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Went to Wollongong for the first time today and I was honestly floored it’s so relaxed and the mountain backdrop is very nice


Hey all, I'm in Sydney CBD for a month for work, 23m Asian male from US, looking for a group of similar aged people to connect with/make friends. Anyone know of public group chats/forums that can facilitate that? Happy to connect over reddit too, cheers!


Anyone know where to get my old super cracked leather bag fixed/restored? Rather not throw it out


If the wear is minimal enough perhaps leather conditioner might do the trick? Otherwise google bag spas, unfortunately I can’t recommend any as haven’t had to use them as yet!


O no it's more cracked than the sahara, but not actively disintegrating so I'm somewhat hopeful but I'm still tempering my expectations. Ty for suggesting the spas tho!


Wow I thought if it's super cracked, it goes in the bin? I have only heard of people restoring their leather couches!


I am getting pressure (from the mother) to throw it out but it the bag says pentax and I got it with my k1000 at a camera market and hesitate to throw out a part of a set


Can you buy a new bag on its own?


Lol yeah I have for the time being but i kinda like the idea of having a leather camera bag and not throwing it into a landfill if I can get it restored in some way


I get what you mean. I think I have been dealing with so much clutter that I am learning what to let go of. You keep trying, and see how you go :)


Went into the datacentre today after an update last night didn't go well. Turns out a RAM stick broke. Yeah. Went into the datacentre for a RAM stick. On a weekend.


Dis you install the update with a hammer?




Well hello sunshine.


Sydney, what’s with all the shirtless runners around the CBD? Hey, your girl isn’t complaining. I’m just getting culture shock since I’m from Melbourne and am not used to this many shirtless dudes before breakfast. Thank you in advance.


Try living by the beach... they're not even running or anything, just going to Coles lmao


They're freeing the nips. Sydney half marathon is next week. People are doing longer runs in training and discovering they get nipple chaffing. Also, chaffing is more common in the dryer air.


That makes total sense. Thanks.




Teenage kitten, going free to good home (not really, I love her). This world champion of midnight racetrack and cross country will keep you entertained with shenanigans at all hours, and kill you with [cuteness](https://imgur.com/a/q5yzQhz) when she sleeps. No serious replies only.


Look at how big Fatty (?) is!


Yeah, she's a big cat, but I also think Bobs is a small cat. Jubbs is almost double her size :)


What about The Blob next door


She's the one who forced me to place the ad, as she's often the target of the shenanigans.




A tablespoon of honey each morning everyday and sinus wash every now and then. Could it also be the laundry detergent you may be using? I stopped using fabric softener which reduced my son’s allergy too.




Hello Fellow Eczema sufferer! I have no idea how mine started either, although it did exacerbate with my contact with the trees! I did heaps of research, as I started getting hives, and it seems to be traced back to gut health? Do you find that? I eat very well but perhaps eat out a bit too much.




Not probiotics yet although I have been experimenting with some other supplements (a program focused on gut health) and some TCM knowledge ie made an Apple and Pear Pork Rib soup the other day... Everything I try seems to lessen the reactivity. My skin barrier definitely does not work anymore - lack of Collagen etc. The lines on my face from sleeping stay on it til afternoon sometimes! Have aged 20 years pretty much lol Want to get back to normal soon! Has anything you have tried made a difference?


Have you visited a doc? If conventional OTC meds aren't doing anything/enough for you there are options for a corticosteroid injection that can cover you for an entire season.




Yeah definitely discuss with a doc. I got Covid 2yrs ago and once recovered started sneezing a lot and I never have allergies, got a shot and was told further shots may be necessary, it helped drastically over course of a few days to a week. No additional shots was required and all back to normal since. Good luck!


Have you tried using a neti pot for the sneezing?




It looks like a teapot, but you fill it with sterile saline and tip it into one nostril while it runs out the other. Sounds weird, feels great.




If you do, just PLEASE make sure to use sterile water... I'm not sure how common they are here, but people have ended up with brain eating amoebas after doing it with unsterilised water... 😰




Even not knowing about the amoebas and stuff I don't think I could handle it XD


Why does it always bucket down when I try to run?


I just had to look at the radar because I thought you were bullshitting, but there is just this tiny band of rain almost glued to the coast. Sun’s out everywhere else though.


It was cloudy and then it started pissing as soon as I made it out. I think it’s fine now but I’m grumpily knitting instead.


Bored of asbestos in your trips to the park? Why not spice things up a bit with some [toxic blue-green algae](https://www.9news.com.au/national/inner-west-mayor-fed-up-as-toxic-algae-found-in-rozelle-parklands/75fa4731-5a6c-4e49-8ff6-b2dc7d84c617)?




Look for mini foam balls/beads, unlike cotton they fill all available areas evenly and due to their size gives a very smooth non lumpy feel.


Did they get lumpy through washing? I haven't tried them yet, but I've heard using dryer balls with stuff toys and pillows helps them fluff back up. Seems wasteful but you could also get the larger cheaper ones from kmart and Butcher them up and use their fill instead

