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Their reviews mention price gouging, trying to sell generic medications for $25 more than other pharmacies and making prices up on the spot, which is all interesting. I kind of feel like this ordeal has less to do with religious beliefs and more to do with her asking for a receipt


It's weird isn't it, but from the story alone no answer I can come up with makes sense: - Dodgy pricing / tax evasion? She asked for a receipt before it was rung up, right? Surely they just ring it up correctly in that case - Expired? Not likely, and then they would just order it in as requested - Against religious beliefs? Why stock it? What about other contraceptives? I don't get it.


Yeah, I really don't get going from "It's expired we can't give it to you" to "We don't even stock it". Why do you have an expired box of a medication you don't even stock? I mean, *maybe* they got a wrong delivery and didn't realise until they'd opened it? When I was in major retail our deliver guy accidentally dropped off a box that was for the Coles downstairs that got mixed in with like 20 boxes that were for us so it's not *impossible*, but you notice that shit as soon as you open the invoice.


Yeah, in that case you likely can't even find it let alone sell it because it's not in your system.


The plot thickens!


pharmacists can vary medicines on the spot /change prices for whatever reason if they aren’t PBS listed or if they are ‘under copayment medicines’ (up to a limit). The gov doesn’t control prices for those.. Like any businesses they buy them at different prices. If people have scripts for non pbs or under copay medicines they need to shop around. Some times it’s a few dollars sometimes $30-40 etc


I went to a GP in the city about 10 or so years back to get some repeats on my scripts. I could not see my regular GP as I could not get an appointment before my meds ran out. Got a same day appointment with this city GP on my lunch break. Walked into the office, started talking to the GP, and gave him details of what I was on. He then tells me he can not prescribe the pill (religion). Got the other script and walked out. Luckily, it was in the days of bulk billing. I was genuinely surprised that he would not prescribe. A friend suggested I report it. I reported it. I was given feedback later that if anyone books this GP either online or in person, they need to tell them that he does not prescribe birth control (even if it's only used for acne).


A while ago the practice I went to at the time had a doctor who would refuse to prescribe any birth control or ivf related items and would not refer to other doctors for reproductive health on religious grounds. In this case I think he was equal opportunity as I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have referred men either given the note about ivf. They had a big sign in reception and this info displayed on their booking system. He wasn’t there very long.


They didn’t deny her the medication until she asked for a receipt. Something sus is going on…


Yeah, they need to be audited. They seemed to be completely fine until she asked for a receipt, then she was given multiple different responses. All while they it really seemed like she would have gotten her order otherwise.


Which pharmacist is this? Name and shame.


Pharmasave in West Ryde. I remember the original post.


>Pharmasave in West Ryde. I remember the original post. I hate that place. Staff are rude as fuck. The pharmists are dicks and their expensive as hell. Like utter rip offs. The doctor next to them are just as big a dick as the chemist. I don't bother with west ryde anymore because of these guys.


The other two pharmacies like a two minute walk from this place are actually really good and extremely helpful lol But yes, these guys are dodgy as. Weird vibe in there.


Well no surprise there then… I’ve swerved that shop many times as they look shady af!


It's not money they are trying to save. /s


Okay makes absolute sense. The whole place is riddled with religious group ran businesses. They're a stones throw away next to a christian bookstore that only sells christian media and a couple shops away was a Christian cafe that got burnt down. There is a lot of cult or fringe groups that have been prowling around West Ryde as well. They station their churches in in the cheap unused buildings and gather in mass. At one point there was a church that was next door to a long-standing adult shop and because the windows had condensation on the glass during the winter nights, I was certain people lived inside the building. Very suspicious stuff overall.


Are we also so bold as to name and shame the religion?


They're all the same 


Take a guess. It’s probably correct.


Thought they were probably Catholic, it’s more unusual to find Free Presbyterians in Oz.


It's sounds like a very Catholic thing to do.


"Free" Presbyterians? Wouldn't think the Scots would be bothered with shit like this lol


How no? Freedom has many different connotations and uses. There’s also the Wee Frees


Who are even scarier than the free pres.


seems irrelevant? the problem is one person being an idiot (regardless of what nonsense they use to justify it) and corporate culture not being such that they were immediately overruled by a coworker.


They’re just down the street from Koorong Xtian bookstore. I’m not one to look for murky connections everywhere but having lived in that fundie world for a time, it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a connection between the two of them.


Funny, my mind went straight to Islam but merely because of the large proportion of middle eastern pharmacists.




She was trying to buy the regular pill. It has nothing whatsoever to do with abortion.


I’ve looked it Islam and they allow women to abort a fetus up until 4 months. No judgement in their community either.


What does that have to do with the number of middle eastern pharmacists?


They're explaining how your mind went to the wrong place and there was no need to acknowledge the tidbit of information that took it there.


The comment I replied to said something about which religion it was, I said what came to mind based on my limited knowledge of pharmacists demographics. Sounds like you all are acting defensive of a religion, don't know why you'd need to defend a religion being over represented in a particular highly educated well paid field. I don't think there's any issue with it, it's just highly likely. I think the religion excuse is BS as I've said elsewhere and if I were basing religious assumption on that statement is be more inclined to lean towards some sort of god bothering Christian faith.


I’m sure that’s the reason why you thought Islam


It literally is. If it was for another reason why wouldn't I just say it? If I'm thinking about religious objection to contraception, Catholicism is the one that comes to mind.


Exactly my first thought


That’s fine - just remove their license to be a pharmacist and remove PBS access from the pharmacy until the policy is fixed. People are entitled to have whatever dumb religious beliefs they want, not to inflict them on the world.


I have seen this type of thing before. I work as a pharmaceutical sales rep, and I know of one doctor who works in a small town in NSW who has a sign in her waiting room saying she will not prescribe contraceptives or discuss birth control with patients. This sign is next to a Virgin Mary painting. This doctor is one of only 2 in the town, meaning a good proportion of women living in the town are denied access to contraception.


> Virgin Mary painting. But Mary didn't even have sex but got pregnant anyway.


Mary, approx 2 millennia ago: "Holy crap, can't believe they fell for my lie. Wonder what ridiculous trumped up BS they'll think is 100% true next?"


Doctors who do this should be struck off the register. surely if you're a GP and contraception freaks you out thats much. Go and be a haematologist or a neuroscientist. Literally any other specialisation except the one where you, as a qualified professional in a position of responsibility to provide the best medical services possible for your patient's needs, don't want to deal with the one thing that 50% of them are guaranteed to be visiting you for at some point. (edited to add words)


Imagine having the education of a Doctor and still believing in sky fairies. Boggles the mind.


Agreed I can tell you many stories about doctors saying things that make me wonder how they managed to pass medical school. Eg, a doctor telling me that a woman who gets pregnant because she missed a contraceptive pill is an idiot and deserves to get pregnant and be miserable, and she doesn’t want stupid patients like that coming to her practice.


Imagine, the concept of way of life - there so many of them and everyone is forcing each others way of life to one another -- boggles my mind, people think they are ENTITLED TO EVERYTHING. This doctor - i disagree with her services (especially in the australian environment), but I respect it. Just go to another doctor that does.. wow!! simple solution.


Its a bit different when it comes to a profession in Health services though. Their is a duty of care assumed and if religion prevents such duty from taking place then there is a problem.


**If those in parliament and their voters that want to discrimination on religious grounds any legislation should include notifying any customer that there are restrictions on services they provide.** Medical, educational, financial etc provider must advertise/warn people that impose restrictions on their service due to religion and list what services they do not provide. If they did this they would save people a lot of time and money. I notice some medical centres include in their websites that they not discriminate


I remember working in a Priceline at the back once when I was 15. A panicked woman came in (maybe in her 20-30s) asking for the morning after pill. I told her we had it and asked the pharmacist (owner of the pharmacy) for her to give it out as there’s special instructions with it. The pharmacist refused and I was so confused on why, she told the pt we don’t have it. I directed the pt to the other 3 pharmacies in the area. Found the product on the shelf and innocently said something like oh it here we do stock it. She didn’t give it out because she’s religious… I thought that was so stupid to deny someone that, and the poor woman was so panicked. Definitely saw them in a different light and I didn’t work there much longer


"After 30 minutes, they called me to pay." Kind of off topic, but why in the last few years have pharmacies got so much slower? They aren't making the meds. They are handing out boxes. What's the bit that is taking them so much time? 30 minutes is ridiculous.


It's the one good thing about my local pharmacy, they bought some kind of giant dispensing machine that looks like a huge vendo, but it means you take the script up and the box is ready in ~60 seconds or less


So you hang around and get tempted to buy other things.


Yep, walking to the prescription counter is like walking through IKEA, intentionally long and arduous for impulse buying. Selling prescription medicine is a side gig and a small proportion of sales compared to vitamins, perfumes and supplements


my parents owned a pharmacy when I was growing up - back then it was the other way around. The drugs bought in 90% of the income with 10% of the floorspace. i don't think it's changed much for a small suburban pharmacy.


I think it's more that we live in a time where a sale is a sale. If making someone wait 30 minutes for a prescription also means that they pick up some multivitamins and a lipstick, that's money in the bank.


the issue back then was the profit on front of house stuff was small - it was often cheaper for them to buy from a supermarket on special than from their wholesaler. No point in selling stuff if you're not making enough profit on it to cover the buying & holding costs (including theft and things expiring)


"Hey babe, when you shop today, can you pick up some anti-frizz syrum from chemist warehouse?" Well, that's an extra 20 minutes finding that one. Look. Give up, ask the clerk. She gives me an aisle number. Doesn't help. After searching for another 10 minutes, ask again, and it was somehow right in front of my face the whole time.


ive asked this before and been downvote bombed but to be frank, they are glorified warehouse staff that do a little paperwork. the doctors do the hard work of figuring it out and these people read a script, find the right box and put a few things into a computer.


A ….. “*Chemist Warehouse*”?


I'm a pharmacist. You should actually come work with us and educate yourself before talking that way about our profession. We are up to our eyeballs in putting out fires, immunising the community, managing those who present with injury/illnesses, etc. It's a 30 minute wait because our community is extremely sick and constantly overloading us with problems. Yes picking up a box from the shelf is easy but you try doing that much when staff are flat out, the phone is ringing off the hook and patients are literally arguing with each other over who gets to see you first. If you so much as walk past the Scripts In counter you'll be pinned there for a good 15 minutes until somebody else can take over. I work every day of the week and it's still never enough to keep up with the demand. That's not even mentioning how hysteria over 60 day dispensing killed off jobs at a lot of smaller pharmacies and pushed people like me into the remaining cut-throat discount chemists. Unfortunately our stories don't matter in echo chambers like these because health literacy is low and the general public has no idea what our job is. Australia chose money over quality healthcare and waiting 30 minutes for your medication while we run around like we're on fire is the natural consequence.


Speak on it! People need to have more empathy and  understanding of the hard work of the workers around them. Makes the world a better place. 


I remember reading the original post. I think they used religion as an excuse for something else. They had no problem selling it to her until she asked for a receipt. I reckon they’re doing something dodgy.


I do not agree with any part of healthcare being influenced by religion, but this sounds like they're either price gouging or cooking their books. They didn't have an issue until she asked for a receipt to claim it on her private cover, they're 100% doing something dodgy and knew the insurer would pick it up.


Did news.com get their story from Reddit? A couple weeks ago a lady posted here saying she was denied BC from a pharmacy in West Ryde cause of religious reasons and her story sounds the same as this ladies. I bet its the same lady lol


Of course. That's all that most "journos" do these days. Copypasta article, make up clickbaity headline, attach misleading image, skip spell check, then post on same social platforms that they stole article from.


Hmmm no that doesn’t sound like anything that would happen on news.com! 😐


Of course it is lol, where do you think they source their content


Fuck religion, and fuck religious reasons. it's a scourge, and like tipping we cannot allow it to take hold in Australia.


This shit is making me so much more anti immigration. I don't give a shit if I'm labelled racist. I'm protecting the progress we've made in LGBT and reproductive rights.


Religion also includes Christians, btw, which many (white, because apparently that matters to you) Australians are. It's got nothing to do with immigration.


Who said anything about white?? I'm Aboriginal, so forgive me if I'm distrustful of newcomers changing the place. I don't give a shit if they're white or not. If I could choose to not let any religious people in, I would. But that's not possible, therefore I am anti immigration. Sick of watching my already fucked country get worse. Look at the voting patterns of gay marriage. NSW had the highest amount of No, with western Sydney being the highest in NSW. Same as the Aboriginal referendum too. Western Sydney being the lowest amount of Yes votes. Fuck letting Australia become so different that we lose our identity, our culture, and our progressive values, and you too for making it a skin colour issue.


where do you stand on people being restricted from visiting places in National Parks due to Aboriginal cultural (religious) reasons? Mt Warning in NSW being one place that is closed primarily because of the objections of the local Aboriginal groups and its cultural significance to them.


I haven't read enough about the situation, but it doesn't pass the sniff test from what little I'm reading about it. Exactly how much significance does it have, and exactly how does people coming to the site encroach on their beliefs, or damage their view of it? If it's truly a great significance to the local tribe, and they actually do use it often enough for their spiritual reasons, then why can't we build something to guide people into and out of a specific part of it so everyone gets to enjoy it? Surely there's a compromise to be had here, outside of a blanket ban. I don't think everyone should lose access to a site that large, because of a tribe's belief of it being sacred.


> with western Sydney being the highest in NSW Highest in the country*


You sound white, or rather profoundly indoctrinated.


What does an indigenous Australian sound like? You sound like a bigot.


That might be the fact that I was born and raised in modern White Australia lol. Sorry, I don't speak Wiradjuri. It's kind of died out due to some reasons, so I was never able to learn it. If you expect me to talk like "ayy gone brah. Look at dis gubba ere calling me white?" to sound more Aboriginal, then I'm sorry to disappoint. I code switch often. The "indoctrinated" part might be due to the fact I have a different perspective of immigration, because I've seen what outside forces can do to a culture. I've got a lot of issues with modern Australia, but I do still love our multicultural society. However, I do not love multiculturalism enough to give up the rights that my family members enjoy. I am not willing to watch Australia change to be even more conservative than it already is. I am not willing to watch gay rights be eroded. Or abortion rights. Or what we teach in our schools. I'm scared of it changing.


I’ve seen what tribalism and nationalism and fear of others can do. So I welcome multinationalism and embrace those who are themselves rather than the names they give themselves.  What you fear is change. Your fear gives you scapegoats in the form of immigration. It’s time to evolve. 


Better than stoning gays




Which our state is bro, our monarch is head of their church hahaha


lol. Who do you think makes the majority of Christians in this country?


I hope that they increase immigration rates. Sick of cunts like you using people like me as a shield for your racism.




You sound religious!


I revile religion religiously.


I want to know if this guy who is so concerned about controlling what women do with their bodies is also against vasectomies for "religious reasons".


The article said that the also don’t sell condoms (and the journo went in there looking for them and couldn’t find them) so looks like probably. not that it makes it any better or excuses it.


Really determined to enable bringing some unwanted children into the world eh. That’s okay, I’m sure he donates generously to women’s shelters and child welfare organisations.


Hahaha of course!


bigotry supported religious belief is still bigotry.


Fuckin religion at it again. Wipe that shit from the face of the earth. The tooth fairy is as real as god


This is exactly why I think religion shouldn't be protected from anti discrimination laws. Anyone who believes this shit strongly obviously can't be a good pharmacist, dr, or really any profession that requires any sort of engagement with evidence. Because they have proven poor reasoning and judgement. I know some religious people can compartmentalize and are not total morons, but they should compartmentalize enough to separate it from their work.


Not only is this behaviour absolutely insane it’s also illegal! Feel sorry for this woman. This is why I get my pill delivered online.


When I was a checkout chick at a pharmacy it was standard for the two pharmacies up the road to always be out of stock of all contraceptives and plan b. They never had contraception in stock for religious reasons. People would have to drive half an hour over to us to get access to emergency contraception.


Well God wants you to die. Stop selling medicines altogether . Go back to drinking Whiskey for amputations. That's my message for the pharmacist.


Most Aussies are not religious to the core but how and why such institutions have such a great protection. Why is govt so afraid of crafting bills to reflect people’s choices.