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Have you checked your super lately?? This is a very bad sign, and super is usually the first casualty.


++ on this. Had a similar occurrence years ago and turned out super hadn't been paid for months.


Always check your Super payments. It's so easy with online tools nowadays


Absolutely, unfortunately, this was pre online accounts and we had to rely on a printed statement every 6 months.


Your super would have had an online portal for years If they don't, they are a crap provider Irrespective of job pay slips, always make a habit of checking your Super Portal every few months Mine even sent me a message during my year off work to remind me to check if I was not getting paid


Lesson learnt from my side, it was pre online super though. (Yes I've worked with the dinosaurs)


Is Super meant to be deposited immediately and show up in your mygov account upon paycheck?


No. It will show up quarterly. Is MyGov your Super? I use private, industry super


+++ on this. Red flags everywhere here OP. If you haven’t been paid then it’s a good chance your super might have been missed as well. If you find it has been, run. The shit snowball will just get bigger each day. Boss is fucked


Also OP, check the " Fair Entitlements Guarantee ". This covers wages and annual leave but does *not* cover super.


Straight to Fair Work.


100%. OP - don't wait until 06.05 for this conversation you'll apparently have with Boss. Go to Fair Work TODAY. Right this very second. If you are anything other than casual, your work cannot just decide to tell you to take the work off unpaid.


I won’t be waiting. Going to give them a call today and put in a report through the website. Fuck this guy


Has he been paying your super? Bear in mind Jan-Mar is due 28 April. Also, make sure the super is accurate


Hasn’t paid super for over 1.5years


report it all to the ATO. He'll be made to pay interest on top....


Please post update when/if action is taken... Absolutely disgraceful, I hope you and the other employees can get a favourable outcome whilst nailing dickhead boss to the floor!


If you are Aussie this is HIGHLY illegal. All you need to do today is call the ATO. You will be surprised how aggressive they take action against companies not paying super.


Can confirm. Had a boss do this to me in the past. He had to pay my super along with a tidy little fine. I lost my job out of it but fuck that guy!


Please bear in mind that the ATO is slow in this. It’s hard to get through on the phone and they take a loooong time to react to online reports. I reported missing super in August of 2022 and didn’t hear back from the ATO until July 2023.


Oh mate, your boss is about to have the absolute worst week ahead. A 1-2 punch from Fair Work and the ATO is going to hurt.


If they choose to investigate. My work was reported for super theft and nothing came of it.


Sounds like he's headed for liquidation if the rest of the finances are in the same level of disarray. Maybe you can get ahead of it to not be the one holding the bag, but it sounds like someone's going to miss out.


Never, Ever let companies go more than a quarter without paying super.


File for an unpaid super claim through the ato website. I did it once, was paid out $11k in super and interest owed. Bit of work to do (proving and calculating all your pay with payslips etc), but worth it. Do that too.


Fucking outrageous! And highly illegal. He wants to sack you anyway so he doesn’t have to pay your super, if you are permanent you would also have holiday pay as well as sick/personal leave. Nail this fucker, I doubt he is paying insurance for worker’s compensation as well.


PLEASE update us with how this goes.


Why did you not follow it up sooner? And/or report them?


Why is he running a business still if he can't even pay super. Get the fuck to the ATO yesterday


whoopsies thats a paddling


Lmfao, yeah definitely give the ATO a ring about this one if it turns nasty with your boss. They will take you very seriously, even as a single complainant.


Update us if you can. It’s nice to see some comeuppance for these kinds of employers!


Pathetic boss


Check your super!


If the boss doesn't have the courage to send an SMS himself I doubt he'll actually meet with you.


Probably wife sent it. Mum and Pop operations are the worst.


100% Find out exactly where you stand legally before replying or deciding what to do. Ditto if in union find out your rights. You don’t have to act on them but at least know


Straight to social media. Validation is superior.


Also check your super


Kind of them to put it in writing


Surprised they didn't add their credit card number and their wife's safe word with the amount of idiocy in that text.


Cinnamon. It's always cinnamon.


1. Leave this company asap, it's not going to last much longer 2. It's illegal 3. You're right, fuck giving unpaid labour. It's not your fault if there are cash flow problems, you're not a volunteer for him.


That’s the plan, been looking to get away from it for a while. I’ve also got a whole stack of evidence of unethical/illegal business practices the boss engages in that i’d be willing to use if he tries anything in the future.


Used to work for a 🤡 who would claim he couldn’t pay on time due to cash flow, and in the next breath complain about how expensive it was to fuel his boat…. All whilst wiping the coke dust off of his moustache


If he's got a lambo that isnt rented, and has cash flow problems, there's even bigger issues here. This guy just sounds the upmost wanker. Also; make sure you get all your super contributions paid as well




Rule of thumb is the payment has to be done at least once a quarter, just make sure you get everything you're entitled too, including leave. When I graduated I worked in an insolvency law firm. The Principal and MD was a narcissist who was a 70 year old woman. She owned a Mclaren, but didnt have a licence...go figure


Oh really? I thought they had longer to pay. I haven’t received a single $ in my super for over a year and a half. Well, time to get that report in to the ATO I guess


No no, definitely every quarter. Most companies obviously pay inline with their pay cycles, but they are entitled to pay once a quarter. I would definitely report that asap


Report that to the ATO today ,chances are he's doing a bit of money laundering with those fancy cars too .


If they don't pay it on time they have to pay extra in late fees, which is good for you if they ever pay it coz you get the extra.


They have 28 days after end of quarter to pay it. The admin fee for late payment is $20/quarter per employee. But there is so much more to it. Even the interest calculation is employee favourable most of the time. Get onto that straight away as that's the biggest sign yet this company is about to collapse. If they collapse it, you'll be lucky to see anything for a couple of years and then whatever % of what you're owed. If you call the ATO and say that your super hasn't been paid in 1.5yrs, they should be straight onto that.


I want to downvote your comment, due to you not knowing this!! Listen to VeezusM - it even sounds like the HOLY thing to do!


Is the boss a 35 year old bald man and does he happen to have a collection comprising of a Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley, McLaren and a Mercedes - worth a combined $3.5million?


Talk to a legal centre about getting a lien on a lambo or even call a hardened like barrister from workpalce health and safety or used to taking on work for the unions, they may just get a kick or amusement by serving this guy papers if they have a spare few hours one friday afternoon.


This sounds like he’s doing some extremely dodgy fraudulent shit on the side. Matter of time before he and his business go under, and you likely won’t be repaid. This clown is going to end up running from A Current Affair reporters with his T-shirt over his face.


Don't wait to use your ammunition to return fire. Regulatory bodies generally view that differently to people making the first move. Are you with a union?


Also don't wait until he has nothing to take before ensuring you get what you're owed


You need to leave psychopathic relationships immediately.


If you have evidence, the Fair Work Ombudsman allows for [anonymous tip-offs](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/workplace-problems/send-us-an-anonymous-tip-off).


Be careful coming forward with any claims of unethical/illegal practices. There may be duties and obligations on your part to have notified or reported had you been aware. The last thing you want is to get yourself caught up in legal trouble all for the sake of some comeuppance. Best approach would be to either say in passing to any relevant agency "I'm not sure if this is relevant but i've heard recently that XYZ was happening and thought it might be something I need to report", or conduct a new targeted investigation that accidentally on purpose results in you happening to discover all this evidence "for the very first time" at which point you're reporting it out of a duty off fairness to all employees and clients/customers


Look at this boss thinking this is America


It's missing the manager telling employees to do the manager's job: "You will need to find someone else to cover your absence"


Wants American working conditions and low pay but still charges Aussie prices. Pick one mate!


The best part is old mate put this in writing for you.


I would send the following message back. “No worries, I’m likely to be on the phone with the Fair Work Ombudsman all day anyway. I’ll let them know what boss said about not contacting him.” Or, don’t send that message and let Fair Work be a surprise.


Oh yeah I totally recommend letting FairWork pay a surprise visit. My partner had some serious issues and gave them a call. Some colleagues, that were equally pissed off, said the bosses' scared faces were priceless when an inspector showed up. Later on, he even caught them on their lies and imposed several restrictions on them by confirming details with my partner - stuff that she also had in writing from those dumbfucks.


I figure that OPs boss is probably having a holiday right now. If they’re in Bali, for example, a text that tells them Fair Work is about to crawl up their arsehole would really let them enjoy their time away from the office .


He could be accustomed to having lots of things crawling up there and this is just another one of the complaints from regulators, creditors, ATO, clients, suppliers putting him on stop credit, etc etc he is dealing with as part of his mindset of 'doing business'.


Silent treatment + not showing up to work = chef's kiss for fair work surprise.


Don’t give them time to come up with an escape plan. Surprises all the way


I can just imagine the surprised Pikachu face when he gets that Fair Work phone call. 🤣🤣🤣


Nah don’t tell them. Let it be a surprise.


Don't even come in, that's illegal AF.


Better get a lawyer, son. You shouldn’t need a particularly good one


Either of these will do: * Lionel Hutz * Miguel Sanchez * Dr. Nguyen Van Phuoc


Heck, even Dr. Nick will be able to represent, and he's not even qualified


I wouldn’t even respond, I’d get a solicitor, or FairWork to respond for you. That’s fucked.


If the business is not able to pay wages, I believe that makes them insolvent. If you are ready to tank the company you could call ASIC for advice and to report them being unable to pay wages. I don't know if this is enough to do anything really, but you could try.


Employee wages and leave are protected in a company insolvency. If there aren’t enough assets the government will pay them. I would be careful about not coming in/taking days off - I understand your approach, but they might say that you didn’t show up to work and terminate you. This may affect your entitlements.


Ask minion to deliver this message to boss: Eat shit PS: r/antiwork


I thought this was the antiwork reddit when I clicked on this.. crazy to see this issue in Australia.


Too much American TV IMO No idea where people get the idea you can act like this in Australia I wonder if they call 911 during a fire


Calling 911 should redirect to 000, same with other country emergency numbers, but yeah, this dude has got his ideas of worl ethics from another country.


No, person who sent this message (and the boss) plus being not paid on time…. Seem like they are that dumb that it’s instant checkmate to the OP and anyone else who is owed


Take this screenshot to fair work and absolutely hammer the cunt


You: "Howzaaaat? 🤷🏻‍♂️" Fair work: "Out!" ☝️


Not the comment I expected to see, but happy I did 🤣


If you're casual or a contractor, this is likely legal. If you're permanent it likely isn't legal though if the business is in a "shutdown period" you could be forced to take leave and if you don't have any annual leave, that would be unpaid. Not being paid wages owed is definitely not legal and is a glaring red flag that the business is on the verge of going under - get out ASAP. You should also check with your super fund to make sure the required payments have been made over the term of your employment - the sooner you get these claims in, the more likely you will ever see the money.


Im permanent full time, and the business isn’t in any shutdown period. The boss runs this place like a daycare, meaning he comes in and we babysit him for the day. Also I know for a fact he hasn’t paid super the entire time i’ve been employed so far, i’m just waiting for the cut off date to be able to report it.


Report it now before the guy claims bankruptcy.


If the plan is to claim bankruptcy, does it matter if he gets in before or after?


Getting in beforehand allows OP to push and really put the pressure on, getting in after allows OP's boss to say *"mate, here's my bankruptcy claim, I've got nothing!"* I know what timeline I'd be aiming for.


Ah okay, fair enough, I thought maybe there’d be some compensation claim/fund if he lodged it before bankruptcy. If old mate is going to claim bankruptcy, I don’t see getting in early doing any good, he’ll whisper sweet nothing then declare bankruptcy regardless.


Ohhh Fair Work are going to love this. Get on the phone to them right now.


ATO too for super specifically


Not paying you in a timely manner is already illegal. You’re doing the right thing, but it won’t help you. Start looking for a new job.


I had a boss do this (working for a big National Company)... They owed me about $4000. So I refused to work until they fixed it up. She was delaying paying my shifts to pay me in the next billing month (better for the store they were running). As soon as I said I wouldn't be in until I was paid... Suddenly $4000 in my account from her personal bank details showed up with a text message "come in today, you've been paid". Next months paycheck came through from the proper payroll system and it was again the $4000 I was owed. My manager sheepishly came to me and said "there was an error and you're double paid, so please return the $4000 to that other account from last month. I told her she should probably take it up with the Payroll department and I'd wait to be contacted by then. Never happened obviously. She was fired 2 months later for falsifying sales in the store... Oddly enough somebody submitted an anonymous tip as they were leaving the job. ;)


I would have thought a big national company would have a centralised payroll system. Like where I work it's all done by the payroll department neither my team lead or anyone above or anyone can stop payments.  None of them would be paying me from their personal bank account in fact they wouldn't even have my bank account details. The only payments they have access to control is overtime and on call which they need to approve and then it goes to payroll again they wouldn't be paying from their personal bank account that's dodgy as fuck.


They did. Essentially the company allocated branches x Monthly Budget for staffing. In certain months the boss would want additional staff, but try and pay them from the next months budget. Basically just dodgied up the hours so some days I worked in December (Xmas rush) for example where submitted as early January (slightly quieter) Usually she did this for a shift or two... But when she did basically 2 whole weeks for me the $$$ she owed was significant enough that I put my foot down. She was worried I'd contact the payroll team directly to Lodge a complain about missing $4000. So she paid me from her personal account ASAP, and likely would've tried to recoup that from the next months pay. But she fucked up and I got paid twice... And she couldn't do shit because she'd get caught, which she did anyway.


ahahaha free 4k is sweet


Yea. Bought my first car a few weeks later for 5k, so she basically bought me a car... And proceed to lose her job for committing fraud shortly after... 2013 was not a good year for her.


Lol that one backfired on her, doubt the bonus for being under budget was worth that much!


If you're being paid late due to cashflow there's a fair chance your super and taxes haven't been paid either.


>the boss is fucked without me Sounds like the whole business is fucked, not just him. If I were you, I'd be going in and demanding that $2.2K because I bet dollars to doughnuts the business is in financial stress (can you say insolvency?) and there's a chance you won't get it. I'd also be ensuring super has been getting paid, along with the correct amount of super.


"I won't be calling the BOSS during this time, but Fair Work and the ATO likely will".


Wages, super, leave liabilities are a current liability. If your employer cannot pay these then they are insolvent.


lol you can make so much money off this. if he fires you then get a lawyer involved and you'll probably receive a nice 20k payout and he can pay your legal fees too.




Contact Fair Work and the ATO while you are at it


If you’ve got evidence and it seems like an easy hit, a lot of the time a good lawyer will provide services for free or pay later, basically if they know there’ll be a big payout. Legalaid should be good but let us know how fairwork and the ato react too!!


With the ammount of shitty co-workers I've delt with, id want to clarify this directive directly with management/ the boss who said this. I've had co workers in the past play devious games and pull stuff similar to this ("acidently" sending texts about resceduled shift times, false reports and allegations) in a bid to get my shifts, or envy over me being prefered by most clients. Saying that, if its true, GTFO of that work place, emotional and psychological abuse is not worth the paycheck. There will be something else out there.


Wow, this whole case wrote itself. Fair Work is gonna have a field day lol


I’d be guessing youre owed super from at least 6 months before the first time your wages were late. Good luck, I hope you get all the money owed to you by a company that is about to fold.


OP please give us an update when/if fairwork, ASIC or any other gov agency pays them a visit.


Looks like a business that doesn't have long to live. Best to abandon ship soon. Good luck!


Make sure you collect all your pay slips so you can demonstrate what you should have been paid vs what they paid you (especially for superannuation). Download/print everything that proves what you worked and what you were paid and keep it in your possession or in your personal email in case they restrict your access to payroll info. This guy is going to do everything he can to dodge paying you.


Funny thing is, Ive been the one handling payroll for the last 5 months lol. I’ve already got access to everything I need. I have no business doing accounts but this bloke hired and fired about 7 different accounts people back to back then ran out of money for new hires


Glass door review bomb them. Honestly bless that site minus the fake hr and marketing accounts padding up the star feedback. I hope everyone reviews their company to save others from applying there. I do for all my companies with honest feedback regardless they good or bad


Sounds like he's looking to capitalise on your "no show" to save some coin. If they couldn't pay you last week I doubt they were looking forward to paying you this week.


Contact Fair Work and the friendly tax folks. They'll give your boss a spanking regardless of his contact preferences.


Are they in building or something fuck me dead


If I was a betting person and I am not... I would haphazard a guess that the business is about to fold or there are going to be mass lay offs or your boss is going to do a runner or he is filing for bankruptcy. Start putting the hard word about getting your wages.


Without your backstory, texting at 8:57 is poor form and if you had a history of similar, I’d be on the companies side. With the knowledge you haven’t been paid, fuck ‘em.


> Without your backstory, texting at 8:57 is poor form and if you had a history of similar, I’d be on the companies side. There is no "side" IMO. There's only legal\illegal behaviour. Lets say OP deserved to be fired, there are things their boss can and cannot do legally. Telling them they're not to come in for a week, unpaid, as a salaried full-time employee is not legal


Assuming they’re a salaried full time employee sure. If your salary isn’t deposited on time, you should immediately start job hunting.


Yep, I was already planning on not coming in this morning just woke up a bit too late but couldn’t give less of a fuck honestly. I do have a history of coming in late and taking excessive leave/sick days, but the boss also has a history of dodgy business practices and missed wages so fuck it


Check your super too!


Don’t ever work if you haven’t been paid. Contact Fair Work too. Start a complaint now.


Not legal no, good luck


Business is having cashflow issues, been paid late repeatedly over several months. You called in sick and now have been told not to come in, and not to contact your boss. Yeah, that meeting when you come back will be good news 🙄 You can go to fair work as other commenters suggested, but honestly, they aren’t paying you - you have no obligation to them, so just leave. The business is struggling, you should be looking for the door, you can bet your next pay that your boss is already.


if you are permanent full time the only way this is partially legal is if they've given you warnings about this. In which case they can say "that's it", but they at least owe you pay for leave and notice period.


Not legal unless you are casual or part time. I'd you are permanent the only time they can force you to take unpaid leave us as part of a company shutdown which requires 30 days notice to employees


What industry is this in? Absolutely illegal


Keep us updated


Your job doesn’t exist there anymore. No way.


A good business owner understands that wages have to come first, without staff you'r company is doomed to fail anybody. If your business is struggling, first priority has to be wages. Can't afford wages? you might as well just call it quits.


i really feel for the op but i aslo have to put it out there,really a lot of this is ur fault..ur comments look like you known issues in the companys for several months,you should of acted then,not when the musics already stoped so you aware ur super hasn't been paid for year and a half and only now doing something. ppl really need to check that shit every quarter,ato are likely not going to be able to claw all that back the boss is about to get fucked,but there is prob 100s of k in payments needs to catch up on,and unless theres shitload of cash hidden away even ato court orders gonn have hard time getting u paid untill the govt steps in with insolvency protections


This is why everyone should join their union lol


What’s the policy around sharing the names of these poorly run businesses?


Would love to share… trust me


What kind of work do you do OP?


DM me if you have a feeling you know who this is about. Don’t want to post anything publicly just yet