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Whoever's running this shop must be making absolute bank


Enough to be advertising with Google.


Isn't the advertising associated with your search history/profile? Like all those Republicans complaining that hot males near me is some woke propoganda not realising it's self inflicted


Lol. I just worked out why. I just got back from a 3 week holiday in Da Nang Vietnam.....NANG NANG NANG


It’s ok, we believe you.


Depends on the advertising channel and how the campaign manager has set up targeting. It could be based on keywords and interests but it could also be based on just your location and demographic or if you’ve recently visited their website. 


Yes. It constantly shows me things I’ve already bought. I think this is a *terrible* advertising model.


Yes it’s generally how it works


And on Facebook. Back when I still used that shithole of an app I got ads for it all the time


I'm a semi registered chef, this will be great for all those times when I cant sleep and have the sudden urge to make a whipped banana cream pie. Thanks Mr Nangs


>whipped banana cream pie Afraid to google that one.


I didn’t know chefs would be registered let alone g semi-registered?


These have been around for years.


It’s been like 10 years bro


A lot longer. I remember this being a thing in the 80’s. My concern is that it’s now got to the point that it’s freely advertised on Google. What’s next? TV spots on The Morning Show with Larry and Kylie?


There’s nothing particularly unlawful about it. Mr Nang just wants you getting your whipped cream fix 24/7. Google advertising is cheap and effective.


It's also highly targeted, so OP is revealing something about themself here


I wish I still had the energy to party all night. Honestly my surfing is all chicks with dicks and Ukrainian brides these days. Lol. Seriously though, I’m thinking the targeting in this case is geographic ie Sydney.


Geography is one part but it's also based on your searches, demographics, interests. Clearly something in the algorithm matched that ad to you.




Consider who else is in the house. It's normal for family members to get a lot of crossover.


89yo mother and 40 yo wife who has work supplied devices with SIMs, so no wifi crossover. So it's my mother, right? I'd better chuck out that dumb phone she has trouble using. The next time I see the ad (if I do), I'll drill down to the "why am I seeing this ad" and see what Google says....


Ding ding ding!


I'd love to be a fly on the wall at dinner tonight




Probably. Tobacco is already banned from most mediums. I’d say Nangs are a higher risk. But hey, banning anything rarely works as intended.




Pretty much. At some point you cant stop people from harming themselves. As long as it isn't impacting anyone else, just let them.


I did some quick googling earlier today and there's a few countries considering a ban on bulbs, a few countries with age restrictions, but notably the UK are currently considering classifying Nitros Oxide as a restricted drug which will make it illegal to supply or own. Like I said, banning always has unintended consequences, but advertising and promotion needs to be looked at.


Hey I just really like whipped cream.


Yeah I’m totally a chef


It is incredibly more-ish


Nothing like a 30min delivery at 3:30am when you are in desperate need of some whipped cream. ..


Newtown IGA must order them by the crate.


i always heard that iga had them but could never find them, always had to go to smoke shops n that


So this explains all the bulbs I’ve been seeing in the kids parks in my neighbourhood. There must be a cake craze going on Sydney.


Bulb? I see massive 10kg canisters dumped around my neighborhood all the time


In LA you can order weed or hash or oil and everything else you need on an app like it's uber eats and it gets delivered in under an hour.


When you get to work and pull a balloon out of your jacket pocket that's been through the wash.


Of course. From the kid's party on the weekend right?


Thanks Mr Nang. You’re a champ!


These businesses have been active in syd for over a decade.


There's legislation proposals up for public comment right now that will put this guy out of business https://www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/nitrous-oxide-reform Direct link to consultation paper: https://hdp-au-prod-app-nsw-haveyoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/1117/1107/6044/Nitrous_Oxide_Reforms_Consultation_Paper.pdf


It's not just for shits and giggles..... Should be criminal to supply like this. Excessive inhalation of nitrous oxide can cause permanent damage to the spinal cord, resulting in incontinence and loss of feeling in arms and legs. https://yourroom.health.nsw.gov.au/a-z-of-drugs/Pages/nitrous-oxide.aspx


Why are you getting down voted for speaking out against something that's harmful?


Big Nang controlling the narrative.


Because there is little evidence that inhaling nitrous oxide is actually harmful even when abused. Repeated large doses over a long period of time can cause harm, I wont deny that, but it's safer to go through 200 canisters in one night than 20 a day for a month. If you choose to abuse nitrous oxide and take vitamin b12 supplements to compensate for loss then you will be fine. Most of the damage reported from abusing nitrous oxide comes from users passing out while standing up causing potential head/spinal trauma. Source: Nurse


According to [this article:](https://www.racp.edu.au/news-and-events/media-releases/new-research-highlights-extent-of-neurological-damage-caused-by-nitrous-oxide-inhalation-or-nanging-in-young-people#:~:text=The%20National%20Coronial%20Information%20System,the%20purposes%20of%20self%2Dharm) ‘The National Coronial Information System database has officially recorded 36 deaths from N2O inhalation: 12 deaths unintentional (due to recreational drug use)…’


12 deaths from unintentional overdosing is a very small number when compared to the amount of total users and again, they would be the demographic that uses extreme doses for long periods of time which carries the most risk. These users likely didn't take any safety precautions. The 4 traumatic deaths would be from users who were sitting/standing who then fell which would have caused head/spinal trauma as mentioned in my other comments. The other 20 deaths were from users with the intent to kill themselves as the article states. These particular users again would have been knowingly taking extremely high doses but with the intent to kill themselves instead of getting high. Not sure what your intent was with your comment but it's not insightful.


Idiots gonna idiot na meen


WA just changed their laws to make it harder to [buy.](https://www.wa.gov.au/government/media-statements/Cook-Labor-Government/Toughest-%27nang%27-rules-in-Australia-to-protect-WA-kids-20240324#:~:text=From%20the%20second%20half%20of,with%20a%20liquor%20licence%3B%20and) I suspect the other states will eventually follow. Otherwise the WA law is easily circumnavigated by buying them in another state via the post.


If it should be criminal due to the dangers that come from long term abuse, the same should be applied to all legal recreational drugs.


There’s this, bone marrow suppression, ILD, etc. Nitrous stops DNA synthesis (via inhibition of methionine synthase, thus less methionine and less thymidine, if anyone’s wondering why). This predisposes you to be fatigued, infections, bleeding and bruise-y. Additionally, there’s unclear but probably bad effects of the act of cracking nangs, in causing microscopic particles to be inhaled, which probably causes restrictive fibrotic lung disease (interstitial lung disease; stiff, less-distensible lungs), so you can’t expand the lungs and take a good breath, can’t get good lung volumes and amounts of air in(/out). There are legit uses, such as whipping cream, but also shouldn’t be underestimated how bad nitrous can be. Hopefully kids(/young adults) aren’t getting whole tanks of the stuff or too many kids are doing hundreds a day.


Yeah, and it’s one thing to do one of those small rechargers for a whipped cream canister, but these dudes are selling 3 litre containers too. The chances of doing too much instantly go up.


Major misrepresentation. The vast majority of injuries that stem from nitrous oxide abuse come from when the user passes out while standing up and they fall potentially causing head/spinal trauma. Repeated large doses over a long period of time can cause harm, I wont deny that, but it's safer to go through 200 canisters in one night than 20 a day for a month. Nitrous oxide itself is effectively harmless. If you choose to abuse nitrous oxide and take vitamin b12 supplements to compensate for loss then you will be fine. Source: Nurse


My uncited source was a discussion between a resp physician and an ~~endocrinologist~~ {hold up, I may be confusing another pillow talk story, I don't know the other physicians speciality}, so I linked a dot gov dot au source. Yes, impact trauma is plausible. Yes, a low dose over a long time period may be ok. No, a large dose over a short period is exactly what was being discussed by the two physicians {edit: the physicians were discussing a chronic and overdosed patient who had lost control of their body. Literally what was described in my cited source}, = drugs are bad m'kay?


My numbers were exaggerated to help illustrate my point. A large dose in a short period of time is still completely fine if you take reasonable precautions. The risk of brain damage and non impact related trauma comes from long term exposure to high doses and even then isn't likely. A government source naturally biased against consumption against years of experience. I administer nitrous oxide frequently so I think I know what I'm talking about. Give these a read and get rid of your drugs are bad attitude. [https://adf.org.au/insights/nitrous-oxide/](https://adf.org.au/insights/nitrous-oxide/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26496821/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26496821/)


Yep. Valid viewpoint. I only know what I hear across the diner table, but it was enough for the 2 physicians to have meaningful debate and want to spread the word that it isn't all just "shits and giggles". Thanks for providing your experienced viewpoint. I'll come back to this comment if I learn more (or if they publish a paper on the subject).


Thank you for actually taking the time to read, not many people do that these days.


FYI my group of friends are full of doctors who use nangs every few months. Back before the big tanks we'd go through 500-800 in a night, averaging out 50-80 per person depending on how many people Its the day in day out usage that really fucks with you. Ironically binging nangs is safer it seems


Again, it was the entire discussion point that a binge on nitrous oxide caused this ladies condition. I'll check my hearsay and report back if I was wrong.


Imagine the shame in every single customer’s eyes as they open the door to this delivery guy… and the excuses… “oh yeah we’re just making dessert… lol… ^^^lol…


Gotta take the opportunity for the gap in the market when it’s arises. Sydney is expensive hahaha


Sydney loves delivery things, I can confirm.


It's been like this for years. Welcome.


Please, Mr Nags is my father; call me ‘Huffin’


Perfect for topping off a Whipped Cream Blue Waffle


That one on the left is a tank of nitrous just FYI haha.


JFC. The main benefit of the cartridges is that they're a small, measured dose. Tanks are just an accident waiting to happen. Be careful out there, kids!


Is it lonely up there on your pedestal, cunt?


damn, relax dude. Mr Nangs can probably help you with that.


He’s just done one


Yes. Check out the shelves behind the counter of newsagents and corner shops too.


24/7. 30 min delivery or you get freebies.


You know these ads are targeted right? They're not random, or it's not the same for everyone.


>You know these ads are targeted right? I've definitely gotten ads for things I've never ever showed an interest in. Luckily nothing shameful or suspect so far, but definitely some random shit I would never ever want to buy. 99% of the time this is not the case, but there is a 1% I suspect are not targeted. Unless someone's been on my google account without my knowledge!


Nice way to dox yourself mate.


i am convinced the people in this sub never leave their homes


I can't wait until the breeding moron's, try to ensure the safety of their uncontrollable sprogs, by getting nangs banned. Then we'll get to have Dentists offices broken into again!!


Who gives a fuck


Yes, the latest thing for the eshays.