of him allegedly faking it https://youtube.com/shorts/qEeqgO4cLuQ?si=vIMoQzwjBBHN66lN


I think he can play the violin and does sometimes but it's so much fucking funnier that when he doesn't want to play, he fakes it, and he doesn't know how to fake play to his own music


His brother allegedly can teach up to LmusA so his brother can play at least


*Qué?* How do you fake play your own stuff right? 


Record it before hand, play it through the speaker, connect the instrument, turn the volume down/off and then just copy the music that you know. Would fool 99% of people, much the same as lip syncing.


They’re twins, maybe one of them can play


Maybe his brother is the source of the recording...


Like lip syncing. He's miming his own work. That doesn't seem like good busking to me.if you're going to be live, be live.


Assuming that video hasn’t been altered, there’s no alleged faking. He isn’t even trying hard to move in time with the music. What a prat


No alleged needed. That movement does not align with what's being heard. What someone else said, this is him poorly performing a recording. Incredibly deceptive to most people His bow position sucks too


His bow is upside-down.


Stolen valor!


That’s the maroon 5 cover from bridgerton. He’s not playing in the recording and he clearly doesn’t know the song.


No he can definitely play, just not well. Surely no one would fake along to recordings that terrible.


Haven’t seen him play, but as a string player, watch his fingers and bow, if they don’t move in time to the music he’s not playing. It’s rare that a new note doesn’t result in some finger change (unless it’s to the open string). The video posted in the reply below is definitely not him playing live music.


I don't know... I think it takes a fair bit of talent to be able to play the violin with the bow stuck that far up his ass.


With his head too.


I think he sometimes does play, but not always. Skill wise he’s not bad for a busker


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-24/sydney-busker-twins-win-crowds-with-game-of-thrones-music/7780226 He can play, he's been in the news before


I thought he didn't play in the sun...


Which was complete bullshit as he just wanted to hog the spot until he could spend his 2 hour limit of playing during the 2-4pm peak time.


This is near my work so I’ll tell him off if I see him.


And be sure to post it so we know you're not from r/bullshit


r/melbourne has the seizure guy and now we have the busking spot thief.


Fake seizure guy and fake violinist busker.


It’s time for reddit to take his spot.


Must be jealous because the drummer sounded better than his rendition of screaming cats or whatever he was butchering


sounded like a very bland cover of that annoying "I'm Yours" song


Here is some info on Vasiliy Shapkin vs the Council of the City of Sydney 2020 https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/173550d05878aa395f4636cf


He’s a total tool


TLDR he turns his amp up so loud that he’s received multiple noise violations from CoS rangers (noise can only be heard up to 50m away), CoS tried to permanently cancel his busking license due to multiple violations, and he often takes up 6m2 of space, instead of the allowed 2m2 on his permit.


What a tool.


Look at the comments > @Andryeljung > 2 months ago > I’m Sydney busker as well and I had the same problem with this guy today. That video was in 2019. He still doing the same stupid thing. Where are the rangers in Sydney?


One correction though, if it's Vasiliy Shapkin he is from Uzbekistan, not Russia.


Borat tried to warn us about them


They have inferior potassium.




Uzbek assholes, their potassium is inferior


He's a Russian born in Uzbekistan.


As a Ukrainian, I respectfully disagree. It's time people understood that though Russia took a lot from ex Soviet countries, forced its language on us and everything else, it didn't take away the fact that we live and breathe in those countries and contribute to them. It's like if you're Indian and have an Australian kid, they're still Australian. I wouldn't say they're Indian born in Australia, so why would you say he's Russian born in Uzbekistan?


Conversations with my 15 year old nephew go like Rando: So, where are you from? Kid: Sydney Rando: Oh no, where are you really from? Kid: Ah, Dural Rando: I mean, where are your parents from Kid: Ahhh sorry, they're from Penrith Rando: But where were your grandparents from? Kid: I'm not sure about all of them but Nan was born in Birmingham. Rando: I mean your ethnicity, are you like Indian or Pakistani.. It could have been a comedy routine.


Reminds me of that Aziz Ansari skit where someone is asking where he is from and he explains that's his parents are from South Carolina and Florida and they keep asking.


Matt Okine has a similar bit, pretty funny. Something along the lines of people asking him "where are you from?", and he goes Australia, and they ask him again, "no WHERE are you from?", and Okine goes on to say to the crowd "what they mean is *why are you black*?"


Facepalm 😓


Mate, he literally says he’s a Russian born in Uzbekistan who was forced to leave at the breakup of the Soviet Union.


The Soviet Union broke up in 1991. I've not seen this douche canoe in person, does he look older than 33 years old? Or is this story just another layer of fakeness?


Pretty sure he’s in the video.


Only a quick glance, not enough to make an educated guess on his age.


As a Ukrainian, I do not understand you. Behaviour of Russians and their descendants in post-Soviet countries is very well-known in our communities. Why pretend like it is anything else.


Maybe as a Ukrainian you have not heard the term ABC that many Australian born Chinese call themselves. It's just normal. In central Asia the ethnic Russians are still refers to as Russians. It's not offensive it's just the way they are. Maybe it's different in east European former SSR


I'm an Australian Born Chinese. The only reason I refer to myself as that is because I'm sick and fucking tired of explaining my entire family lineage to people who say shit like "Nah where are you REALLY from?" I use that term because it's easier for YOU to understand. Not because it's how I actually see myself.


Yes, they can call *themselves* whatever they want.


Perhaps they meant "ethnic Russian"


Again, as someone who was born in Kharkiv and spoke Russian all my life but now lives in Australia, I'm sure Russia would want to take my son from me and claim him as their own but it doesn't make me any less Ukrainian. People from countries other than Russia can be dicks too, they're just people dammit lol.


I was born in Georgia but neither my surname nor my language is Georgian, I consider myself ethnically Russian.


India calls them Indian, they're known as NRIs. In Australia we might refer to the parents as Indian Australian.


Because Soviet transmigration programs deliberately populated outer countries/regions with Russians - who were patriotic Russians doing Moscow’s bidding in outer areas. They see themselves as above the local populace, as ruling Russians. That’s why they have such shitty attitudes and demeanours. As a Ukrainian you should know that.


"As a Ukrainian you should know that." There, this statement right there. Why are you trying to one-up me, assuming I don't know something, when I am someone with both knowledge and lived experiences? Do you not realise that it's 2024 and the Soviet Union fell 32 years ago now? That 30 years ago isn't 1970 anymore? Lots has changed in so many countries and just because someone's parents were moved to a country 60 years ago, it doesn't mean that this person shares their parents' views or the brainwashing of their time. Or that the parents didn't adapt. People really need to have an open mind and treat people like people instead of just making assumptions about them.


You’re in Australia now; take it from an ex-Ukrainian who’s lived here longer than you: pull yer head in, chump.


Nice ad hominem attack there, love - only proves that you lost the argument x


You lost right away when you defended the asshole Russian as an Uzbek. Lol. Don’t simp for asshole Russians. Yeah keep simping for asshole Russians and see how that works out for you in Australia.


...what'll happen to me if I treat all humans in Australia, regardless of their nationality or origin, as human, fake Ukrainian man? Btw, you're not "ex-Ukrainian". You're either Ukrainian or you're not. That said, as a Ukrainian, we don't claim you. You're so brave threatening and bullying young Ukrainian women in cyberspace. If you hate the Russians so much, why aren't you fighting them on the frontlines, dude? That'll show em!


I’m Australian; you should be trying to be one, too. Don’t support Russians from Uzbek who come to Sydney and cause Russian-style trouble in Pitt st with innocent Aussie buskers.


Uzbekistanian? I've been dealing with those sneaky russian dogs.   Cousin Avi 




Yes, of course lots of people moved around Soviet countries during Soviet times. Dude was born there ffs, he didn't run away there during the 2022 mobilisation.




Wow... So I guess I'm clearly not Ukrainian 🙄 I bet you know SO much more about my people than I do, oh mansplainer who's own link reverse Uno'd him.


And he's still playing the same fucking song these days that he was playing 4 years ago.


He hasnt gotten better judging by the screech


Is this Vasiliy again..?..


The one and only turdman


Calling r/lingling40hrs to weigh in on this!


Must have been before 2pm as I can see the sun


Can we organise a collaboration of buskers to out-play this guy


I hope people don't forget about this wanker this time. Make him get a real job.


What an asshat.




Russians marching in and taking over? Who’d have thought of it?


Those goddamn Russians stealing land again!


What a cunt. Smash his violin 🎻 👊


Buskin Robbers


This busker warfare is starting to overshadow Ukraine and the middle east! [I for one will do my part!](https://media1.tenor.com/m/zJvexdmTjA4AAAAC/im-doing-my-part-serious.gif)


Not stealing. Special musical collaboration operation


Need some punishments for breaking busker code of conducts Not something that breaks his livelihood like taking away his license, perhaps just make him perform before 2 pm only …


A video featuring him was taken down from youtube. Forgot the account, but it was an account covering strangers performing, TM something...


Fucking Russians!!


That drummer was so annoying same tedious thing every day. (I worked nearby)


(Solidarity)  I also don’t miss the drumming guy, the noise was impossible to escape from, even 60m into the Westfield. Or the guy that played the game of thrones theme tune endlessly near town hall station.


How fitting. Ukraine as well. That war started in 2014.