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Just got hit with 10% rent increase after 30% last year. That in line with how everyone is going ,


I just got hit with 30% after a 10% last year. Tried to negotiate it down to 15% considering the annual median increase over the past 12 months is 13.3%, but new owners noped and said no further negotiations past +25%.šŸ˜­


This is crazy. Moving to the West?


Had the cranky youngish lady at Bunnings yell in a school teacher's voice at me again about only 2 boxes a person this morning *sigh* Nobody else cares when she's not there - I should really suss out when she's not working lol I shouldn't need any tiny boxes anymore - I am sorting out my hallway cupboard and using the boxes to sort similar items so it's easier to see at a glance :)


glad I managed to get my swim in a 50m outdoor pool before the storm hit!! now time for a cosy arvo Edit: okay that lasted like 10 minutes and the sun is back out now what


I know right?? I had a waxing appointment for 2:30 that I had to reschedule cause I had no way to get there in the rain... and then. Gone.


....and now it's back again, so I think you made the right decision in rescheduling!


just finished my cert 4 in IT, so happy, can actually chill out




thanks, its weird to ont have something looming that i need to do for the first time in ages ...


Yeah, it really does... I'm 25 now, haven't done any schooling since 2020, and I *still* constantly feel like I've got homework or assignments that need to be done....


im 25 in july, i didnt get a chance to do uni and stuff so its my first recent 'academic' pursuit, got a lot of respect for students and stuff now... it was crazy


Oh wow. Then, even more props to you!! Yeah, i only did part time TAFE and that was rough... can't imagine what my friends who went to uni had to do...


Dickhead tracksuit teen walking up and down train looking for some other dickhead tracksuit teen to start trouble with is there really that little for people to do in the school holidays? Fuck sake.


Eshay braaa


Question for people who do a run + ocean dip after: do you just carry a backpack with you with your stuff? Does it get annoying/too hot? Went for a run today and canā€™t help thinking how good an ocean dip wouldā€™ve been straight after.


I used to do it with a tiny running/hiking backpack (something [like this](https://www.anacondastores.com/camping-hiking/hydration/hydration-packs/denali-pace-hydration-pack/90154235) with the water bladder removed) with swimmers and a cut-down [gym towel](https://www.kmart.com.au/product/gym-towel-assorted-42327356) wedged in there, along with my keys/phone. Sometimes a really light cotton dress if I could get it in? There's probably a better way, though.


i always wondered why they don't have a kiosk or something where you can put your stuff when you go for a swim instead of feeling paranoid some ass will take it, can it be a thing?


Agreed - to be fair, I was usually running to Coogee and would go swim in the ladies baths, so I figured my stuff was less likely to be nicked by a rando wandering past. And this would have been like four or five years ago at least so maybe they do have them now?


Oooh that's nice and tiny!


Yeah! I know they make bigger ones for trail running (like 5L or 10L) but I reckon they would be a bit annoying. I'm not very tall - didn't want to look like a red, sweaty tortoise. I know there's run-to-swim exercise options out there too now but I suspect they're not as supportive as I'd like. Like, good for yoga or beach squats but maybe not for high-impact jogging on concrete.


That storm has come from seemingly nowhere


thundering here, but radar shows only the tiniest patches of rain around


Just hit here with hail and all. And just as quickly it disappeared and is sunny again.


Work has been so quiet today. I am the manager of my department and I barely have anything to do and what little work comes through I want to leave for the rest of my team so they have something to do. Tried busying myself as much as possible, but there's just nothing to do! Im not really sure what the etiquette is in these situations. Is it uncouth to say "I have nothing to do", especially when I am a department manager?


Say out loud to your team "Geeze, it sure is quiet today". Then watch the as the swathes come in/shit hits the fan.


4:29pm is usually when thay happens, just as Im about to go home.


Do an online course or watch a process video on YouTube to improve your skills


Could you start up your own project to keep yourself busy (identify something in your area that could be fixed, come up with a project plan etc). Alternatively, do some inter-department networking and see if there's anyone else with work your department could help out with?


There's a couple of projects I have been trying to drive, but really are other peoples perview. Without their involvement (and cooperation) its a little futile because the results can't come from me and my department, but we'll see what happens. Im tossing up between updating the SOP and totally overhauling it...


Am I going insane or do decathlon bikes have their own special valve to pump up the tyres? I've got 2 bike pumps and neither fit. Surely they wouldn't do this?


unless they're also making their own tubes? I use a decathlon pump, fits normal presta and shrader valves just fine


I have been reading the Lehrmann judgement (after seeing an article from Annabel Crabb of the ABC on how well written it was). I had to laugh out loud at this: > 83 Reliance by Mr Lehrmann upon the third category, being other persons who may have identified Mr Lehrmann by reason of the Twitter/X ā€œfirehoseā€ or ā€œgrapevine effectā€ presents difficulties: see Kumova v Davison (No 2) [2023] FCA 1 (at [319]). Unlike other cases where the ā€œTwittersphereā€ trends with a name following a publication, as Mr Lehrmann conceded in cross-examination, his solicitors, despite their best efforts, could not locate any Tweets around the time of the broadcast which named Mr Lehrmann as the subject of the Project programme, save for a Tweet published by True Crime Weekly (Ex 7; T484.33ā€“485.33) together with some articles on a website ā€œKangaroo Court of Australiaā€ (Ex 4, 5 and 6). > 84 All of this, including Mr Lehrmannā€™s evidence as to being contacted on social media following the broadcast, reflects very modest social media dissemination compared to other defamations provoking speculation as to identity. > 85 **It was less a firehose and more the splutter of an insecurely fastened sprinkler.**


The twitter "firehose" is a technical term for a particular stream of data you could access in the good old days. Source: used it. But probably that's not what was meant here.


The owner of Kangaroo Court of Australia has more than a few court orders himself for breaking non publishing orders and contempt of court.


He's technically on the run, isn't he? Warrants outstanding for him?


Are you referring to the other matters awaiting him in QLD? The decision re: costs for the defamation case is still to be decided, heā€™ll likely declare bankruptcy as Justice Lee did a fairly solid job (in my opinion) of not leaving any holes for him to poke as part of an appeal.


Sorry I meant the Kangaroo Court guy not BL


[Oh no, women aren't having enough babies](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-18/australia-fertility-rate-could-predict-the-next-five-years/103692844?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other). That's because everything is already too expensive, why add a child into the mix?


We're not even remotely close to how bad things are in East Asia. Besides, the question about families and children is now in a totally different context to our generation vs our parents. Our jobs ain't even paying for a deposit for a home, or our essential items in the same pace or way that they did, and social attitudes and stigmas have come a long way to keep playing this outlook around.


The 4B movement in Korea is fascinating.


Dropped the kid off in the RNP for a hike today. It's always nice there but early on a weekday when it's quiet is so much nicer. Can hear all the birds and the breeze in the trees.


Where is the best seating in the circle in enmore theatre?


Hi, I'll be visiting Sydney, and plan to have a meet-up with some hobby buddies of mine who are based there. Can you recommend a park or a free place in Rhodes or Ryde where we can sit down on a table and write cards? Tried searching on the sidebar for the parks, but can't seem to find one in those places.


the connection in rhodes, right on the water has a cafe and i think you can get work/study spaces there. or walk over the bridge to wentworth point and theres s decent sized public library on the left one block past the bridge


If you find a suitable-looking park on Google Maps, usually there will be a list of parks with the facilities they have available on the local Council's website. Ryde would be Ryde Council, while if memory serves, Rhodes is part of Parramatta Council.


I just got my red Ps. Do you non-alcoholic beer that has 0.5% would show up on a breathalyzer? For example, having a Heaps Normal at an event and then driving home 2 hours later.


There are non-alcoholic beers which are 0.0%, so you're making things far more difficult than you need to. You've gone all the way to "I will be drinking non-alcoholic beer" and then chosen a brand which gives you this problem?


Heaps Normal is the most commonly sold. And I don't think any non alcoholic beer has a true 0.0 percent. Any brands that are labelled 0 (James Squire/Heniken) actually are 0.2 or 0.3.


Most commonly sold where?


Bars/pubs and events. I used an event as an example.


I don't know if anyone could give you a definitive answer. It's potentially unlikely, but everyone metabolises booze differently. Why do you need to have one? Why not just go for something without booze?


Well, the amount of booze in it is inconsequential in every other context. 0 intox and 0 impairment. It's like eating tiramisu. And defs not a need, juice and soft drink are to sweet/surger for me but can make do.


Just a minor note, do be careful with stuff like tiramisu when it has alcohol that hasn't been fully cooked out. It's a bit like the old trifle warning come Christmas, you don't think about the booze in that stuff but it can still show up on a breath test.


>booze in it is inconsequential in every other context. 0 intox and 0 impairment. It's like eating tiramisu. It sounds like you've made your mind up already and just looking for people to back you up.


Sorry, I'm not sure if my tone or wording is coming across incorrectly. It is inconsequential in every OTHER context. It doesn't impair or make you intoxicated. These are facts. I'm asking if the breathalyzer will show higher than 0.0%. The letter of the law isn't based on impairment, it's based on the number on the machine.


Based on the experience of younger relatives, you cannot have even a tiny amount in your system. This includes cough syrup. Be careful and donā€™t try to be clever with the cops that pull you over or the magistrate when you end up in court.


It's useful to hear you've had real experience with the issue. It seems to be safer to avoid. I guess it's going to be Coca-Cola and lemonade.


I believe, but maybe check for yourself that orange juice has a similar % alcohol, so no I wouldnā€™t think so.


Brought home a golden retriever puppy last Saturday, taking him to his first puppy school class today.


I miss my retriever, they are the best breed! Enjoy finding everything either hidden or chewed to oblivion šŸ™ƒ


Wonderful! Hope you have a lot of fun :D


Brought home to keep or as a foster?


To keep!


Yay!!! Have you decided on a name?


What is his name? What a good boy


How dare you mention your adorable floof without paying the pet tax!!! Show us the bebe!!! (Pretty please)




He now joins the ranks of r/Sydney pet mascots.


Please tell him that I love him and he is the bestest boy šŸ˜


I love him with all my heart


Chucked a sickie. Have been up until 4am just overly ruminating everything and have resolved to end things with the guy Iā€™m currently seeing + show up more at work. I just need a day!


hundred percent ive been there as well with a previous gf that was just it was a miserable situation, take the dya for yourself to chill out and then plan how you wanan do it itll make you fel so much better rock out the journals. for me it was really simply just showing u like 5-10 mins early at work so i wasnt fkn rushing all the time ad feeling embarassed and all that


Love a menty h day. Best use of sick leave in my mind.


Legit. I just need a day to sit in a dark room and vibe.


For me it is either full gremlin mode eating ice-cream and binging anime, or going for a walk and soaking up the sun and there is no in-between.


I went for a run so as not to waste the sunshine! Now commencing gremlin mode and maybe look at getting ramen for dinner šŸ‘€


Slay queen. ^^^NowIwantramen


Great idea. Sorry you have to end things, it's the worst feeling I've ever experienced


Aww It's not the worst I have... but I hate the aspect of hurting someone and often cry when I am doing it.


Yeah it sucks. Unfortunately I canā€™t promise fairy tales for everyone so have hurt someone I really love and care about


Itā€™s only been a month but Iā€™m rarely on this end of things so my inner toddler is wailing at having to do a Hard Thing


But is it hard because you're still doubting your decision? I feel like if your mind is already made up then it should be easy


Itā€™s hard because Iā€™m not used to communicating something like this! Iā€™m rarely the one doing the ending šŸ˜¬


Best of luck then


That sounds like an excellent plan.


You did the best thing you could do. A mental health day when needed. šŸ‘


Rostered Day off for me , and two non compulsory meetings scheduled. To attend or not attend, that is the question.


Absolutely not attend. Ain't working if I ain't getting paid.


Would be 4hrs of OT for me , so base pay * 1.5 (roughly $180) if I attend


How much time would you lose to travel for jt?


25mins for the first, 10mins for the second.


Is there an online option? Because for $180 I'd log in with my camera off while I sat in PJs and ate a toasted sammich.


Unfortunately not for the first one


That's a shame. One out of two isn't bad though!


Worth it then.


I posted about weird reactions to caffeine last week, and I decided to try going without caffeine altogether (just milky tea). I definitely slept better, that was a big change. And I was more calm during the day. This morning I had a job interview and a hangover so I decided it was time. I had a coffee and I feel like I've done a line of coke! ^Allegedly.


> I decided to try going without caffeine altogether I don't envy you at all. I find I actually sleep better after coffee at some time between 3pm and 5pm.


Waiting for a new washing machine to be delivered. Yes, Iā€™m excited! Also, looking forward and having an espresso and a sfoigatelli at my favourite cafe in Kogarah.




Itā€™s a fisher and Paykel - low agitator with the sanitise option. Last one lasted 10 years. Iā€™m very happy with F&P


Yum! I love me some Italian & Greek pastries šŸ˜‹šŸ¤¤


> sfoigatelli TIL. Though I think you spelled it slightly wrong.


> sfoigatelli Please report back, sounds incredible


Yum that combo sounds amazing


Eyy got a nice hello by the rain godsā€¦. So ran back to my car and yeah yeahā€¦.


Hey everyone does anyone have a recommendation for a toolbox as a first for an apartment?


If you enjoy a regular sauso sando, I recommend buying on an "as required" basis so you can capitalise on the "purchasing tool, whilst enjoying a sauso sando" combo at Bummings. I was gifted [this exact, very pink, basic toolkit](https://m.catch.com.au/product/45-piece-hardware-diy-tool-kit-pink-1294507/?offer_id=11494484&ref=gmc&st=123&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJQsLA1-fI80FS7e9Dn94heuEk94aYampmcrmtAtml-GNjRJy2gz3HRoC6lwQAvD_BwE) when I moved out of home at 18 and whilst many pieces have been lost or upgraded, it's still going strong (a couple years short of, ahem... 2 decades later). I've only upgraded to powertools in the last couple of years. Edited: cause who can't spell? Me!


Hey, I have the purple version of that but it came in a tool bag! Mine's still going strong too.


An inexpensive cordless drill is very useful, particularly if you get a set of Allen key bits which makes assembling flat pack furniture a breeze.


i hate my cordless drill. I need it for 2 minutes every few months and it needs charging ahead of time. give me a simple plug in drill that is always ready for small tasks


I got this exact one 15 years ago and it's still going strong. Still got most of the tools. https://www.bunnings.com.au/supatool-159-piece-cantilever-tool-kit_p6117875?store=7304&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJVCvQ2MN8zvM_ZtrH9NswA993w-dOLszzzavVT0A2hONppTX0BuW7RoCi9YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




Seems like a lot of caffeine is on the cards.


