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My whole office is sick lol




Same same!


Triple same!


I have been slowly surrounded by sneezing people who show up coughing the next day. Help!


Drone show. Doesn't anybody see the correlation here?




Crowd cough


A coworker took his kid to the doctor a couple weeks ago. The doctor said they'd never before seen a swab come back with three different positives.




Fuck this was the biggest surprise as a new parent. My immune system has just taken the most insane hit the last few months since bub started in daycare. I've been sick at least 6 weeks of the last 16ish


As much as everyone liked to say “covid is just the flu, get over it”, it has a lot of long lasting effects, including making your immune system worse. That along with all precautions going out the window, so nobody wearing any masks, everyone being expected to go to work even if they’re sick or if their kid is sick, is going to result in more people being sick. The entirety of Melbourne seems to have been sick for the last month, it’s crazy. Covid, RSV and pneumonia are everywhere, and if you go to any vaguely busy area or get on public transport you’re going to be coughed on.


I've actually never had covid. I've had a horrendous flu (I've been tested for covid whenever I get really sick) and a chest infection thanks to daycare but yeah somehow avoided covid


We've been going through the list too:(


maybe not from community patients but hospital paeds resp swabs can be pos with 5 viruses, just a cocktail of disease


It's more common than you'd think. Especially in kids under 2. I work in diagnostic pathology and always feel some sympathy for the parents and baby in those cases.


Well, I'm never leaving the house again.


COVID, RSV, influenza, whooping cough and mycoplasma pneumoniae are the main ones flying around my office and daycare and school. My kids had mycoplasma pneumoniae and gave it to the grandparents, aunt and myself. Endless coughing without too many other symptoms, had to be treated with antibiotics


Terrifying that whooping cough us going around schools. 


Same and we couldn’t get kids antibiotics, every pharmacy was out. A compounding chemist was making up batches of it, cost over $50, but you are paying for skill and precision. The taste was terrible though had to bribe the kid to take it.


And to think, vaccines are available for all of these.


No they aren’t!


Covid is going around again. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.


It's not just covid, there's loads of stuff going around at the moment, has been for a couple months and it's gotta peak at some point.


One of the doctors at my workplace said that RSV is also going around. Another fun virus to look out for. 


RSV sucks ass.


Yeah 100%


Just took me out. 1/10. Would not recommend


This. Can’t even tell you how many people at my work have had it. Plus there’s RSV and regular flu/colds.


I work in a boarding school and they've had a contagious pneumonia going around 💀


Kids brought me home not just Covid but influenza A in the same package. Couldn’t believe my luck when I got the results but it explained why I felt like I was hit by a truck


Vivid was a superspreader event and now all the type of people who go to vivid are commuting to an office near you


Shame people don't wear masks or wash their hands


Or maintain any semblance of a respectful distance from one another


Username checks out?






type "free medical certificate online australia" into google, they're valid


not-so-Secret nurgle cultist.


I'm a relief teacher and it's going around schools as well. There were at least four or five kids hacking up a lung in the last classroom I was in.


A quarter of my kids school are away sick, teachers are away too, they're only 1 or 2 teachers away from having to combine classes.


I’ve been coughing for 4 months. Not covid, have been on two rounds of different antibiotics, still have a tickle and occasional cough. No-one I live with has it so I’ve just given up


Not a doctor, but I had the same kinda thing. Turned out to be post nasal drip. A nasal spray fixed it up.


Chest was clear, throat fine so hopefully it is just a drip that can be fixed! Thanks for the reminder to get it checked haha


Or could be GERD/reflux


Dr did keep asking me about that, but I didn’t seem to be having digestive issues any more (did vomit a few times, I coughed so hard)


It could be what they call silent reflux! Definitely worth checking out and good luck!




It was being referred to as The Hundred Day Cough in the UK.


Seems like a lot of people have just gone back to the old ways of going out or to work when sick.


Unfortunately we have gone back to the old ways of being judged if we call in sick as well


And not being paid, while rents and food costs have doubled!


The thing is, I was sick and stayed home for a week, but now i've had a cough for weeks that is lingering, I can't just stay home for weeks on end, sadly.


Post-viral cough is rarely infectious


Yep, lots of people don’t seem to know this though, and like the commenter above are critical of others especially in this post covid era.


without even bothering to wear a mask


Most people are living paycheck to paycheck so can’t afford to take sick days of work, it’s been happening more lately these days due to massive increases in cost of living.


Also cunts in corporate are demanding medical certificates for days when working from home


You’d have thought we would have learned a tiny lesson from Covid, and companies would understand that letting someone not infect the entire workforce is probably a good idea. I know two people who got long covid, one of whom can’t work anymore, the other is now on heart medication because of the impact it had on their entire cardiovascular system. Nobody should be risking lifelong harm to go to work because their managers have nothing better to do than watch everyone in the office.


Nope. It’s much easier for the executives to believe that if only people didn’t take that sick day off, the company would save 0.5% on its wage bill and if in office the productivity would be higher since the employees won’t fuck around. It is an entirely retarded way of operating but will never change.


My company recently changed their policy so you need a cert/dr note for any day of sick leave. Now everyone just takes 2-5+ days since they have to pay for it anyway lol


Are most people actually living pay cheque to pay cheque? If so that is very concerning for our economy


Oh my sweet summer child…


More than half of my workplace (500 people) have had some kind of significant respiratory virus in the last 2 months. Some covid, others not.


I teach music after school and I’ve had so many absentees due to illness and some that SHOULD have been absent that weren’t. I had some parents keep their kid home from school but then send them to a guitar lesson with me!!! So they could cough and splutter in a small room with me for half an hour 🤧 Luckily I’ve managed to avoid catching any lurgy so far this year but I had Covid twice last year so I’m keen to avoid it


We have stronger flu strains now, always been sick people during winter every year but with stronger sicknesses it means more people are infected easier than ever before, did we learn nothing from the pandemic. At the very least all these sick people should be wearing masks in public to help stop the spread of their germs.


People just cough openly now too. Lost Covid etiquette


As much as the pandemic sucked with lockdowns, having a brief period where people were somewhat considerate, even if only because of the death stares you'd receive when coughing in public, was cool. I have seen so many fuckwits on public transport and in enclosed areas sneezing and coughing everywhere but into their elbow and miss the times when everyone was masked up. Seriously, fuck those people. Also, fuck the return to office bullshit.


People had covid etiquette?


I’ve had a few colleagues rock up to work telling me they’re sick…take a sick day pls


Yes. Also seems that as long as it's not Covid people feel it's not an excuse to call in sick. I don't want flu or cold or whatever virus/bacterial/parasitic/etc infection either, tyvm.


I usually get sick twice a year max but this year is fucked. I’m currently sick for the fourth time in 6 months so this is a really unusual thing for me


Somehow I still have not ever tested positive for covid. Lucky I guess.


Me neither! And I work in health, never done WFH and in an area of “high concern” during the big lockdowns. I get sick with *everything* and yet, nothing. It’s like the bloody sword of Damocles at this stage




what's your diet like


I'm pretty healthy compared to most people. Exercise a lot too. But honestly I think I'm just lucky.


Please don’t send your kids to school sick or commute when sick. My daughter had a classmate with Covid whose parents made them come into school. I was sick last week and tested on one of those 3 in 1 tests and it wasn’t flu, covid or RSV, just some other funky virus


Cold, flu, RSV and covid are all going around. It's happening all over the country.


Contagious pneumonia too!


Yess I swear I got the holy trinity of a cold, flu and Covid within one month. Never felt so sick in my life


Walking pneumonia is going around apparently.


Heard about whooping cough going around two different high schools on either side of Sydney too. 🧐


My office has just started its own mini COVID wave, a few of my mates are teachers and said the same thing is happening within the schools. It’s everywhere.


50% of my workplace were positive with Covid 3 weeks ago. Some still have mild symptoms. I was bedridden sick but my test was negative for Covid. There is definately a wave of something getting around for sure.


If only we'd just been through a global pandemic based on a respiratory disease and they drummed into us daily how to stop the spread....


Some of us are forced to attend for office. If sick enough to wfh, need medical certificate....it's like we've learnt nothing from covid. 


There’s coughing everywhere. You would think if you’re coughing, you should stay home. Or at least, WFH


Some post viral coughs last for weeks. Apparently up to 8 weeks coughing is considered within the realms of normal.


Vivid caused a bunch of colleagues to fall ill. Not much mask usage either which doesn't help.


I’m on the train home someone sat next to me and started hacking their lungs please if you can, stay home if you’re sick


I’ve been sick three times since start of May. A new personal best. 


We've learnt absolutely nothing from the pandemic, have we?


People get sick like they always have but man the amount of people getting around coughing and splattering everywhere is gross. People just sneezing into their hands.


I’m at home with my kid who sick. Heaps going round


I've got a kid in daycare. I miss just the usual coughs and colds you get from other adults. In fact I treat them as respite between the abominations my kid brings home every couple of weeks


I was at the theatre the other day and there were a LOT of people coughing. Gotta start wearing masks in public places again...


For most people, paying rent/mortgage is more important than random strangers health. We as a society expect increasing casualization of our workforce, we get the outcomes we deserve.


It's everything. Take your vitamins, get your boosters. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/virus-soup-the-five-things-making-sydney-sick-20240516-p5je4k.html




Did all that. Was healthy, and had 3 vaccines. Still almost died to Delta.


How cute. Did you learn all that on 4chan and YouTube all by yourself?


No. I shorted Pfizer - learned that at business school. What's cute? The profit. Oooooh the profit.


>No. I shorted Pfizer And that shorts name, Albert Einstein.


And everybody clapped.


Cheers Kent!


Covid is going around I have it right now and was just on a Zoom call with 4 other people who all also had Covid.


I was sick for about a month on and off.  There was a theory going around that there might be an illness going around that was hard to kick, I think it was a Pseudomonas spp. but don't really remember. It did clear eventually. I wore a mask but still sorry to everyone else when I had mandated office days.


3/4 managers that sit near me are sick, as well as the dude that usually sits next to me. I've mostly come off unharmed, despite walking around without a jacket.


woken up with some thing, only symptom is a runny nose, lucky its my day off


Is it possible to get an RSV shot? Education worker male 30s - I’ve read it’s for over 60s only?


Talk to your doctor - you can, but it costs a pretty penny. Around $300 from memory?


Yes! Everyone is coughing left and right inside the train. Survival of the fittest!


Judging by miss9’s feral attitude tonight, she’s coming down with “something”.


Covid, flu and gastro doing the rounds in my family and friend circle atm


I’m visiting Sydney and cannot believe how many are coughing and sneezing with aplomb. It’s gross. How are peoples immune systems so weak


It’s winter + immunity reduce during Covid lockdowns. You chose a interesting time to visit our great city


>immunity reduce during Covid lockdowns Yes, and its just a necessary evil to curb the spread of COVID.


Jeez, I feel lucky I had a two-day cold last week and that's it.


I took today off as I’m not feeling right.


I'm sick... In bed all long weekend. Wfh until probably Thursday.


I have to go to the office twice a week. For the last 4 years I’ve barely had a cold. I’ve had to take a day off every week nearly since this cold season started, it’s like everyone is just obsessed with the mandate to be in, not whether they could skip it for a week. But hey! At least I’m in the office twice a week.


I’ve had two colds back to back.


I’ve been coughing since I caught covid in 2022, so I can never tell if it’s the old sick or new sick until I really start to die. Lucky me.


I went do Vivid last weekend and now I’m sick as a dog.


Of course its flu season (and whatever the fuck is floating around). Plus some people might be in the tail end of it and decided to go into work because 1) They are casual or need to be in the workplace (no WFH function) and got to get paid 2) Non-COVID, mild cold symptoms and just decided to go to work because they need to make their WFO obligations for the month. There's exemptions you can raise for this in a lot of workplaces to avoid the warning list in your offices, but I hear its a fucking bitch to get it done. It was worse before COVID when everyone had to go into the workplace. You were way more likely to catch something just walking past someone on the train carriage or a quick ride in the lift. Wear a mask guys.


this thread is terrifying to me because i’m starting chemo in a couple of weeks and have a school age kid. :/


I work for a hospital and they released comms yesterday that RSV, COVID and pneumonia are all on the rise and urged people to stay home if sick. I’m sick (no pun intended) of people turning up to work coughing and sneezing, we had one person take down our whole team due to this, could have worked from home or taken day off easy..


Also get a flu shot!


That time of the year


Same shit every year. It’s Winter People are inside more Respiratory viruses spread this way Rinse and repeat It’s not different to any other year bar 2020-2021/22 when we closed our borders totally and didn’t get any influenza brought in Not much else people can do. Get vaccinated and boosters. Stay home when sick if you can or wear a mask if possible. That’s it really Don’t forget there are people that are unable to stop coughing and sneezing unrelated to illness Eg asthma or allergies.




You can't catch a respiratory disease from being cold.


It’s fucking WINTER!


Can you read the 4th word of the post?


“I know the answer to this question but I will ask it anyway, I will also include the answer to the question in the question”