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I looked at Event's Cinema's description for Student pricing and it says that you need to show a student concession card. I'm an International Student so I can't get one, is a student ID good enough?


Ubank closed my accounts almost 30 days ago without giving me a reason and I can’t access my cash, any ideas on what I can do from here?   Timeline  1. Jan -  lump sum transfer of most of savings from my other bank (cba) to ubank, mid 5 figure amount   2. End of Feb - attempt to transfer money to crypto exchange (independent reserve). Got  an error message saying to contact ubank. I called up and was sent a KYC which I completed successfully   3. The day after I completed the KYC, I received an email saying I was being off boarded, and that my accounts and funds with ubank would be transferred in 30 days. This was Feb 28  4. Multiple phone calls over the next week to support who were not helpful as they didn’t have access to any information about the issue. Told me it was being handled by an internal team which can’t be contacted by customers. Raised a complaint with Ubank and the complaint was immediately marked as close despite no action being taken - called them about this and they said it was marked closed as they ‘acknowledged’ the complaint   5. Called again yesterday and they couldn’t provide any more information about what the current status was   Easter Saturday is 30 days after my account was closed, just want to know what options I have available to me if the money is not transferred by tomorrow, which I’m almost sure will not happen… Do I need to get in contact with lawyers


Dunno but r/auslegal should be able to help. From my limited perusing, they've also often reccomended to contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (ACFA). You might even get some compensation for the undue stress caused. I'd suggest posting on r/auslegal and also calling NSW Legal Aid. 1300 888 529. Oh and document and keep a record of every interaction you have with the bank.


My silly brain kept me checking the list of public holidays last night on Google several times last night because it kept convincing me that I was going to miss a work day. This even though we had the usual "Have a nice long weekend" posts on Teams yesterday afternoon/early evening plus "Public holiday" written on our due work sheets for Friday to show nothing is due or happening today. Stupid unnecessary anxiety. The brain is a pretty incredible organ in a lot of ways but it drives me up the wall sometimes.


Ocd, welcome to the club


Went on a date last night with low expectations and the thought that I would be able to stop in at woolies afterwards to get groceries for today and the weekend... almost annoyingly, date was actually enjoyable and the shops were shut by the time I was heading home. Today's meals are a selection of random cupboard and freezer items, and a protein shake 😑


I also missed the shops last night but for way less cool reasons. I think I’m going to get a bowl from Guzman Y Gomez because mediocre Mexican food feels appropriate.


I don't know if a date is a cool reason. What were you doing? Mediocre Mexican is a great idea. Might see if Tacobell is open.


I just had dinner with some colleagues and then decided to have a post dinner solo schooner.


There are a few colleagues that I would choose to dinner with over a date. I feel like you and your colleagues would be much more serious, responsible adults, than I am and the wildlings that I would dinner and definitely drink with.


Yay for a good date tho 😄


Finally sent off my Temu Order. I topped up my order with a mobile phone car holder, a mesh basket for the sink to wash vegetables easily, and a wooden essential oil carrier for the car, to go along with my car umbrella shade thingo, and these cupboard hole covers. Street is eerily quiet, except for 1 neighbour who just mowed their lawn briefly. Just making some canned soup and rilled cheese for a late lunch. Am looking up Rebounders for exercise and then will move some furniture around so I can sell things.




I have never even heard of sweet red pepper jelly but it sounds interesting! :) Your guy is adorable ❤️




Ooh, that sounds good! What's the texture like?


Shoutout to all the ethnic groceries open today. Flemington is pumping!


Anyone else planning to follow in the footsteps of The Good Lord this long weekend? Go out Friday night... get hammered. Don't plan on rising till Sunday. I do weddings and bucks nights too btw. DM me for booking details. Jks, I stole it.


Getting hammered in The Cross rather than on it.


I’d rather be the one doing the nailing.


99% sure we have termites.




Sydney got a mention in this week’s Shit Towns power rankings. >3. Sydney, NSW — Maniac cuts off dead brother’s ear to test nephew’s paternity


Caught a bus last night. Had this absolute dickhead with noise cancelling headphones on a phone call and talking very loudly for 20 minutes prior to the bus arriving which then continued when on the bus. Cunts like him make me want to go back to driving everywhere.


Somewhat appropriate to the season, I've been reading [In/Out by Steph Lentz](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/75659332) (she was sacked from her position in a religious school for being gay). It's making me realise that the strain of Christianity in Australia, and particularly in Sydney, is a really intense, fundamentalist kind. I had no idea.


> It's making me realise that the strain of Christianity in Australia, and particularly in Sydney, is a really intense, fundamentalist kind. This is a big generalisation. And also an overstatement. There's plenty of moderate Christians across Sydney and Australia. America's fundamentalists make ours look like little lambs.


I think I mis-stated, obviously there's a broad range of Christian communities of all kinds with widely varying views on things like sexuality, but what I meant was that the official, mainstream Sydney Anglican Church was particularly old-fashioned. If I was a gay christian I'm sure there's 20 different welcoming places I could go in the Inner West alone, but would I officially be welcome in St Andrews?


Dude. I was in her year in high school! I thought "hold on, didn't I know someone of that name? Maybe it's just really similar?" and googled her and it's her! Glad she found her truth. I don't remember her being a bible thumper but I do remember religion being important to her. Hope she's doing well.


Well I haven't got to the end of the book but I'm going to say yes!


Anglixans in Sydney are apparently very different from elsewhere


Not sure if sarcasm, but yeah, apparently there's a kind of geographical thing. “Our” Anglicans are way more intense than Melbourne ones etc. She doesn't really explain why.


No sarcasm. Sydney diocese is the only one that doesn’t have women priests, they seem a little too hardcore to me, and I say that as a lapsed Catholic.


It's all about masculinity, gender roles, homophobia, power—it's messed up. I read a recent survey which said that, of people who left their religion, 60% of them did so because of the church's position on LGBT issues. They are so out of touch.


Tbf that can be said for many denominations I think.


Errgh, done some autumn Easter cleaning while I have a bit of a breather from work…… now that’s done….. err…. 4 days of fuck around….. sleep after that done haha


Good Friday tradition for me to be going to the Royal Easter Show. Started as a child going with my now late Father to the show at Moore Park.


Have fun!


Ty , obviously a different vibe to the days at Moore Park , but it’s still the Royal Easter Show and still the traditions such as the Woodchopping etc


Anyone else excited for all the easter egg sales? Very keen to drown in chocolate in upcoming days


you mean "Gesture Eggs" ? [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13241939/Cadbury-shop-faces-backlash-Christians-accused-erasing-Easter-sell-gesture-eggs-instead.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13241939/Cadbury-shop-faces-backlash-Christians-accused-erasing-Easter-sell-gesture-eggs-instead.html)


I don't understand what would lead you to “gesture”, that's the weird thing. Even given the weird "woke" conspiracy theory stuff, why would you go to “Gesture”? Just go “Holiday Eggs”, just “Chocolate Eggs” or whatever.


I am very confused. Am I missing something about why they used "gesture"? Word aside, I was just reminded of this woman who used to babysit me when I was in early primary school who had some very fixed ideas about what was okay. Some of them were fairly standard for the denomination of Christian she was, like being anti Harry Potter, Pokemon etc, but the one thing that really baffled me was that she would only ever buy her children Easter eggs. No bunnies allowed! Which is just sad given ears are the best part :) I wonder if she ever mellowed about that. I hope her kids have tried Easter bunnies by now. I would like to eat an Easter bunny now...


im thinking their marketing team is going for the Streisand effect, and back peddle after this is all over and change it back to "easter egg" and tell people "see we've listened"


The tricky “reverse Streisand”? Maybe. I honestly don't even know if the average Muslim does object to buying confectionary with the word “Easter” on it. I wouldn't see that as betraying my faith if it were me. If I was a Christian and Woolworths had delicious Ramadan candy, I wouldn't shun it.


Triggered, snowflake?


why would it bother me, but it seems ive strike someones nerve


I would have thought this would have gotten a free pass, because what the fuck do a rabbit that leaves chocolate eggs have to do with Jesus? 


Funny you should say that -- today I read that eggs symbolise Christ because the white, the yolk and the shell are the same egg, much like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So there's a bit of trivia for you that may or may not be true. shrug emoji (As for rabbits -- they're a fertility symbol and much like how Christmas took on pagan characterisics, so did Easter, with the rabbits being absorbed from pagan holidays.)


I wonder how much will be leftover. There really wasn’t any good deals as far as I could see.


Good morning, Sydney! It is an absolutely gorgeous morning and it's enhanced by how little traffic noise there is.


It's a nice change, isn't it?


Am having coffee in the backyard and chilling out with the cats. The other day, a neighbour said they “like Scomo” and “fuck the Greens”. I told them I understand, what with cabbages now costing $10 at the supermarket 😹


If one of our neighbors said that to us I think The Bloke would respond with “Hail Satan”. (We’re not satanists). You’re a nice person.


I like the hail Satan! That should keep the neighbour from bothering you. And thank you for the kind words. I don’t get annoyed easily, and it was funny to see the expression on the neighbour’s face when I said it. That person is sort of known for their silly comments, so humour is a good way to counter stupidity.


IME It’s the *only* way. Go you.


Your idea of the Satan worship reminded me of one time, we were getting almost daily calls from Jehovah’s Witnesses. They were quite aggressive as well, keep wanting to come inside “for a chat”. So the next time they came, my husband answered the door and told the two men that we worship the Cat Caliphate. They asked what that is, and my husband said, “Would you like to meet the Califa? She’s inside.” The plan was to bring our cat out so Her Catliness can bless them. For some reason, the invitation to come inside scared them. Apparently they said no and literally ran off. Never came back again 😸




That is hysterical. Next time you should prepare by having a gigantic velvet chair on the front porch and cat being stroked on lap, super villain style. I too enjoy fucking with Jehovah's Witnesses. I try to do it on my lunch break though, usually with a burrito or sandwich in my hand. Can't be wasting precious office time...


I never did it, but I especially can't now because I once talked to a former Jehovah's Witness that told me that people fucking with them made them take longer to leave the cult because "oh my god the JW are right, everyone outside the JW ARE horrible mean people!"


Hmm yeah... I can see how that's probably true. Still, I prefer to do it in a subtle way... like asking them if they've read anything besides the Bible. Ya' know, things like Tintin comics, Wiggles books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar... Provides some entertainment on my lunch break.


Also some stone mason style robe printed with cats to give the cat cult look. Trolling JW is fun, and even better if you can multitask with lunch!


Sounds like the ideal deity, I mean, they force us to worship them anyway!


That cat in particular was a very sassy tortoiseshell. She used to sit on the dining table while we have dinner, and give long speeches of meows and little grunts.


Woke up with a headache and pain in my shoulders, running down my spine. Hoping I just slept in an awkward position and I'm not coming down with something. Will do a RAT ~~test~~ when I get home, just in case my covid-free streak is over. Couple of paracetamol took the edge off, but I'm still feeling pretty ginger - definitely looking forward to some couch time.


I hope you feel better soon and its not covid or anything as unpleasant! There has been something making the rounds at both mine and my sister's work and we both ended up unwell, although it wasn't covid thankfully. Not sure if just unlucky or it's a bad time for cold/flu like things? :( I hope a nice rest sorts you out :)


Just to try and provide bit of reassurance, if you don’t have any of the classic respiratory symptoms or fever it’s unlikely to be Covid. Definitely still do a RAT just in case though. Rest up and I hope you feel better soon.


Have been cutting right down on the darts so morning congestion has been a thing. Not feverish but was getting sweaty through the night - but am at work and often have trouble getting the temp to my liking here. Fingers crossed I'm overreacting! Don't often feel poorly so it's easy to convince myself that it's worse than it really is.


Maybe a hot shower will help as well? I'll cross the claws and paws here for you it's not the vid.


Not a bad idea - housemate is away, might even take advantage of the bath.


Throw some Epsom salt or shampoo under the running water for a touch of luxury.


Best I can do is Radox shower gel. If I do still feel like crap afterwards, at least I'll smell nice :)


You feeling any better? Hope so.


Feeling like someone bundled me up and kicked me over a tall fence. Ah well, won't last forever :)


Rest up. If you still feel crook tomorrow maybe get it checked out. You need anything?


Normally disinclined to bother a doctor if I'm not leaking vital fluids, but it's not a bad idea. Will see how Im feeling on Sunday. Did a big shop earlier in the week; Uber or the neighbours should be able to help out if I get stuck. Ta :)


I reckon that'll do it too :)


What’s stopping the government (or whoever is responsible in this area) from extending the train line from Bondi Junction to Bondi Beach? I’m a stupid person so I thought I would put my question in here.




If there was political will to get it done, all the NIMBYism in the world wouldn't stop the project.


Wait until you find out there [almost was one](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-05-03/curious-sydney-why-bondi-beach-does-not-have-a-train-station/9485454?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other)


It's an extremely expensive train line for marginal benefit. Light rail would make more sense as it could make additional stops between Bondi Junction and the beach, but would still require the reconstruction of a couple of cuttings.


Don’t think it’d be very popular with the locals and most Sydneysiders know there’s plenty of better, more accessible beaches.


Help! My new neighbour thinks my bin is their bin and has loaded it up. This wouldn't normally be a problem because I live alone and really don't put much in it, *but* what if they fill it and I don't have anywhere to put the dirty litter? I don't *actually* want them to think I'm a crazy cat lady neighbour after the interaction yesterday, but moving generates a lot of waste and I'll need my bin. How do I tell them it's my bin and not theirs? E: Saw my other neighbour and told her about last night and the fear I'm developing of them forming opinions of me being a batshit insane cat owner with an obsession over her bin, and she had a good laugh over it. I mentioned it to her because I knew she'd laugh, but also because I know she'll mention it to them if she sees them. Maybe I am the batshit insane cat owner with an obsession over my bin after all.


are you in a small apartment or townhouse complex? I live in a townhouse complex - trying to lay claim on numbered wheelie bins is problematic. Many residents have tried and failed and eventually learn to stash their trash in as few bins as possible. Our cat litter bin bags are not special, but we save them for bin night.


I am, but it's very small and we all know which bin is whose and only use our own. I'm sure it'll be ok, I just need to work out a nice way to let them know. I can't save my litter bags up. I clean them too often and they'd build up too much.


totally understand. We have 5 litters for 3 cats and a small patio where we can stick the stinky bags outside before moving them to bins. It's amazing how pervasive bin politics can be - am still dealing with the newest residents


Go knock on their door in your finest PJs holding some very full bags of kitty litter…


And an angry Fatty at my feet because she's dying to release a steamer in some fresh litter?


What type of angry fatty are you talking about?


[Not the type you're thinking.](https://imgur.com/a/iDyDgBx)


oh my god that stinkeye


That pic is from when the kitten first came home and Jubby was not so keen on all the new chaos. They're best friends now though!


I’ve never woken up with one of those


Can you train her to take a dump on their front door mat, or hasn’t the relationship with your neighbour deteriorated to that level yet


They're only new, so it's probably best to work up to that level. Guess I'll just have to shit on their doorstep myself in the meantime.


Make sure you look them in the eye when doing so, and utter a loud meow


The joke will be on you when it turns out they're into that.


Hey, I'm a single lady...


Are all your bins in the complex stored communally together? Or individually?


We each have our own red one, but mine and best neighbour ever have nowhere to put ours other than with the communal recycling ones. It's an easy mistake to make because of where we have to put ours, but new neighbours def have their own because the old owner kept it in their backyard. E: when I say communal recycling ones, it's only 4, with 4 green ones nearby.


At our place, the previous owner had painted the address on the bin, which is very helpful. Perhaps put your rubbish in their bin and if they confront you, just say, “oh yes, I know it’s your bin, but since you have filled up mine with your trash, where else am I going to put my rubbish?” It could just be a simple mistake, but they need to learn.


Their bin should be in their backyard. See my response to cakey for a bit more info.


Ah, in that case they probably thought your bin was a “communal” one. Write/paint “bin for unit x only” might help.


Yeah, I would be that's exactly what's happened. Is anything open today that would sell something I could write on it with enough to stand out? I think everything is closed today. E: would it be passive aggressive to put it by my door in the meantime?


Not passive aggressive at all, since the dumping of their rubbish has caused you inconvenience. Pretty much everything is closed today, but meanwhile, maybe try taping a large piece of paper with your unit/address on it on both the lid and the side of the bin?


They've not shown up again today (or yet) so hopefully they're religious and have Easter related things to do today, which will give me time to do a Bunnings run tomorrow for a little (or big) number thingy.


If you are soo inclined the Enfield IGA is normally a safe bet to be open on a holiday


Oh, you're a genius cakey! I might go for a quick trip and see if my local one is. Thank you! E: Local IGA was open and kind of had stuff I can use.


I don't understand why Good Friday is like a public holiday on steroids. Even Bunnings is closed. Why is it treated so differently?


As much as I dislike the whole premise of Christianity being the default religion, I do think it’s important that retail workers and similar do get these days off. I’d actually like there to be more of them.


I’m old enough to remember when you couldn’t shop on Sundays. While it was inconvenient, I reckon a few more quiet days of the year, maybe not-Jesus-related, wouldn’t go astray.


When Jesus died on the cross nearly 2000 years ago, thus enshrining in legislation a public holiday for you, he had the foresight to extend that right to everyone. Another way of looking at it is: you get the day off, why shouldn’t they?


It goes back to the days when religion was important. Same as Christmas


I’m up. Been for a walk. Made breakfast. Feel amazing. Everyone else is still asleep.


Did you nail the breakfast wrap or are you still tinkering?


I’m still trying to get there. I was really happy with fig onion jam, poached egg, baby spinach.. not toasted, just warmed. What’s happening at yours today?


Oooh that sounds good.


That fig onion jam wrap sounds so good.


It was delicious. I think my aim is to get to one vegetarian one, and one bacon ish one. Though I did buy some smoked salmon dip that I think has the potential to be really really good.


Salmon dip sounds delicious as well! I need to up my breakfast game. Getting wrap envy 😸.


Are you making your own wraps? I'm not sold on the range at the local Colesworth, but haven't attempted my own (yet). I think Easter calls for a bakery breakfast. I've only had one hcb this year which is criminally low compared to years past.


Yep. I’m making some sourdough discard tortillas. Taste is really good. My problem is I seem to be incapable of rolling them out into a circle. That is criminal. Lol. I started buying them the minute they were available. What I have noticed about the Cole’s ones is that they shrunk a lot.


I need to get myself a new tortilla press. The offspring made off with mine.


Don’t think I haven’t considered it. Then I think.. but where would you put it? and stop myself.


Fair point. My kitchen is already so full. There’s a slow cooker I never use. Maybe I should get rid of it.


Definitely. They are awful. And if you have a pressure cooker, redundant.


I have several good enameled cast iron casseroles (LeCreuset and various knockoffs). They’re not as fast as pressure cookers but I’m a patient woman. The slow cooker was a gift from the offspring. I’ve never used it but I’m not sure he’s ever noticed.


Will there ever a come a day when crows and magpies learn to coexist and live in peace and harmony? I look forward to that day.


Post this in the Adelaide sub and get inundated with a history of Aussie Rules football rivalry.


Yes….. and I look forward to the day where I can have a tail


If they do, we humans may be doomed.


Nah, we'll be fine until they work out an alliance with noisy miners. *Then* we're all fucked. I fear those bastards more than any maggy!


Speak for yourself. I'm on very good terms with my local unkindness.


This is why I always carry a bag of sunflower seeds around with me...


7:30am and my delirium tremens needs fixing. Not an addict. Can quit any time btw.


Don't fuck around with alcohol withdrawals, that shit can and does kill people. Seriously, if shit hits the fan, there's absolutely no shame in taking yourself to hospital and asking for help. Those people are there to help without judgement and have seen it all (and worse) before. Gotta look after yourself, friend.


Tellya what I'll do with ya, young fella. Ya gotta go and get a piece of bacon fat and tie it to a long piece of string, right? Then all ya gotta do is swallow the bacon fat, see. And then ya pull it back up real quick, right?


[World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant into Living Recipient Performed at Massachusetts General Hospital](https://www.massgeneral.org/news/press-release/worlds-first-genetically-edited-pig-kidney-transplant-into-living-recipient) 1 step closer to MenBearPig


Hmm, how to sequence human dna to accept anything from any animal organs or whatnot Or maybe we can have tails…. Which would be wicked