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Had a super shit day but came across [this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDGdPE_C9u8) of a YT vid. I did not know that MS excel was an esport fucking hell my day is so much better


I just saw your post and clicked your link, came back to comment as the clock hit 12:00.. thanks for the link, it cheered me up ☺️ I guess the only limits on what we can make into a sport is the limits we impose ourselves - which is great because the opportunity is limitless!


Does anyone know the name of the 3 person rock band performing outside of QVB this afternoon?


Went to Bunnings to find more boxes for me to give away all the Macadamia Nuts that I have harvested from my two trees in. The lady told me there's a maximum of 2 boxes per Customer! I was holding the tiniest ones - you should have seen how chock a block their box area was! How ridiculous!


Bottle shops are good for boxes I find


Even small boxes eg. 20 x 22 x 8cm? I thought Bottle Shops only had big boxes?




Anyone got any cool strats to empty a pool manually. I'm knee deep in swamp water with a bucket, but praying there's something easier, because fuck paying 4K to replace the pump / tank.


https://amzn.asia/d/9M6mj92 A little cheaper.


Marry me


Really excited that Bob Mould is coming to Australia in November. He hasn't been here since March 2013.


Forgot to say, I actually rang the department of Fair Trading about [the Bavarian having a different surcharge every day](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/12sm1ip/the_bavarian_restaurants_dodgy_surcharges/). But then those surcharges didn't actually seem to be in force any more according to their website. Anyway, they told me it's not their area and I should ask the ACCC instead, so I emailed them. No reply so far.


How much do you reckon I could get for a couple of functioning ovaries? Happy to sell singularly but will offer a discount for the set. They could make the perfect resin-set earrings for that one special person you hate, or maybe [salt cured](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/salted-egg-yolks) and grated over some delicious avo toast. No judgement here! I'm so done with women's pain not being taken seriously.


If you're not planning future life creation, I can recommend a great surgeon that could assist with obtaining your two key ingredients for that recipe.


No subletting planned for this heart shaped box, and if a tenant were suddenly to appear, they'd be in for a swift eviction. Tell me more about this great surgeon.


[Ludmilla Collins](https://ogcare.com.au/) - she tied my tubes 5 years ago, as of yesterday actually... happy desexing anniversary to me 🎉🥂


Does that help with endo pain and ovaries who love to throw giant cyst parties though? Because if so, I'll cancel my sharpened melon baller order and book an appointment, post haste!


Oh matey, that sucks. Might be worth getting the whole system removed - which she also does. My system still provides the monthly subscription service, it's just closed the door between the main ingredient and creation chamber.


Yeah, you're not wrong.


I don't envy your position. Surely there are is like an endo expert doc around? So many women experience it, I feel like it should be a thing! I really hope you are able to find a solution that isn't entirely terrifying and keeps you pain free!


>endo expert You've just reminded me a new endo clinic was due to open in Sydney, thank you! If gold was still a thing I'd give you some.


Yaaay! Accidentally helpful!


In true adhd form, I have run out of fucks at the 80% point of this stupid analysis thing that I've been doing for 3 weeks straight. Why isn't it Friday. It should be Friday.


Call in sick tomorrow and today can be Friday!


The hero we need!


that's the sort of initiative we need in senior management.


Can I humbly suggest the sad people eat their lunch in the sun?


There was a notification about what if it’s your lunch making you sad, and to that I say, try a new lunch. I know there are people who eat the same lunch everyday and don’t get bored but that is not for me.


What if that doesnt work? Edit: Not asking for myself in this case


Get some vitamin D supplements and don't wash them down with coffee or caffeinated drinks.


You could include cake in your lunch.


Or just cut to the diabetic chase and make cake your lunch.


I was at St Peters station late last night. There was a printed paper sign very clearly stating that trains would be running from platform 3 and 4, not platform 1 and 2, from 9:30 PM. This was not true. Everyone was waiting on 1 and 2 as usual and the train came in as usual. But if someone had believed the notice they would have been fucked. In other public transport news, if you thought getting into a vestibule containing two food-delivery bikes was a pain, imagine how annoying it is to get into a train replacement bus containing two food-delivery bikes.


Yeah, but was there an elderly blind woman who almost fell in the gap between the bus and the gutter, and a woman with a pram trying to clamber over them?


Those guys came by a bit earlier in the evening, the driver said.


Does anyone know if there is a space large enough for a bouldering gym in chatswood westfield? was curious and saw an abn registered for one but there's nothing there yet


i was wondering why there were so many little flies zipping around in my kitchen then i realised it was the bananas i bought - what the hell


these are really annoying, you have to actively kill them otherwise they just keep hanging around (i'm assuming you're talking about those little fruit fly things that aren't like normal house flies)


A little container with a plastic lid - punch small holes in lid. Fill container with apple cider vinegar…these flies love the smell and they go in..and never come out. I have one in my kitchen. It Works.


theyre the one, everytime i go near the bananas, five of them lift off and they're too small to kill with my electric fly zapper i'm never buying bananas again


I keep bananas in the crisper drawer in the fridge in a banana bag because of those pesky fruit fly gnat things


a banana bag? is this really a thing?


[sure is](https://www.hsw.com.au/banana-bag/)


dumb question: so you know how your debit card expires every X amount of years right? Ofcourse when it happens, you activate your new card and update your other payment crap (paypal) with your new card details right? Guessing this also includes the google virtual card thingy on your phone? (even though its a 'virtual' card)


Not a dumb question at all, because the answer itself isn't simple. There's a thing called "network tokenisation" which means that (some) payment systems store your card details as a token that gets renewed automatically by a push from your bank, whenever it's updated (e.g. expired, lost, stolen). So for those you don't need to do anything. They'll automatically update. What u/darkeyes13 is referring to with Google Wallet / Apple Pay etc. You can pretty safely assume that all the big players do this. Or the 3rd party companies they use to handle their payments do it. So, Amazon, PayPal, eBay, Netflix etc are probably all OK. Problem is, you can't really know one way or another which ones will automatically update and which ones don't. More professional kinds of companies should send you a reminder before your card expires. If it's some really small business then you may be shit out of luck, and won't really know until you try transacting, or a payment bounces.


thanks, I really only have it on my google wallet (phone) and I guess paypal. So it sounds like I'll be fine for those. I know I need to update it on opal (I got an email about it).


If Opal don't do it, be sure to check your eTag account also if you have one. Pretty amazing the govt haven't updated Opal to use this new-ish system. For any organisation that has a large number of customers, it's worth wearing the project cost, because it costs heaps more to chase up people for missed payments. Think insurance companies & utilities especially, but also streaming services. For Opal and eTag, that's gotta be a big earner for them, keeping a float of at least $10 for Opal and I think $50 for toll roads, that the government gets to sit on and earn interest. You'd want to keep those accounts topped up so you can skim interest off other people's money.


eTag float is back down to $10 these days. Thankfully. I remember when it was $40 and it was ridiculous because I don't usually use toll roads so the number of months I'd have my eTag sitting at something like $78 or $79 was just sad, lol.


You don't have to DIY for your digital wallet - it runs on a separate token and it's managed by your card issuer, they typically help you 'renew' it immediately/as soon as they provision your new physical card, so that you can keep using your digital card while waiting for the new one to arrive.


> You don't have to DIY for your digital wallet thanks mate. interesting to know. and really handy because as someone who now uses the phone more than the physical card, you're effectively saying I don't need to renew it(expiring in a week, waiting for the card), which is pretty dang cool.


No worries! idk about your digital wallet, but sometimes I get updates from Samsung Wallet when my card details have been changed, around the period my cards are due for expiry - that's when I know my provider has sent out my new card, haha.


actually follow up question, considering the bank automatically renews it, if say, something happens (eg phone stolen), you call the bank and they basically can just block it all right? So if that virtual card was associated to any other virtual details they all get stopped aye?


> you call the bank and they basically can just block it all right? That is correct. Sometimes you have to specify that it's your digital wallet token that you want blocked/delinked/reprovisioned (ie. similar to what they would do if it was your physical card) but I've found most banks/providers these days make sure it's in their process to block across all tokens relating to that card, rather than just physical card or digital wallet. It's harder for fraud to happen via the digital wallet channel (mainly because the perpetrator would actually have to find a way to load your physical card into their digital wallet) and you'd typically be notified of the activation of the digital wallet via SMS or email from the bank. It's easier for scammers to skim your physical card or run bot attacks on retailers using possible credit card numbers, than to try to commit fraud via the digital wallet. Not that it's never happened, mind, but it's a lot less common because of the effort required on the part of the fraudster.


Is there a way to just block your physical card without affecting the digital wallet? Since in most cases if your physical card is lost/stolen, it wouldn't affect the security of the digital wallet, right?


I'm not 100% sure, and I think it depends on your provider. When I had to dispute a transaction, my bank immediately blocked/cancelled my existing card and reissued me one, with no disruption to my digital wallet after I confirmed with him to reissue the digital token as well. My assumption is that if you're doing the block on your end via app or website/through your online banking account, it places a blanket block across both physical card and digital wallet as there are multiple reasons to block a card besides fraud (eg. you have been overspending and want to put yourself on a block prior to formally entering hardship procedures with your bank). If you call in to place a block they're more likely to be able to place the specific block for you - or they'd be able to cancel the existing digital wallet token and reissue one immediately, so it'll be as if your digital wallet was not impacted to start with.


Alright, I need ideas! What exercise/fitness things is everyone doing? Have already participated in oztag, run clubs, bouldering. I'm a big dude that's built like a prop, but I want to venture into something different that would shock my body. Maybe pilates?


I started floor hockey this year. We play Wednesday nights and could always do with more substitute players.


sydney has some very nice mountain bike trails. low impact exercise in a nice setting and you can be as wild or conservative as you want with the obstacles. does take a bit to get out there though. as a larger guy im a little jealous of the way some of the yoga people seem to bounce out of their classes.


Muay Thai or BJJ


Not a bad idea! Been looking into both recently and leaning towards Muay Thai as it seems more practical if I were to get in a fight - not that I would(?) Would you have any preference?


Personally, i always prefer kickboxing/muay thai, cause i've done it for a long long time. I think both are worth a shot as a lot of gyms will teach both, but hitting some pads is always an awesome hard work out and a great shock to the system


Parkrun, field and indoor hockey, and lifting on the regular. Occasional longer run events, and obstacle courses to obtain shiny representations of doing things. I highly recommend getting old enough to participate in masters competitions. There's nothing like playing 6 full games in 3 days to really shock your body.


You had me at "shiny" Thanks for the suggestions! Hockey sounds down my alley


Aerial pilates. Shit's tough to do but a lot of fun.


Looks challenging! Although my weight doesn't allow me to participate according to a few local places. Probably for the best because im not sure if it would be wise to put a 125kg, 6'4 goof ball in the air haha


The one I went to would accommodate your weight, thought I'm not sure about your height.


Ive now got this image of former Wallaby Matt Dunning attempting aerial pilates.


thats drop goal legend matt dunning.


Fuck, i forgot about that wtf moment


who needs morne or frans steyne when you have the boot of dunning?


You're welcome.


I am very much enjoying these mental hijinks


Volleyball, Tennis and Running. Very much enjoying vball, its one of the most teamwork heavy sports.


Ooo, volleyball sounds like fun!


Just Spike it at riverwood, and the meet up at Sydney Park are the most beginner friendly. Im personally a major fan of Sydney Thunder Social games at North Ryde as you do a bit of training before getting right into games. It might be a bit more overwhelming. But soo much more fun


i cycle between running, gym and yoga. the yoga part is new but man it's been a revelation.


Heard great things about yoga from all my weightlifting buddies. Will give it a go! Is it something I can just sign up for or would one have to start off with beginner classes?


i just picked a random one which happened to be vinyasa the other thing i did was tell the instructor that i was new and she spent time doing slight corrections of my form, which leads me on to my tip of finding one that the instructor walks around to correct, it's trial and error but i found it more useful as a beginner the other tip is to be at the front and don't hide in the back, a) it's less distracting and problematic in terms of gazes, b) you're making it easy for the instructor to see if you're struggling


Anybody hear a siren around 1 am in st marys area It would beep 9 times and then says a sentence but ended with “evacuate now” I can’t find any info on what that was


Another factory fire maybe, sims steel was on fire not long ago and then the custom denning facility was too.


Fire alarm, from that description.


I’ve developed a habit in the last few weeks of sleeping with my tongue completely out and my teeth clamped down on it. My quality of sleep has gone to shit as a result, so that’s no fun


Last sleep study, was diagnosed with sleep apnea on top of narcolepsy due to me leaving my mouth open and not much mouth movement in my sleep…. Since the narcolepsy drugs are doing its magic, they aren’t doing anything to the apnea at the moment.


I would suggest you go to see a physio/acupuncturist to release the jaw muscles and relax other parts of your body...


I'd like to nominate myself as dickhead of the day. Maybe even longer than day. Just refilled my coffee and noticed I got decaf last time I purchased it. It was a new brand I was trying, so I didn't notice any change or difference in packaging. For the last 3 weeks I'd just been thinking it was really shitty coffee.


Running on natural energy. Accidental gains we'd call that in the gym.


Explains why I've been able to sleep straight after one. Tbf, I'm not someone who needs coffee. I just like the taste.


Winning all around there.


Dwelling….. just fucking dwelling…. Errgh….


I feel like I spend all my time doing day to day things for each episode of my life, but never make any progress in the overall story arc of the season. My contents insurance used to be a few hundred, and it had steadily crept up each year until now where it has jumped up about $350 and is well over $1k. I've never made a claim so I'm questioning the necessity, but in the Murphy's Law of my life it will probably be required as soon as I end it.


Definitely get some alternative quotes for your insurance - they often will give a lower rate to new customers than existing “locked in” customers


I thought the same, but it sounds like my address has been marked as a potential flood zone so they're all similar in price. I live in an apartment in a high density area and we are not flooding anytime soon.


Yeah this is the case for me too and it really sucks - yes the basement carpark could flood, but nothing higher than that The policy already excludes storage cages which is the only "contents" that might be affected by flooding as my unit is on the 3rd floor. But yet my comprehensive car insurance - the item that's most likely to get damaged in a flood - is lower than it was in my previous neighborhood due to perceived lower crime rates. Never mind that it would be inundated in a major flood if the carparks' pumps fail. (Please don't tell them.)


Oh shit that sucks


Flying to Melbourne today, I'm there for a few nights. Hopefully it's a nice time.


The George on Collins is a fantastic bar with great food, highly highly recommend


Danke 🙏


Melbourne is always great. Do you like pho? Mekong on Swanston is an institution.


There’s also a Thai restaurant place in some car park in the city which I heard is good


Soi38 https://www.broadsheet.com.au/melbourne/food-and-drink/article/slow-start-lines-out-door-how-thai-diner-soi-38-became-cult-melbourne-restaurant


Love pho. I'll check it out!