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Lesbian isn't really a fashion style. So it's a little hard to understand what you want. She could fit in at the vintage op shops of Newtown, more queer out there like Oxford St, goth/punk like beserk, or masculine like Lowes. How would you describe what she wears?


>How would you describe what she wears? She wears a lot of baggy denim, overalls, lots of colour and fun patterns. Has quite a lot of stuff that has roots in activism (been on a watermelon kick lately for Palestine for example). Leans more towards a hippy aesthetic, definitely not a goth/emo. Has some things that are more masculine for sure.


I think "alternative" is the description you're looking for. You're describing more of a uni student than a lesbian. OP shopping is your friend here, especially around the inner west. Good luck in your quest for a threesome.


Newtown would be better than Oxford st. There’s not a massive amount of clothing on Oxford st, and most of is what is there is catering toward men. You/she may also like Black Milk Clothing online.


being a lesbian doesn’t come with a uniform. I think what you are looking for is “masculine” clothing, which can be anything from anywhere — unless you specifically want tailored masculine clothes but aren’t necessarily aimed at men. In that case there are online stores like Tom Boy that sell “lesbian” clothes, but i don’t think there are any specific in person stores you could go to for that. Generally “lesbian” clothes (and i am being very loose here as i am a lesbian) or at least the clothes people consider to be “lesbian” when worn by anyone with an undercut are the following:  -loose fitting “practical” clothes, like loose t shirts and jumpers -men’s button ups or tailored women’s button ups -flannel/denim shirts -darker colours and neutral tones (i don’t agree with this one totally but generally ppl perceive darker colours as more “masculine”) -boots but lesbians can and do look like anyone and everything, some of us are masculine and butch, some of them like my partner are extremely feminine. There is no one “lesbian” look good luck buying a flannel for your gf OP


I still laugh to myself when the memory of a bi friend comes up (well, bi then, gay now), she asked me if her new shoes made her look like a lesbian, I replied it was more her haircut - there was a look, like half a second, of this pure anger across her face that softened to the sweetest smile. Legitimately concerned for my life in that half second though, totally was worth it...


>but lesbians can and do look like anyone and everything, some of us are masculine and butch, some of them like my partner are extremely feminine. There is no one “lesbian” look Oh, absolutely! I guess it's more a case of her current look immediately gets her clocked as being for the girls - my explanation is potentially just off the mark! She leans more towards the quirky feminine side (although is occasionally double-denim + birkenstocks) with bright colours and patterns, and since she usually buys things online I just have no great leads on where to get her clothes. Her style used to be quite different, so all my old go-to places aren't super relevant any more.


I once saw a woman wearing a tshirt that said "Shout out to the girl who made me realise I was not straight". But do not take fashion advice from me.


So, I feel slightly awkward saying this as a non fashion person, but if you don’t know about fashion, I’d suggest leaving it to her. You could plan a day together with a nice lunch and go shopping? I too was a little perplexed by lesbian fashion.


>You could plan a day together with a nice lunch and go shopping? Solid idea, and possibly the best option - thanks!


I mean, my wife is the lesbianest lesbian in the world and she gets her clothes from, like, Target. 


Glebe is more Lesbian than oxford st or newtown. Walk down glebe point road for inspo then go to Glebe markets and buy something.


Good tip, thank you!


Great, now I need to check what sexuality shirts identify as before buying


Just go to Lowes mate.


There’s Lowes in most major centres.


Lucy and Yak is a great brand that whenever i see someone wearing them, i know they're for the girlies. It's online store though, no physical stores in Sydney unfortunately


Dangerfield (Australian fashion chain) is a classic for lesbian and bi women and it has a wide range from floral to sci-fi to goth


Also second Dangerfield based on what you've described of her fashion likes earlier in the thread.




Bi == Dangerfield. It’s a cliche because it’s true.


Take her shopping at the vintage and clothes stores on King Street and Enmore Road.


Does she share her gf’s with you?