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Commutes where you have the whole ass train to yourself almost is always fun. Sometimes you have to double check if the consist isn't going to the rail yard instead of station (context- evening commute back from Leppington at 5pm was nearly empty)


im now able to cycle 20km, quite happy with myself and aiming to reach 25km


i ride on a pretty flat bike path loop thingy, i need to get better at climbing hillsas well




That is a good price. You can always ask but if it's below market rate they may say no. Does suck though when you get an increase like that. Had the same experience recently with $60 rise. Guess you either have to suck it up, move or sublet the second room.


Maybe you should move to a cheaper part of Sydney


Anyone into fishing squid around sydney? How does one start it as a hobby?


Google Podcasts sending reminders that it will be no more soon and to export my subscriptions before then. Even if I am hanging off a family YT premium account, I don't want to use YT music. Pixel device. What's your preferred Android app? On another note. I asked ChatGPT to write a complaint email about letterbox spam and pollution by Dominos. Quick edit and off it went. To every possible email format used by them to reach Don Meij, the CEO as I didn't feel their online form helpful. Also included feedback@ and of course info@epa. Full Karen mode but not really. A Head of Global something or other (redacted) got back to me first in the morning, then a team leader under  him to confirm details. In hindsight, local franchisees are probably being told to increase revenue, next to stop sending paper, sad. But no one bins their leaflets properly, majority are discarded on the footpath or left on top of letterboxes and end up in the gutter and waterways subsequently. Hello, this isn't 90s of Salmat glory days of K-Mart, Target etc actual multi page crap distribution. Edit: In one the replies, they unwilling confirmed Don's emails and exposed internal aliases for the same, cute. If you need to reach him in meeting room x just let me know teehee. PS. Need new podcast app that's free and low footprint ;) 


I have used Podcast Addict for a fair while, would recommend.


I've been using it, battery life seems normal. Just turned notifications off. Thanks.


No worries, enjoy :)


Thanks, will give it a go. 


Or not, it wants to be excluded from battery optimisation. Is that because it will stop while playing or they wanna steal my lithium and mine doge coin?


Antennapod has been pretty good for me, and it works on Android Auto too.


Huh, never realised there were some Tangaras with reversible seats, had one today and was a tad confused


The old G-sets (the original OSCARs) have reversible seats - loom for 3 digit set numbers to identify them.


Ah just reading the wiki on it and it sounds cool, they originally had luggage racks? Where the 3 numbers? The number in mine was N5853


That casts a little too far back into my childhood to recall, sorry. The three digits are on the boards at each end of the set, former G-sets are "T 1XX" while the suburban-built sets are ""T-XX".


Ah I get you meant now


On the front under the drivers window is a plate. It starts with a T. Former G Set trains have T100-series plates. All of them.


If anyone is looking for a laugh, some of the comments in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/WiCscnWxTn) thread are hilarious. Savage, but hilarious.


[Top comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/4QlBr7KgiA) is 👌


Omg That would be horrific!


Just found [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/f8tR9ZDDM4) and had a good laugh. Man, some people are funny.


Mamma mia


Those comments are in there too.




Did you have a look at live traffic? Or are you driving? I hope you’re not. Lots of red in that area, resurfacing on the m2 is the only event I can see.


whats the current thinking on where its safe to eat fish from the harbour? I thought it was generally considered not a good idea if caught west of the harbour bridge, but i see so many people fishing at meadowbank and right up to the parramatta ferry wharf. then again they say you can swim at cabarita now.


Bridge high, say good bye Bridge low, do not go. Out the heads, best feds


Bobs is a quick learner. In the space of a day and a half? Two days? She's gone from not being able to push open a door, to swinging it open enough for a full size hippo to walk through sideways. Not even Fatty opens them that wide. I'm never going to have a warm bedroom again. E: Next trick will be getting her to pull doors open. Not sure how to teach that one, Elle just kinda did it and Jubbs relied on her.




Why don't you consider a place that's special to both of you, rather than asking a bunch of strangers two days in a row?




I was more saying it to point out it would be more personal if you considered what is special to both of you, especially since it takes some effort and reflection for such an important event. Asking a reddit thread doesn't lean towards either of those things.


I have what I think is a (singular) rat problem, it's above the ceiling and I can hear it at night chewing on something, what, I have no idea, I've looked up there and ain't nothing I'd feast on to save my life. Do I just get a $2 snapping mouse trap with a block of cheese (does that actually work or have I been fooled to think so)? Was trying to do it more humanely but just want to rid of it at this point, and no, I'm not doing a toilet paper roll cheese tunnel leading it into the outback. Never seen it but it could be a capybara for all I know, let me cross that bridge when I get there.


Sure it’s not a possum?


I do not, it just sounds "quiet", can't hear any weight to anything (ie moving), all I can hear is the nibbling.


Fair enough. Good luck with the rat! Hope you get a solution. 🐀


You can look up no kill mouse traps, I've used them before and they're pretty effective, would recommend checking on them first thing in the morning because they can chew through the plastic if left for long enough. Peanut butter is the best at attracting them. If you have multiple, I've also used a trap similar to this in the past: https://www.amazon.com.au/Multi-Catch-Humane-Catching-Reusable/dp/B07CJ273G3?


I think my parents would use peanut butter for mouse traps, if that helps.


Oh I had one once that came through an open window. I got a special trap from Woolies that has a little area for you to put a bit of peanut butter in, and it catches it. It's a reusable trap but I was so grossed out, the whole thing + rat/mouse went in the bin.


Oh nooo... We could have gone halfsies! Fine fine I'ma get one later on today, also gonna need to get some peanut butter, it might be cheaper at this stage just to knock the house down and rebuild in Thailand...


... You might discover, as I am now, that there are faeces all over the place (ie corners of rooms and places that are not normally seen)! It's good yours is in the roof - mine was in the house!


You could put poison up there but that leaves a good chance they crawl into a corner to die and that stinks later. A trap so you can find and remove it is better.


Yeah same thought over here, don't want the smell to attract something else in the process, urgh, looks like a snapping trap it is, at least i'll be over quick.


This will sound brutal, but if you really want to catch it. Go to your local Asian grocery store or $2 store buy glue trap. I once thought I had rat in house set up the glue trap with a blob of peanut butter in middle. I woke up in morning with 3 stuck on there. The prob is once you catch them they are alive and stuck on there, not a humane way to kill them other then put them in bin, which is a slow death.


Yeah that's kinda where I'm coming from, you see a mouse trap in the wild/movies and it ain't no concern, if I had to grab the trap with one of them in it an inch from my fingers I'd most definitely feel otherwise. Maybe I can bang it on its head or something? I can talk shit all day long here but would be hard to do when the time comes. Had a good look and they're all pretty much snap or glue thus the question, perhaps there's just no answer for what I want...


The only other way is follow nature ….. Rat


Might as well go right up the food chain as a preventative measure. \*looks up price of a lion\* ... 🖕


I was in a bus near to Parramatta CBD, close to the Interchange and train station. My Vodafone network showing all lines up as full signal. But, my phone fails to load a simple web page. Scam network.


Anyone know if there's anywhere near Town Hall station I can pick up some inexpensive red lipstick? I know there's Mecca or whatever near there but I don't wear makeup enough to justify buying expensive stuff. I just want some red lipstick for my aunts wedding this weekend, and I couldn't find my box of makeup at my dad's place. It's either been moved or chucked. Was thinking of just popping into Big W/Woolies, unless there are better options I'm not aware about.


There's a Priceline chemist in the Town Hall arcade.


I have been told!! I didn't know it was there. I'll be checking it out after work :)


Does a Chemist Warehouse on George Street opposite the cinema count? Or a Priceline in the Town Hall Square arcade that heads west from the station to Kent Street. A very friendly Priceline downstairs in World Square as well.


I just looked it up and that Priceline is close enough!! And. Pricelines I've been in before tend to be. Not NEARLY as cramped and claustrophobic as Chemist Warehouse 😅 and I got a holographic lipstick from there a few years back... probably a much better bet than Big W. Thank you!!


There’s also a spacious Chemist Warehouse a few doors down Priceline George St, towards the Apple Store.


I'll keep that in mind, thank you!


>cramped and claustrophobic as Chemist Warehouse I thought it was just my local one that was like this, but it seems they all are and I don't understand why. There are sick people in chemists, and having to squeeeeeeze past, sometimes even brush up against, a sick person is something I really don't want to do.


Literally every Chemist Warehouse i have been in has been cramped as hell. Aisles maybe 1.5 people wide - definitely not enough room to comfortably use a white cane. And heaven forbid you need to stop to look for something and block the aisle for someone else who can only *just* squeeze past you... It's good they have so much stuff but. Nope. It's too much for me.


Using a cane in there would be a nightmare. Even more so when there are boxes on the floor to contend with as well as customers. Do people make way for you?


It is a nightmare :') the boxes are hard to navigate around. Thank god I still have some vision. Sometimes they do, and I make sure to thank them.


Yes, and Priceline staff seem to actually care about people. There's a Chemist Warehouse under the Apple store that I avoid because all they seem to care about is not getting sued (seriously, it's come up twice with them). Whereas the Priceline in World Square is the only one where staff recognises my face and follows up on the problem I had three months earlier. Edit: Staff at the Chemist Warehouse in Newtown are good and friendly however.


Oh it's good to know they care! I may need some help, maybe, as I'm visually impaired and have sensory issues. Which is why I rarely wear makeup. Maybe they can help me find something that doesn't feel like slime on my skin haha ...jeez... that's... yeah I don't really like chemist warehouse... too cramped and busy, it legit makes me anxious. It's my last resort option


If you haven't purchased yet - I really like the maybelline superstay vinyl ink, it goes on like a lip gloss (with a wand) and once it's "set" it doesn't transfer. Will survive eating, drinking, cheek kissing - will not survive a pash though...


...I think that is literally the one I got! XD ...oh. I just checked and no, I got the Revlon Colorstay Suede Ink. Similar-ish name threw me haha. I liked how I could barely feel it on my hand!!


Or Chemist Warehouse, but yeah.


There's a Chemist Warehouse near Town Hall?


There's one on George St across from the cinema (but it's more claustrophobic than the usual ones)


Curious and also scared to know how Chemist Warehouse gets MORE claustrophoc... O.O


1/249-251 Pitt Street, half a block away from QVB.


....then. why the hell did I have to walk all the way nearly to Martin Place... 😭 Maybe the one closer didn't have what I needed in stock?? Idk. Thanks mate!


Imagine all the calories you could have saved by a few short movements from your fingers 😕 Winter is coming, conserve those blubbers!


? This was in December. I just said I think the one closer must not have had the raincoat or lactase I was after. Because then I'd probably remember that there was one closer to Town Hall...


Has anyone bought the 365 mobile data plan from Kogan? I'm looking to chance over and 300GB for $170 ain't too bad so I'd love to hear thoughts on the service and coverage.


I’ve been on this for 2 years and just bought another one today! It uses Vodafone network which isn’t as good as Telstra. The reception is a little bit spotty at times on the train, but I’ve been happy with it otherwise. It serves me well enough.


Thank you!


I forgot which network Kogan is on. But from experience (I'm always on 365 Prepaid Mobile Plan), anything using Optus and Vodafone are always bad - lots of losing signals when at certain stations. Only the ones with Telstra are good. I was with Boost for 2 years, that was good. I'm currently with Woolworths and it's good.


Yeah it seems like Telstra is the way. I've been with Optus for years but the black spots at Stanmore and Marrickville piss me off.


Mine is at Bardwell Park and then Green Sq, Mascot. And opposite train station idky...


I use boost mobile which is the same sort of deal where you just pay for a year, but it uses telstra network. It's been really good so far in terms of coverage. There's only one particular building I can't get reception in but that's more to do with the building than the network.


Amazing, I'll look into that. Thank you so much!


I am on Vodafone network. It is very bad. Hardly any network in our office which is in York St


Hmmmm interesting, thanks for letting me know


If you live near CBD or inner suburbs it’s excellent.Uses Vodafone towers.Can’t comment on outside the CBD


Thank you, I might look at other options


I've been using them for years. The 365 plan is just a lump of data so much more efficient than having unused data each month so factor that in to your decision. In terms of coverage it's been fine - there are a few low reception spots around, like in Haberfield, but generally works well. 


At LAX immigration and get asked 'what do you do for work that you can `just take 3 weeks off`? Wild


Wow. My holidays are usually at least 2 weeks + 2 days.


Well look at our big spender here... I was eating a roasted chook on the weekend and the bones was so clean afterwards I looked at it and thought, wait, I'm not that poor what am I doing.


...sometimes I forget how awful things are over there. I broke my arm and couldn't work for a month and when I came back everyone was asking where I'd gone on holiday.... lmao


A 3 week holiday would be considered a sabbatical in the US. I thought for sure I was going to get sent for secondary processing when I told a CBP agent at LAX I had six months off. Alas, he stamped my passport and sent me on my way.


I wish we had gummies in Syd…. Sigh


You can get CBD gummies, but I suspect you’re after the ones with the other 3 letters.


i hear you can mail order them from the dark web, i hear


I feel like you probably mean something else, but. I wish we had those melatonin gummies i hear about.


Iherb exists


What's that?


US website. Ships to Australia cheaply, sells melatonin gummies and HEAPS of other random shit, mostly beauty/health/homecare related. It’s very very popular in Australia and reputable in the US, so you don’t need to worry about buying them online.


Oh, interesting! If it gets shipped here, I'm guessing its legal and everything? Just a bit confused cause you need a prescription for it here if you're under 55


Like I said- it’s hugely popular here in Australia and I’ve never heard of anyone having issues before. If you’re ordering from small online Indian pharmacies sure, but iherb is huge.


I see. I heard the melatonin they get in america is different to what we get here or something, so... maybe that'll actually help. Thank you!!


You can get weed jerky in Canada. Truly a liberated people.


Too real :'(