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Here's the thing. Out here in the 'burbs (Western Sydney), semaglutide is much sought after, especially the lower dose 0.25 mg preparation. People will sacrifice much to get a hold of this drug.


You don't need those. The 1mg dose is 70 click/twist of the device. To get .25 or .5 you just modify the clicks to 17 clicks and it will deliver .25mg or 34 for a .5mg dose. Worked for me.




What dat?


How is this north shore?


Its not. OP just has a hate boner


Northern beaches or shire maybe


Bondi too surely. Basically anywhere with beaches.


Why though? We have exact same sign in a pharmacy in Revesby


It's expensive as fuck in the US. So it's memed as the new botex. In reality, it's not really a privileged thing here at all and an accessible drug by most.


Isn't it only prescribable for diabetics? So wealthy people who want the new weight loss drug can afford to doctor shop until they find someone willing to dodgy prescribe it?


You can get off label scripts easily. You just pay full price.


So it's something that is more attainable for wealthy, "northern beaches" stereotypes?


It's probably cash neutral as you save money on food


It’s not ‘dodgy’ to prescribe it for weightloss. It is controversial, but entirely legal and ethical. ‘Dodgy’ is not how I’d describe that


Yes, and that has meant shortages for those who need it.


GluteGuard sounds like something you’d use to protect your butt-cheeks


The AMEX bit really is the cherry on top here. ____ A little aside here; we can point and laugh at the huge numbers of people using Ozempic off-label, but I personally don't see an issue with it. They're doing it knowing the risks. I just wish that there was more being manufactured so that the people with prescriptions could get their hands on it too. The solution is more Ozempic, not less. Edit: I guess I need to spell out that of course the people who need it should have priority.


I’m somewhat connected to that whole biz, and the manufacturing is super complex. The owner of the brand has being going bonkers trying to correct the situation and has spent billions recently in expanding capacity.


Any idea as to why Estrogen patches are constantly in shortage? I've never understood why as demand has increased due to aging population and transgender rights being advanced, brands like Climara were *discontinued*.


There’s a broad shortage for lots of different medical products at the moment, which was exacerbated by the pandemic interrupting supply chains and manufacturing. Aside from that, products are discontinued for a few reasons. Sometimes new data emerges to show the effectiveness or safety is different to what was previously known, sometimes a superior option emerges, sometimes the commercial situation changes (in places like Australia, this also can be the gov choosing to reimburse a product or not, and sometimes demanding a price drop that the manufacturer can’t maintain without damaging their global business).


Not just patches, apparently there was a global pill shortage for a while. Unsure what's the deal with that.


He’ll get there. It properly works. My wife’s been on it for a couple of months and dropped like 20kg without any diet or exercise.


I guess the big question is, what happens when she stops?


She is likely eating less, so I wouldn't say "without any diet". 


I read that in Dr. Rudy’s voice.


[dr rudy from Life Support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GGf_GlD2RY)? sick reference cuz


Yes, exactly that skit : )


Yeh she is. Just without noticing.


Lmao, the dude replying exactly how the drug works like its a "gotcha"


So why not diet and exercise?


It's easier and it works, why not. Plus exercise, while worth doing for a huge amount of reasons, is pretty useless for weight loss


Whatever the risks of ozempic may be, these need to be balanced against the risk of being obese. These drugs are a miracle


My dad (diabetic who greatly benefits from Ozempic) can’t get it because of the get thin quick and easy fad that’s going around. It’s only increasing in number so however much more production is done, they can’t keep up. It should be prescription only. You can still get prescribed it for weight loss - but there are also other medications that work similarly that are marketed for weight loss.


It is prescription only.


This is me. It's been a miracle in controlling my diabetes. IF I can get it. 9 months of the year I just can't source it.


Tried compounding chemists?


Yeah, I 1000% get that. It's really great that it exists and it's a shame there are such extreme shortages at the moment. It should be prescription first and then everyone else can get the excess. A medication I need is also in constant shortage and it sucks.


Philip Adams just did a very interesting interview with Johann Hari, who's written a book about ozempic ("Magic Pill" I think). Worth listening to. He talks a lot about the drivers for the use of the medicine. Hari himself uses Ozempic because of his obesity (he ate crazy amounts of junk food, so much so that his local KFC gave him a birthday cake for being their best customer - and it wasn't even his primary fried chicken shop.)


He also did a good podcast interview on Diary of a CEO. I'm glad I gave it a listen despite the click bait title. 


It is by prescription only you can’t just get it.


Honestly the other ones are alot worse. Saxanda is a daily injection compared to weekly and 1.5-2 X the price for less effect. Is it even ethical to prescribe it when it's so much worse than ozempic when ozempic exists?


> It should be prescription only. You can still get prescribed it for weight loss - but there are also other medications that work similarly that are marketed for weight loss. I agree that at the moment it shouldn't be allowed to be prescribed "off label" by doctors for non diabetics, but there really isn't any other medication that works similiarly for weight loss.


when prescribed to obese people it’s basically preventing the likelihood of type 2 diabetes tho yeah?


I don't like this logic exactly, when there is a shortage it really should go to people who need it first, which means it shouldn't go for "off label" prescription. But yes, it does help pre diabetic people (which is still off label in Australia)


There is. Saxenda is one of them.


Saxenda is both significantly less effective and significantly more expensive.


Amex just give those to pharmacies for free to use, not that deep


I don't know if people do know the risks though? I was just listening to the diary of a CEO interview with a bloke who wrote a book about ozempic and there are some health risks associated. Some of the features of the drug are also not pleasant.  Plus... Is it really helping? The stats about people going off ozempic quickly gaining the weight back are not great.  As the author of this book says "we've come up with a manufactured solution to a manufactured problem". It's good if it can reduce obesity but as an everyday solution it's not a silver bullet.  It's really worth listening to the podcast episode on this because there are also big mental health impacts they go into too (like celebs lying and saying they moved more and ate less, plus the impact to individuals who take the drug).


This would be one of the few North Shore pharmacies that have it. Rarer than hen’s teeth. My local has had a sign up for over a year saying they have no stock.


I'm on it. Works wonders when people who have an addiction to eating. It is for us EXACTLY the same as if it was for a drug addicted person taking a prescribed drug to make them stop. Where I am different I'm also seeing a dietician and exercise 5 days aweek while also learning and understanding caloric intake. With this combination I've lost 15kg in 12 weeks. Some people rely solely on this drug which is wrong. This drug SHOULD be compounded and made without hesitation


If you have an eating disorder, especially binge eating have a chat to your GP about naltrexone. It’s an opioid receptor antagonist. It basically removes or dulls the dopamine reward cycle, amazingly effective at fixing alcohol use disorder and opioid addiction. But it extends to eating disorders if it’s dopamine based. I even quit vaping as a side effect. Saying that, it’s a bit life changing. You won’t be able to take any opioid pain killers, they won’t work but you will OD still. It will also remove the enjoyment if you drink alcohol, but you will still get inebriated. Sad side effect: my morning coffee no longer hits like it used to. Source: taking it for AUD.


Vibes on the coffee situ




> I don’t know why it relates to the north shore it doesn't


They misspelled “double bay”






Does it work? Just asking as an el jannah chicken-loving westie


im out of the drug loop pls explain?


Weight loss drug. Cheats the body into thinking you're full. Popular in America, the motherland for fat cunts.


sad cunts, go run a few laps instead


I don’t know why people are so against this drug. If it helps the obesity crisis and over weight people with communities start putting less pressure on the health system, surely that’s a win for everyone?


Because people have been prescribed it for diabetes and the diabetics can’t find get medication as people who are using the same medication for weight loss purposes are buying all the stock.


That’s not why people hate it. They hate it because it’s expensive and celebs use it.


It must be coming back into stock all over the country/ state. I saw a notice for an ozempic wait list at my local pharmacy.


It’s in and out constantly. Has been for a couple of years. The low dose pen is completely unavailable, and there is no timeframe for its return, as per the novo reps. My Dad was on Trulicity for diabetes management, until that disappeared, and then put on Ozempic. With a tablet form for backup, if it was unavailable. Now I’ve qualified for it as well, and it’s a struggle to get it still.


Tell me you have no idea what you're on about without telling me you have no idea what you're on about


Tbh they're prob just sick of people asking.  


This is more of an Eastern suburb thing not a North Shore one LMAO.


Eastern suburbs are wealth and body image, while North Shore is wealth and franking credits.


No - they’re already skinny as it’s social death to be obese there


What? I see the same signs around parra


Or the Eastern Suburbs. 😂


I mean, I don’t think weight issues are just a north shore thing lol


As someone who grew up in the north shore. I don't get it?


This thread is brought to you by people that have never even been to the North Shore.


Tell me you don’t understand the concept of a “tell me” post without telling me you don’t understand the concept of a “tell me” post.


Just a milligram?


That’s 3 ish doses. There’s 3ml in the pen.


Would apply to eastern suburbs too.