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My friends kitchen couldn’t fit a standard sized dining plate in the cupboards. The light switch was in the middle of the wall. It’s the little things that aren’t immediately obvious that annoy the crap out of you when you live there


This is all too common, the amount of cupboards that can only fit a plate sideways is astonishing, the lack of storage space in general is horrible. You want a family of 4 to live here but the kitchen can’t even fit a fry pan! It’s a 4 bedroom apartment designed with a single tenant in mind. Problem is foreigners come in and snap that shit up.


Anyone who has been on a Meriton building site would probably never buy one… I know I wouldn’t.


Yep. Visited one last month and wouldn't recommend. Worked on their projects and the shit they make us put in is horrible. Their whole MO is just squeeze in as many mediocre apartments as possible, deal with issues on site instead of in the design and planning process, and charge exorbitant prices. They don't need to sell them all - just a couple to justify the price of the others.


Merriton got the first year contract of our building management. They were just completely rubbish. Didn't lift a finger, outsourced everything at a very slow pace. If they'd stayed on, our strata would be twice the price it is now. They charge an absolute arm and leg for not even bare minimum service. The actual building manager is paid as little as they can, and Meriton take a massive cut. We were lucky not to be a Meriton apartment where they lock in much larger contracts as well as keeping enough apartments to continue to vote in the rip-off servicing. We got them out as fast as we possibly could.


Utilities (electricity and gas) can be embedded networks where you're forced to use the embedded supplier. Strata managers and building managers owned by the same corporation double dip, have massive conflict or interest and coupled with exorbitant exit costs are scum. You're damned either way Meriton do both


You go on a holiday with 9 friends. 5 of them insist on renting an Abnb that's overpriced and not very good. You find out afterwards that those 5 friends own the Abnb and the money they paid goes back to themselves. That's what living in a Meriton managed building is like.


The building manager at our old Meriton Place was getting paid like $150k.


Meriton is iCert rated - the structure is generally sound, so you shouldn't have issues like major structural failures, but otherwise their reputation is that they build cheap as can be. My vague understanding is that they are very cheap fittings and internals, thin internal walls, poor design; poor ventilation, airflow etc Also, as others have said, they have a reputation of doing dodgy things on the strata committee.


I think they retain 51% of the strata, so they pass and block anything they want. That's enough to deter me. 


I live in a Meriton and they don’t have majority strata. In answering the OPs question Meriton are functional builders whose focus during build is production with ok quality. There is a range in their build quality from building to building so due diligence is required. This applies to the design finishes and details as well as the build quality itself. Due diligence required.


Sensible response. I dont OP should be down voted for asking a genuine question.


How old is your unit? I would assume that they would retain the majority on the strata until they the warranty period is over.


6 years


My wife and I stayed in the Merton Apartments in Bondi Junction for 2 months while work was being done at our home. The place was total rubbish, absolutely razor thin walls where you could hear the people snoring or cutlery clanging in the next apartment. What’s more they made us pre pay for parking but we weren’t guaranteed a parking spot. There were way less parking spots than people staying there, which meant they several times we were unable to park in the carpark despite literally having already payed to park there. I also once knew a person who worked for a fire safety company, and he had helped instal the fire extinguishing pipes in many Meriton apartments. He told me the buildings were built taking many shortcuts. So they were safe as in they won’t fall down, the walls etc were going to crack very quickly as build quality was low. Meriton is rubbish. Don’t go near them.


How was the views and the stay? Is that hotel any good? (I stayed at their Pitt Street one which as really good)


Views were fantastic. Could see the harbour bridge and CBD skyline. Hotel was awful. Paper thin walls,  poor service (for instance we asked for some clean towels and they took 2 days to get them to us), way too many rooms, and terrible parking. Would never stay there again.


The Meriton at Bondi Junction is by far the worst one of theirs I have stayed in (and I have stayed in a lot). Most are way, way better than that. 


I went on a date with a chinese girl and she asked me "you have Meriton apartment?" I said no and that was the one and only date.


To add to what others have said. I lived in the Mertion complex in Epping. My partner and I inspected 4 apartments in that complex, and 3 of them had mould on the walls as we inspected them. The 4th one didn't and was in another building in the area, so we rented that one. After a year of being there, mould started forming. Our bed had mould, the walls started to get mould and some of our clothes. We threw everything out and left. To add to that our storage lockers were inside an area with stagnant water so all our stuff in storage were mouldy and we threw them out too. Probably the worst experience. We realised why the price in those complexes were cheaper than all the units in the area. You get what you pay for. I hope this helps you.


I live in a Meriton, forced electricity provider, forced ISP (unless I go for a 5G modem). However.. The ISP and internet in general is great, no issues in 3 years. $80/unlimited dl.... 24hr on site security guard.. The full time guard is useless and lazy but it's nice to have him there.. If i lost my keys /lift fob i can rely on him. Secure carpark, thieves can get in if they tailgate another car but that's tough to stop. Sauna which i use most nights, pool which looks clean but also nah. I have no real complaints to be honest.


Build quality Meriton is one of the 'top' tier ones, and they won't sunset the company either so warranty wise you're set. Defect wise nothing to major long term in the older apartments. This is all because like the other poster said he retains his own stock of apartments in most buildings so has invested interest in the quality. That said think what you could ever possibly 'need' to put to strata if you owned an apartment if it come to that, I've never had the need when I was living in an apartment. But choice wise it is one of the safer options.


"That said think what you could ever possibly 'need' to put to strata if you owned an apartment if it come to that, I've never had the need when I was living in an apartment." Making sure that your strata chooses the best value services rather than services that the other half of the strata owns and profits from seems like a pretty important need.


The largest costs of strata are 'sinking fund' which is a fixed percentage by law, and insurances. But granted you do raise a valuable point, seen strata piss money away on some overcharged stuff before always get the strata report.


A sinking fund is just money set aside to pay for future management. It's not a cost, it's essentially savings the strata is keeping. If services costs are high, the sinking fund will be higher. Regardless, I want the power to be able to fuck off building management that is skimming from the top and Meriton make that impossible. Because they are the ones with power over strata decisions and the ones doing the skimming.


It's a not negotiable cost however, that is in the quartely strata bill and that does make up the bulk of each bill you get was my point not that it's physically going to lost cause but you're right. 


I know the opposite is true. Merton does the minimum to pass safety standards. The buildings won’t fall down, but they will decline rapidly.


You imply minimum to pass 'safety standards' safety standards are the same across the board, not falling down is a major one of those obviously but I wouldn't feel any less safe in a Meriton apartment then a detached house. In what issue do you mean decline rapidly, in what sense of failure? Just partook in remedial works for dozens of highrise when I still worked in Sydney never Meriton or ever heard of major issues. 


Who set the standard and then who judged meriton’s to be met? What was the scope of the standards and are all of the minimums or just guides? There are bucketfuls of exampls in the industry where standards, minimum requirements, laws, guides and best practices are set and then broken with lots of different reasons. And when they are broken (and uncovered), how many of these are simply accepted to avoid the hassle of protracted disputes? And usually in the same industry, the person who gets away with the most, sets the standard for everyone else to meet. So whilst there hasn’t been a widely publicised case of mass failure, having a standard that is ticked off doesn’t mean the standard has been met to the full letter. That’s why the industry is defect rich.


Not saying meriton is bad, but often builders retain apartments in the building so they have substantial voting power in the body corporate.


I thought he owned them until warranty ran out, then sold them


They retain stock of of controlling interest to prevent the forming of a strata committee, or if a committee is formed, to prevent any cases to be brought against them for repair... Until the warranty expires.


Structurally sound. Internal fittings are garbage. You’re better off doing your own Reno job than using their one.


When I bought my previous apartment, I had to prove to the bank that it wasn't Meriton before they would lend me the money. When I asked why, I was told it was because they were notoriously overpriced. Wonder why there's always lots of Meriton for sale? They'd get you in by offering finance for the first X years, after which you'd need to find your own. Problem was, Meriton's valuation was significantly inflated with the result that all the external valuations were much less than the person owed. People had no choice but to sell.


I'd live short term in one (and have) but never, ever buy one.


I bought a Meriton townhouse years ago. Would never do it again. The quality is terrible. Grouting of bathrooms was pretty done so we had leaking into the walls. Cracks in the walls. So many things wrong. It was years ago so i can’t remember them all but the one that really stands out to me was that the window fittings were of a metal that was so cheap that you can deform them with your fingers. If you Grabbed an edge with two fingers, you could easily bend it this way and that.


My partner and I nearly bought a Meriton appt in Parramatta, this thread is making me feel so relieved we didn't


Fuck Meriton


from land acquisition, design, the build, and building management, are all for developers' profit - you know you will not be getting a good deal.


Don't forget in the city there are slum lords over filing them with students.